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Purge Gas Purification and Recovery in

Ammonia Plants
Discussion of design considerations, construction, and operating experience of a
hydrogen recovery unit. It reviews the benefits and operating considerations of running
two ammonia plants through a single purification unit.
R. Harmon
Agrico Chemical Co.
Verdigris, OK
W.H. Isalski
Petrocarbon Developments Ltd.
Manchester, England

Cryogenic recovery of hydrogen from ammonia troll er, then cooled and recycled to the
plant purge gas is becoming more attractive absorber. Ammonia product from the regene-
as costs of feedstock and energy continue to ration column overheads is condensed and used
skyrocket. for reflux. Excess ammonia is combined with
the inert purge from the regeneration pres-
The following reviews the construction sure controller and sub-cooled in a chiller
and start-up of a Hydrogen Recovery Unit at by Agrico, then sent to cold product storage.
Agrico Chemical's Verdigris Plant, with input
from the designer, Petrocarbon Developments Feed gas leaving the absorber then enters
Ltd. The unit .recovers hydrogen from two one of two molecular sieve adsorbers where
1150 STPD Kellogg ammonia plant purge streams. residual ammonia together with water from the
absorption system is removed. The adsorbers
PROCESS DESCRIPTION operate on a fixed time sequence so that one
is on line and the other undergoes regene-
Hydrogen recycle gas is produced from the ration.
purge gas in two main stages, a pre-treatment
section and the cryogenic section. An overall Low temperature section
process schematic is shown in Figure 1.
The dry, ammonia free purge gas from the
Pre-treatment section adsorbers enters the cold box where the gas
is cooled in an exchanger using hydrogen
Raw purge gas enters the unit through a product and fuel gas streams for refrigera-
control valve, reducing the pressure to 1000 tion. Supplementary ammonia refrigeration is
psig (6895kPa). The gas then passes through a used on start-ups and can be discontinued
pre-heater and is admitted to the base of an during normal operation. A vapor/liquid
ammonia absorption column. Ammonia is removed phase separation in a feed gas separator is
from the gas by absorption in a lean aqueous used to produce a hydrogen rich vapor phase
ammonia solution. and a liquid phase containing a large pro-
portion of methane and argon with some nitro-
Rich aqueous solution is withdrawn from gen and a small amount of dissolved hydrogen.
the base of the absorber, pre-heated and The overall rejection of the i nerts (argon
passed into the regeneration column. Heat for and methane) is therefore high. Typically,
the regeneration is provided by a reboiler 90% of the argon and methane in the feed is
using medium pressure steam. Hot lean solution condensed and subsequently rejected to fuel
is drawn off the reboiler thru a level con- gas. This is the main objective of the plant.
0149-3701/81/4401 $02.00 © 1981 AlChE







Figure 1. Simplified flow diagram of hydrogen recovery unit.

Depending on the operating conditions and the along with the injected hydrogen and then
feed gas composition, the hydrogen product evaporated and reheated to approximately
should contain 87 to 90% hydrogen, with inerts ambient temperature by the incoming feed gas.
between 2.2% and 1%, see Figure 2.
This fuel gas stream is split after
leaving the cold box to provide a sidestream
which is used for regeneration of the mole
90 sieve. The regeneration gas is recombined
with the fuel product and is returned to the
-89 ammonia plants for use as fuel in the primary
reformer arch burners.
87 The main component of the cold box is an
aluminum exchanger constructed of a series
of finned plates which are dip-brazed to-
gether. This arrangement allows the counter
flow of multiple streams through the ex-
85 changer. The design specifications and con-
1.0 2.0 3.0 struction of this exchanger are probably the
% AR+CH« IN H, PRODUCT most critical aspects to be considered if
satisfactory performance of the unit is to
Figure 2. Variation of H2 product composition and be obtained. Consideration must be given to
inerts content in H2 product. the actual flow rate and percentage of inerts
To assist re-evaporation of liquids which in the ammonia plant purge gas. The impor-
provides cooling to the feed gas, a quantity tance of this can be shown by listing the
of hydrogen product is injected down stream of gases available for producing Joule-Thompson
the separator level control valve. This quan- refrigeration in order of significance.
tity is variable with rate, feed gas composi-
tion and other factors, but must be kept to a Methane - The component of purge gas
minimum to obtain highest hydrogen recovery. that will condense at
higher temperatures than
The hydrogen product stream is warmed to the others. On separation,
approximately ambient temperature in heat ex- expansion and re-evapo-
change with the incoming feed gas and then re- ration it will be the best
turns to the synthesis gas compressors in the aid to/the Joule-Thompson
ammonia plants. The liquid phase from the effect.
separator is expanded to fuel gas pressure

