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1Institute ofPlant Science & Genetics, Faculty ofAgriculture, Food &

Environmental Sciences, The Hebrew University ofJerusalem, Rehovot 76100,

Israel. 2 10 Yehuda Hanassi, Kiryat Tivon 36047, Israel.

Parasitic plants account for approximately 1% of angiosperm species and are

present in 22 botanical families. Several of the parasitic species are important
agricultural weeds, infest a wide range of crops around the globe, and pose a
major threat to the food security of numerous communities. The agriculturally
important parasitic weeds fall into four main groups:

1. Viscaceae and Loranthaceae (mistletoes): green hemiparasites that parasitize

aerial parts of shrubs and trees;
2. Cuscutaceae (dodders): holoparasitic twining stem parasites that attack dicot
3. Scrophulariaceae (figworts and witchweeds): contains hemi-parasitic root
parasites that invade roots of host plants;
4. Orobanchaceae (broomrapes): holoparasitic root parasites that invade dicot

The Orobanchaceae consists of 14 genera of chlorophyll-lacking root

holoparasites of which the genus Orobanche (common name broomrape),
includes more than 100 species that subsist on broad-leaf plants, depleting them
of nutrients, minerals and water. Several review papers and books on Orobanche
have been published (Kasasian, 1973a; Pieterse, 1979; Musselman, 1980;
Ramaiah, 1987; Foy et al., 1989; Parker and Riches, 1993; Press and Graves,
1995; Dhanapal et al., 1996; Alonso, 1998). The start of the new millennium is an
appropriate time to summarize the past and update methods for Orobanche
control, and point out the prospects for new tools to combat the devastating
effects of this parasitic plant in the future. Even though significant advances have
been made in the study of parasitic plant biology and control measures, most of
this information has not percolated to the farmers, especially in developing
countries because of setbacks in technology transfer and lack of resources.

Inderjit (ed.), Weed Biology and Management, 439-466.

© 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
440 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

Numerous worldwide surveys, evaluations and studies describing the parasitic

plant problem have been conducted, but research on practical and feasible control
measures has been minimal. Most of the devastating cases of parasitic weeds
occur in developing countries of Africa and Asia, thus the big seed and chemical
companies show little interest in this market and have failed to develop and
register resistant crop varieties and specific herbicides for combating parasitic
plants. Furthermore, ongoing inadvertent introduction of Orobanche species to
the USA, South America, Australia and Germany have not to date stimulated
research on control. The number of these introduced infestations will increase in
future years due to increasing global travel and trade.
More emphasis should be given to the development of tools for parasitic plant
control and to ensure the utilization of these tools by farmers. Potential control
tools exist (resistant varieties, selective herbicides, and herbicide resistant crop
plants) but lack of funds and interest impede fighting the plague and insuring the
food stability of millions of people. This review summarizes research regarding
the actual and potential control of Orobanche in the field. Most of the data
presented in this chapter is based on research conducted by the authors in Israel.


The Oro banehe genus includes six species that are of agricultural importance and
cause devastating yield and quality losses to many agricultural crops around the
globe (Parker and Riches, 1993; Riches and Parker, 1995). The Orobanche life
cycle is extremely specialized for parasitism (Graves, 1995; Stewart and Press,
1990). Small Orobanche seeds (0.2-0.4 mm) germinate in the soil only after a
preconditioning period of moist and suitable temperatures, and only in response
to germination stimulants released by specific host plant roots. These conditions
ensure that only seeds within the rhizosphere of an appropriate host root will
germinate. The parasite seedling radicle can grow only a few millimeters and
must contact a host root a few days after germination before exhausting its
limited energy resources. As a result of contact with the host root, the radicle
forms a specialized parasitic-plant organ, the haustorium, which attaches to the
root, penetrates the epidermis and cortex tissues, and ultimately fuses into the root
vascular system (Dorr, 1996; Joel et a!., 1988; Kuijt, 1977). The parasite then
draws water, minerals and assimilates out of the host plant. Following the
accumulation of metabolites, a tubercle is formed and finally a floral shoot
emerges above the soil surface. Flowers develop on the floral shoots, leading to
the production of capsules capable of yielding hundreds of thousands of seeds per
plant (Foy eta!., 1989; Holm eta!., 1997; Pieterse, 1979).


Orobanche species parasitize the roots of numerous important broadleaf crop

plants and weeds. These parasites are widespread throughout the Middle East and
the Mediterranean regions with some incursions into Southern, Northern and
Eastern Europe, Africa, the Far East, New Zealand, Australia, North, Central and
Orobanche Management 441

South America. Most introductions of Orobanche species have been to regions

with Mediterranean-like climate. Although each Orobanche species has a discrete
and in some cases narrow host range, the spectrum of crops parasitized by these
parasitic weeds is very large and includes vegetable, field, fodder, flower, and
herb crops from various botanical families. The main distribution areas of the
agriculturally significant Orobanche species are:

I. 0. aegyptiaca Pers.- Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, Far East,

Southern Europe;
2. 0. ramosa L.- Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, Southern and
Eastern Europe, Australia, Central and South America;
3. 0. crenata Forsk.- Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa;
4. 0. cernua Loeffi.- Mediterranean, Middle East, North Africa, Far East,
Southern Europe;
5. 0. cumana Wallr.- Mediterranean, Middle East, Southern and Eastern Europe.
6. 0. minor Sm.- Northern and Southern Europe, Australia, New Zealand,
Africa, North America.

Host Range and Damage

The major agriculturally important Orobanche species and their major host crops

• 0. aegyptiaca (Egyptian broomrape) and 0. ramosa (branched broomrape):

Solanaceae (tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper, tobacco); Fabaceae (chickpea,
lentil, vetch, faba bean, clover, peanut); Brassicaceae (cabbage, cauliflower,
rapeseed, horseradish, mustard); Cucurbitaceae (melon, watermelon,
cucumber); Asteraceae (sunflower, lettuce, safflower); Umbelliferae (carrot,
parsley, celery, dill); Cannabiaceae (hemp); Linaceae (flax);
• 0. crenata (crenate broomrape): Apiaceae (carrot, parsley, celery, dill);
Fabaceae (chickpea, lentil, vetch, faba bean, clover, pea); Geraniaceae
(Pelargonium graveolens);
• 0. cernua (nodding broomrape): Solanaceae (tomato, eggplant, tobacco);
Lamiaceae (clary sage);
• 0. cumana (sunflower broomrape): Asteraceae (sunflower); 0. minor (small
broomrape): Fabaceae (clover, alfalfa);
Other minor species: 0. lutea (yellow broomrape): alfalfa and clover in
central and southern Europe; 0. foetida (fetid broomrape): faba bean, clover
and alfalfa in Spain, northern Morocco and Tunisia.

As obligate parasites, Orobanche spp. are totally dependent on their host plants.
The attached parasite functions as a strong metabolic sink, often named "super-
sink", strongly competing with other parts of the host plant for water, mineral and
assimilate absorption and unloading. The diversion of these substances to the
parasite causes moisture and assimilate starvation, host plant stress and growth
inhibition that result in crop yield and quality reduction. In case of severe
infestations in sensitive crops, Orobanche can cause total collapse and death of
crop plants. Furthermore, the parasite causes severe reduction in yield quality as a
result of foliage wilting and sudden exposure to radiation (tomato), decrease of
tuber size (potato, carrot), decrease of leaf size, color and quality
442 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

(tobacco and herbs) and decrease of sugar levels and size (carrot). The
contamination of crop seeds, fodder or herbs by Orobanche plant material or
seeds reduces produce quality. Since Orobanche is classified as a "noxious
weed", the presence of one parasite seed in a batch of crop seed disqualifies the
marketing of the entire seed lot (Parker and Riches, 1993; Foy et al., 1989).
Researchers tried to evaluate and predict crop damage based on Orobanche
seed counts in soil samples. These predictions turned out to be problematic
because samples and evaluation require many soil samples to achieve significant
correlation. Furthermore, Orobanche damage is influenced not only by infestation
level but also by environmental factors, field fertility, and response of crop
variety (Dhanapal et al., 1996; Foy et al., 1989).

