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Subject: SCIENCE Grade ___7_____ Level ________ Quarter: 2 Week: 3

MELC: Describe the different levels of biological organization from cell to biosphere.
Competency Code: S7LT-II-c-3
Name __________________________ Section ________ Date ________

School __________________________ District __________________________

A. Readings/Discussions
Biological organization is the hierarchy of complex biological structures and systems that define
life. The traditional hierarchy, extends from atoms to biospheres. The higher levels of this scheme
are often referred to as an ecological organization concept, or as the field, hierarchical ecology.
10 Levels of Biological Organization
1.Cell.The cell is known to be the basic building block of life. It performs
various metabolic functions like providing structure and rigidity to the
body, converting food into nutrients and energy, and others. While it is
apparently not the smallest particle (organelles, molecules, and atoms
are even smaller in size), the cell is called as such because it is smallest
living entity that can function on its own.

2. Tissue .When similar cells aggregate, they form a tissue, a tissue is a group
of interconnected cells that perform the same function. Like cells, tissues
perform metabolic processes that keep the organism alive.

3. Organ. Coming from the Latin word organum which means “tool” or
“instrument”, an organ is a collection of tissues and similar structures that all
function as one. Organs of multi-cellular organisms are in fact very diverse. In
plants, their organs include the flowers (if there is) roots, stems, and the leaves. On the other hand, organs of animals include the brain,heart, stomach, eyes, and
many more.
4.Organ system. An organ system is an association of different organs and
other anatomical structures that perform a certain physiological process.
While each organ system in an organism work as a distinct entity, they all
function in cooperation with each other in order to help keep the organism
alive. In plants, organ systems include the root and shoot system, while
animal organ systems include the digestive, nervous, circulatory system,
and others.

5. Organism. An organism can be simply defined as any living thing that is

composed of various organ systems that function altogether. By far, about
8.7 million organisms are estimated by scientists but only 1.2 million of that
have been identified.

6.Population.When similar organisms group together, they form the next

level in the organization, a population. A population is formed when
such individuals reside a common environment at a given time. For
instance, a population can change over time due to several events like
births, mortality, and migration of organisms. Oftentimes, the number
of individuals in a population is highly dependent on the abundance of
resources and the presence of favorable climate. In addition, predation
and competition are also biological factors that control populations

7. Community is defined as the interactions of different populations with

each other. Apparently, various interactions can exist such as mutualism,
commensalism, predation, parasitism, and competition. Oftentimes, a
certain population of organisms tend to dominate the community and hence
are relatively more abundant than others. .
8.Ecosystem. A short term for “ecological system”, an ecosystem is the
interaction of (organisms, population, and community) to their abiotic or
non-living environment. The biotic (living) members of an ecosystem are
highly dependent on such abiotic factors which include the weather,
sunlight, water depth, salinity, and the availability of nutrients. Hence, the
presence or absence of even one factor can greatly affect the ecosystem.

9. Biome. Biome is a very huge geographic area where various ecosystems

exist and different organisms adapt to it. In general, a biome is more of the
continental grouping of various ecosystems in a particular climate. Ever
heard of tundra, savanna, desert, tropical rain-forest, and grassland? These
are examples of biomes.

10. Biosphere. Coming from the Greek word “bios” meaning “life”, and
“sphaira” meaning sphere, biosphere is basically the topmost level in the
hierarchy of living organisms. A biosphere is a global system that generally
comprises everything where life exist and the abiotic environments they
reside in, all blending with each other. It is basically the sum of all
ecosystems on Earth, hence, it is also called as the ecosphere.





B.1 The Little Things You Do May Result to Greater Things!

Start this very simple activity at home such as cutting up your kitchen refuse like vegetable trimmings
and fruit peelings into small pieces, put them in a pot, cover with a small amount of soil and put it in
front of your house, where every neighbor can see. You do the same thing every day for six days. What
do you think will happen?
Do it!....... What happened after six days?
Why did it happen? Did you get what are you expecting?

