Bureti 2016 Agriculture 1 Ans

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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education AGRICULTURE

Paper - 443/1
July/August 2016
Marking Scheme
1. 7.
- production of one crop - Thinning
- practised in large scale farming. - Gapping 1 mark
1 mark
2. - Establishing cover crop.
- leaching - Use of herbicides to control weeds.
- plant uptake - Use of mulch on the surface.
- volatilization / burning - Timing cultivation
1½ marks - Restricting cultivation to the area where seeds
are to be planted.
3. - Uprooting /slashing weeds.
- Biting and chewing 2 marks
- Piercing and sucking.
1 mark 9.
- Muster rolL
4. - Labour utilization analysis
- Land consolidation 1 mark
- land adjudication and registration
- Land settlement and resettlement. 10.
- Tenancy reform - Broadcasting
- Redistribution of land/ land subdivision - Foliar application
- Improved land legislation - Side/ row / basal application
2 marks - Fertigation
- Hole placement / drilling
5. - Drip
- Most of the crop used are food crops. 2 marks
- Green manure crops use most of the soil
moisture leaving little for the next crop 11.
- Most nutrients are used by micro-organisms - Is the value of foregone best alternative /
in the process of decomposing the green revenue forgone because of choosing the best
manure. alternative. 1 mark
- It delays planting as it takes time for green
manure crop to decompose. b) Raw material used up in the process of
2 marks production e.g. seeds, fuel, fertilizer feeds.
(OWTTE if examples are included)
6. 1 mark
- Rainfall patter/ reliability
- Variety of beans 12.
- Incidence of pest and diseases attack - Thorn apple / Datura stramonium
- Expected harvesting time - Sodium apple / Solanuminclanum
1 mark 1 mark
b) iii)
- Mexican marigold / Tagetes minutta - Too much nitrogen in early stages of growth.
1 mark - Irregular or infrequent watering.
- Calcium deficiency in young fruits. 3 marks
- Decompose organic matters iv)
- Help to aerate the soil - Enhances production of clean fruits.
- Convert atmospheric nitrogen to nitrate - Helps in controlling diseases.
- Upon death and decay release plant nutrients. - Facilities management practices (accept any
2 marks specific practice (harvesting / weeding /
14. - Prevent infestation by soil born pests.
- Removal of the shade. 2 marks
- Reduce the frequency of watering.
- Reduce the amount of water. 19.
1 mark i) T - budding / Budding.

15. ii)
Intensive hedgerow trees or shrubs are - Help to exclude water and air
planted between rows of crops while Border - To make tight contact between the bud and
planting - trees or shrubs are planted on the rootstock (accept any two correct answers)
borders of the farm. (Mark as a whole) 2 marks
2 marks
iii) Rootstock 1 mark
- Topdress / apply manure. iv) Citrus (accept specific crop e.g. oranges,
- Control weed. lemons, tangerines) 1 mark
- Practice controlled grazing to avoid
denudation. 20.
- Cutting back dry and unpalatable ports. a) C - Black jack
- Re-seeding when necessary. D - oxalis 2 marks
- Irrigation when necessary
- Control pest and diseases. b) Broad leaved weed. 1 mark
1½ marks
c) Presence of underground bulb. 1 mark
- Journal 21.a)
- Cash book i) At the end of the third unit fertilizer
- Ledger application / 3 1 mark
- Inventory
2 marks ii) This is the cost profitable unit of fertilizer
application, beyond which there would be a
b)- Training labour force. loss. 1 mark
- Mechanizing operations.
- Giving incentives e.g. housing. iii) MR = Shs 1200 × 2 = 2400 /=
- Supervision of labour. 1 mark
- Assign specific tasks to workers.
b) States that if successive units of one input are
18. added to fixed units of other inputs a point is
i) staking 1 mark eventually reached where additional output
per additional unit of input will decline.
ii) Blossom end rot 1 mark 1 mark


