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The TEMPERATURE in Baguio City last Continuous

NUMBER OF PERSON in a family Discrete
AVERAGE MONTHLY INCOME of families Continuous
in Manila
AMOUNT OF TIME spent surfing the internet Continuous
per week
COST of monthly phone bills Continuous

AGE OF BABIES admitted at MMC for Continuous

treatment of Bronchopneumonia in a year
THE VOLUME OF CONTENTS of a soft Continuous
drink per bottle in ounces
TAX DECLARATION of employees of MMC Continuous
NET WEIGHT (in grams) of packaged cereal Continuous

Student identification card number Nominal

Ages of companies in Makati Business Club Ratio

Marital status of clients in a certain bank Nominal

Temperatures measured in Degree Celsius Interval

Nationality of certain individuals Nominal

Beauty contest winners Ordinal
Medical record number assigned by the Nominal
Monthly salary of employees in MMC CAST Ratio
Income category (high, average, low) Ordinal
Religious affiliation of residents at Barangay A Nominal
Height of a new born baby Continuous
The population of Metro Manila recorded last Discrete
The number of days in January Ordinal
The waist line of Binibining Pilipinas Ratio
Which of the following is an example of a Marital status of 50% selected from a large city
Which of these variables is continuous? Temperature in Baguio
The opinion (very satisfactory, satisfactory, Ordinal
poor) of faculty members in the performance
of the college dean
Patients involved in different diseases 42 Nominal
leukemia, 26 cancer patients and 10
tuberculosis. This is an example of what data?
The hotline number of a police station Nominal
The following variables can be classified to Gender
ordinal except
Dosage of medicine intake by a COVID 19 Continuous
The height of patient Ratio
The signals of typhoons when classes were Ordinal
suspended in August
Which of the following can only be classified Temperature
as interval in levels of measurement?
The level (high or low) of water in Laguna lake Ordinal
Blood type in the blood bank Qualitative
Degrees of Burn of a patient Ordinal
The number of registered voters who did not Discrete
exercise their right to vote
The eye grade of patient having "katarata" Interval
Number of syringe in an operation Discrete
It gives information, inferences and Inferential Statistics
implications regarding by studying its
representative example
Which one of the following variables is Population
categorized as discrete?
The recent numbers of students enrolled in Discrete
The religion of six senators – elect in Qualitative
Presidential election
Marital Status of patients Qualitative
Statistics is a branch of Mathematics that deals Interpretation
with the collection, organization, presentation,
computation and (?) of data
The zodiac sign of a lotto winner Nominal
Pain of patients categories as mild, moderate, Ordinal
extreme, horrible and excruciating
The number of pages in a BioStatistics book Ordinal
The students who received honors on their Ordinal
recognition program
The permanent address of the President of the Nominal
Which of the following variables is Educational attainment of a faculty
The temperature on earth when it is on the Interval
farthest distance from the sun
Description of urine of a patient Qualitative
A small representative of a population Sample


What is Biostatistics? It is the application of statistics to problems in

the biological sciences, health and medicine.
Biostatistics Biostatistics comprises ideas and methods for
quantifying the evidence in data to distinguish
among competing hypotheses, for estimating
unknown characteristics of populations, and
for quantifying the uncertainty in those
What is Statistics? -Collection
Division of Statistics Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics
Descriptive Statistics It deals with the collection, organization,
presentation and computation of data to
describe the samples under investigation
Inferential Statistics It gives information, inferences, and by
implications regarding the population by
studying its representative samples
Examples of descriptive statistics -Results presented in a medical record of
-Some investigators have proposed that
consumption of Vitamin A prevents cancer
-The chance a new born baby is female is
slightly less than 50%
Examples of inferential statistics -Smoking increase the risk of lung cancer
-Majority who died of lung cancer and liver
caner are males
-Drinking decaffeinated coffee can raise
cholesterol levels by 7%
Population and Sample -Entire group of scores
-Score of students in class
-All children of any age who have older or
younger siblings
-Study on siblings, the 40 children
who actually participated in one
specific study
What is Variables? Variables :
Quantitative -Age
-Number of siblings
-Number of patients
Qualitative -Gender
-Blood type
-Marital status
-Student number
Continuous quantitative variables -Age
-Population rate
Discrete quantitative variables -Number of siblings
-Number of patients