Why is Orobanche Dif.ficult to Control

Orobanche is extremely difficult to control in agricultural crops due to its

underground location, close association with host roots, and complex mechanisms
of seed dispersal, germination and longevity. Because the parasite germinates
only in response to host root exudates and then attaches and develops
underground on the host plant for the major part of its life, it is inaccessible to
conventional control methods such as tillage and herbicide treatments.
Furthermore, when the plant becomes visible above ground, much of the damage
has already been done and control would be futile. The late appearance of parasite
shoots above the soil and the lack of a photosynthetic system as a potential
herbicide target make Orobanche species difficult for conventional herbicide
The characteristics of Orobanche seeds account for much of the difficulty in
controlling this parasitic weed. The extremely small seeds are produced in vast
numbers and can remain viable in the soil or in storage for many years. Reports of
seed longetivity in fields range from 13 years (Parker and Riches, 1993) and in
Israel up to 35 years (Kleifeld, unpublished). The tiny seeds are easily dispersed
to near and far by wind, water and livestock. Human practices are significantly
responsible for distributing Orobanche seeds by transporting and using
contaminated agricultural vehicles, farm implements and produce containers (by
direct seed contamination or through clinging of contaminated soil). Further
parasite seed distribution is caused by transportation of contaminated plant
material (such as crop seeds and hay) and contaminated soil and manure
movement. The use of organic manure from livestock fed with contaminated hay
is a cause of further seed dispersal, since the parasite seeds do not lose their
viability while passing through animal's digestive systems (Jacobsohn et al.,
1987). In Egypt, non-infested irrigated fields in newly reclaimed desert are being
contaminated with broornrape seeds carried in manure or topsoil from other
locations in the country, resulting in large scale infestations (ME Borollosy,
personal communication). In Israel, non-infested tomato fields became infested
by the transport and use of Orobanche-contaminated tomato containers.


The first scientific paper on Orobanche spp. was probably published in Germany
in 1829 (Wegmann, 1998). Published information for Orobanche management
started in the mid 19th century, but most of the literature appeared after World
War II, increasing towards the end of the second millennium (Wegmann, 1998;
Orobanche Management 443

Parker and Riches, 1993). Most control measures in the past have been of limited
success because they were inefficient or expensive or hard to achieve.


Methods aimed at preventing Orobanche infestation are directed at avoiding seed

production and distribution. Since massive amounts of tiny seeds are produced
continuously for many weeks and are easily dispersed in air, water and soil, it is
almost impossible to prevent seed transfer from a heavily infested site to its close
surroundings. In such cases the only prevention method for the farmer is the
discontinuation of growing Orobanche host crops, but this measure does not
prevent this site from being a source of infestation by seed transfer or by the
parasitism of Orobanche on susceptible weeds. Prevention methods could be
more effective if the initial specific infestation is sparse and measures are taken to
prevent long distance seed transfer. The individual farmer could be responsible
for some of the prevention measures, but in most cases cooperation with
neighbors and intervention by local, regional or national authorities is required.
However, in all cases it is important to document and monitor every initial spot of
infestation as well as infested fields in the neighborhood.
Jacobsohn ( 1986) lists the phytosanitary measures for avoiding the dispersal
of Orobanche seeds from infested locations as follows:

1. Prevent movement of infested soil by vehicles, farm machinery and planting

2. Clean farm machinery and equipment i.e., tractors, combines, containers, etc;
3. Prevent spreading seeds by farm animals. Since Orobanche seeds may pass
animal digestive systems without losing viability, grazing on or feeding hay
from broomrape infested fields is prohibited, as well as using animal manure
from unknown sources;
4. Do not use infested seeds or planting material, only officially certificated
plant material;
5. Do not use Orobanche-contaminated water from ponds or reservoirs since
they may be a source of seed infestation;
6. Prevent Orobanche seed dispersal by wind or water soil erosion.

Cultural Control

The scientific literature documents very successful cultural methods for

Orobanche management with excellent results of preventing parasite damage and
significantly increasing crop yields, but in many cases successful management by
similar means could not be repeated. There is considerable variation in
Orobanche populations and their virulence, and different responses to various
environments such as soil conditions, humidity, and temperature. Linke (1999)
listed some of the cultural measures for Orobanche management. These are: crop
rotation, altering of sowing dates, tillage systems, soil fertility, flooding, and hand

Crop Rotation, Trap and Catch Crops

A crop rotation system includes Orobanche host crops, trap crops and catch crops
and non-host crops. Most publications and reviews dealing with Orobanche
control and management describe crop rotation as a strategy for reducing parasite
444 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

infestation, but only few suggest concrete guidelines. One exception is the
proposal of rice cropping in which flooding throughout the growing season
destroys Orobanche seeds (Parker and Riches, 1993; Sauerbom and Saxena,
1986). Theoretically, repeated planting with non-host crops for many seasons
should deplete the parasite seed bank in the field. However, we have evidence of
very heavy 0. aegyptiaca infestations of fields after 30-35 years of repeated non-
host cultivation and cases of 0. crenata infestations following more than 20 years
of farming various non-hosts. There is an agreement that monoculture with the
same Orobanche host crop, or with other hosts of the same Orobanche species,
rapidly increases Orobanche infestation. We have documented evidence that a
small spot of infestation could develop into a large-scale heavily infested field as
a result of2-3 years of mono cropping (Kleifeld, unpublished).
The major factor for Orobanche infestation in a crop rotation system is the
long viability of its seeds. Thus, heavy infestations may remain in a field despite
absence of host crops for several years. Parasite seeds buried in the soil beneath
the crop root zone by deep plowing can be brought up to the crop host root zone a
few years later as a result of additional plowing. Infestation can also be sustained by
susceptible host weeds growing in the field and on field borders (Braun et al., 1984).
The best rotational crops for reducing Orobanche seed bank in infested fields
are "trap crops"- crops which exude stimulants that induce Orobanche seed
germination but no viable attachment to the host roots is established, i.e., the
stimulation yields suicidal parasite germination. Resistant varieties that induce
parasite seed germination, but do not support the young parasite after attachment,
may serve as excellent trap crops as well (Goldwasser et al., 1997; Eizenberg,
2002). In the scientific literature many efficient trap crops are mentioned, but
most of them were examined in vitro or in small pots. Our experience with 0.
aegyptiaca, and 0. cumana in heavily infested Orobanche fields is that a 20-30%
reduction in seed germination does not affect infestation and crop yield reduction.
• Trap Crops for 0. crenata are: Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.), barley
(Hordeum vulgare L.), vetch (Vicia villosa var. dasycarpa) and purple vetch.
(V. atropurpurea), clover (Trifolium alexandrinum), flax (Linum
usitatissimum), and coriander (Coriandrum sativum).
• Trap Crops for 0. cernua, 0. aegyptiaca and 0. ramosa are: Pepper
(Capsicum annuum), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.), cowpea
(Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.), hemp (Hibiscus subdariffa), mungbeans,
(Phaseolus aureus) flax, alfalfa (lucerne) (Medicago sativa L.), soybean
(Glycine max (L.) Merr.), vetches (Vicia spp.) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum
L.) (Krisnamurthy and Rao 1976; Krishnamurthy et al., 1977; Abu-Irmaileh,
1984; Sauerbom and Saxena, 1986; Al-Menoufy, 1991; Saxena et al., 1994;
Kleifeld et al., 1994a).
There is contradicting information about the efficacy of trap crops: the same
crop species is described in one case as reducing 50-70% of the parasite seed
bank and in another case it achieves very poor results (Kleifeld et al., 1994a;
Parker and Riches, 1993). The reasons for these discrepancies could be the
influence of the tested media, aqueous solution versus soil and the close
connection between trap crop root systems with the parasitic seeds, which occur
in small pots, compared to the more sparse relations in a naturally infested field.
In addition, many researchers do not specify the trap crop variety. In some cases
there are extremely different responses among varieties of parsley, pepper,
cabbage and vetch to the same Orobanche species. Moreover, different
Orobanche Management 445

