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MATHEMATICS Compulsory Part


11.30 am – 12.45 pm (1¼ hours)


1. Read carefully the instructions on the Answer sheet. After the announcement of the start of the examination,
you should first insert the information required in the space provided. No extra time will be given for filling in
any information after the ‘Time is up’ announcement.

2. When told to open this book, you should check that all the questions are there. Look for the words ‘END OF
PAPER’ after the last question.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. You are advised to use an HB pencil to mark all the answers on the Answer
Sheet, so that wrong marks can be completely erased with a clean rubber.

5. You should mark only ONE answer for each question. If you mark more than one answer, you will receive
NO MARKS for that question.

6. No marks will be deducted for wrong answers.

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end of the examination session

2015-MOCK-MATH-CP 2-1 -1- © Study Buddies

There are 30 questions in Section A and 15 questions in Section B.
The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scales.
Choose the best answer for each question.

Section A

a n  a n 1
1. 
a n 1  a n  2

A. a.

B. a2 .

C. .

a 1
D. .

c 1
2. If b  , then c
c 1

1 b
A. c .
1 b

1 b
B. c .
1 b

b 1
C. c .
b 1

b 1
D. c .
b 1

3. 2ab  a 2  b 2  c 2 

A. ( a  b  c )( a  b  c ) .

B. ( a  b  c )( a  b  c ) .

C. ( c  a  b )(c  a  b ) .

D. ( c  a  b )( c  a  b ) .

4. 0.0909909 =

A. 0.091 (correct to 2 decimal places) .

B. 0.10 (correct to 2 decimal places) .

C. 0.0910 (correct to 3 significant figures) .

D. 0.091 (correct to 3 significant figures) .

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1 x
5. The solution of  2 x   2 and 5  11  x is

A. x  1 or x  6 .

B. 1 x  6 .

C. All real solutions .

D. No real solutions .

6. Let k be a real number. Solve the equation x 2  9k 2  4k .

A. 5k

B. 5k

C. 5k or 5k

D. No real solutions

7. The figure shows a graph of a quadratic function y  f ( x ) . Then f ( x ) 

A. y  ( x  1)( x  2) .

B. y  ( x  1)( x  2) .

C. y  3( x  1)( x  2) .

D. y  3( x  1)( x  2) .

1 1 1
8. If a : b  3 : 2 and a : c  2 : 5 , then : : 
ab ac bc

A. 6 : 4 :15 .

B. 15 : 4 : 6 .

C. 10 :15 : 4 .

D. 4 :15 :10 .

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9. It is given that f ( x ) is divisible by ( x  1) . Which of the following is the factor of f (1  2 x ) ?

A. x

B. x 1

C. 1  2x

D. cannot be determined

10. Two snacks A and B contain 40% and 70% beans respectively. The rest are nuts. Find the percentage of nuts
contained in the mixture of 100g of A and 200g of B.
A. 30%

B. 40%

C. 60%

D. 70%

11. Ann deposits $50 000 in a bank at an interest rate of 5% per annum for 2 years, compounded half-yearly. Billy
deposits $P in a simple interest plan at an interest rate of 5% per annum for 2 years. They get the same amount
of interest after 2 years. Find P. (correct to the nearest integer.)
A. 2 472

B. 26 281

C. 51 906

D. 62 754

12. The total site area of Hong Kong International Airport is 12.55 km2. If the scale of map is 1: 20 000 , find the

area on the map.

A. 313.75 cm2

B. 313.75 m2

C. 31 375 cm2

D. 31 375 m2

13. If the volume of a sphere increases by 33.1%, what is the percentage change of the surface area of the sphere ?
A. increases by 11%

B. increases by 21%

C. increases by 52.1%

D. increases by 53.6%

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14. The figure shows the graph of a quadratic curve y  ax 2  bx  c . Which of the following is/are true ?

I. b 2  4 ac  0

II. b0

III. a0

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. II and III only

15. In the figure, the 1st pattern consists of 1 dot. For any positive integer n , the ( n  1) th pattern is formed by

adding 4n dots to the n th pattern. Find the number of dots in the 10th pattern.

A. 113

B. 145

C. 181

D. 221

16. In the figure, the diameter of the semicircle is 4 cm. If the length of AC is 0.5 cm, find the area of the
shaded region.

A.   3 cm2

B.   2 cm2

C.   2 cm2

D.  2 cm2

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17. In the figure, ∆ABC and ∆ADC are right-angled triangles. If AB = 3 cm, BC = 4 cm and CD = 2 cm, find

A. 103°

B. 70.4°

C. 65.0°

D. 60.4°

18. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram. BC is extended to F such that BC : CF = 2 : 3. AF intersects DC at E. If

the area of ∆EFC is 27 cm2 . Find the area of parallelogram ABCD.

A. 45 cm2

B. 50 cm2

C. 55 cm2

D. 60 cm2

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19. In the figure, O is a centre. Chord AB is 6 cm and perpendicular to OC at E. If CE is 1 cm, then the arc length


A. 6.44 cm .

B. 4.24 cm .

C. 3.61 cm .

D. 2.61 cm .

20. If an interior angle of a regular n-sided polygon is 2.5 times an exterior angle of the polygon, which of the
following is/are true?

