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2 F Conrado Commercial Complex, Niog 1, Bacoor, Cavite

Name __________________________________________ Subject: NSTP-211
Year & Section __________________________________ Instructor: Prof. Nelia O . Tomboc

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and follow the instructions carefully.

Use only black ink ball pen.
Erasures and alterations are not allowed.

I. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. If the statement is true, write T, if it is false correct it by

putting the wrong word first and the right word after it.

1. Each person is common in his own way.

2. Self is an individual connected to other people.
3. To understand ourselves better, we have to take with us what we have received throughout
our adolescent hood.
4. Knowing and understanding yourself is the key to false knowledge.
5. An unexamined life is worth living.
6. A person should overcome his strengths to be successful in life.
7. Self-confidence is the image of who we are.
8. According to a Greek philosopher, “True knowledge is knowing how you are going”.
9. Everybody should develop more their weaknesses.
10. A person who knows oneself is always selfish to express his appreciation and gratitude to

II. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following.

1-3. The three sources of self-concept

4-7. The four selves that represent us in Johari’s window
8-9. The two Greek philosophers who thought up about self-awareness
10. The method use to gain self-awareness
2 F Conrado Commercial Complex, Niog 1, Bacoor, Cavite

Name __________________________________________ Subject: NSTP-211
Year & Section __________________________________ Instructor: Prof. Nelia O . Tomboc

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read and follow the instructions carefully.

Use only black ink ball pen.
Erasures and alterations are not allowed.

I. Match column A with column B by writing the correct letter on the blank. Write in
capital letter.

_____ 1. One of the Basics of leadership A. Leadership

_____ 2. One of the functions of a leader B. Social System
_____ 3. The best style of leadership C. Jesus Christ
_____ 4. Two or more people interacting with one another D. Leader
_____ 5. Leaders use him as a model E. Influences
_____ 6. An individual who holds the four basics of leadership F. None
_____ 7. A process to help a group attain its goal G. Coaching
_____ 8. A person who depends on others for his own reason H. Participative
_____ 9. A style of leadership with shared decision making I. Laissez-Faire
_____ 10. Gives people their own way J. Gandhi
K. Follower

1-4 List down the four basics of leadership
5-8 Name the four theories of leadership
9-11 The three styles of leadership
12-18 The seven habits of highly effective people
19-20 Give at least two qualities of an effective leader

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