populations of the same Orobanche species, collected from various locations,

responded differently to the same flax variety used as a trap crop (Goldwasser et
al., 1991; Kleifeld et al., 1994a).
An additional cultural means for reducing Orobanche seed bank in the soil is
use of "catch crops"- i.e., planting an Orobanche host crop, which will be
destroyed after inducing parasite seed germination and attachment. In this case
vigorous and densely planted host crops are preferred, such as faba bean (Vicia
faba), for 0. crenata, 0. aegyptiaca and 0. ramosa and white mustard (Sinapis
alba) and lentil (Lens culinaris) for 0. aegyptiaca and 0. ramosa. Most of the
reviewers (Parker and Riches, 1993; Sauerbom and Saxena, 1986; Dhanapal et
al., 1996) point out that in infested fields several repeated cropping seasons with
catch crops were needed for significant reduction of the parasite seed bank. This
cropping system is not economical since most of the catch crops are used as green
manure. Even an efficient catch or trap crop stimulates only a low germination
percentage of the parasitic seed bank in a single season. These values are very
disappointing for a heavy infestation, but could be important as components of an
integrated Orobanche management strategy (Kleifeld et al., 1994b).
Planting Dates
There are reports that altering of planting dates influences Orobanche attack and
damage to host crops. In most cases this phenomenon is a result of parasite and
host plant differential response to low temperatures. The best documented cases
of decreased parasitism are for delayed planting of 0. crenata on faba bean (van
Hezewijk, 1994; Mesa-Garcia and Garcia-Torres, 1984), on lentil and chickpea
(Linke and Saxena, 1991), and on carrot (Eizenberg et al., 2001a). Similar cases
were reported for 0. aegyptiaca attacking carrots, tobacco, pepper and Brassica
campestris L. (Chaudhary, 1995), 0. cumana attacking sunflowers (Castejon-
Munoz et al., 1993), and 0. cernua attacking pepper. The same delay in planting
dates in non-infested fields results in yield reduction, thus researchers suggested
overcoming this problem by using early maturing varieties (Linke and Saxena, 1991).

Tillage System
There are many reports on the use of tillage systems as cultural means for
Orobanche management (Pieterse, 1979; Parker and Riches, 1993; Linke, 1999).
Deep plowing seems to reduce Orobanche infestation and crop damage.
Following build-up of a heavy parasite seed-bank in a field which was not deeply
cultivated, plowing to a depth of 30-40 em could bury most of Orobanche seeds
to a depth that is hardly reached by host roots, at least at the critical early growth
period. Repeated experiments with this method did not always yield similar
results. Additional deep plowing in the next season brings the seeds up again and
renews infestation. In light soils, deep plowing mixes soil layers and does not tum
them over. Our experience has proven that shallow cultivations following
solarization or soil fumigation with methyl bromide on heavy clay soils prevented
re-infestation with Orobanche by avoiding the raising of parasite seeds from deep
soil layers where control was incomplete.

Soil Fertility
Increasing soil fertility by adding fertilizers or manure was suggested as a tool for
Orobanche suppression. Improving soil fertility affects the ability of the host
plant to cope with the parasitism, primarily on Orobanche-infested sites that are
located on poor soils (ter Borg, 1986). Adding nitrogen fertilizers is reported to
446 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

have a positive effect on reducing Orobanche infestation and damage while no

effect was achieved by adding phosphorus and potassium (Linke, 1999). In vitro
and pot experiments have proved that adding nitrogen compounds significantly
decreased Orobanche seed germination (Parker and Riches, 1993). Furthermore,
researchers demonstrated that nitrogen in the ammonium form inhibits radicle
elongation of Orobanche spp. seedlings (Westwood and Foy, 1999). In moist
soils, ammonium is rapidly converted into nitrate, therefore its effect on
Orobanche seeds is short and limited (Parker and Riches, 1993).

Flooding and Irrigation

Flooding is mentioned as a cultural mean for managing Orobanche. A significant
effect was achieved when infested fields were flooded for a long period, i.e., as
with rice growing, but when flooding was for shorter periods, the effect was not
consistent (Parker and Riches, 1993; Linke, 1999). There are reports that
irrigation reduces Orobanche infestation (Linke, 1999), but it is not clear if the
effect is due to an increase in host crop vigor, or to a direct effect on the parasite.
At least in the case of 0. cumana attacking sunflower in Israel, total yield loss is
common under dry land cropping; while irrigating at the time of sunflower
flowering and seed filling stage ensures some commercial yield.

Hand Weeding
Hand weeding is extremely important in stopping the spread of infestation from
the foci of new developing infestations. Hand weeding of emerged parasite shoots
in infested fields has only minor affect on the crop yield since damage has already
occurred. Careful and continuous hand weeding of shoots prior to seed
distribution might decrease the parasite seed bank for future crops, but it will take
many years to achieve significant seed bank reduction in a heavily infested field.
It is important to destroy the collected Orobanche flowering shoots since seed
maturing and dispersal continues from detached shoots (Parker and Riches, 1993).

Chemical Control
Foy et al. (1989) thoroughly reviewed the attempts of chemical control of
Orobanche. The authors list thirty-six pesticides from various groups, which
showed activity on the parasite at different growth stages. Most of the presented
results came from pot experiments and could not have been repeated under field
conditions because most of the mentioned herbicides were not selective to the
host crops and their use would be limited. Another practical problem is that most
of the selective herbicides were limited in their movement in the soil, so despite
being selective to the host crop they would not reach parasite seedlings that
germinate adjacent to host crop roots in deep soil layers.
In conclusion, an effective chemical for controlling Orobanche seed-bank has
to be selective for crops grown in the following season, or have single season
residual effect. For the control of root-attached Orobanche, host crop selectivity
is the most important characteristic, but the movement of the active chemical in
the host plant towards the new roots, or in the soil into the host crop root zone is
also very essential. Three groups of chemicals have been shown to possess
potential to control Orobanche. These are: soil fumigants, residual soil applied
herbicides and post emergence applied herbicides.
Orobanche Management 447

Soil Fumigants
Methyl bromide. Wilhelm et al. (1958) suggested injecting methyl bromide as a
preplant soil application. The fumigant showed good activity in controlling some
dangerous soil born diseases, insects, soil nematodes and weeds. Since methyl
bromide is not active on pests at dry dormant stages, it is important to keep the
treated soil layer moist for a few days prior to application. To avoid evaporation
the application is performed as "hot gas" under plastic sheets or "cold gas"-
injected under plastic mulch. The plastic cover has to be kept for at least 24 hours
and the treated soil must be ventilated to prevent toxic effects on the following
planted crop (Wilhelm, 1962).
Methyl bromide application succeeded as a large-scale national project in
eradication of 0. ramosa in introduced infestations in California (Wilhelm et al.,
1959), but failed to give long-term control when applied in small private farms in
Israel (Kleifeld at al., 1987b). Californian farmers signed a contract to stop
growing Orobanche host crops after the fumigation, and hence prevented the
development of parasite seeds that had escaped treatment from becoming a new
source of infestation. Israeli farmers used methyl bromide for renewing the
fertility of small fields for intensive cropping and repeated planting of Orobanche
host crops. This resulted in rapid Orobanche re-infestation originating from seeds
that escaped control or were easily transferred from neighboring infested fields.
An important reason for some failures of methyl bromide applications was the
medium to heavy clay soils, which were difficult to fumigate properly. It is very
difficult in these soils to reach a uniform optimal soil water content (about 40-60
% of field capacity) needed for preconditioning of Orobanche seeds and enabling
fumigant mobility and distribution. Soil cultivation of such wet clay soil causes
soil compaction, leading to soil structure damage and decreased pest control.
However, in Israel, methyl bromide is currently used by individual farmers in
greenhouses and open fields prior to planting high value, vegetable and field
crops every 5-6 years in a highly intensive crop rotation system. Finally, world
health and agricultural authorities are gradually reducing and ultimately banning
the use of methyl bromide by 2005 because of its negative environmental effects
(United Nation Environmental Protection Service, 1992).

Methy/isothiocyanate. Fumigation by compounds that release

methylisothiocyanate was suggested for Orobanche eradication. Metham sodium,
applied directly by injection or by chemigation via irrigation systems into the soil,
or dazomet incorporated mechanically into the soil, followed by irrigation that
releases the toxic ingredient, were found to be very effective for Orobanche
control. Methylisothiocyanate was effective in deeper soil layers, but very
ineffective on the surface, because of its rapid evaporation (Goldwasser et al.,

1,3-dich/oropropen. This fumigant was applied by injection into the soil followed
by sealing of the surface by rolling or frequent sprinkler irrigation (Jacobsohn et
al., 1991). This treatment was very effective against 0. crenata, but less potent
against 0. aegyptiaca. The difficulties in application of 1,3-dichloropropen and
the narrow pest control range limit its utilization to small-scale intensive farming
only. Other tested soil fumigants, which had shown some activity in Orobanche
control, failed due to difficulties in field application or were eventually banned
because of danger to the user and/or the environment.
448 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

Residual Soil Applied Herbicides

Most soil applied herbicides, especially those showing host crop selectivity were
tested for efficacy in Orobanche control. The results of these tests were generally

Propyzamide. This herbicide that is mainly used as a selective herbicide in

Fabaceae and Asteraceae crops, efficiently controlled Orobanche spp. in infested
pot experiments. When propyzamide was applied to 0. cumana-inoculated
sunflower in the field, only delayed parasite infestation was achieved (Kleifeld et
a!., 1987a). The low field efficacy of propyzamide in Orobanche control is a
result of a short soil residual effect in warm and moist soils, which is common in
the sunflower growing season. Preplant soil incorporation of higher propyzamide
doses improved Orobanche control, but did not prevent Orobanche parasitism in
heavily infested fields.

