Last Date of Submission

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From the following balances taken from the books of Rahim and Qasim
Private Ltd. for the year ending March 31, 2019, calculate the gross profit.
Closing Stock 2,60,000
Net sales during the year 30000
Net purchases during the year 15,00,000
Opening stock 15,00,000
Direct expenses 80000

Trading Account Rahim and Qasim Year ending Mar 31, 2019

Expenses\loses Amount Revenue Gain Amount
Opening stock 15,00,000 Net Sale 30000

Net purchases 15,00,000 Closing Stock 260000

Direct expenses 80,000

Gross Profit 1170000

4250000 4250000

Last date of 23 Nov 2021



Submit your solution file on LMS. Share screen shot in excel word
file. You have to show processing in this solution. Evaluation will
be purely dependent upon submitted file.

• If your project file is larger than 25 mb then upload that
project in your google drive and type your project link in
word file and submit it on lms
• In Case of any issue in uploading of your project in your
lms than send your project at
• Design your submission in ‘landscape’ page payout (Open
MS word, go to the menu bar, select page layout, click
orientation and select ‘Landscape’)
• Design page with color, use contrast color for text, your
draft must be readable and presentable. Remember, more
your submission is attractive, the more will become the
chances of winning.
• You must have justification for each and every word you are
using for your submission. In the case of VIVA, you have to
defend your idea and justify it.
• We will guide and assist you through whole process of


• This project will add value to your CV

• Develop better understanding of what is happening around
you in the field of marketing
• This project will helps you in future for your venture
• It will also help in improving your creative skills

Submitted to

Submitted by

• Do not copy from any source, if you are taking any idea, text, graphic, or any type of
helping material, try to reproduce it and also mention the source in caption
• Plagiarism is strictly prohibited in any type of submission on PFTP
• Management of PFTP will ensure similarity of your submitted work. It should not
exceed 15%.
• You may seek help from the instructor of PFTP via LMS messages, email and during
question answer sessions, which will be occasionally conducted and intimated on prior
to our students.
• All submissions must be developed by the student him/herself, so that we can assess
whether the student is going in the right direction or not.
• Your submission should NOT be theoretical, use practical approach, and add more and
more applied things in your submission
• PFTP has a clear policy of merit. We will evaluate all submissions 100% on merit
base, there is no other parameter for the assessment/evaluation of your submitted
• Decision of the instructor and external evaluator will be considered as the final
decision. Application for reconsideration of your submitted work will not be
entertained by the management.
• Endorsement from industry and online practical based projects will be given extra
marks, which eventually affect the final grades as well.
• Try to be concise, avoid unnecessary details and demonstrate your idea clearly. Long
drafts, containing many pictures etc. will be considered as negative, which will badly
affect your final grades.

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