P&I Risk Awareness Collision

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An aid to risk identification and loss reduction
In this checklist, colour is used to denote the various
elements in the risk awareness process

Something that if not controlled could cause a
P&I incident

The monetary cost to the Club/Member

Something which reduces the possibility of a ‘Threat’
causing an incident

Something that should be in place after the incident

to help reduce the cost of the claim

How effective do you think the Controls are on

your ship – are there any accidents just waiting
to happen?

Copyright: Thomas Miller P&I Limited 2017.

Thomas Miller P&I Limited asserts its right under the Copyright, Designs
and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

No parts of this publication shall be lent, sold, hired out or otherwise

circulated or used without the publisher’s prior consent.

This booklet is a guide to the Controls and key
points that the UK Club’s Risk Assessors look
for when inspecting a vessel.

It will allow you to carry out a similar check on

the Threats and Controls and make sure the
vessel has a good risk profile.

Each booklet in the Risk Awareness series

deals with an area of Risk – Personal injury,
collision, pollution, etc – and these are
sub-divided into Threats and then Controls.

Each Threat is followed by a ‘score’ section

where the individual Controls can be graded
according to how effective they are:
1 Very good control
2 Good control
3 Average control
4 Poor control
5 Very poor control (maybe non-existent)

Furthermore, there is space to make comments

on certain Controls; to note ways in which
deficient ones could be improved.

At the back, there is a section on

Consequences, which is also divided into
Controls that should be in place to mitigate the
cost of any claim, i.e. after the event controls.
These too can be graded.



Minimum watch keeping/manning levels on
bridge at all times
 Minimum watch keeping manning levels on bridge at all times
 Additional persons present at night or in poor weather,
restricted visibility or when traffic density or navigational
requirements dictate

Trade competency of personnel to perform

required duties
 Do all personnel have required certification for the jobs they do,
are these certificates valid?
 Training checks, HR and ship follow up on joining, full
familiarisation and training on board the vessel as required for
tasks to be performed

Continuous on board training as required

carried out in all areas (ISM requirement)
 On job training to be carried out by supervisors, and not
 Continuation training by senior officers for junior ranks and on
job supervision during training
 Some workmate intervention is allowed in training as well,
if appropriate
(Safety awareness for all can be enhanced if a 10 minute
‘buddy overview’ is used. A colleague watches what the worker
is doing, makes notes on both the good and bad points, and
then critiques the on job safety, starting with the good points.
Both persons can learn from this type of interaction and safety
awareness promotion on board)
 Ongoing training and proper familiarisation of all officers and
ratings on vessel type

Proper lookout maintained at all times by all

available means
 Almost 25% of collisions involve improper, poor or no lookout
 ColRegs Rule 5 – every vessel must at all times keep a proper
lookout by sight, hearing and all available means
 Are there enough personnel on watch at all times?
 What watch keeping systems are in place on board ie 4 on
8 off/6 and 6/alternate/other?

 How do the watch keeping systems interact with port arrival/
departure requirements?

Bridge team and resources management

 Bridge team management (BTM) procedures understood,
training undertaken?
 Bridge resource management (BRM) procedures understood
and training undertaken?
 Techniques practised in clear weather and in open sea?
 Applied in all circumstances on board?

Passage planning per SOLAS V/34 and

IMO Res A 893 (21) conducted?
 Good passage planning and awareness berth to berth?
 Procedures to ensure proper speed control under pilotage?
 Passage planning should indicate hazard areas and risk
assessment of passage
 No-go and areas where fishing vessels may be present
 About 20% of collisions involve fishing vessels in or around port
entrances and/or traffic separation schemes (TSS)
 SOLAS V, Reg 34
 IMO Res A893
 STCW pp 150 A/VIII
 Evidence of pilot/master interchange?
 Due consideration for bank effect in channels and rivers

Radar, ECDIS and AIS systems

 Dual redundant radar systems (ARPA)
 Automatic identification system (AIS) – is it being used properly?
 Radar system faults are self-diagnostic
 Aids to navigation – not over reliant
 Understanding of limitations and interaction with own and
potential other vessel’s navigational requirements (eg TSS,
deep draught routes)
 Use of ‘scanty’ information – clearly understood?
 Use of scanty radar or other electronic information understood?
 Limitations and use of ECDIS systems are understood?

SOLAS collision regulations followed

 Most collisions occur when two vessels are in a crossing
 All collision regulations (steering and sailing rules) understood
by all navigation officers?

