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Pyramedia Fancy

Importir dan Distributor ATK Fancy / Alat Tulis Fancy

Jalan Karet 51 Surabaya
Telp. (031) 3554738-Fax. (0271) 443577
March 22nd, 2021

Number : 218/PF/III/2021
Attachment :-
Subject : recruitment invitation

Amanda Danuarti

With respect,

We have received your application for your position do you applied to we have look into your cover
letter and CV and we have decided to deem you deserving to have do recruitment with us.

We would like to invite you to come to our office for recruitment will be held
date : Monday, March 29th 2021
time : 09.00 - end
place : our Office

Thank you for you attantion. We will be waiting for your response and confirmation.


Aliando Markus, M.Si


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