Dinitroanilines. Several reports were published on the effect of mechanically

incorporated herbicides belonging to the dinitroaniline group (trifluralin,
dinitralin, pendimethalin etc.) on Orobanche (Parker and Riches, 1993), but none
were efficient in field trials.

Post Emergence Applied Herbicides

The first and most important innovation in this area was the report by Kasasian
(1973a,b) regarding the tolerance of faba bean to glyphosate applied in repeated
treatments at low rates. Low rates of glyphosate were sufficient to achieve 0.
crenata control. Other researchers adopted this information and were able to
show effective parasite control by glyphosate mainly in various legumes. Other
crops belonging to the Solanaceae and Asteraceae were heavily damaged by the
same glyphosate doses. In practice, glyphosate treatment was rarely adopted by
farmers suffering from Orobanche infestation because of difficulties in deciding
about the necessity of treating an invisible enemy and the determination of
accurate timing and rate for the split application. Moreover, mixed cropping of
various species in the same field could damage the glyphosate sensitive crops.
The use of glyphosate in recent control approaches and as a part of an integrated
Orobanche management system is discussed later.


Chemical Control
Glyphosate is a nonselective broad spectrum, post-emergence, foliar applied
herbicide that is absorbed through the leaves and is translocated primarily in the
symplast from the point of application to all metabolic active parts of the plant
("metabolic sinks"). The mode of action of glyphosate is inhibition of the enzyme
EPSP synthase of the shikimic acid pathway, inhibiting aromatic amino acid
synthesis and thus protein synthesis and growth (Amrhein et a!., 1980). The
attached root parasite acts as a strong metabolic active part of the host plant,
rapidly absorbing and accumulating the herbicide through its direct connection
with the host root vascular system. Despite the fact that glyphosate is defined as
a non-selective herbicide, some plants belonging to the Apiaceae and Fabaceae
families tolerate low rates of glyphosate. Tolerance of plants to glyphosate has
Orobanche Management 449

been mainly attributed to degradation of the herbicide to nontoxic metabolites.

This phenomenon has been exploited for the selective control of Orobanche with
glyphosate in tolerant crops. To increase efficacy and selectivity, herbicides
should be split-applied at low rates at precise timings during early Orobanche
development stages (Table 1). It should be mentioned that glyphosate inhibits
flavonoid phytoalexin biosynthesis and might cause leaf diseases on treated crops
(Sharon et a!., 1992).
As mentioned earlier, glyphosate was first suggested by Kasasian (1973a,b)
and later by Arjona-Berral eta! (1988) for 0. crenata control in post emergence
application in faba bean, pea and lentil. Effective 0. crenata control in faba bean
was achieved by post application of 60-80 g/ha in Morocco (Schmitt et al., 1979),
Egypt, Syria and Spain (Kukula and Masri, 1984; Mesa Garcia et al., 1984). The
small parasitic tubercles attached to the host plant roots were sensitive to the
herbicide in comparison with the relatively high tolerance of the host plant. The
herbicide might be applied repeatedly, with no significant damage to the crop.
The same phenomenon was found later in vetch, celery, carrot and lately in
parsley (Jacobsohn and Kelman, 1980; Jacobsohn and Levy, 1986; Kleifeld,
1999). In vitro studies showed that glyphosate at 0.2-0.4 kg/ha provided excellent
suppression of 0. aegyptiaca in Vicia sativa L. While absorption and
translocation was similar between parasitized and non-parasitized plants, up to
32% of 14C-glyphosate was metabolized by V. sativa and 27% of the translocated
labeled herbicide was accumulated in 0. aegyptiaca tubercles attached to V.
sativa roots (Nandula et al., 1999). Glyphosate effectively controlled 0.
aegyptiaca in naturally infested parsley fields. In recent field trials, the
application of 36 g/ha glyphosate two weeks after each parsley cutting completely
controlled Orobanche with no crop injury (Goldwasser et al., 2003).
The recent development of genetically engineered glyphosate-resistant crop
varieties creates new possibilities for Orobanche control and will be discussed
later in this chapter.
The sulfonylureas are systemic herbicides absorbed through roots, shoots and
foliage of plants with rapid acropetal and basipetal translocation through the
xylem and phloem. The mode of action of these herbicides is inhibition of
acetolactate synthase (ALS) also called acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS), a
key unique plant enzyme in the biosynthesis of the branched-chain amino acids
isoleucine, leucine and valine (Schloss, 1995). Blockage of this pathway
interferes with synthesis and cell growth. These herbicides accumulate in
meristematic growing points of the plant such as apical buds at the tips of roots,
shoots, leaves and reproductive structures. These herbicides are effective in low
rates when applied pre-emergence and post-emergence on annual and perennial
grass and broadleaf weeds. Sulfonylurea herbicides can persist in the soil from
several weeks to several years depending on the herbicide and application rate.
Soil degradation can be by microbial action and chemical hydrolysis.
Plant selectivity to the ALS inhibiting herbicides is primarily through rapid
degradation to nontoxic metabolites while susceptible species are unable to
detoxify the herbicide before plant death occurs. Plants can metabolize
sulfonylurea herbicides through hydroxylation of the phenyl ring by cytochrome
P450 (Frear et al., 1991; Hinz et al., 1997). Selectivity of wheat and other crop
and weed grasses to chlorsulfuron triasulfuron and sulfosulfuron, and of com to
rimsulfuron is due to plant rapid metabolism of the herbicide (Ahrens, 1994;
Hatzios, 1998; Olson et al., 2000). The mode of resistance of specific Solanaceae
crop species to sulfonylurea herbicides has not been studied, but is probably due
450 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

to metabolism of the herbicide to non-phytotoxic products, as reported for

Solanum nigrum L. tolerance to chlorsulfuron (Ahrens, 1994). Resistance could
also be due to an altered ALS/AHAS binding site as in selected mutations in
transgenic crops. Sulfonylurea-resistant weed biotypes selected in the field by
heavy use of one of the herbicides usually have cross-resistance to other
sulfonylurea herbicides. The mechanism of resistance in this case is an altered
herbicide-binding site in the ALS target enzyme (Beyer et al., 1988; Ahrens, 1994).
Chlorsulfuron. This herbicide is one of the first and extensively used sulfonylurea
herbicides developed for control of a wide range of weeds in wheat, barely and
oats. Chlorsulfuron applied pre-emergence and post-emergence as a soil or foliar
treatment is highly potent and highly persistent in the soil (Ahrens, 1994).
At first we conducted in vitro studies to test the herbicides activity on 0.
aegyptiaca germination and radical elongation in Petri dish without host plants.
Ten !lM chlorsulfuron reduced radical length by 60%. Next we performed
laboratory studies with Orobanche parasitizing tomatoes in nutrient solutions in
plastic bags and found that 0.25 !lM chlorsulfuron applied at very early parasitism
stages (up to tubercle formation), killed all parasites on tomato roots
(Hershenhorn et al., 1998a). These promising results led to greenhouse studies in
which tomatoes were grown in Orobanche contaminated soil in pots. In these
studies we found that 3.75 g/ha of chlorsulfuron applied directly to the soil
completely controlled 0. aegyptiaca (Hershenhorn et al., 1998b). This herbicide,
which has a longer soil activity than most other sulfonylureas, was applied
directly into the soil by "chemigation" (delivering of the herbicide through
irrigation water) to tomato transplants after establishment in the field. The
phytotoxic contact of the herbicides with the host foliage was avoided by using
very dilute solutions, and by washing of the herbicide into the soil by additional
sprinkler irrigation. Three split applications of 2.5 g!ha chlorsulfuron through
sprinkler irrigation, starting at 14 days after tomato planting and at intervals of
10-14 days followed at each application by 300 m3 /ha irrigation, controlled 80-
90% Orobanche without phytotoxicity to the tomato crop (Table 1). Single or
double split application, application through a drip system or at high volume
spray did not sufficiently control Orobanche throughout the growing season
(Hershenhorn et al., 1998c). Because ofthe soil persistence of chlorsulfuron, we
applied the herbicide through drip-irrigation systems to control late season
Orobanche emergence around drip emitters in tomato. This treatment effectively
controlled Orobanche emergence (Kleifeld et al., 1999), but its efficacy was
inconsistent in other trials. According to our experience, the success of this
application depends on specific irrigation, soil and field conditions.
Triasulfuron. This sulfonylurea herbicide was developed for pre and post-
emergence control of broad leaf weeds in wheat and barley and categorized as
somewhat persistent (Ahrens, 1994). Triasulfuron was tested for 0. aegyptiaca
control concurrently with chlorsulfuron in laboratory, greenhouse and field
experiments as described above. Triasulfuron at 10 !lM reduced parasite radicle
growth by 56% in Petri dish, efficiently controlled 0. aegyptiaca on tomato at 2.5
and 25 !lM in plastic bag studies and at 3.75 g!ha in greenhouse experiments. In
tomato field studies, three chemigation applications of 7.5 g!ha efficiently and
selectively controlled 0. aegyptiaca (Table 1). This herbicide was less potent and
with shorter residual activity on 0. aegyptiaca than chlorsulfuron. A single
application of 7.5 g!ha triasulfuron sprayed on potato foliage severely damaged
the crop and further experimentation with the herbicide in potato was
Orobanche Management 451