Nitrogen - Although it gives a lower CONSTRUCTION AND PRE-COMMISSIONING
Joule-Thompson effect than
methane, it is available Several items are worth emphasizing here that
at higher percentages than may be of help to anyone considering the ad-
methane and argon, there- dition of a Hydrogen Recovery Unit.
fore its refrigeration
effect is also signifi- The most important factor is when and how
cant. to effect the process tie-ins.
Argon - The volume percentage and The tie-ins necessary to incorporate the
condensing temperature are Hydrogen Recovery Unit to one or more existing
lower than methane. Part ammonia plants can best be accomplished during
of the volume present as a plant turnaround. A brief description of
gas will produce some re- these follows:
1. A tee and gate valve were installed
Hydrogen - Present mainly in vapor upstream of the loop purge flow
phase at these tempera- control valve. This allowed com-
tures. A small amount will pletion of the tie-in after turn-
be dissolved in the liquid. around by addition of a second con-
The hydrogen supplies trol valve. This valve works on
least amount of Joule- split range control with the existing
Thompson refrigeration. control valve. With this arrangement
In fact, high concentra- good control of the loop purge flow
tions of hydrogen can be is maintained when switching to hyd-
detrimental to the overall rogen recovery feed.
refrigeration balance.
2. A valve was installed to return the
Therefore, the feed gas composition is of fuel gas product to the primary re-
importance, in that higher percentages of former fuel system. This tie-in was
methane, argon and nitrogen favor refrigera- made to the existing purge to fuel
tion balance. The cold box exchanger heat line.
transfer balance, should therefore be calcu-
lated using actual operating data from the 3. Tie-ins were made for refrigerant
ammonia plant covering the whole range of supply and return, also for ammonia
purge gas compositions and flowrates. product return.
Operating difficulties can develop in 4. The product hydrogen return tie-in
obtaining and controlling the low temperatures was made between the intercoolers
in the cold box unless a correct range of in- for the second stage suction to the
erts and flow range of the ammonia purge gas synthesis gas compressors, (116-C
is specified during the design of a unit. and 129-C). This allows cooling of
the return hydrogen to normal suction
For example, the material balance data temperature.
supplied by Kellogg for Agrico's ammonia
units indicates a purge gas methane content 5. All utility tie-ins were also made.
of 11.4%. But, this data is usually based These include medium and low pressure
on "worst case" conditions, such as deterior- steam, nitrogen, instrument air, de-
ating catalyst activity in the primary re- mineralized water, return "condensate
former or shift converters,-which will tend and cooling water.
to increase methane. Another factor that can
affect the synthesis loop purge is the hydro- START-UP OF THE UNIT
gen-nitrogen ratio. This ratio is commonly
held at a lower value than the 3:1 design, Start-up of the unit is accomplished using
which will increase argon and decrease methane the feed from one ammonia plant. The product
percentages. The actual methane in the purge hydrogen and fuel are returned to the same
analysis at the Verdigris plant averages 9.5%. plant from which the feed is supplied. In-
Keeping in mind that methane provides the most troducing the feed from the second ammonia
Joule-Thompson refrigeration, one can under- plant is done by slowly unblocking the split
stand the error that can be made if the 11.4% range purge flow control valve. With the unit
figure is used for design. being used to increase production, the opera-

