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Year: Action Plan:

1  I plan to participate and seek leadership roles in the assessment

committee in Residential and Community Living. UCSB is shifting to a
residential curriculum approach and an area that we are still
developing is assessment. By being an active member of the
assessment committee, I can grow in an area that I can learn more
about. I hope to use this opportunity to develop assessment skills such
as processing data and implementing change based on the feedback
 Attend either NASPA or ACUHO-I conference. My goal is to remain
connected to the NASPA and ACUHO-I community as I prepare myself
for mid-level roles. Staying connected to these organizations will help
me achieve my professional goals by keeping me connected to the
student affairs world outside of that in UCSB. Knowing about what is
relevant in other institutions will help me grow as a professional.

2  Plan and implement RA Training and development. Residential and

Community Living coordinates and executes Student Leadership
Development every summer for the Resident Assistant team. This is an
area that I hope to gain experience in to help me grow my skillset. I
hope to further develop my public speaking as well as keeping an
audience engaged.
 Attend either NASPA or ACUHO-I conference. My plan is to attend the
conference I did not get to attend my first year. I imagine my second
year I would go to ACUHO-I as I become more comfortable in housing.
 Utilize professional development funds to receive a certification
related to student affairs. I have seen peers receive certifications from
conferences. That is an area I have not explored, and I look forward to
gaining more knowledge in areas that could help me be a better
leader. Some examples of certifications I am interested in are green
dot, mental health first aid. Certifications from these trainings are
important to me because it shows an understanding of a concept that
may encourage others to feel comfortable engaging with me. This
includes staff, students, and community members.

3  Plan and implement professional staff training and development. In

my eyes, my first two years are all building up to my preparation to
help train and develop professional staff. Focusing on professional
staff will help me gain experience leading professional staff. I view this
as an important part of my development as I aim to transition into a
mid-level role. I hope to gain experiences around training my
colleagues by facilitating sessions, delegating tasks among a
committee. I would like to challenge myself by being a chair of the
committee as well.
 Submit proposal to present at conference NASPA/ACUHO-I. Presenting
at a conference will help me gain confidence engaging with
professionals. My plan is to utilize this as another way to feel more
confident in my abilities to be an Assistant Director.

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