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Physics - Midterm – Notes

Physics - Midterm – Notes


Electrostatic Charge - Lesson Summary

• Interaction of charges - Opposite charges attract each other (negative to
• 3 types how objects become charged - friction, conduction and induction.
• Absolute value of charges - only provides the absolute value of the force to be
felt due to the charges
• Electric Charge Formula - Q = I x T, I = Q / T

Electric force, Coulumb’s Law - Lesson Summary

• What is the electric force? - force between 2 objects.
• What is the electrostatic? - The attraction of the plastic wrap to your hand after
you remove it from a package
• What is Coulumb’s Law? - Coulumb’s Law: F=k*q1q2/r^2
• Formula – E = F/q
• Grounding - providing a path from a charged object to the Earth
• Positive, negative, neutral atoms - If a neutral atom gains electrons, then it will
become negatively charged.

Electric field - Lesson Summary

• How to draw electric field? - Electric Field points in the direction that a positive
charge will travel
• Formula of an electric field? - E=F/q

Physics - Midterm – Notes


Electric current - Lesson Summary

• What is Electric Current? - Electric current is a following or moving charge
• Formula of current - I=q/t
• What is Electricity? - A basic definition of electricity is a form of energy that
results from the flow of charged particles.
• Affecting factors - Affecting factors; materials, tempreture, length. cross
• Potential energy - Stored energy that depends upon the relative position of
various parts of a system. A steel ball has more potential energy raised above
the ground than it has after falling to Earth.
• Resistance - that slows down the flow of electrons
• Basic symbols - A simple electric circuit, where current is represented by the
letter i. The relationship between the voltage (V), resistance (R), and current (I) is
V=IR; this is known as Ohm's law.
• Short circuit - a circuit which contains little or no resistance

Voltage - Lesson Summary

• What is the battery? - A battery is a device that converts stored chemical
energy into electrical energy
• The unit of voltage - Unit of Voltage is Volt
• Series of the connection - If series of connection, the voltages add together
• Parallel connection - If parallel connection, the total voltages remains the same
• Calculating value of the voltage - Voltage: potential energy between two
• Formula - V = I × R

Electric circuit - Lesson Summary

• Ammeter, digital multemeter - devise that measuring electric current
• What is electric circuit - is a set of conductors and components connected to
an electrical voltage source
• What is short circuit - an electrical circuit that allows a current to travel along an
unintended path with no or very low electrical impedance.
• Fuse - small metallic strip that melts when current becomes too high
• Circuit breaker - device that trigger a switch to open circuit when current is too

Physics - Midterm – Notes


Parallel connection of resistors - Lesson Summary

• What is parallel circuit? - where components are connected across common
points and provides separate conducting paths
• Comparing series and parallel - (In a series circuit, adding an extra resistor
increases the total resistance of the circuit.) (In a parallel circuit, more current
flows so the total resistance decreases)

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