 Followed in collision avoidance – including, but not limited to:
- Following ColRegs requirements for communications via
whistle (daytime)
- Signal light (night) if other vessel perceived not to be taking
sufficient action to avoid collision
- Rule 7 – Risk of collision – Use all available means to
determine risk of collision
- Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision – Positive, made in ample
time and due regard to good seamanship
 See also:
- Rule 16 – Action by give-way vessel
- Rule 17 – Action by stand-on vessel
- Rule 18 – Responsibilities between vessels

Minimum separation distance between vessels

 Minimum separation distance between ship and other vessels
set according to area and conditions
 Radar plotting understood and interaction with own and
potential other vessel’s navigation requirements (eg TSS, deep
draught routes)?
 Plotting practised in clear Wx and open seas
 CPA (closest point of approach) laid down
 Basic plotting facilities available – paper version – and
practised in clear Wx and open seas

Communications between vessels

 Are rules set in standing orders for communication between
vessels in collision avoidance?
 VHF communications between vessels – secondary to ColRegs
requirements as may cause confusion
- Note VHF is used extensively in US waters when under pilotage
 ColRegs Rule 9 – Narrow channels
 Navigation with a pilot on board – STCW pp159

Use of engine to avoid collision

 What are the practices on board for use of engines at sea?
 OOW should not hesitate to use main engines but should be
aware of manoeuvring data and effect of using engines on
steering and manoeuvring
 ColRegs Rule 8 – any means necessary

Dual redundant running lights with alarm on

light failure
 Navigation lights regularly checked – visually?
 Alarm panels tested daily?
 Spare lamps carried?

Standing and night orders issued
 Follow standing and night orders
 Call the master when required
 OOW familiar with ship’s limitations
 Stopping distances
 Turning circles
 Manoeuvring characteristics
 Is restricted visibility defined in nautical miles?


Threat: Navigation at sea

Minimum bridge watchkeeping/manning levels

Trade competency of personnel

Continuous on board training

Proper lookout maintained at all times

Bridge team and resources management


Passage planning per SOLAS V/34

Radar, ECDIS and AIS systems

SOLAS collision regulations followed

Minimum separation between vessels

Communications between vessels

Use of engine to avoid collision

Dual redundant running lights with alarm

Standing and night orders issued


Bridge team and resources management
 Bridge team management (BTM) procedures understood,
training undertaken?
 Bridge resource management (BRM) procedures understood
and training undertaken?
 Techniques practised in clear weather and in open sea?
 Applied in all circumstances on board?

Trade competency of personnel to perform

required duties
 Do all personnel have required certification for the jobs they do,
are these certificates valid?
 Training checks, HR and ship follow up on joining, full
familiarisation and training on board the vessel as required for
tasks to be performed

Continuous on board training as required,

carried out in all areas (ISM requirement)
 On job training to be carried out by supervisors and not
 Continuation training by senior officers for junior ranks and on
job supervision during training
 Some workmate intervention is allowed in training as well,
if appropriate
(Safety awareness for all can be enhanced if a 10 minute
‘buddy overview’ is used. A colleague watches what the worker
is doing, makes notes on both the good and bad points and
then critiques the on job safety starting with the good points.
Both persons can learn from this type of interaction and safety
awareness promotion on board)
 Ongoing training and proper familiarisation of all officers and
ratings on vessel type

Passage planning per SOLAS V/34 and

IMO Res A893 (21) conducted
 Good passage planning and awareness berth to berth?
 Procedures to ensure proper speed control under pilotage?
 Passage planning should indicate hazard areas/risk assessment
of passage
 No-go and areas where fishing vessels may be present?
 About 20% of collisions involve fishing vessels in or around port
entrances and/or traffic separation schemes (TSS)

 SOLAS V, Reg 34
 IMO Res A893
 STCW pp 150 A/VIII
 Evidence of pilot/master interchange?
 Due consideration for bank effect in channels and rivers

OOW aware of SOLAS Chapter V requirements

 Chap V – Safety of navigation
 Reg 20 – Casualty investigation (VDR)
 Reg 27 – Charts and publications updated for voyage
 Reg 28 – Recording of important navigational information
- Rule 2 – Nothing shall exonerate…
- Rule 7 – Risk of collision
- Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision

OOW aware of STCW requirements

 STCW pp 150 to 159 Watch keeping
- Rule 2 – Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate...
- Minimum rest hours

