5 Creative Ways To Use Napkins in Food Styling

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5 Creative Ways To Use Napkins In Food Styling

Napkin Styling #1 – The Fold +


Very simple, yet effective. The Fold

and Tuck is just as simple as it
sounds. Simply fold the napkin a
few times roughly, no need to be
neat here, and tuck it under a bowl
or plate. It’s a great way to use
napkins in food photography.

This technique works well with

really patterned and colourful
napkins/linens so that you are
adding a little bit of interest to the
frame but the pattern isn’t
competing with the main food
subject. In both attention or colour.

Napkin Styling #2 – The ‘Peeking


This technique is fail-safe in my

opinion. If you’re having a ‘bad
linen folding day’, (which is kinda
like a bad hair day,
where nothing works), then this
will be your fall back.

No matter how you fold it, or how

badly behaved your linen is being,
just allow a little bit of it to peek
into the frame works every time.
No fuss, maximum reward. It’s a
great fall back way to use napkins
in food styling.

TIP: Soft and seamless looking linens can be made by ironing your linen so that it’s a little warm
and more malleable to work with.
5 Creative Ways To Use Napkins In Food Styling
Napkin Styling #3 – The Scrunch
Back to my hair analogies, you
know how a cool messy hairstyle
actually take a bit of work? Well,
the Scrunch is kinda similar. It
takes a little bit of magic and flare
to make the scrunch look good,
but it’s an interesting way to use
napkins in food styling.

Basically, it’s just where you take a

larger linen and scrunch, and
crumple it until it stays put. It’s
meant to signify a feeling of ‘in the
moment’ or ‘on the go’ of food creating.

It’s useful to help bring informal balance to the frame where you have subjects that are
taking up more weight.

Napkin Styling #4 – The Knot Tie

Eeep! This is my favourite of them all and something that I

don’t do often enough.

It’s a little more fancy and cutesy, but I think it adds

something special to the frame. All you do is fold the linen
lengthways then tie it around the handle of your focal prop.
Maybe it’ll add an unexpected way to use napkins in food

TIP: Create more interest by using a linen that has a

different pattern on each side or half-half. That way when
you fold it, you get intersecting lines or patterns to create
something more intriguing.
5 Creative Ways To Use Napkins In Food Styling
Napkin Styling #5 – The Flow
This is one is the how you know
you’ve mastered the linen tossing.
Stylists make it look easy and it
can be, with a few tricks.

It’s all about the flick of the wrist

and flicking over and over until it
falls naturally and beautifully. It’s a
great way to use napkins in food
styling to add movement to your

TIP: This works best for larger linens as there is more surface area to work with and
create beautiful ripples across your frame.

Taming linens is just like building muscle. The more you practice and implement some
of these tips, the easier it will become. Even like second nature.

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