discontinued (Goldwasser et al., 2001).

Rimsulfuron. This sulfonylurea herbicide was developed originally for early post
emergence control of broad leaf and grass weeds in com (Hatzios, 1998). The
selectivity of this herbicide to the Solanaceae family led to its registration for
weed control in tomato and potato (Reinke et al., 1991). Rimsulfuron degrades
rapidly in soil and water mainly via chemical pathways while microbial
degradation plays a minor role. Because of its rapid degradation, rimsulfuron is
categorized as non-persistent.

Rimsulfuron was tested concurrently with chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron as

mentioned above. Rimsulfuron at 10 JlM reduced parasite radicle growth by 48%
in Petri dish, efficiently controlled 0. aegyptiaca on tomato at 5 JlM in plastic bag
and pot studies. However, in drip-irrigated tomatoes in the field Orobanche
control was poor (Hershenhom et al., 1998a,b,c). Since the residual activity of
rimsulfuron in soil is short, repeated applications were necessary for 0.
aegyptiaca control throughout the growth season (Kleifeld et al., 1994b).
Three repeated doses of rimsulfuron at 12.5 g/ha each followed by irrigation,
sprayed on potato foliage two weeks after crop emergence and re-applied at two
week intervals effectively and selectively controlled 0. aegyptiaca with no
damage to potato yield or tuber quality (Goldwasser et al., 2001). Rimsulfuron
achieved efficient Orobanche control in potato fields but not in tomato fields
because potato fields are sprinkler irrigated while tomato fields are drip-irrigated
and the herbicide is rapidly leached around the drip emitters.

Sulfosulfuron. This recently developed sulfonylurea herbicide is registered

worldwide for pre and post-emergence of grass and broad leaf weeds in wheat.
This systemic and somewhat persistent herbicide is absorbed through foliage and
roots of plants with rapid acropetal and basipetal translocation. Though
sulfosulfuron was initially developed and registered for controlling an array of
grass and broad leaf weeds in wheat, its selectiveness to some broadleaf crop
species has recently led to its registration for weed control in potato in Poland
(Anonymous, 1995; Hatzios, 1998).
The mode of resistance of specific Solanaceae species to sulfosulfuron has not
been studied, but is probably due to metabolism of the herbicide to non-
phytotoxic products. In extensive research conducted in Israel during the last two
years, sulfosulfuron has proven to be highly efficient and selective for 0.
aegyptiaca control in processing tomatoes (Eizenberg et al., 200lb). While
chlorsulfuron and triasulfuron were most effective when applied by chemigation,
sulfosulfuron can be sprayed on tomato foliage followed by sprinkler irrigation to
wash the herbicide into the soil where it is absorbed directly by the young
parasites or via the tomato host roots. Greenhouse experiments with activated
charcoal suggested that the herbicide acts mainly through the soil and not by
translocation through the host tomato plant. To achieve good parasite control,
high herbicide rates at early developmental stages of the parasite are needed: two
or three applications of 37.5 glha starting two weeks after tomato planting and
repeated at two week intervals (Table 1). The recommended application rates for
weed control in wheat and potato are a single treatment of 10-40 g/ha only.

The imidazolinones are ALS-inhibiting herbicides with the same mode of action
and similar characteristics as the sulfonylurea herbicides. These herbicides are
used pre-emergence and post-emergence for control of annual and perennial grass
452 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

and broadleaf weeds. Most of these herbicides have medium to long soil
persistence. Residual weed control by imidazolinones varies from a week up to
two years or more depending on the specific herbicide and application rate.
Degradation in the soil is primarily through microbial breakdown. Dry weather
and cool temperatures are responsible for longer persistence in the soil due to low
microbial activity under these conditions (Shaner, 1991).
Various legumes are resistant to some of the imidazolinone herbicides and this
resistance has led to selective use of these herbicides in certain legume crops.
Legumes are tolerant to imazapyr because they can metabolize it to an inactive
form (Shaner, 1989). Some weed biotypes have altered ALS binding sites
conferring resistance to imidazolinone herbicides. Garcia Torres et al. (1998)
reported selective 0. crenata control in faba bean by pre-emergence and post-
emergence applications of imazethapyr, imazapyr and imazaquin. In our studies
we have found that crops belonging to other botanical families are imidazolinone-
tolerant: split application with various imidazolinone herbicides on potato,
sunflower and parsley foliage selectively controlled 0. ramosa, 0. cumana, and
0. crenata respectively. In these cases the herbicides were extensively
translocated to the attached root parasite directly through the host plant, in
contrast to the mode of control with sulfonylurea herbicides that act on the
parasite directly through the soil. This method eliminates the need for irrigation
following application.

lmazethapyr. This herbicide was developed for the control of many broadleaf and
grass weeds by pre-plant, pre-plant incorporated and post-emergence applications
in soybean, peanuts and edible legumes (Ahrens, 1994). This herbicide was the
first of the imidazolinone group to be registered for Orobanche control. A post
emergence application of 20 g/ha on garden and field pea (Pisum sativum and
Pisum arvense, respectively) one month after planting, and an additional
treatment of 20-40 g/ha two weeks later, was selective to pea and efficient in
Orobanche control (Jacobsohn et al., 1998) (Table 1). Imazethapyr has been
registered at these rates for post-emergence 0. crenata control in peas in Israel
and at 75-100 g/ha pre-emergence applications for 0. crenata control in faba
bean in Spain (Garcia-Torres et al., 1998). There are reports of some promising
results of 0. crenata control by faba bean and pea seed treatments with
imazethapyr (Jurado-Exposito et al., 1996, 1997, 1999).

Imazapic. A recently developed imidazolinone herbicide, imazapic is registered

for pre and post-emergence control of grass and broad leaf weeds in peanut and in
soybean (Thomson, 1997).
In field screening of imidazolinone herbicides, imazapic was the most
selective to parsley and extremely toxic to young Orobanche. In large-scale
commercial field experiments we completely controlled 0. crenata and 0.
aegyptiaca by split application of imazapic at 2.5-5.0 g/ha (Goldwasser et al.,
2003). We applied the herbicide by spraying on parsley foliage at the rosette stage
with 5-7 leaves before the first cutting, and on the new sprouts after each cuttinJ!;
(Table 1). Imazapic may cause slight crop retardation when crop growth fS
slowing down, in the winter and at very high temperatures in the summer
(Kleifeld et al., 1998). In carrots, three applications of 5 glha each, controlled 0.
aegyptiaca and 0. crenata (Jacobsohn et al., 1996; Kleifeld et al., 1998).
In peanuts, two applications of 2.4 g!ha imazapic each, sprayed 60 DAP and
80 DAP on crop foliage, completely controlled 0. aegyptiaca with no crop
damage (Birati and Benyamini, 1997).
Table 1. Chemical control of Orobanche m field tnals.