I. The value of n is 7.

II. The number of intersection points of diagonals is 35.

III. There are 7 axes of symmetry.

A. I only

B. I and II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

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21. In the figure, D is a point lying on BC such that AD is perpendicular to BC. If AB = 6 cm , AC = 8 cm and
∠ACD = 40°, find the length of BC. (correct to 2 decimal places)

A. 10.00 cm

B. 9.22 cm

C. 6.13 cm

D. 3.09 cm

22. If the quadratic function y  x 2  2kx  2k 2  4 touches the positive x-axis, then k =

A. 4.

B. 4 .

C. 2.

D. 2 .

23. The rectangular coordinates of the point P are ( 3,1) . If P is rotated about the origin clockwise by 60°, then

the polar coordinates of its image are

A. (2, 90 ) .

B. (2, 330 ) .

C. (4, 90 ) .

D. (4, 330 ) .

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24. The coordinates of point A are ( 3, 3) . O is the origin. Let P be a moving point in the first quadrant of a
rectangular coordinate plane such that the distance from P to OA is equal to that from P to x-axis. Find the
locus of P .

A. y x

B. y x

C. y 3x

D. y x

25. In the figure, the equations of L1 and L2 are ax  by  c and px  qy  r respectively. If L1 is parallel to L2 ,
which of the following is/are true ?

I. 0

II. cr

III. aq  bp  0

A. II only

B. III only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

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26. The equation of circle C is 2 x 2  2 y 2  6 x  10 y  9  0 . Which of the following is/are true?

I. (3, 5) is the centre of C .

3 1
II.  ,  lies on C .
2 2

III. The straight line y  is a tangent to C .

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

1 1 1 1
27. Two identical biased 6-sided dice are thrown. The probability of getting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are , , , ,
9 9 6 6

1 1
and respectively. Find the probability that the product of two numbers obtained is even.
3 9





28. If the mean of x , y , z is 30 , find the mean of the data set {3, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10, x, y, z}.
A. 6

B. 8

C. 14

D. cannot be determined

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29. The scatter diagram below shows a relationship. Which of the following may be the conclusion?

A. y varies directly as x .

B. y varies inversely as x .

C. y varies directly as x .

D. y varies inversely as x .

30. In the figure, CA and CB are the cumulative frequency curves of two distributions of weight A and B
respectively. Which of the following is/are true ?

I. median of CB > median of CA

II. range of CB > range of CA

III. inter-quartile range of CB > inter-quartile range of CA

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

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Section B

31. The H.C.F. and L.C.M. of three expressions are a 2 b 2 c and a 4 b 6 c 4 respectively. Two of the expressions are

a 2 b 3 c 4 and a 3 b 2 c 2 . The third expression is

A. a 3b 3 c .

B. a 3b 6 c 4 .

C. a 4b 2c .

D. a 4b6c .

32. The figure shows the graph of log 3 y  ax  b by plotting log 3 y against x. The x-intercept and y-intercept of

the graph are 3 and 2 respectively. What is the relation between x and y?


y  100 10 
A. 3


y  2 10 
B. 3


y  9  3
C. 3


y  2  3
D. 3

33. FE0000000231A16 =

A. 15  1613  14  1613  2  16 4  12704 .

B. 14  1613  13  1613  2  16 4  12704 .

C. 15  1612  14  1611  2  163  794 .

D. 14  1612  13  1611  2  163  794 .

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y = f(x)

The figure above shows the graph of y  f ( x ) . Which of the following represents the graph of y  f ( x  3)  2 ?

A. B.

C. D.

35. If  and  are the roots of 3 x 2  2 x  10  0 , then (  2) and (   2) are the roots of

A. 3 x 2  14 x  26  0 .

B. 3 x 2  14 x  26  0 .

C. 3 x 2  14 x  26  0 .

D. 3 x 2  14 x  26  0 .

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1 1
36. If  i  cos   i sin  where 0    360 , then  
2 2

A. 45° .

B. 315° .

C. 45° or 315° .

D. cannot be determined .

 2    7
37. If    and  , then  2   2 
2    7

A. 18 .

B.  18 .

C. 10 .

D.  10 .

38. In the figure, O is the centre of circle PSR which passes through the centre of another circle PQR. If
reflex ∠POR = 260°, then    

A. 15

B. 18

C. 20

D. 22

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 x  0,

 y  0,

39. If  x  y  5, in which of the following shaded regions do all the points satisfy the above inequalities?
 2 x  y  4,

 x  y,

A. y B. y
x=y x=y
5 5

4 4

x x
2 5 2 5
O 2x + y = 4 x+y=5 O 2x + y = 4 x+y=5
C. y D. y
x=y x=y
5 5

4 4

x x
2 5 2 5
O 2x + y = 4 x+y=5 O 2x + y = 4 x+y=5

40. If each side of a regular tetrahedron is 2 cm and it is inscribed in a sphere, find the radius of the circumsphere.

A. 3 cm

B. cm

C. cm

D. cm

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41. If the nth term of a geometric sequence is given by an  3r n where r  0 . It is known that infinity sum of the
geometric sequence is finite. Which of the following is/are true?

I. The first term is 3.

3( r n  1)
II. The sum of first n terms is .
r 1

III.  a1  a2  a1

A. II only

B. III only

C. I and III only

D. II and III only

42. Find the range of values of such that the circle x 2  y 2  6 x  4 y  12  0 and the straight line

5 x  12 y  k  0 do not intersect.

A. k  22 or k  4

B. 4  k  22

C. k  62 or k  68

D. 68  k  62

43. There are 10 students in a class sitting in two rows. Each row has 5 seats. If Ann and Billy must not sit in the
same row, how many different ways are there ?

A. 14 400

B. 40 320

C. 80 640

D. 2 016 000

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44. In a shooting game, there are 10 rounds in total. You get one mark if you hit a target; otherwise you get no
marks. John hits a target with probability . Find the probability that he gets exactly 5 marks.

A. 0.0136

B. 0.0354

C. 0.0584

D. 0.0791

45. It is given that the mean of ten numbers is 100. A clerk forgets to enter 7 and wrongly enters 19 as 91, the
corrected mean is

A. 85 .

B. 95 .

C. 98.1 .

D. cannot be determined .


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