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1/) Look at the pictures and read the words, Which ofthese activities do you do every day? Write five more activities you do every day. - a catch the bus wwaten TV gocnline relax with friends gotobed have breakfast (0°2” InPairs, compare your answers and talk about what time you do each activity {013% Read the sentences about a boy who is doing: Choose the best answer, A, Bor C. language course in the UK, © Ping___at7:30am every morning and has breakfast with his host family. Answer: A A getsup, B stands up stays up 1 AtB30am, he _ the bus tohis language school. A goes B catches € travels 2 Duringthe day, Ping studies English and__tohhis classmates. A laughs 8 chats C tells 3 Everyone speaks English in his class because the students all___from different ‘countries around the world. A arrive B live come 4 Alter Ping finishes school at 3:00pm, he often _ some sightseeingin the city, with his friends. A does B makes Chas 5 In theevening, Pingrelaxeswith his hostfamily, __TVor goes online, ‘A watches. B sees € looks Gay pairs, read and discuss the questions. 1 Doyou do any ofthe activities in Exercise 3? 2 What time does your school, college or job start and finish? 3 What do young people like to do in the evenings in your country? vuniron READING: CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER (0.51) Youare going to read an article about the daily life of three teenagers from different countries. ‘Skim the text once quickly. Underline the activities that you do in your daily routine. live in avllage on Norway's Atlantic coast.| getup at 73am and walk to college. Classes begin at &:30amn ad WHISRSBAAL After that, | goto one ofthe colege clubs. These are not very expensive and there are lots to choosefrom.| do athletics and football but you can also do things lke folk dancing and cross-county sking (wien my;parents come iome from work, my makes@inniet ard we al eat togetner. After that, my mum takes me outfor adiving lesson. ve got my test soon and need to practise I'm froma small town in Queensland. Most people in Australia live near the coast, but we live on acattle farmin the centre of the country. | getup at around Tam and have breakfast. My mun teaches at my college, $0! usually go with her in the car instead of taking thebus, College starts at 8:30am and iS ‘at4pM. When | get home, thelpmydadiontthefarm fora few hours. in the evenings,! try to watch TV but I'm usually too tired. | go to bed at about 10:00pm. Ivein Rode tare. getupatGamandcatcha | bus tocollege at 6:30am, Lessons start at 20am, We have a break at 9:50am ard tSRSHUGHUEE BRBOBIT.| get home at about 1:40pm. Afer that, if loffen goto the beach with my fiends to swim in the ocean or play beach volleyball, but! sometimes alsojust stay at home to sleep or study. In evenings, iepokidinnerformyfamily, then we watch TVorlisten tothe racio before bed. switch off mylight at about 10pm, Ana B Michael € Nina 1 Who works with a member of the family after college? __ Ana B Michael Nina 2 Who goes out in the carin theevenings?__ Ava B Michael Nina 3 Who getsa liftina car to college most mornings? 06) In this kind of exam task, there isoften information about the ‘questionin more than one text. Lookat the information in green. Think about why Bis the correct answerhere. A ava 8 Michael Nina Look at the 4 Who prepares the evening meal for the family? Ana 8 Michael Nina 5 Who pays to do extra activities in the afternoons? Awa B Michael Nina 6 Who finds it difficult to watch TVin the evenings? Aava B Michael Nina 7 Who lives a long way from the sea? _ AA 8 Michael Nina [G[7Ig Readthe Grammarbox. then, match the questions 1-3 with the answers A-C. information in yellow inthe article about family members. Which one answers the question correcty? Group 1 Group2 Group 3 Group 4 Present simple Regular verbs Verbsending Verbs endingin _ Verbs ending in -5,-ch,-Sh,-x consonant-y —-0,-s5, -ch, sh Nyoulwelthey getupearly watch TV tryhard 80, wash helshefit. upearly Ww hard ‘Adverbs of frequency Never Sometimes often Usually Always 0% 100% 1 Whatdoweusethe presentsimplefor? A -s 2 Why doweuseadverbs of frequency? _B to talk about every day routines and habits 3 What do verbs for he/sheyit end in? € to say how often we do something In pairs, find examples of the verb groups 1, 2,3 and in theLead-in and Reading in Exercise. [DIaIg Now, you are going to speak about the magazine article in Exercise 5. {O°2% Read the task and make notes about what you could say. Then, in pairs, do the task. + Workin pairs Aand B + Student A, close your book. Student 8, make sentences about Ava, Michael or Nina, For example: She has breakfast t 200 am. or She goes to cbs after college. + Student B,can you say who Student Ais talking about? + AterS minutes, swap roles. vuniron TlOTy Read the informatic about the daily routine of a student at a UK university. | Complete the text using the verbs in bracketsin the correct form. an 80a) 2, (get up) at 8am,2 a shower and 3. (eat) breakfast. After that, he 4 (get) his books ready and then 5 (go) tohis lectures until midday, He OSU 6 (return) home and7 (make) lunch for himself at about 12:30pm. Then, he Sometimes a {watch) abit of TV. At about 3pm, he Bf 9s (meet a friend for coffee. At 3:30pm, they