Section C - Two nodes should be covered underground
22. a) and one node should remain above the
- Increase incidences of some pests/ parasites ground.
and diseases. - Planting material should come from a healthy
- Improves quality of certain crops e.g. fruits. and mature plant
- Lower quality of certain crops e.g. pyrethrum.
- Increase rate of evapotranspiration / causes 23.
wilting. - Storage - lack of storage facilities to handle
- Increase rate of maturity / hasten maturity. perishable / large quantities at harvesting
- Limit distribution of exotic livestock breeds. time.
5 × 1 = 5 marks - Seasonability - Agriculture production is
seasonal in nature. Abundant during harvest
b) time and scarce in dry season.
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria - convert - Perishability - loose quality rapidly, so need
atmospheric nitrogen to nitrates for plant to be sold immediately, or processed or put in
uptake. special storage facilities.
- Pollinators - transfer pollen grains from the - Lack of market information - lack technical
another of a flower to stigma to bring knowledge accessing market information.
variation. - Poor infrastructure - face problem of
- Decomposers - breakdown organic plant and delivering produce to the market because of
animal remains to release nutrient for plants. poor roads in some areas. produce get spoilt
- Pests - attack crops by eating plant parts; / in transit before reaching the market.
piercing and sucking sap and introducing - Change in the market demand time between
spread disease causing micro-organisms to making decisions to produce and when
crops. products are realised is long and within the
- Pathogens - they cause crop disease. period changes may occur in consumer's
- Predators - reduce pest population. tastes and preference.
5 × 1 = 5 marks - Bulkiness - most are bulky thus they require a
lot of space for storage and transporting
c) which increase production cost.
i) Seedbed preparation (2 marks) - Competition from cheap imports - Similar
- Land is prepared early during the dry season. produce imported into the country at cheaper
- Vegetation is cleared and all stumps should prices can complete with locally produced
be removed. products hence market problem.
- Primary cultivation is then carried out and all - Delayed payments - This reduces the morale
perennial weeds are removed. of farmers.
- It is followed by secondary cultivation Land. - Fluctuation in prices - change in supply
- Is harrowed to produce a medium tilth brought about by over production with cause
- Furrows are made at a spacing of 90 - 100cm price to fluctuate.
- Alternatively, holes can be dug at a spacing any (10 × 1 )=10 marks
of 90 - 100cm between the rows and 50cm
between the plants. b)
any (5 × 1 ) = 5 marks - Control of pests - prevent spread of pathogen.
- Destruction of crop residue - kill the pest and
ii) pathogens.
- Stem cutting or splits are used. - Pruning ; creates unfavourable microclimate
- Planting should be done at the onset of the for some pathogens/ prevent spread of the
rains. disease.
- Stem cutting should be placed in the furrows - Heat treatment; kills the pathogen
or planting holes in a slanting manner. - Quarantine : prevent spread of the pathogen
- A compound fertilizer such as NPK 20 - 20 - form one farm to the other.
0 is applied. - Use of clean tools / equipment, prevent
- Should be applied at a rate of 200kg /ha at a spreading of the disease from one plant to the
planting hole or furrow. other.


- Use of resistant varieties ensure crops are not b)
attacked by pathogens. - Difficult to control pests and diseases /
- Weed control : eliminate weeds that could be parasites spread faster.
alternate hosts for particular pathogen. - Land disputes are common.
- Proper spacing - creates unfavourable - No motivation to conserve land.
conditions for some pathogens to multiply. - No motivation to make long term
- Timely / early planting help crop to establish investments.
early before attack. - An individual cannot use land as security to
- Close season breaks the life cycle of acquire loan.
pathogens - difficult to control breeding in livestock.
- Use of clean planting materials - disease free 6 × 1 = 6 marks
prevents introduction of pathogens in the
field. c)
- Rogueing, prevent further spread of disease. - Sisal / gunny bags should not be used to
- Crop rotation breaks life cycle of pathogens. prevent mixing of lint with bag fibres.
- Proper plant nutrition, increase disease - Picking should he done when the lint is dry to
resistance / control deficiency diseases. prevent fibres from sticking together.
OWTTE (aNY 10 × 1 = 10 marks - use different containers for AR (Safi) and Br
(fifi) gardens of cotton to ensure quality.
24. - Picking should be done immediately the balls
- Contour farming - Cultivation and planting open to avoid staining by dust.
done across the slopes helps in holding water - Avoid picking leaves and twigs to avoid
thereby increasing infiltration and reducing contamination.
runoff. - Use clean containers for picking.
- Mulching - covers the soil thereby reducing 6 × 1 = 6 marks
splash erosion / reduce speed of run off.
- Strip cropping - give good soil cover with
those that give soil cover controls movement
of soil particles helping in soil control.
- Vegetated waterway - Slow down runoff /
eroded soil preventing further erosion.
- Afforestation / reafforestation trees protect
soil from splash erosion by controlling the
strength of raindrop.
- Intercropping - cover the ground preventing
splash erosion / surface runnoff.
- Minimum tillage - so as to maintain good soil
structure / have a seedbed which is not easily
- Cover cropping - protect soil from effect of
- Grass strip / filter strips - reduce speed of run-
off and filter out eroded soil.
any 8 × 1 = 8 marks


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