tors simply increase the air flow to the must be increased to maintain cold end temp-
ammonia plant secondary reformers to control eratures. This results in decreased hydro-
the loop ratios. gen recovery. However, this problem has
During the initial start-up of the unit, only developed at ambient temperatures above
several problems occurred which have subse- 105T (314°K).
quently been remedied.
1. A leak developed in the cold box.
This was detected by sampling of the
cold box nitrogen purge. The cause
was later found to be a leaking
bonnet gasket on the separator out-
let block valve.
2. The design cold end temperatures were Table 1. Range of gas compositions during initial
impossible to obtain, even with hyd- operation of unit. H2 Recovery = 90 + 92%
rogen injection to the fuel gas at
maximum. This has been corrected FEED GAS HVOROGEN PRODUCT FUEL GAS
after discussions between Petrocarbon COMPONENT
Composition - Mole % Composition - Mole % Composition - Mole %

and Stewart-Warner, the exchanger Hydrogen 62.9 - 63.7 86.9 - 87.8 14.2 - 15.3

manufacturer concluded that although Nitrogen

- 21.2
- 5.44

the exchanger was adequately surfaced Methane

- 10.78
- 2.5
0.91 - 1.05 29.2 - 31.2

some maldistribution could occur into Temperature °F -5 60 60

the fuel gas passages at the cold end Pressure psig 1050 92S-950 45-47

of the exchanger. A specially de- Flowrale ISCFHI Design:

signed baffle plate distribution
system was installed to disperse the
liquid and vapor phases of the fuel
stream across the exchanger cold end.
This modification was performed by The product hydrogen and fuel Flows are
Stewart-Warner, the manufacturer. returned equally to the ammonia plants, each
plant using 50%. The unit can also operate
3. Cavitation in the lean aqua circu- at reduced rate with one ammonia plant.
lation pumps during hot weather and
numerous packing failures was cor- With the ammonia plants operating at
rected by increasing the size of the 110-115% production rate, the feed flow to
suction piping. the Hydrogen Recovery Unit averages 584,000
SCFH (16,53Qm3/Hr). From this, ammonia re-
PLANT PERFORMANCE covered in the water wash section is approxi-
mately six tons per day. The additional
A range of gas flow compositions encountered production from recycled hydrogen averages 70-
during the plant performance run are shown 80 tons per day. Table 2 illustrates a typi-
in Table 1. cal mass balance with the unit operating at
maximum hydrogen recovery.
The optimum conditions for increased
ammonia production are attained by allowing The onstream time for the unit has been
the hydrogen purity to vary between 87-88%, 80% since the start-up in January of this
with an inert level of 1.6-2.0%. This can year. The down time was a result of repair-
be accomplished with no hydrogen injection to ing the leak in the cold box and to install
fuel, resulting in hydrogen recovery of 94-95% the baffles discussed under start-up of the
and maximum recovery of nitrogen. unit.

At the initial start-up of the unit, When comparing the benefits of having
ambient temperatures in this area were aver- one unit to recover hydrogen from two ammonia
aging 20°F (266°K). The unit has since plants versus a separate recovery unit for
operated in ambient temperatures to 110 F each plant, savings in construction costs
(316K). A noticeable effect in plant per- would be the primary factor. Agrico has in-
formance occurs with higher ambient tempera- stalled recovery units on our ammonia plants
tures, and the hydrogen injection to fuel at Donaldsonville, Louisiana and Blytheville,

Arkansas. The Verdigris unit was installed Table 2. Current cold box mass balance with unit
for 900,000 dollars less than the combined operating at highest hydrogen recovery. H2 Recovery =
cost of the other two single train plants. 94.6%
Operator time which amounts to approximately FEED GAS HYDROGEN PRODUCT FUEL GAS
two hours per day is another benefit. With COMPONENT
Composition - Mote B* Composition- Mole e. Composition - Mole ".