sometiies 10. (go) tothe library together. Dan aways 1 (study) for a few hours and then at around 6:30pm he 12 (go) home. He ally 23 (cook) dinner for him-self and his at mates. Intheevening, heOmetimes 14 (exercise) at the gym or goes forarun, After that, he relaxes in front of the TVor 18_______(see)his friends. He fet oes to bed carly butiSally16 al) asleep at around midnight. =] Tig Look again atthe information in Exercise 10. Write about your daily routine and the activities you do everyday. Look atthe highlighted words in Exercise 00 see how often Dan does his activities. | sometimes do the laundry. | never make dinner. My brother often takes out the bins. [HIDIS Read the text and match the phrases that have similar meanings. often help a ot around the house and | usually help my mur do the laundry. My brother is lazy and he never washes his clothes. He always leaves them in a pile on his bedroom floor. n the evening after school, | always tidy up my room. {put things away ‘and get my schoolbag ready for the next day. My dad sometimes washes up after dinner. We don’t have a dishwasher at the moment because our old one broke down, sohe has toclean the dishes by himself. My sister likes cooking, so she often helps mum make lunch and dinner. She prepared a delicious meal of roast chicken at the weekend. ‘Sometimes my brother puts the rubbish out, but he usually just leaves it by the back door instead of taking it out tothe bins. We all usually try and help and do the cleaning. When the houseworkis done, we always relax and watch TV. 1 dothe laundry A take out the bins 2 tidyup B prepareameal 3 washup wash the clothes 4 makelunch/dinner D put things away 5 puttherubbishout _€ ~dothehousework 6 dothecleaning F cleanthedishes Look at the two pictures showing Julia Grant, a volunteer on a science project. Using the pictures, write a description of Julia's daily routine. In your description, you should: + begin like this: Julia Grantis 21 years old and works as a volunteer on a science project in ij. Every morning, she + write what activities she does and what time she does them. + use sequencing words: After that ... Next... Then + use adverbs of frequency. [Z[4Ig Inpairs, compare your texts about Julia Grant. Help each other to correct any mistakes with spelling, grammar or punctu: [Z]S[p Read someintormation about a website offering student exchange programmes. Decideif the sentences are true T or false F. 15.1 MINE TP Howlong does aterm normally last at school?itslessthan a year Sena a eres ec caey Gey set one Gaeta are etre acre cy PM eeme ke emo casa saree esses are not paid. Allthey ask sthat you help with jobs around. 15.2 MINI TIP What should he hou yen hy students bring with them? 415.3 MINI TIP What does Sinn with mean? 1 Allstudents spend at least a year abroad. TF 2 Host families give students pocket money during their stay. TF 3 Students should do housework and be involved with family activities. TF [FEI] Youaregoing tolsten to two friends, Carlos and Jack, talking about a student © exchange trip. Listen and d countries Carlos and Jack come from. 17 Usten again. What activity does each member of Jack's family ike doing? For questions 1-5, writea letter A-H next toeach person. 17,0 MUNUTIP. Jacksayshe tikes Ee volleyball and basketball, sothe % Person Activity answer to this question is ‘team 0 Jack HL A cooking sports’ Notice thatthe answer does 1 Jack's brother goingtothe gym ‘not always contain thewords you 2 Jack's sister € takingcare ofthe garden hear, but the meaningis the same. 3 Jack's mum D doing art 17.1 MINT TIP. Be carefull You hear 4 Jack’sdad — E repairing things something about the gym, butit isn't 5 Jack's grandmother F reading books the correctanswer here G shopping 17.4 MINE TIP Pay attention for H playingteam sports ‘words with similar meanings. What's a similar word fixing’? In pairs or small groups, talk about the student exchange trip in Exercise 17, and ask and answer the questions. 1 Would you like to go to another country to study? 2. f no, why not? If yes, which country would you go to? 3 What do you like doing at home? What do your friends and members of your family do? []BIg Read the task. What would you say? Spend two minutes thinking about what you could say and make some notes. In pairs, compare your ideas. You should write only short words or phrases. Ifyou write fll sentences, and then read them out, you willlose marks. Describe what you usually do onan average day. You should say: + what you do. + who you doit with. + where you doit. Explain what you enjoy most about your day and why. re Thefirst three points are factual. Don't worryifyou can'tthink ofanythingtosay thatistrue - you caninvent something ifyou need to [BIOTE Now, readand dothetask, + Work in pairs. + Student &: speak for 1-2 minutes about your day. + Student B: as you listen, write yes or na beside sentences 1-6. 1 The talkis easy to understand. 2 The speaker often pauses and hesitates, 3 The speaker stays on thetopic of the question. __ 4 Thetalkistoolong.__ 5 Thetalkistooshort. 6 Thetalkisinteresting. BLTIY Swaprotes. student 8, you speak for 1-2 minutes about your day and Student A, you listen. Show your feedback to each other and discuss how you can improve,

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