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Data Paint Version 8.

Table of Contents
1. How to load data and Sample files ....................................................................................................... 3
2. Saving and Reading your work .............................................................................................................. 3
3. Manual setting of column types ........................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Simple Scatter Plot Scale ............................................................................................................... 4
3.2 Bar Chart Scale .............................................................................................................................. 5
4. Changing Variables ................................................................................................................................ 5
5. Changing Graphs ................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Simple Scatter Plot ................................................................................................................................ 6
6.1 Normalizing Scatter Plot .................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Fit a straight line through data points ................................................................................................ 6
7 Rotating Scatter Plot ............................................................................................................................. 8
7.1 How to Rotate data ............................................................................................................................. 8
8 Identifying data points .......................................................................................................................... 9
8.1 Identifying data by right clicking mouse ............................................................................................. 9
8.2 Identifying data points by dragging cursor ....................................................................................... 9
8.3 Identifying data numerically ........................................................................................................... 10
8.4 Identifying data by color ................................................................................................................ 11
8.5 Identifying data numerically and by color ...................................................................................... 12
9 Painting Data ....................................................................................................................................... 13
9.1 Painting data numerically ............................................................................................................... 13
9.2 Painting data by dragging cursor.................................................................................................... 14
10 Invisible Color .................................................................................................................................. 15
11 Change Colors back to Original Color ............................................................................................. 16
12 View Statistics ........................................................................................................................................ 16
13 View Correlation Coefficient .................................................................................................................. 18
14. Bar Chart .............................................................................................................................................. 20

14.1 Resizing bins in Bar Chart ............................................................................................................. 21
14.2 Viewing data in bar....................................................................................................................... 21
14.3 Effect of changing variable type manually on Bar chart .............................................................. 23
15. Automatic update ............................................................................................................................... 24
16. Website address.................................................................................................................................... 24

1. How to load data and Sample files

This program is designed to load data from comma delimited file, with this
program 4 sample data files are included that are placed in the application
directory, they are called car.csv, car2.csv, car3.csv, car4.csv. You can also
download these sample files from website listed at the end of this document.

None of the above buttons would be active until data is successfully loaded.

Once your program is running and data file is loaded, you have the choice to run
Rotating Scatter Plot or Simple Scatter Plot.

2. Saving and Reading your work

To save your work go to main menu and click on file and select “Save work As”

After saving work the first time, for subsequent saves you can just click on “Save
Work”, to read work click on “Read Work” open a saved file and your paint work
as well as manual setting of columns will be read. Note your saved work file must
have the same number of columns and rows as your data file and columns in your
data file must be of same type as columns in your saved work file.

3. Manual setting of column types

You can set the column types manually for the purpose of viewing the statistics of
discrete data. To do this use the main menu select “Data” and select “Set Variable
type” as in image below

By selecting this option the window below will pop up that allows you to set
variable type.

Just click on the variable name and press on the appropriate radio button to set it to
Continuous data or Discrete once you close this window your savings will be
saved. If a column is already Discrete in data file you cannot set it to Continuous.
Now if you check statistics windows you see the changes you have made.
3.1 Simple Scatter Plot Scale
When the user changes variable type from continuous to discrete the scale for
Simple Scatter Plot changes trying to fit all the categories included. However
program would adjust the gaps between them so that there is no over lapping.
3.2 Bar Chart Scale
When a variable has been changed from continuous to discrete scale for Bar
chart is modified so that there are all displayed without any over lapping. The
same goes for categorical data.

4. Changing Variables

To change variables select “Data” from main menu and select “Select new
set of Variable(s)” as shown on the picture below

By selecting this option variable selection window will popup based on the
type of chart you are working on if you are using Simple Scatter Plot you
can only select variables for X and Y axis. If you are using Rotating Scatter
Plot you must choose variables for X, Y and Z axis and press “Display”
button, and for Bar chart only one variable can be selected.