Rate Application
Herbicide Formulation ( l.\ ai/ha) Method cro 12 Orobanche controlled Reference
Glyphosate 360 g/1 SL 80 + 80 + 80 POST" Faba bean 0. crenata ; 0. aegyptiaca Kukula and Masri (1984)
Messa Garcia et al. (1984)
90 + 90 POST Vetch 0. crenata ; 0. aegyptiaca Kleifeld (1999)
36 + 36 + 36 POST Parsley 0. crenata ; 0. aegyptiaca Kleifeld (1999)
36 + 36 + 36 POST Carrot 0. crenata ; 0. aegyptiaca Jacobsohn and Kelman a
54+ 54 POST Celery 0. crenata (1980); Kleifeld (1999) Cl
Sulfony/ureas ~
Chlorsulfuron 75%WG 2.5 + 2.5 + 2.5 CHEM+IRR!b Tomato 0. aegyptiaca ; 0. cernua Hershenhorn et al. ( 1998c) ;:s
Rimsulfuron 25%WG 25 + 25 + 25 CHEM+IRRI Tomato 0. aegyptiaca Kleifeld et al. (I 994a) ;:s...
12.5 + 12.5+ 12.5 CHEM+IRRI Potato 0. aegyptiaca, Goldwasser et al. (200 1)
Triasulfuron 75%WG 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5 CHEM+IRRI Tomato 0. aegyptiaca; 0. rarnosa Hershenhorn et al. (1998c)
Sulfosulfuron 75%WG 37.5 + 37.5 + 37.5 POST+IRRI'
Tomato 0. aegyptiaca Eizenberg et al. (200 1b)
Irnidazolinones Ja
lmazapic 240 g/1 SL 2.4 + 4.8 + 4.8 POST Parsley 0. aegyptiaca; 0. crenata Kleifeld et al. (1998) ::1
2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4 POST Carrot 0. aegyptiaca; 0. crenata Kleifeld et al. (1998) ;:s
2.4 + 2.4 POST Peanut 0. aegyptiaca Birati and Benyamini (1997)
2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4 POST Sunflower 0. curnana Aly et al. (200 I)

Imazethapyr 100 g/l SL 20 + 20+ 20 POST Pea 0. crenata Jacobsohn et al. (1998)
POST= Sprayed on host foliage at 200 1/ha spray volume.
bCHEM+IRRI= Chemtgated by spnnkler trngatmn and washed into the root zone by addttional sprmkler irngatton.
POST+JRRT= Sprayed on host foliage at 200 1/ha spray volume and followed by 300 m3/ha sprinkler trngation.

454 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

Two to three sequential applications of 2.4 g/ha imazapic, starting at the 4-6 leaf
growth stage and continuing at two week intervals, efficiently and selectively
controlled 0. cumana infestation in dry land confectionary sunflowers. Only a few
degenerated inflorescences emerged above the soil in the treated plots. This dramatic
control doubled the yield of the imazapic-treated plots compared to the untreated
control. In irrigated sunflower, a new wave of 0. cumana emerges following the
irrigation that is applied at the flower bud stage. At this stage imazapic treatments
have to be discontinued due to their damage to sunflower inflorescence (Aly et al.,
In 0. ramosa and 0. aegyptiaca-infested potato fields, three doses of imazapic at
4.5 g/ha each, sprayed two weeks after crop emergence and re-applied at two week
intervals controlled Orobanche infestation. Although imazapic treatments increased
crop vigor and potato yield, in light sandy loam fields imazapic treatments caused
deformation of tubers (Goldwasser et al., 2001). In field studies with 0. aegyptiaca-
infested processing tomatoes, imazapic at three applications of 5 g/ha provided
excellent Orobanche control, but caused dropping of tomato flower buds, vigorous
vegetative growth and delay in fruit ripening (Kleifeld et al., 1998).

Herbicide Resistant Crops

The recent development of transgenic herbicide-resistance crops, and especially those

resistant to amino-acid inhibiting herbicides, has opened up new opportunities for
Orobanche control. The use of these transgenic crops for parasitic plant control will
intensify in the future with the identification and utilization of additional herbicide-
resistant genes.
It was proposed that target site herbicide resistance would allow the systemic
translocation of the un-metabolized herbicide to the attached parasite (Gressel, 1992).
Metabolism-based herbicide resistance can be used when applying the herbicide to
the parasites directly through the soil or in cases in which the attached parasite rapidly
absorbs the herbicide from the treated host before it has been detoxified or when
multiple applications are made to compensate for the herbicide metabolism.
The use of herbicide-resistant crops as an Orobanche control measure was
suggested by Foy et al. (1989) and later examined by Joel et al. (1995).
Chlorsulfuron-resistant tobacco, glyphosate-resistant rape and asulam-resistant
tobacco planted in Orobanche-infested pots were treated with their respective
herbicides. Later, asulam-resistant potato plants were specifically engineered for
Orobanche control (Surov et al., 1997). In all the above cases the herbicides were
applied to the host crop foliage, translocated to the roots and effectively reduced the
number of attached 0. aegyptiaca parasites. The application of glufosinate to
glufosinate-resistant tomato based on metabolism resistance, and not target site
resistance, did not control 0. aegyptiaca (Joel et al., 1995). This phenomenon is
explained by the metabolic degradation of the herbicide but could have been caused
because this herbicide is non-mobile in xylem and phloem. All the above-reported
cases were conducted in the lab but no follow-up research has been conducted in
commercial fields.
An additional approach for utilizing herbicide resistant crops for parasitic plants
control is seed coating of herbicide resistant susceptible crops. ALS-resistant com
seed dressing with the magnesium salt of imazapyr was effective in Striga
Orobanche Management 455

hermonthica control (Abayo et al., 1997; Kanampiu et al., 2001; Kanampiu et al.,
2002). Similar results are reported with asulam dressing of asulam-resistant tobacco
seeds (Joel et al., 2000).
We have found that amino acid-inhibiting herbicides are very effective in
Orobanche control. As a general rule, glyphosate and imidazolinone herbicides were
found to be selective and thus efficient mainly on Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Apiaceae
while sulfonylurea herbicides were selective mainly to Solanaceae crops. In our
experiments imidazolinones were more damaging to host plant flowering and thus
have to be applied early in the season or to crops of which the inflorescences are of no
economic importance. Imidazolinones could have adverse affects on underground
storage organs such as potato tubers and carrots. Efficient control was achieved when
herbicides were delivered at early stages of parasitism, either by translocation through
the host plant (glyphosate, imidazolinones) or directly through the soil solution
(sulfonylureas). In all cases repeated applications, usually at up to 2 week intervals
were needed to insure a prolonged parasite-lethal concentration of the herbicide on
one hand and a host-safe concentration on the other.
The frequent application of the same herbicide or herbicides from the same group
on crops including genetically engineered herbicide resistant crops contains the
danger of the development of herbicide-resistant weeds. Many ALS-resistant weed
populations have evolved after 3-5 years of ALS-inhibiting herbicide use. These
herbicides will exert a stronger selection pressure on parasitic plants (Gressel et al.,


Katan et al. (1976) were the first to use solar radiation as a control method for soil-
borne plant pathogens and Jacobsohn et al (1980) described its effect on 0.
aegyptiaca control. The solarization method is based on the trapping of radiation in
moist soil (achieved by irrigation prior to mulching or during the solarization process
by drip irrigation) by clear polyethylene mulch for at least 5-6 weeks in the summer.
Orobanche seed and soil-borne disease control is achieved in the upper 15-20 em,
where the temperature exceeds 50-55 °C. Effective solarization is achieved when the
plastic mulch is maintained intact throughout the solarization period, and for large
area applications, effective gluing techniques and relatively thick plastic films are
needed. Although solarization applied under favorable conditions was effective in
controlling many weed species, Orobanche control and rhizomes of perennial weeds
from soil layers deeper than 15-20 em escaped control especially on heavy clay and
clay-loam soils (Parker and Riches, 1993; Linke, 1999). Solarization is used on
limited areas, mainly integrated with lower rates of soil fumigants for soil-borne pest
control including 0. crenata, especially in very hot regions for shallow rooted cash
crops, carrots and winter legumes (Kleifeld, 1999).

