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Environmental Report (continued) Consultation

The Environmental Report will accompany the two new Considerable environmental planning has been undertaken to minimise the environmental impact of
planning applications for the proposed development the proposals and, as part of our consultation process, we want to give you the opportunity to comment
being submitted to East Lothian and Scottish Borders prior to the new planning applications being made to East Lothian and Scottish Borders Councils for
Councils. A Pre-Application Consultation Report, and consent to construct the Crystal Rig Substation Extension.
Design and Access Statement will also accompany the
You can see these proposals by visiting our Exhibition at:
Spott Village Hall (Spott, EH42 1RJ): 24th & 25th April 2017 between the hours of 12 noon to 8pm. Crystal Rig 400kV Substation Extension
SPT staff and environmental consultants will be available at the Exhibition to discuss the proposals on
Tuesday 25th April 2017.
A copy of the Environmental Report providing further details of the proposed development and specialist
environmental assessments is available to view on the Internet at:
Crystal R
ig Substa Direct access can be made to the website by scanning the QR code
tion Exte
nsion with your smartphone.

If you wish to make any comments on this proposal, you can do so by
Crys contacting us at either the following email or postal address no later
tal R
ig Su
than Friday 16th June 2017.
or by writing to:
Crystal Rig Project Manager
Design a
nd Acces
s Statem Cry Scottish Power EnergyNetworks
ent sta
l Ri Ochil House
10 Technology Avenue
Ext Hamilton International Technology Park
Pre- ion
Appl Blantyre
n Co
nsult G72 0HT

Env Consultation Leaflet – We’d like to find out what you think
l Re Please note that any comments made during
t_T this Consultation are not representations to the
ech Local Planning Authority, who will determine the
al A
ppe subsequent planning applications for consent.
ces Following the submission of the planning

© ScottishPower 2017
applications, interested parties will have the
opportunity to make representations to East
Lothian and Scottish Borders Councils on these
Project Need Proposed Development Environmental Report
SP Energy Networks (SPEN), through its transmission To comply with its statutory and licence obligations, The proposed Crystal Rig Substation Extension is alignment and top of slope heights as approved under Environmental specialists have undertaken an On review, the environmental effects are either Minor
licence holder Scottish Power Transmission plc (SPT), SPT must provide the proposed NNG wind farm with a located within East Lothian and Scottish Borders, the the planning permissions in 2013. The earth bund assessment of the proposed amendments to the or represent No Change to those as reported in the
proposes to construct an extension to the existing connection to the existing transmission system. site straddling the administrative boundary between will retain the majority of the cut-and-fill excavated Crystal Rig Substation Extension. The findings are Environmental Report, which accompanied the two
400kV Crystal Rig Substation located approximately The proposed NNG wind farm is located in the Outer the two Council areas. Planning permission was materials on site, with only unsuitable material detailed in an Environmental Report covering the approved planning applications in 2013. No Significant
10km south of Dunbar. The extension is required to Forth Estuary. Development consents for the NNG wind obtained from both Councils to construct the Crystal removed off site. following topics: Landscape and Visual; Heritage; environmental effects are therefore predicted by the
allow the proposed Neart na Gaoithe (NNG) offshore farm were granted in September and October 2014. Rig Substation Extension in 2013. To the south of the existing Crystal Rig Substation, an Ecology; and Hydrology. amended proposals.
wind farm to connect to the electricity network. Subsequently RSPB sought a judicial review of two of Since obtaining the planning permissions, new extension to allow the connection of Aikengall II wind As agreed with the Council, potential Traffic and
SPT has a statutory duty “to develop and maintain the consents granted by Scottish Ministers. The two electrical engineering safety clearance standards farm is currently under construction. A new temporary Transport effects shall be handled as for the previous
an efficient, co-ordinated and economical system decisions were found to be unlawful and quashed have been introduced which require the Substation construction access road has been established to planning permissions by imposing conditions on
of electricity transmission” under section 9 of the in July 2016. Scottish Ministers have reclaimed Extension electrical compound area to be increased facilitate the development. It is now considered that any consent, such as the requirement for a Traffic
Electricity Act 1989 (as amended by the Utilities (appealed) against the decision to reduce the consents in size from 95m x 137m to 100m x 144m (an this road would provide a more appropriate route for Management Plan.
Act 2000). It is also subject to licence conditions and a judgement is expected later in 2017. increase overall of 5m in width x 7m in length). traffic engaged in the construction of the Crystal Rig
requiring it to enter into an agreement with the In addition, the proposed development construction Substation Extension.
system operator to carry out works and obtain method has identified the requirement for an A dedicated route for construction traffic will minimise
consents necessary to facilitate connections for Crystal Rig Subs
enlarged temporary compound area primarily for any potential conflicts associated with traffic engaged tation Extension
generators. the storage of material and management of surface in carrying out the onshore works associated with the
Location and Proposed water in accordance with best practice guidelines. NNG offshore. It will also ensure that any potential
A1 Operational and A construction programme of approximately 21 traffic conflicts with operational traffic using the
Temporary Construction months is currently considered necessary for the existing access road to the Crystal Rig Substation
Access Routes proposed Crystal Rig Substation Extension. are minimised. The access road to the Substation
The earthworks to accommodate the amended Extension originally proposed for use by all traffic shall Viewpoint 1_Watch Law Access Track
Example photomontage of the proposed Substation Extension.
electrical compound area have been rechecked by therefore be used for operational purposes only. Existing

SPT engineers and will retain the approved ridgeline

Existing Crystal Rig Substation


A1 Environmental Re
Public Right of Way Proposed Crystal Rig port Proposed
Approved NNG Wind Farm Substation
Proposed Crystal Rig
Substation Extension
Existing Crystal Rig Substation

Wind Turbine
Substation Extension,
Thurston Innerwick
Manor Crystal Rig
Wind Farm &
Access and Temporary
Construction Compounds
Approved Neart na Gaoithe
Wind Farm Substation
Mast (12/00922/PM)
Thurston Proposed Temporary Zone of Theoretical Visibility with proposed Earthworks

Halls Mains Compound

The Environmental Report

is available to view on the internet
5 Proposed Crystal Rig Existing 400kV Overhead

Substation +308m

(see Consultation Section for details).

+316m +298m
Crystal Rig
Wind Farm & Substation +318m +320m
Existing Crystal Rig
Operational Access Wind Turbine No 6
Proposed Earth Bund
Crystal Rig

Proposed Proposed Swale Approved Crystal Rig

Substation Aikengall II
Substation Extension

Operational Wester Aikengall +318m Extension (12/00347) Proposed NNG Substation

Proposed Temporary
emporary under construction
Access Compound
Existing Crystal Rig Substation
ou ndar Proposed Aikengall II Substation
cil B
dary ers C
oun Bord
cil B ttish Wind Turbine No 20
oun Sco
ian C
Proposed East
Loth + Friardykes Dod 334m
Planning Application East Lothian Council
Crystal Rig Proposed Construction Boundary

Substation Access Wind Turbine No 7

Proposed Construction
Access using the
Proposed Temporary
Extension Compound Existing Aikengall II Scottish Borders Council
Extension Construction
Aikengall Wind Farm B. ase map reproduced from OS Access

Crystal Rig 1:50,000 with the permission of n Existing 400kV Overhead Line ad

HMSO. Crown copyright and database rhe

Wind Farm Zone of Theoretical Visibility

Wind Turbine No 21 Ove
Wind Turbine 00
n stin
right (01-04-09). All rights reserved.
0 50 100 150 200 250m
0 1km 2km 3km
SP OS Licence No 100019036.
Public Right of Way
with proposed Earthworks

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