5. Changing Graphs

To change the graph type use the pull down menu by going to “Charts” and
selecting the type of chart you like to see.

6. Simple Scatter Plot

6.1 Normalizing Scatter Plot

If you press normalize button under Simple Scatter Plot as shown here
and paint the data the background color (Black) as shown below.

If you paint the lower and upper limit data on either axis color black and
normalize button has been activated, the scatter plot and scale will change
accordingly ignoring those data, to deactivate normalizing click on the
normalize button again. The normalize button is only active under “Simple
Scatter Plot”.

6.2 Fit a straight line through data points

To view r line use the pull down menu to go to Tools, Straight Line, and
under submenu select “Fit a straight line through data points”.

By selecting this option a window will be displayed and you have to choose
if you wish to see line for all data or only for a selected color.

If you select all colors line will be plotted through all data with color white.
If you select a color the regression line will be plotted in the chosen color for
the data that are painted only in that color. If there are not enough data for
the line to be plotted for the specified color at the top right hand side of the
screen you see the message “unable to plot line” in the color selected.

You can have up to 50 unique lines, once you reach the limit this option will
become disabled under the pull down menu.

Fitting straight line only works under “Simple Scatter Plot” and is disabled
for “Rotating Scatter Plot”.

To remove lines go under Tools, Straight Line and under submenu select
“Remove all Line(s)”

7 Rotating Scatter Plot

To view Rotating Scatter Plot go to choose “Charts” from drop down menu and
select “Rotating Scatter Plot”

7.1 How to Rotate data

To move the cube manually press on the manual rotate button , hold down the
left mouse button and move the cursor across the screen this makes the cube rotate
in three dimensional space . In this mode the cursor is shaped as . You can also
have the data rotate automatically by pressing on one of four buttons,

choosing direction of rotation, if you want the rotation to stop just press the left
mouse button on the screen or press the stop button. The buttons in this section are
only available for the Rotating Scatter Plot.

8 Identifying data points

8.1 Identifying data by right clicking mouse

You can identify points by holding the cursor over a point on the graph and
clicking the right mouse button this opens the window for data identification.
This option works for both Simple Scatter Plot and Rotating Scatter Plot.

8.2 Identifying data points by dragging cursor

In this version values associated to data points can be displayed, there are two
ways this can be achieved. One is by bringing the cursor on top of data point on the
chart and pressing the right mouse button, the second technique is selecting “Show
all variables for data points” button indicated by this image and holding down
the left mouse button and dragging it across data points that you want to see their
value, when you release the mouse button a window similar to this will appear
highlighting values associated with selected data points in a table format. While the
program is in show variable mode the cursor will be seen as

Note: The first column and Row of this table are fixed but you can use the scroll
bars on the vertical and horizontal planes to see all data and variables. You can
also change the size of this window. This option works for both Simple Scatter Plot
and Rotating Scatter Plot.
8.3 Identifying data numerically
To identify data numerically use the “Tools” pull down menu and select “View
data numerically”

By selecting this option the following window will appear:

By following the steps as indicated in this window the appropriate options become
active. First select a variable from the pull down list, next select one of the
comparison types, and fill in the first range, if data in this variable are non-numeric
enter the character string just as it appears in your data file. Once the first set of
value has been entered the second set of condition parameters and comparison
become available, if you select “And” or “Or” and decide you have changed your
mind and do not wish to use either, check “None”. In step 3 click on “View data”
button and the table identifying all variables for selected range will appear.
8.4 Identifying data by color
To identify data using color use the “Tools” pull down menu and select “View data
by color”

By selecting this option a Window will appear that allows you to select a color and
all data specific to that color will be displayed.

8.5 Identifying data numerically and by color

From the drop down menu select “Tools” and from there select “View data
Numerically and by Color”

Choosing this option will popup the condition window

In the condition window simply select the variable, the range and the color for the
data you wish to be displayed and data will the selected range and color will be

9 Painting Data

9.1 Painting data numerically

User can paint data numerically by activating numeric selection using the pull
down menu under “Tools” and selecting range for specific variable.