Recording positions, written records in

movement book
 Do NOT erase anything written in any log or plotted on the chart
 Record keeping – do NOT rely on electronics
 Importance of ‘EVIDENCE’ in a Court of Law – particularly
contemporaneous evidence
 SOLAS V Reg 20 VDR is to assist in casualty investigation
after the incident
 VDR does not record sufficient data to satisfy the Court or
SOLAS V Reg 28.
 VDR only records 12 to 24 hours of material and then is

Proper lookout maintained at all times by all

available means
 Almost 25% of collisions involve improper, poor or no lookout
 ColRegs Rule 5 – Every vessel must at all times keep a proper
lookout by sight, hearing and all available means
 Are there enough personnel on watch at all times?
 What watch keeping systems are in place on board ie 4 on
8 off/6 and 6/alternate/other?

 How do the watch keeping systems interact with port arrival/
departure requirements?

Minimum watch keeping/manning levels on

bridge at all times
 Minimum watch keeping manning levels on bridge at all times
 Additional persons present at night or in poor weather,
restricted visibility when traffic density or navigational
requirements dictate

Radar, ECDIS and AIS systems

 Dual redundant radar systems (ARPA)
 Automatic identification system (AIS) is it being used properly
 Radar system faults are self-diagnostic
 Aids to navigation – not over reliant
 Understanding of limitations and interaction with own and
potential other vessel’s navigational requirements (eg TSS,
deep draught routes)
 Use of ‘scanty’ information – clearly understood?
 Use of scanty radar or other electronic information understood?
 Limitations and use of ECDIS systems are understood?

Use of engine to avoid collision

 What are the practices on board for use of engines at sea
 OOW should not hesitate to use main engines but should be
aware of manoeuvring data and effect of using engines on
steering and manoeuvring
 ColRegs Rule 8 – any means necessary

Competency of pilot
 Procedures in place to ensure qualified, experienced pilots
 Procedures in place to deal with pilot under performance?
 Procedures in place to deal with pilot not fit for duty?
 OOW familiar with STCW pp159 – Navigation with a pilot
on board


Threat: Navigation under pilotage

Bridge team and resources management


Trade competency of personnel

Continuous on board training

Passage planning per SOLAS V/34

OOW aware of SOLAS Chapter V

OOW aware of STCW requirements

Recording positions

Proper lookout maintained at all times

Minimum bridge watchkeeping/manning levels

Radar, ECDIS and AIS systems

Use of engine to avoid collision

Competency of pilot


OOW familiar with forecasting and how to
‘read’ weather maps
 Training in meteorological reports and ‘reading’ weather

Receipt of regular weather forecasts

 Facsimile Wx reports explained in simple terms to junior or OOW
 Navtext weather reports received regularly
 Internet based or electronically supplied Wx reports – how to
use them?
 Weather updates plotted as required
 TRS reports plotted and understood (navigable and dangerous
semicircles/quadrants in storms and how to react)

When in tropical revolving storm (TRS) areas –

awareness of cloud formations
 TRS clouds massing (build up) areas to avoid – explain

Training of junior officers in meteorology

 Explanation of what, where, how and why to junior officers

Bridge team and resources management

 Bridge team management (BTM) procedures understood,
training undertaken?
 Bridge resource management (BRM) procedures understood
and training undertaken?
 Techniques practised in clear weather and in open sea?
 Applied in all circumstances on board?

Trade competency of personnel to perform

required duties
 Do all personnel have required certification for the jobs they do,
are these certificates valid?
 Training checks, HR and ship follow up on joining, full
familiarisation and training on board the vessel as required for
tasks to be performed

Standing and night orders issued

 Follow standing and night orders
 Call the master when required
 OOW familiar with ship’s limitations

 Stopping distances
 Turning circles
 Manoeuvring characteristics
 Is restricted visibility defined in nautical miles?


Threat: Adverse weather

OOW familiar with forecasting/weather maps

Receipt of regular weather forecasts

Awareness of cloud formations in TRS areas

Training of junior officers in meteorology

Bridge team and resources management


Trade competency of personnel

Standing and night orders issued


Bridge procedures
 Increased bridge manning requirements and watch keeping
 Equipment operation
 Passage planning
 Engine readiness
 Safe speed

Audio and visual warning systems in

reduced visibility
 Use of ship’s whistle, gong, bell, as applicable
 Vessel lighting systems

Bridge team and resources management

 Bridge team management (BTM) procedures understood,
training undertaken?
 Bridge resource management (BRM) procedures understood
and training undertaken?
 Techniques practised in clear weather and in open sea?
 Applied in all circumstances on board?

