Bio Sir 27.01.2021

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D Apocrine Holocrine Merocrine

Process of secretion In this gland, the In this gland, an entire In this gland, the
secretary product is cell when filled with secretion is discharged
deposited in apical part secretary product by the cell by simple
of the cell, and releases disintegrates, and is diffusion, so that, there
after breaking of apical discharged as a part of is no loss of cellular
part. secretion parts.
Example Breast glands, which Sebaceous glands of the Goblet Cell, Intestinal
release fat; ear glands, skin, meibomian glands Gland
making earwax; and of the eyelid
skin sweat glands.

 Cushine syndrome:
o Cause : Hypersecretion of ACTH, which leads to hypersecretion of gluco-corticoid
o Symptoms :
1. Hyperglycaemia
2. Excess deposition of glycogen in liver
3. Enhance protein breakdown
4. Decrease of protein level in muscle(muscular fatigue)
5. Osteoporosis due to decrease of bone protein
 Adison’s disease
o Cause : Hyposecretion of ACTH
o Symptoms:
1. Low blood pressure
2. High urea level in blood
3. Lower NaCl level
4. High K+ level
5. Degeneration of semeniferous tubule and ovarian follicle
 Conns disease
o Cause: Hypersecretion of ACTH and rennin, leading to hypersecretion of mineralo-
o Symptoms:
1. Hypertension
2. Muscular weakness
3. Nervous disorder resulting in death

The interstitial cells(cells of leidig) in the stroma secrete androgen(steroid) from which male sex
hormone(testosterone) is synthesized.

Function of testosterone:
1) In induces the production of sperm and their morphogenesis
2) It promotes growth of skeletal muscles and external genitalia
3) It controls secondary sexual behavior in puberty stage
4) Hyposecretion of testosterone causes eunuchoidism
a. Less growth of secondary sex organ
b. Improper spermatogenesis and loss of secondary sexual character
c. Extreme hyposecretion causes complete sterility
d. Sertolis cell secrete inhibin hormone. It inhibits sperm production.
1) Estrogen
a. It is secreted from all follicular cells.
b. It stimulates production, growth, maturation of ovum, and function of secondary sex
organ(uterus, fallopian tube, ducts of mammary gland).
c. It maintains secondary sexual character(changing of voice, deposition of fat in
subcutinous layer)
d. FSH from anterior part of pituitary controls estrogen secretion.
2) Progesterone
a. It is secreted from corpus luteum
b. It is called pregnancy hormone.(Oxytocin, Relaxin, Progesterone, HCG)
c. Helps in thickening of endometrium wall
d. Helps in increasing blood supply to endometrial wall to restore normalcy
e. Helps in implantation of zygote on uterus wall, and formation of placenta.
f. Maintains dissolved oxygen in embryonic fluid
g. Ovary releases inhibin hormone which stops follicular maturation
LH helps in progesterone, and formation of leuteum formation

Germinal Epithelium

Primary Follicle

Secondary Follicle

Tertiary Follicle

Graffian Follicle
Menstrual Cycle
• Menstrual Phase
• Corpus leuteum is degenerated
• Progesterone level is low
• Endometrial wall collapses due to lack of Progesterone
• A secretion called menstural flow begins, containing the endometrium wall cells, blood and unfertilized oocytes
1-5 days

• Follicular Phase
• Endometrium starts to get rebuilt
• FSH secretion increases
• Follicules start to be formed
6-12 days • Estrogen secretion increases as a result of it

• Ovulatory Phase
• LH and FSH level peak

14th day

• Leuteal Phase
• Corpus Leuteum forms progesterone, and endometrium starts to get thickened
• Uterine glands become secretory
15-28 days
Pineal Body
Situation: Roof of brain


1) Melatonin:
a. It controls rhythmic sleep-wake cycle
b. It controls diurnal circle as it rises in the evening and drops in the day

Thymus Gland
Situation: Upper chest near the heart


1) Thymosin:
a. It accelerates cell division and influences growth during early life.
b. It increases sexual maturity
c. It helps in proliferation of lymphocytes

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