Levels of measurement -Nominal level

-Ordinal level
-Interval level
-Ratio level
Nominal level It is characterized by data that consists of
names, labels or categories only, and the data
cannot be arranged in an ordering scheme
Nominal level examples -Courses offered of MMC CAST
-Classifying surveys Subject as male or female
Blood type of patient
-Blood type of patient
Ordinal level It invoIves data that may be arranged in some
order, but differences between data values
either cannot be determined or are meaningless
Ordinal level examples -Performances (good, better, best)
-Stages of cancer
Interval level It is like ordinal level but meaningful amounts
of differences can be determined between data.
Data at this level may lack an inherent zero
starting point
Interval level examples -Temperature
Ratio level It is a modified form of interval level which
include the inherent zero starting point. For
values at this level, differences and ratios are
Ratio level examples -Scores



n = N / 1 + Ne2

n = sample size
N = Population size
e = desired marginal error usually 5% or 0.05

Find the sample if the populations size is 250 at 95% accuracy

n = 250 / 1 + 250 (0.05)2

= 153.85
= 154

Therefore at 95%, we can take a sample of 154 members from a population of 250
What is the required samples for the population of 500 using 2% margin error?

n = 500 / 1 + 500 (0.02) 2

= 416. 67
= 417

Therefore at 2% marginal error, we can take a sample of 417 respondents from a population of
n = 0.96 N / 0.0025 N + 0.96

n = sample size
N = population size
Find the required sample size of the following using the Lynch Formula

n = 0.96 (250) / 0.0025 (250) + 0.96

= 151.42

n = 0.96 (1500) / 0.0025 (1500) + 0.96

= 305.73
= 306


Sampling techniques Sampling techniques it refers to The process of

selecting the subjects who will participate in a
research study

Sampling Techniques

-Probability sampling
Simple random sampling
Systematic sampling
Stratified sampling
Cluster sampling
Multi – Stage sampling
-Non-probability sampling
Convenience sampling
Purposive sampling
Snowball sampling

Simple random sampling The basic type and most popular sampling
design. This is one in which each member of
the population has an equal chance of being

Systematic Sampling
It involves selecting every nth element in the population until the desired number samples is

To find the nth element,

nth = N / n

N = 470
n = 216.09
n = 217

nth = 470 / 217

= 2.17

 B
 D
 F
 H

Stratified sampling This is the process of subdividing the

population into subgroups und ring members
at random from each group in the same
proportion as they exist in the population.
Steps on stratified sampling:

1. Identify the population

2. Determine the sample size
3. Identify the strata
4. Determine the number of respondents to be selected from each stratum

N = 250

N1 = 150 (60%)

N2 = 100 (40%)
n = 154

Cluster sampling The selection of groups or clusters of subjects

rather than individuals. The sampling design is
used when the population is very large and
widely spread out over a wide geographical
Multi-Stage sampling This design is extended version of cluster in
sampling. The population units are grouped in
hierarchy of elements and population
sampling are done successively
Convenience sampling This design remains resorted to when it is
extremely difficult to select a random sample.
Thus, a researcher simply takes the closest
persons who are available for the study
Purposive sampling This design is also known as judgemental
sampling. A purposive sample is selected
because the individuals have special
qualifications of some sort
Snowball sampling This design requires identification of a few
persons whose qualifications meet the
purposes of the study. These persons serve as
informants leading the researcher to other
individuals who qualify for inclusion in the


Methods of collecting data -Direct method or interview method

-The indirect or questionnaire method
-Observation method
-Telephone Interview
Direct method or interview method One of the most effective methods of
collecting original data

-It can give complete information needed in
the study
-It can yield inaccurate information
-The interviewer may cheat by turning in
dishonest responses if their expected or desired
responses are not obtained
The indirect or questionnaire method The easiest method of data gathering. It should
be attractive, the direction must be precise,
clear and self-explanatory
Registration Through this method, the respondents provide
information in compliance with certain laws,
policies, rules, regulations, decrees and
standard policies
Observation method Utilized to gather data regarding attitudes
behavior, values, cultural patterns of the
sample under investigation
Experiments It is applied to collect or gather data if the
investigator wants to control the factors
affecting variable being studied
Telephone interview It can be utilized if the questions to be asked
are brief and few


Textular/Textual Method Is a weak means of presenting quantitative

comparison or relations among quantitative or
numerical data attractively and interestingly
Tabular Method It is more effective way of presenting
relationships or comparison of numerical data.
It provides a more precise, systematic and
orderly presentation of data in rows and
Graphical Method It is the most effective method of presenting
statistical results or findings

-Bar graph
-Pie graph
-Line graph

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