Dual redundant running lights with alarm on

light failure
 Navigation lights regularly checked – visually
 Alarm panels tested daily
 Spare lamps carried

Proper lookout maintained at all times by all

available means
 Almost 25% of collisions involve improper, poor or no lookout
 ColRegs Rule 5 – Every vessel must at all times keep a proper
lookout by sight, hearing and all available means
 Are there enough personnel on watch at all times?
 What watch keeping systems are in place on board ie 4 on
8 off/6 and 6/alternate/other?
 How do the watch keeping systems interact with port arrival/
departure requirements?

SOLAS collision regulations followed

 All collision regulations (steering and sailing rules) understood
by all navigation officers?

 Followed in collision avoidance – including, but not limited to:
- Following ColRegs requirements for communications via
whistle (daytime)
Signal light (night) if other vessel perceived not to be taking
sufficient action to avoid collision (Aldis lamp rigged)
- Rule 7 – Risk of collision – Use all available means to
determine risk of collision
- Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision – Positive, made in ample
time and due regard to good seamanship
 See also
- Rule 16 – Action by give-way vessel
- Rule 17 – Action by stand-on vessel
- Rule 18 – Responsibilities between vessels

Standing and night orders issued

 Follow standing and night orders
 Call the master when required
 OOW familiar with ship’s limitations
 Stopping distances
 Turning circles
 Manoeuvring characteristics
 Is restricted visibility defined in nautical miles?

Receipt of regular weather forecasts

 Facsimile Wx reports explained in simple terms to junior or OOW?
 Navtext weather reports received regularly?
 Internet based or electronically supplied Wx reports – how to
use them?
 Weather updates plotted as required?
 TRS reports plotted and understood (navigable and dangerous
semicircles/quadrants in storms and how to react)?


Threat: Reduced visibility

Bridge procedures

Audio and visual warning systems

Bridge team and resources management


Dual redundant running lights with alarm

Proper lookout maintained at all times

SOLAS collision regulations followed

Standing and night orders issued

Receipt of regular weather forecasts


Inspection and planned maintenance/greasing
 Anchor windlasses are regarded as ‘critical equipment’ under
the ISM code
 Planned maintenance procedures set up and followed?
 Joining shackles/swivels
 Worn chain and missing studs
 Lashings/compressor bar
 Records maintained of tests and overhauls
 Anchor windlasses are ‘critical equipment’
 Greasing should be conducted by a responsible petty officer

Crew familiarity with anchor equipment

 Training of all crew in use of equipment and systems?
 PPE available in area?

Anchor release points

 Bitter end pins free and greased (no split pins in securing them)?
 Large hammer standing by?

Receipt of regular weather forecasts

 Facsimile Wx reports explained in simple terms to junior or OOW?
 Navtext weather reports received regularly?
 Internet based or electronically supplied Wx reports – how to
use them?
 Weather updates plotted as required?
 TRS reports plotted and understood (navigable and dangerous
semicircles/quadrants in storms and how to react)?

Standing and night orders issued

 Follow standing and night orders
 Call the master when required
 OOW familiar with ship’s limitations
 Stopping distances
 Turning circles
 Manoeuvring characteristics
 Is restricted visibility defined in nautical miles?


Threat: Anchor failure

Inspection and planned maintenance/greasing

Crew familiarity with anchor equipment

Anchor release points

Receipt of regular weather forecasts

Standing and night orders issued


Inspection and planned maintenance
 Machinery and equipment in all areas is logged into an
inspection and PMS on board?
 Either a written (running hours) or computerised system is OK
 Must be adequate for the task (ISM Code requirement)
 Machinery manuals up-to-date?
 Manuals in a language understood by all the engineers?
 Regular inspections of all equipment, tools and machinery?
 Regular maintenance performed?
 Toolbox talks conducted before the job?
 Equipment in poor condition is removed from service?
 Replaced as soon as possible for safety?
 All personnel are instructed to inspect all equipment prior to use
 Replace any worn or dangerous seeming tools
 PPE, other equipment available prior to commencing

Alarm systems
 Alarms regularly tested
 No alarms by-passed or jumped
 No alarm ignored and no alarm PCB by-passed because of

Chief engineer’s standing orders

 Engineer OOW follows chief engineer’s standing orders
 Standing orders clear and in a language understood by all

Emergency systems and procedures

 Emergency systems and procedures understood by
engineer OOW?
 Training and familiarisation of all emergency systems?
 Emergency system tested and explained?
 Routine practice tests done in good weather and clear of land
each voyage?
 Awareness of flag state and USCG requirements (engine
astern testing for CFR actually carried out)?