separate units, it could require two operators Hydrogen

at two hours per day. Maintenance cost should Argon 5.54
also be about half for a single unit compared Methane

Temperature I'FI -5 60 60
to two units. Pressure Ipsig]
Flowrate ISCFHI
1.050 925-950

GLEN COMBS, IMC: In the ammonia plants, there in service but we don't have to inject the hydrogen
are slight traces of helium present. How does this for additional cooling except as I mentioned when
unit go for this helium and do you need separate the temperature is very high outside.
purge on your single train to remove the helium? Do B.F. RYAN, NET, Ireland: We are presently evalu-
you see any influence on the reformer firing or the ating hydrogen recovery. Could I ask a question
synthesis loop pressure or inerts when you depres- relating to another interesting area which was not
surize and repressurize the ammonia adsorbers covered by the two papers presented and that
from service to regeneration? concerns relatively new area of prism separators?
HARMON: We don't have any problem with helium Could we hear from somebody who has that process
in the gas. The adsorption system works automa- in operation and what their experience has been?
tically on time sequence; the valves open and close REPRESENTATIVE, Monsanto Chemical Co.: I'll
automatically when the unit that has been regen- offer a comment on that and more or less update on
erated with the fuel gas stream is pressuring up to a paper we presented last year. Our commercial
system pressure. We see no change other than a prism unit has now been in operation for about a
slight increase in the indication on the feed-gas flow year. It still operates successfully. The hydrogen
to the unit. The loop purge flow controllers in the recovery is about 87 to 88%. The energy saving in
ammonia units are on automatic and this has pre- the plant, which is the way we operate, about 0.6 to
sented no problem. On depressurization to the fuel 0.7 million Btu/ton.
gas header we put in redundant pressure switches G. ASHTON, Petrocarbon Development, Ltd.: I'd
to make sure that we don't have any upsets in the like to comment on the last question, comparison
fuel gas system in the reformers and we see no between the prism units and the cryogenic routes.
problem. We have several alarms for high pressure Our comparison shows that the cryogenic process
and low pressure on the fuel gas system in the has higher hydrogen recovery, higher nitrogen
ammonia plants; the high pressure alarm goes on as recovery and a lower inert recycle to the synthesis
the pressure rises four or five pounds. Normally, the loop. The Agrico unit which Bob has discussed is
fuel gas returning from the hydrogen recovery unit currently working with 94% hydrogen recovery
runs about 45 to 55 pounds. against about 87% which was just mentioned for the
COMBS: Have you considered using the ammonia prism separator.
refrigerant stream shown on the process diagram in WERNER, BASF, Germany: Yes, in oxidation, do
continuous service to enable you to lessen the you mean wet corrosion? In our paper, I mentioned
amount of high-pressure hydrogen product injected some problems we had with storage of construction
to fuel to maintain cold box temperature? The materials. The distribution trays and pall rings in the
design of the unit calls for that ammonia exchanger absorber and regenerator are made of carbon steel
to be in service at all times. and they were left out in the weather and had
HARMON: At one time, during a shutdown in the presented quite a problem because the system was
ammonia plant the operators neglected to block in dirty during start-up due to rust formation. The
water to our product ammonia. The supply for this problem of getting wet the stellte material in your
exchanger was the first thing on the line, so the molecular sieves. What's that background? The
exchanger was filled with water. The hydrogen stellte material that is used in the adsorbers can be
recovery unit was still in service with the number ruined if it gets wet. When we were installing the
one ammonia plant. The exchanger froze up. So, we stellte, it started raining. We didn't ruin the stellte,
ran for several months with it frozen until we shut but we did have to discontinue installation and
down to repair the valve on the separator outlet. cover everything for our protection of the material.
During the hot summer, we have left the refrigeration


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