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Updated Date: November 11, 2021


Please ensure that your submitted abstract is written following the guidelines listed
below. Any abstract violating the rules of the guideline will be rejected.

Abstract Format
The body of the abstract will be structured as follows with the following subtitles:
1. Introduction
2. Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Acknowledgements (if applicable)
6. References

Submission Guidelines
• The abstract must be written in English and submitted through the Congress
online submission system only. Submission by e-mail, fax or courier service
will not be accepted
• The number of words in the title must not exceed 50 words. Abbreviations
should be avoided unless absolutely necessary
• The total number of the words in the body of the abstract must not exceed
500 words, including references
• Do not include the names of the authors in the title or body of your abstract –
these are entered online during the submission process
• A plagiarism check will be performed on all submitted abstracts. Abstracts
failed the checks will be rejected
• After the submission deadline, no further changes will be permitted. Authors
are strongly suggested to ensure the accuracy of the submitted abstract
before 15 November 2021, Midnight GMT+8. Any mistake in literature or in
data will be published as-is
• The Congress reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate
abstract either oral or poster presentation, and to choose a suitable session
for the abstract. The authors' preference or the type of presentation and
theme will be taken into account
• If an abstract is to be withdrawn, a written statement reflecting the reasons
for this decision must be sent to  no later than 1 April
Figures and Tables
• In the Results section, numerical data must be provided if a figure or table is
not accompanied with the abstract. Plain writing without numerical data
reported is not considered a qualified abstract.
• One figure or table may be included and is uploaded as a separate image file
• The image must in JPG/PNG/TIF with a minimum resolution of 150 PPI. Image
file size must not exceed 1 MB

Track Categories
• Authors also need to select at least 1 session suitable for the abstract
(maximum 3). The session is a topic category which authors consider as the
best fit for his/her study.
• Invited speakers select only ONE session, which is the session he/she is
invited to.
• The extended track selection is to assist with structuring the final program.
Please read the detailed Session listing of the Track during the submission

Participation Format
• The intended Participation Format (in-person or online) will be used for the
planning and organization of the Scientific Program and may be updated any
time before the submission deadline (November 15, 2021)
• All presenting authors are required to finalize their participation format at the
time of Registration by April 1, 2022.
• Changes to participation format after April 1, 2022 will be subject to an
administration fee.

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