Bridge OOW familiar with passage plan abort
 Close communications between OOW engine room and bridge
 Passage planning must be detailed
 No-go areas clearly marked?
 Abort procedures clearly understood?
 Emergency anchorage locations marked?

Anchors prepared in narrow channels and

under pilotage
 Standing procedure in place to have anchors prepared for
emergency use?
 Stand-by PO or senior rating forward (if required)


Threat: Loss of propulsion

Inspection and planned maintenance

Alarm systems

Chief engineer’s standing orders

Emergency systems/procedures (engineering)

Bridge OOW familiar with abort procedures?

Anchors prepared


Inspection and planned maintenance
 Planned maintenance system (PMS) in place?
 Inspections carried out at regular intervals each watch?
 See also SOLAS V Regulation 25 and 26

Alarm systems
 Alarms regularly tested?
 No alarms by-passed or jumped?
 No alarm ignored and no alarm PCB by-passed because of

Regular checks for leakages

 Leakage in steering flat – reported – no matter how small or

Header tank levels

 Header tank must be 80% full at all time
 Should be checked each watch (80% is the minimum working
level and should be clearly marked on the gauge)
 Ram type only – N/A to rotary vane Navigating officers familiar

Navigating officers familiar with emergency

 Emergency systems tested?
 Change over procedures understood?
 Procedures for using engines in an emergency?
 FU and NFU procedures understood?
 Both (all) systems on when approaching land – entering or
leaving port?

Emergency systems and procedures

 Training and familiarisation of all emergency systems?
 Emergency system tested and explained?
 Routine practice tests done in good weather and clear of land
each voyage?
 Awareness of flag state and USCG requirements?

Anchors prepared in narrow channels and
under pilotage
 Standing procedure in place to have anchors prepared for
emergency use
 Stand-by PO or senior rating forward (if required)


Threat: Loss of steering

Inspection and planned maintenance

Alarm systems

Regular checks for leakages

Header tank levels

Navigating officers familiar with emergency


Emergency systems/procedures (engineering)

Anchors prepared




Mooring stations/Bridge


Pilot/Bridge team
 Pilot/Master interchange and records


Threat: Communication


Mooring stations/Bridge


Pilot/Bridge team



Damage mitigation procedures
 What procedures are in place to help reduce the effects of a
collision incident, and how effective are they?
 All mitigation measures are logged?

Alarm/stop procedures
 Communications procedure in place for all incidents?
 General and fire alarms are functioning correctly?
 Verbal alarm raising system is defined and can be shown to be

Emergency drills/training
 Are drills/training procedures in place to cope with high
risk incidents?
 Fire drills?
 Lifeboat and abandon ship drills?
 MOB rescue drills to include Williamson Turn and deployment
of all equipment?
 Anti pollution drills?
 Emergency steering drills?
 Medical emergency drills and rescues for various areas of
the vessel?
 Pollution drills – bunker leak, cargo leak, grounding,
collision, etc?
 Watertight integrity drills – watertight doors, bulkhead
valves, etc?
 Ballasting procedures in the event of a hull breach?

Emergency equipment adequacy/availability

 Is the ship’s equipment available/adequate to deal with high risk
- Fixed fire equipment?
- Portable fire equipment?
- EEBD and location suitability for all breathing apparatus?
- Lifebuoys?
- Life rafts?
- Lifeboats?
- MOB boats or designated MOB boats?
- MOB equipment including scrambling nets?
- Thermal protective aids – LSA and FFE?
- Fire plans, external and internal?
- Crew lists?
- Ventilation plans?
- Damage control plans?
- First aid equipment?
- Vessel hospital, medical equipment and treatment on board
as required?
- Standard of hospital?
- Stretchers and equipment overall?
- Suitable portable winch equipment for enclosed spaces?
 Are crew familiar with the equipment?