Once this “Paint data numerically” has been activated “Paint criteria” windows is

By following the steps as indicated in this window the appropriate options become
active. First select a variable from the pull down list, next select one of the
comparison types, and fill in the first range, if data in this variable are non-numeric
enter the character string just as it appears in your data file. Once the first set of
value has been entered the second set of condition parameters and comparison
become available, if you select “And” or “Or” and decide you have changed your
mind and do not wish to use either, check “None” . In step 3 select the color by
activating the color range using “Select a Color” button and finally press on
“Paint” button. If you wish to paint the data in the original color, click on “Select
Original Color”.
9.2 Painting data by dragging cursor

The user can paint data by choosing a color by clicking on “Paint data with specific
color” indicated by this button and holding down the left mouse button and
dragging it across the area that want to paint, while painting data button is active

cursor will be shaped as .

10 Invisible Color
Any data painted in color black will not be included in any Statistical
information and under Simple Scatter Plot will be affected by normalizing.
Below is a shot of where color back is located on the color pallet.

11 Change Colors back to Original Color
To change color of all data back to original color select “Data” from main menu
and choose “Reset all data colors to original color”

12 View Statistics

You can see the statistics for continuous and discrete data by selecting “View
Statistics” under Tools from pull down menu.

Selecting this option displays general statistics for continuous data as is shown

You can see general statistics for a specific color or all colors by selecting the
appropriate button form the top of window to see the statistics for discrete data
click on discrete data and a window.

13 View Correlation Coefficient
To view correlation Coefficients select “Tools” from main menu and from
pull down select “View Correlation Coefficient”

By selecting this option a dialog box will appear for you to select to variables as
shown below.

Once the variables have been selected Correlation Coefficient window will appear
as below.

Just like other windows you can view this information for selected color or all the
colors and it also allows you to print this information. If you choose “Data” from
the pull down menu on this window you can change variables. Please note you can
only see Correlation Coefficient window for continuous data.

14. Bar Chart

To view Bar Chart using drop down menu select “Charts” and from there select
“Bar Chart”

For continuous data the default number of bins is 10 for discrete and categorical
the number of bars is automatically set to the number of categories and user cannot
change number of bars. The maximum number of bars that can be shown is 30000
if you have more categories than 30000 only the first 30000 will be displayed in
order they were entered in CSV data file.

As you paint data the bars will show proportionally the color of data in each bar.

14.1 Resizing bins in Bar Chart
The number of bins can be changed only for continuous data. If a variable has been
set manually to discrete or is categorical by nature the option to resize bins will be
disabled. To change the number of bins in Bar chart mode go to drop down menu
select “Tools” and from there select “Resize Bins”

This option will display the window that allows you to choose the number of bins
you wish to be displayed.

You can choose a number between 2 and 30000.

14.2 Viewing data in bar

To view data in each bar simply click on the bar, by clicking the bar the range
select window will popup that is preset to range in the bar.

As you will see the conditions and values are automatically preset for the
individual bar, if you select “Select All Colors” all data in the specified range are
selected excluding data painted color black. In this conditional window you can
change any of the parameters manually as you wish. And finally click on view data
and data in the range and color selected will be displayed.

14.3 Effect of changing variable type manually on Bar chart
Changing variable type displayed in bar chart from continuous to discrete will
cause intervals to be set to exiting values only. Here is an example of how your bar
chart might effected.

Here is number of cylinders for car data set as continuous:

And here is bar chart of cylinders after it has been set to discrete:

15. Automatic update

When the Statistics window or Correlation Coefficient window are open, as
you paint, the program will automatically update these windows.

16. Website address

Please check the site to purchase software license,

product updates, technical support or to send comments


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