Biological Control

The young attached parasite acts as a strong metabolic sink on the host plant, rapidly
accumulating water and nutrients for its latter growth stages. Such a nutrient-rich
plant organ is a good target for attacking pests, some of them could be species-
specific and could be used for biological control. The collection of biocontrol
candidates from adult Orobanche shoots may yield secondary saprophytes only.
456 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

Using fungi as Orobanche biocontrol agents could solve the difficulty of reaching the
underground young parasitic organs at early parasitism stages. This will require
careful host-specificity tests, since some host crop diseases could be found on the
parasite organs too. Major problems have to be worked out following the isolation
and identification of a very specific and useful fungus for Orobanche control.
Techniques of mass production, formulation and shelf life have to be carefully
considered, since these factors could determine the bioherbicide efficacy. Using a
fungus as a biocontrol agent for early developmental stages of Orobanche must
include an effective method of inoculation i.e., incorporation of inoculum into the
host growth media. This could be preformed by watering, or by host seed dressing. In
conventional farming many fungicides are applied to seeds, soil and plants, which
could easily damage beneficial fungi used for biocontrol.
Attempts to isolate fungi from Orobanche spp. for biological control were
described by several researchers (Amsellem et a!., 2001a). Recently, two promising
cases should be mentioned:

1. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. orthoceras, which was isolated from sunflower

broomrape (0. cumana) by Bedi and Donchev (1991). An organic substrate
containing the fungus was incorporated mechanically into the upper soil layer ( 15
em) of 0. cumana-inoculated small-scale sunflower field trials. This treatment
reduced 0. cumana infestation in relation to the applied inoculum rates. The
fungus attacks parasite seeds and all underground stages and is species specific
(Bedi, 1994; Thomas et a!., 1998, 1999);
2. Fusarium arthrosporioides, strain E4a and Fusarium oxysporum strain E 1d, which
were isolated from juvenile Egyptian broomrape (0. aegyptiaca) parasitizing
Melon (Cucumis melo) (Amsellem et a!., 200la). Both strains were found very
specific to 0. aegyptiaca, 0. ramosa and 0. cernua, which parasitize pepper and
tomato in the warm season, but not to 0. cumana which parasitizes Fabaceae and
Umbelliferae host species in the cool season. The two fungi were not pathogenic
to the Orobanche host crops melon, potato, tomato, pepper, carrot, celery,
chickpea and sunflower. Comparison of the pathogenic efficacy and shelf life
showed that inoculation with chopped mycelia and conidia of both fungi was
significantly better than inoculation with conidia only. An experimental
formulation of chopped mycelia harvested from cultures effectively controlled
young Orobanche in vitro after a year of storage at 5°C (Amsellem et a!., 2001 b).
Despite the promising results obtained in-vitro and in soil filled pots, in field trials
Orobanche control was partial and not efficient. So far no commercial application
of Fusarium spp. has been attempted in Orobanche-contaminated fields.

In addition to research aimed at improving formulation and application

techniques, researchers have suggested improving biocontrol of pathogenic fungi by
introducing genes for hypervirulence into the fungi (Amsellem, 200lb). A safety
procedure suggested for preventing virulent lines from further development and
spreading is the genetic engineering of the fungi with genes for suicide after
completing their host control (Gressel, 2001). Another approach suggests improving
the efficacy of the biocontrol fungi by adding low concentrations of fungal toxins to
Orobanche Management 457

the mycoherbicide suspension. Such low amounts of toxins do not cause toxic effects,
but suppress host defense mechanisms (Vurro and Ellis, 1997).

Published studies on effective bacterial agents for Orobanche control are scarce.
Barghouthi et al (2000) reports that bacteria were isolated from diseased Orobanche
shoots and various bacterial candidates showing Orobanche biocontrol activity in
vitro were found.

Many insects feed on Orobanche spp., but few have been identified as monophagous.
Most attention has been paid to the insect Phytomyza orobanchia, a Diptera, sub-
order Brachycera (flies) of the family Agromyzidae. This small fly (2.6-2.8 mm long
for the female) is restricted to Orobanche spp., including 0. crenata, 0. aegyptiaca,
0. ramosa, 0. cernua, 0. cumana and 0 minor. Occurrence of P. orobanchia has
been reported from most countries in which Orobanche spp. occur (Kroschel and
Klein, 1998).
This insect and its life cycle have been well known for a long time and reported by
Kaltenbach as early as 1872 (Kroschel and Klein, 1998). The adults are attracted by
Orobanche flowers and feed on its nectar. Eggs are laid under the epidermis of shoots
and flowers and the larvae penetrate into the plant tissue and feed on the shoots and
capsules. The damage to the parasite is to seed production, which is reduced by 30-
80% as a function of population density and environmental conditions. Temperature
and humidity, as well as available Orobanche plants, dictate the number of the fly
generations, which vary from one per year in Germany (Hendel, 1920) to six per year
in the Kirghiz Republic (Moiseeva and Mamrailiev, 1969). In many temperate
countries Orobanche (and especially 0. crenata) flowering in early spring escape
from heavy Phytomyza damage, since the low soil winter temperatures kill high
amounts of pupa (Kurbanov, 1970). Deep soil tillage of infested Orobanche shoots
destroys pupae and inhibits adults from hatching (Trenchev, 1981 ). There are no
reports on the effect of high temperatures, but during the summer there is an increase
in the natural enemies (bacteria, fungi and parasitoids) of P. orobanchia (Horvath,
1987). Rains or irrigation in summer Orobanche-host crops lead to heavy insect
infestation resulting in intensive insecticide application, which controls Phytomyza as
well (Okazova, 1973).
Mass release of P. orobanchia adults to increase their efficacy in reducing
Orobanche seed production, was successful in the former Soviet Union and other East
European countries (Trenchev, 1981; Horvath, 1987). Since no artificial feed was
suitable, mass production was obtained by collecting and storing infected Orobanche
shoots during the winter season (Klyueva and Pamukchi, 1982) and various methods
were suggested for adult release (Kroschel and Klein, 1998). A reduction of up to 5%
of viable 0. crenata seed production was achieved by P. orobanchia release (650
flies per 10,000 Orobanche shoots), compared to 50% viable seeds from plots with
natural fly infestation (Amsellem et al., 2001 b).
Since Orobanche seed bank in heavily infested fields is very high and seed
viability is extremely long, this biological control method is primarily recommended
458 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

for newly or low infested locations. A more suitable prospect is to include this
method as part ofiOM programs (Amsellem et al., 2001a, b).

Resistant Cultivars

Resistant crops offer a practical, effective, and environmentally friendly strategy for
Orobanche control. However, cases of susceptible crops in which resistant varieties
have been identified are scarce and there are difficulties maintaining resistance for
long periods. The vast number of Orobanche seeds and variability of Orobanche
populations lead to rapid selection and build-up of virulent races that overcome
resistance. An overview of crop resistance to Orobanche and the mechanisms and
genetics involved was published by Parker and Riches (1993) and recently a thorough
up-to-date review was presented by Alonso (1998). Substantial and field-useful levels
of resistance have been found in several host/parasite systems:

Selection of Orobanche-resistant oil sunflower in Russia is reported by Pustovoit as
early as 1916 (Parker and Riches, 1993). Following a few years of use of the resistant
variety, a new virulent 0. cumana race developed, requiring the breeding of new
resistant material. The breaking of resistance varieties reoccurred 5 times and
presently there are no resistant cultivars to Race 5 of 0. cumana (Cubero, 1986;
Antanova, 1994). A similar phenomenon is reported for Bulgarian and Romanian oil
sunflower cultivars in which 5 subsequent virulent races of 0. cumana evolved on
resistant varieties (Encheva and Shindrova, 1994). In Spain, breaking of
confectionery sunflower resistance has been extremely rapid and there are reports of 6
subsequent virulent races and the corresponding identification of 7 resistance genes
(Rodriguez et al., 2001).
In Israel, several 0. cumana resistant confectionery sunflower varieties have been
developed through breeding, all from the same source of 'D.Y.3' resistant plants
identified in a heavily infested field. The proposed mechanism of resistance is
phytoalexin production that causes degeneration of 0. cumana and 0. aegyptiaca
attachments and tubercles approximately 3 weeks after parasite penetration.
Resistance is temperature dependent: plants are resistant only at high temperatures
(Eizenberg, 2002). It is important to mention that sunflower is grown at high summer
temperatures. In the past year there have been reports of resistance inconsistency in
these varieties for reasons not yet studied.
In all breeding programs, resistance sources were within land races and wild
sunflower species. In most cases resistance has been attributed to histo-mechanical
barriers such as host root lignification and to phytoalexin induction in sunflower roots
(Alonso, 1998; Eizenberg, 2002).