Emergency reporting/communication
 Are there reporting procedures in place and understood if an
incident occurs?
 Reporting to owner, charterer, P&I correspondent?
 Categorisation of incident?
 Timing of incident?
 Communication requirements?
 Who was informed on board / on shore?
- When?
- How?
- Why?
- What did they do?
 Records of communications (ship management, third parties,
national authorities, P&I, etc)?
 Letters of protest:
- Are there procedures in place for issuing letters of protest?
- Are the reasons for issuing letters of protest understood?
- For all incidents, LOP should be issued and, where possible,
notorised, signed for receipt, etc
- Copies retained on file on board and entered in the evidence
log for use in defending the claim should it arise?

Record keeping/evidence retention

 Information required to help process claims:
- Log books preserved and records tallied with bell books
(movement book – deck and engine)
- Charts preserved and records kept as evidentiary chain
- Voyage data recorder (VDR) information properly preserved
and evidence used?
- Time of the incident GMT and local time?
- What happened and to whom?
- Where did it happen?
- When did it happen?
- What were they doing at the time?
- What were the immediate consequences?
- Full list of witnesses to the incident
- Witness statements
- Electronic records of ships operational position at the time of
the incident
- Operational status of vessel: at sea, in port, tank cleaning,
cargo operations, mooring, etc.
- Records of casualty communications and third party
responses (salvors, other vessels, etc)
 Weather conditions:
- Description of incident environment (hot, cold, stuffy, dark,
confined, moving machinery, etc)
- Description of weather
- Description of sea state
 Use of NI publication The Mariner’s Role in Collecting Evidence
 Photos of incident and location time/date stamped, camera set
up recorded, full description given in title and/or in comments
field under properties
 Photos to be secured from tampering by using security settings
under properties
 Layout diagram
 Ship’s logs

Capability of crew to deal with incident

 How capable is the crew to deal with the incident?
 Competence of individuals involved in incident (recruitment,
certification, training records, fitness to work (medical records)?
 Fatigue factors: hours of work/rest, time on shift?
 Contracted time on board vessel?
 Actual time on board vessel current period?
 Competence of individuals involved in response?
 Experience of crew involved in the incident?
 Language barriers of crew/shore personnel involved, if any?

Use of third party assistance

 Procedures for contacting third parties for assistance in the
event of an incident
 By phone, radio, satellite link, etc

 General advice:
- Club correspondent
 Stability advice:
- Collision – classification society
- Authorities
- Harbour master

Learning from incidents

 Are lessons learned from previous incidents?
 Incident/accident report correctly filled in?
 Incident is raised at safety meetings and full crew meetings:
- Discussion of what went wrong and how this can be avoided
in future
 Incident is discussed and appraised at Company level:
- Actions to avoid future incidents are discussed and taken,
improving barriers
 Incident promulgated to full fleet to avoid duplication, if possible
 Incident promulgated industry wide, if appropriate, to enhance
safety culture
 Full risk assessment undertaken to improve barriers/controls in
on board checklists
 Toolbox talks, job hazard awareness (JHA) systems and others,
as appropriate, in all fleet vessels



Damage mitigation procedures

Alarm/stop procedures

Emergency drills/training

Emergency equipment adequacy/availability

Emergency reporting/communication procedures

Record keeping/evidence retention

Capability of crew to deal with incident

Use of third party assistance

Learning from incidents


Following the well-known definition:
the Club has analysed the number and value of the Club’s claims to
prioritise high risk areas and determine what the THREATS are that
cause these claims. Then, with the aid of those at the sharp end – our
correspondents, surveyors, claims executives and underwriters and
last but not least important, our crews – we have sought to determine
what CONTROLS – be it engineered, procedural or managerial –
have mitigated such claims, or would have done so if they had been
in place. Those threats and controls can then be targeted for
assessment, either with the help of the Club’s own risk assessors,
or by Members themselves in conjunction with their crews.

Although sixty per cent of UK Club claims are caused by ‘human

error’, human error is often only ‘the straw that breaks the camel’s
back’ – the last event in a chain of causal events.

These causal events can normally be traced back to failures in one

or more areas of ship operation, we sometimes refer to them as
‘accidents waiting to happen’

How can we reduce the frequency of these ‘accidents waiting to

happen’. What ‘controls’ should we be looking at to ensure the
‘threat’ is contained and an ‘incident’ does not occur?
For further information please contact:
Loss Prevention Department, Thomas Miller P&I Ltd
Tel: +44 20 7204 2329 Fax +44 20 7283 6517
Email: lossprevention.ukclub@thomasmiller.com

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