B.2 Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing term/s.

1. The smallest unit of structure and function in a living thing is called a(an) ________.
2. A tissue is a group of __________________ working together.
3.An organ is a group of different _______________ working together to do a job.
4. A group of different tissues working together to do a special job is called a(an) ________.
5. Your lung is an example of ___________.
6. Many organs working together to do special job form a(an)______
7.Your skeleton is an example of a(an)_____________.
8.The job the digestive system is to ______________.
9. A living thing that carries out its own life activities is called a(an)____________.
10.All the organ system work together to allow the _________________ to live.

B.3 How Organisms are Organized?

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the spaces in Figure 1 with correct terms from the word bank below..

Tissue Organism Cell Organ Organ System

Exercise 2 Directions: Arrange the 10 Levels of Biological Organization using the pyramid given
below. (Refer to the biological organization word bank)

C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Directions: Multiple Choice: Read each sentence carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is the correct order of organization?
a. biosphere-community- tissues-cells-organs-organ systems- organism-population-biome-ecosystem
b. cell-tissue-organs-organ systems-organism-population-community-ecosystem-
c. population-organism-cells-tissues-organ-organ systems-community-ecosystem-
d. organism-tissues-cells-organs-organ systems-biosphere-biome-community-
2. At which smallest level of organization in an organism can the characteristics of life be carried out?
a. cell b. organ c. organ system d. tissue
3. A group of toads falls under which level of organization?
a. Population b. community c. biome d. ecosystem
4. When many organ systems work together, they can form a(n) ____
a. organ b. cells c. organ system d. organism
5. The kidneys functions are to filter and to remove the waste from the blood which is harmful to the
body. What might happen to the person if it fails to function?
a. The kidney will be damaged
b. The cells of the kidney will be affected
c. There is no significant effect to the person
d. The person will suffer and need to undergo dialysis treatment.
6. Anything that can perform life processes by itself is a/an
a. cell b. organ c. organism d. organ system
7. Aurora is studying the levels of structural organization of an animal’s body. Which level would
describe a dog’s eye?
a. organ b. tissue c. organism d. organ system
8. Which statement best explains the relationship between structure and function in an organism?
a. Structure and function refers to the different tissue types within an organism.
b. Structure and function refers to the jobs of tissues, organs, and organ systems.
c. Structure and function refers to the relationships between the locations
of tissues, organs, and organ systems.
d. Structure and function refers to the relationship between the parts of cells, tissues, organs,
and organ systems and the job they do in the body
9. Cancer starts from cells that start to grow uncontrollably fast. They destroy tissues and organs. What
does this say about the effects of diseased cells on the higher levels of organization in an organism?
a. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism.
b. Cancer involves only certain kinds of cells and does not affect any other kind of cell.
c. Diseased cells affect only the next higher levels of organization that they make up-the tissues.
d. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization that they make up: tissues, organs, organ
systems and eventually, the whole organism.
10. Smoking causes diseases in the respiratory system which may damage the organs and tissues.
What is the effect of diseases cells on the higher levels of organization in an organism?
a. Smoking affects only certain kinds of organs and does not affect any other kind of organ in the
human body.
b. Diseased cells damage the higher levels of organization they make up tissues, organs, organ systems
and eventually, the whole organisms.
c. Smoking affects only the next higher levels of organization that they make up-the tissues.
d. Diseased cells do not affect the other parts of an organism.
D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies
Choose a SPECIFIC ecosystem. It may be land, water, or air ecosystem. Preferably in your own
barangay. Identify the organisms, population, and communities present. Observe the conditions present.
Identify what is absent in the system, the favorable and unfavorable conditions for a healthy ecosystem
in specific and biosphere in general. Give suggestions on what to do to make it better.

2. Family Organization
Do the level of organization in your family. Briefly explain their function.

References: Science Learner's MAterial, 90-101., Exploring the REalms of Science, 112-117, internet

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Reviewed by:

For the Teacher
For the Learner
For the Parent/Home Tutor

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