Faba bean
Resistance of faba bean to 0. crenata was first identified in line 'F 402' in Egypt in
the 1970's (Nassib et al., 1982). This line led to the breeding of the commercial
variety 'Giza 402' which was the basis for further resistant varieties (Khalil et al.,
1994). Breeders in Spain used 'Giza 402' to breed 'Baraca', a high yielding resistant
local variety (Cubero et al., 1992). The mechanism of resistance is reported to be a
localized formation of corky host root tissue, accumulation of a red-staining substance
Orobanche Management 459

and necrosis that inhibit development of the parasite (Zaitun et al., 1994; Perez-de-
Luque et al., 200 l ).

We have discerned distinct polymorphisms among vetch genotypes in response to 0.
aegyptiaca and 0. crenata. Common vetch (Vicia sativa) varieties are susceptible to
the parasite while purple vetch (V atropurpurea) and hairy vetch (V villosa) are
resistant. The resistance of V atropupurea varieties 'Sadot' (from Israel) and
'Popany' (from Australia) to Orobanche is evident in spite of the fact that both induce
a high rate of Orobanche seed germination. The resistance results from inability of
the parasite haustorium to penetrate into the vascular cylinder of the host root and
connect with the host vascular system. A chemical and/or a mechanical barrier active
at the endodermis cell layer seem to obstruct the intruding haustorium (Goldwasser et
al., 1999, 2000). Though there has been a single report of a case of breaking of
resistance (Joel and Portnoy, 1997), V atropurpurea varieties are widely grown
without parasitism, probably because vetch is grown only once in a few years in a
crop rotation system. Resistance to 0. crenata has been reported in local-cultivars of
common vetch in Spain and Syria (Gil et al., 1987; Linke et al., 1993). However, the
reported resistant '473-A' Spanish variety failed to show resistance to Orobanche
populations in Israel.

We screened hot, sweet and paprika Capsicum annuum varieties for 0. aegyptiaca
resistance and found that the sweet pepper varieties were the most resistant to 0.
aegyptiaca. Among the tested sweet pepper varieties, 'Maor' and 'Odem' had the
highest levels of resistance (Hershenhorn et al., 1996).

In greenhouse and field screening we found that the commercial curled parsley
(Petroselinum crispum) varieties 'Garbo' and 'Garland' supported less 0. crenata
and 0. aegyptiaca parasitism than susceptible varieties. These varieties suffered
minimal yield and quality damage in heavily Orobanche-infested fields (Goldwasser
and Kleifeld, 2002). Initial observations suggest that this partial resistance is
characterized by dying-off of root-attached Orobanche tubercles (Goldwasser et al.,

Integrated Orobanche Management (!OM)

There is not much practical experience and reports regarding 10M. Researchers
dealing with Orobanche control have suggested many ideas but only few examined
this approach in the field.
The first vital element in an integrated Orobanche management approach is
knowledge. It is important to have a local, regional or national system with
information that can recognize Orobanche presence, identify its species and strain,
and estimate the means and rate of infestation in neighboring fields and in the
surrounding environment. Such a system should warn the farmers of the potential
hazards of infestation. It should also generate research, advise and coordinate local
means of prevention to stop the dispersal of the parasite. The precise taxonomic
460 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld

identification will dictate the designing of specific crop rotation programs with
preference to non-host crops and minimizing the presence of susceptible host crops
and weeds. In the case of economic necessity to grow an Orobanche-susceptible crop,
a tolerant variety and an appropriate planting date in which parasitism is reduced
should be considered. Trap and catch crops should be important constituents in the
proposed crop rotation plan.
In the case of a new infestation which is localized in spots or when Orobanche
appears in limited distribution along crop rows, (indicating contamination of the
planting material), intensive hand pulling or cutting, or herbicide spot treatment
before seed set, followed by totally destroying the collected Orobanche shoots,
should delay or reduce future infestation.
Heavy Orobanche infestation dictates the employment of control measures,
chemical and biological and if available, resistant varieties. Herbicide rotation in
coordination with crop rotation, restricted herbicide use and tank mixes of herbicides
from different chemical groups can ensure the efficacy and long term effect of
chemical control. In many cases these very potent herbicides effectively control other
weeds, some of them extremely troublesome, or that serve as Orobanche host plants-
such as wild carrot control by glyphosate in legumes and nightshade control by
sulfosulfuron in tomato. These factors have to be considered in designing weed
management programs. In the future it may be possible to use genetically engineered
crop material, resistant to translocated Orobanche herbicides or to the parasite itself.
There is no chance to succeed in entirely solving an Orobanche infestation
problem by employing any one of these means individually. The effect of the most
aggressive and efficient treatment, such as methyl bromide soil fumigation, does not
persist for a long period if cropping with Orobanche host-crops is repeated. The only
way to improve the control and to maintain a long-term effect is to use additional
management methods. Since there will always be some individuals in the Orobanche
population that will evade or overcome any chemical, biological or mechanical
control method, they will soon become the source for a new tolerant/resistant
population. Therefore, shallow tillage should follow soil fumigation to prevent the
raising of viable seeds from non-treated soil layers, and parasites that escaped
treatment should be hand-pulled to prevent reproduction of tolerant/resistant biotypes.
When using biocontrol methods, host-crop seeds or transplant roots treated with a
biocontrol agent should enable the crop to reach strong vigor and become more
tolerant to late application of additional control means. Early weakening of the
parasite is essential for succeeding in biological control. A tolerant crop or variety
might encourage development and increase aggressiveness of biocontrol agents
(fungi, bacteria). Parasite weakening can also be accomplished by prior herbicide
chemical seed dressing. Biological control using insects should come after reduction
of parasite population by other control means.


The most promising results involving chemical control of Orobanche have been
mainly with the amino-acid inhibiting herbicides. Efficient and selective Orobanche
control requires accurate application rates, timing and techniques, while carefully
assessing crop and parasite development, soil and environmental conditions and
irrigation methods. In future Orobanche management that will utilize transgenic crops
Orobanche Management 461

there is a possibility to use high herbicide doses because of the high magnitude of
resistance. Constant efforts should continue in the search of efficient soil fumigants.
No effective methyl bromide substitutes have been identified yet, and the suspension
of this potent soil fumigant could leave a big gap in our ability to eradicate
Orobanche infestations. New herbicide formulations and application methods
including seed dressing and slow release should increase our arsenal of Orobanche
control tools.
Promising biological control studies have been reported for Fusarium spp. and
Phytomyza orobanchia. These biological agents still have to be adapted to mass
production, formulation and distribution in field conditions. Ongoing efforts should
continue to identify additional biological agents and new inhibitors, inducers and
phytotoxins involved in parasitic plant-plant interactions. These molecules could be
utilized in disrupting the normal association between parasite and plant. The
identification of new resistance and tolerance sources and the breeding of new
varieties will continue to be an ongoing effort.
The new era of molecular biology and genomics has the potential to significantly
enhance our understanding of plant-parasitic plant interactions. Utilization of this
knowledge together with new molecular techniques will allow the developing of
novel strategies for parasitic plant control. Genetic engineering of additional
herbicide-resistant Orobanche-susceptible crops will expand the possibilities of
Orobanche chemical control. In the future the direct genetic engineering of
Orobanche-resistant crop varieties will be possible as well as genetic manipulation of
biological agents to enhance their performance in Orobanche control. A setback to
the genetic engineering strategy is the recent objection to "genetically modified
organisms" that has slowed down the expected rapid development and release of
transgenic crops. Most of the recent chemical control research reported for
Orobanche has been performed with experimental herbicides. Agrochemical
companies and institutions should be encouraged to develop and register herbicides
and crop varieties for Orobanche control.
The integrated approach is crucial to avoid, or at least delay, the breaking of
Orobanche-resistant crop varieties and herbicide-resistant varieties by virulent
Orobanche races. 10M is not only important in improving Orobanche control, it is
essential for good agriculture practice and the sustainability of our agricultural
systems for future generations.


We thank Professor J. Gressel for his comments and suggestions regarding this
462 Yaakov Goldwasser & Yeshaiahu Kleifeld


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