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Lecturer’s name: Arnopen Kristina Date: 12th October, 2021

Course: Biology Duration: 2 x 45 Minutes

(1 Time Meeting)

Subject/Unit: XI/II Level: Senior High School

Topic: Respiratory System

Aims of lesson:
1.2 Recognizing and admiring the scientific mindset in the ability to observe
2.1 Showing Scientific behavior: conscientious, persistent , truth with data and facts,
responsible discipline, and caring in observation and experimentation, dare and
polite in asking questions and arguing, caring for the environment, mutual
assistance, cooperation, peace-loving, scientifically and critically opinion,
responsive and proactive in every action and in conducting observations and
experiments in the classroom/laboratory as well as outside the classroom/laboratory.
3.8 Analyzing the relationship between the tissue structures that forming respiratory
system and linking by bioprocesses, so it can explain respiratory process and
possibility of functional disorders in human respiratory system through literature
studies, observations, experiments, and simulations.
4.8 Presenting the results of an discussion of abnormalities in the structure and function
that cause disruption of the human respiratory system through sharing the form of
presentation media.
Lesson objectives:
Students will be able to:
3.8.1 Explain the structure and function organs of respiratory system by a concept map
correctly. (C2)
3.8.2 Determine two types mechanism air respiratory using the table . (C3)
3.8.3 Analyze the mechanism of human breathing by report correctly. (C4)
3.8.4 Analyze 4 disorders or disease of the respiratory system through video viewing and
grup discussions. (C4)
3.8.5 Prevent 4 disorders or disease of the respiratory system using book literature . (C3)
4.8.1 Create a poster about the dangers of Covid-19 on human respiratory system.
Assumed prior knowledge:
Teacher gives apperception in the question
1. What do you think about pandemic Covid-19?
2. Why you must wear a mask during the Covid 19 pandemic?
3. In your opinion, What are the symptoms of people infected by Covid-19?

1. picture of Corona virus https://inet.detik.com/science/d-4978861/fakta-di-balik-warna-
2. Picture about Mechanism of Respiratory System: https://www.lung.ca/lung-health/lung-
3. Video Disorders of the Respiratory System: https://youtu.be/nNUhHnXxHzI
4. How the Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs : https://youtu.be/aWw_6NyKTVw pada
5. Ebook : Rogers, Kara. 2011. The Respiratory System. New York: Britannica Education
6. Textbook: Solikhin. 2015. SERASI Biologi Kelas XI. Banjar: Percetakan Solina
7. Powerpoint Presentation: Structure and function organs of respiratory system
8. Worksheet respiratory system
9. Laptop, Smartphone
Learning Model/Approach/Strategy/ Learning Methods
Model : Problem Based Learning
Strategy : Cooperative
Approach : Scientifics
Methods : Discussions and assignments.
a. Affective : Self-assessment
b. Cognitive : Written test
c. Psychomotor : Discuss and poster
Planned groups
Visual-Powerpoint presentation , ebook, and video about respiratory system.
Auditory- Listening and speaking in class discussion (PBL)
Skills for Life / Key Skills to be addressed
Analyze information and preventing about Covid -19 as example for disorders or disease
of the respiratory system on ebook, journals, and other relevant sources. Speaking and
listening in pairs on class discussion , and create a poster about the dangers of Covid-19 on
human respiratory system.
Number/ numeracy
None in this lesson
Information Technology

Wacana untuk diskusi PBL

Disorders of the Respiratory System :

Hayati, Nor. 2020. Biologi SMA Kelas XI: Gangguan dan Penyakit pada Sistem
Pernapasan. Diakses melalui https://youtu.be/nNUhHnXxHzI pada tanggal 4
Oktober 2021.

Look, Deep. 2021. How the Coronavirus Attacks Your Lungs. Diakses melalui
https://youtu.be/aWw_6NyKTVw pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2021.

Zoom Meeting: https://s.id/4456bipa

First Meeting (2× 45 minutes)

Time Content & Teacher Activity Student Activity Resource
Opening Activities
10 1. Teacher enters room class and 1. Students answer
minutes says greeting. greetings from teacher. Laptop,
2. Teacher asked one of the students 2. Students praying Smartphone
to lead the prayer together. Attadance and
3. Teacher checked the attendance 3. Students tell the stationery
list and asked who was absent teachers who was
4. Teacher gives appreciate by asking absent
the following questions: 4. Students answered the Picture of
teacher’s question Corona virus
“Covid-19 is an
infectious disease
caused by the SARS-
CoV-2 virus.
“Face masks help
reduce the transmission
of SARS-CoV-2 by
interfering with the
“What do yu think about
spread of virus-laden
pandemic Covid-19?”
droplets ejected from
“Why you must wear a mask
the nose and mouth.”
during the Covid 19 pandemic?”
“ Cough, sputum,
“ In your opinion, What are the
shortness of breath, and
symptoms of people infected by
fever; a
symptom cluster with
muscle and joint pain,
headache, and fatigue;
a cluster of digestive
symptoms with
abdominal pain,
vomiting, and

Core Activities
60 menit Stimulation
5. Teacher stimulate student to 5. Students observe the Video
focus on the topic/subtopic of video displayed by
Video Disorders of the the teacher (observe)
Respiratory System:
and How the Coronavirus
Attacks Your Lungs
6. Teacher Ask student “What
organs are attacked by the
virus? (Asking)
Problem Statement
7. Teacher grouping student 7. Students ask questions Textbooks,
(3-4 people) about video such as: Stationery, and
8. Teacher assign worksheet 1. Ho e-Worksheet
for student. w normal human
breathing with
breathing infected with
2. Wh
at viruses can attack
the respiratory system
other than the corona
3. Ho
w to avoid the threat
of coronavirus?
8. student in the respective
9. Student done their e-
Data Collection
9. Teacher guide and monitor 10. Students completing PPT, textbook
students when they done the their worksheet and & resources
e-woksheet. (Collecting ask to the teacher about
data) about what they don’t respiratory
understand. system.
11. Students searching
information from
textbooks, internet,
videos, etc to do their
(Collecting data)
Data Processing
12. Teacher guide and monitor 10.Students discuss and Laptop,
students in data processing analyze in the data. textbook &
(Associate) relevant
resources, e-
11.Teacher imply to finish their 13. Students write down textbook &
worksheet. the results of their relevant
12.Teacher asked students to discussions in the e- resources,
present the results of their worksheet. laptop, e-
respective group disscusions. (communicating) worksheet.
13.Teacher reflection their result of 14. Students present the
e-worksheet. (communicating) result of their
14.Teacher and students make respective group
conclusions from the results of discussions.
the discussions. (communicating)
15. Students listen the
expanation given by
the teacher carefully.
16. Students and teacher
make conclusions
from the results of the
Closing Activities
15 minutes 17. Teacher and students conclude 15. Students get the Laptop,
their material learning that has conclusions. Textbooks
been done. 16. Students get
18. Teacher remind the learning attention to the
materials that will be information.
delivered at the next meeting.
17. Teacher and students closing the class and greetings.
Homework/assignments set: Making a poster about the Hand in date: 19th October, 2021
dangers of Covid-19 on human respiratory system.

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