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Diokno, Jake Lawrence D.


Informative, Persuasive and Arguement Communication

1. Informative vs. persuasive speeches An informative speech is just intended to provide given
information in order to educate and instruct the audience. The goal of a persuasive speech is to
persuade you to believe or do something specific. This means that informed speeches are
easier to deliver because the stakes are lower.

An informative speech tries to educate the audience on a certain subject. A persuasive speech
is intended to persuade the audience to take a specific action or to embrace the speaker's idea
or attitude.



Know who you're talking to. What do you think you know? Advantages and
What aspects of the topic do Make a list of everything you disadvantages. It's always
you believe will attract their know about the topic. You can beneficial to be able to see
interest? From there, you can go on from there to find more both sides of a situation and
start. information and examples on be able to address it properly.
the subject. It is critical to This is very useful in an
provide examples rather than argument because if you can
just definitions. Your audience explain the benefits and
will be able to relate to what disadvantages clearly, you can
you're attempting to persuade your audience
communicate in this way. better.

3. The following are some of the ethical concerns to keep in mind when informing, persuading,
or arguing. The first is accuracy. Whatever you're trying to say stick to the points that best
describe or support what you're talking about.

Ethical consideration is a set of values and standards that should be observed when dealing
with human concerns. No one acts in a way that is harmful to society or an individual because
of ethical considerations. Ethical considerations are crucial particularly in research.

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