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Balance Sheets

Assets 2016 2015 2014

Cash and balances with treasury banks 7,370.096 5102.984 5102.984
Balances with other banks 87.748 139.478 139.478
Lending to Financial inst. 706.572 3000 3000
Investments-net 37,488.482 18105.414 18105.414
Advances-net 64,802.628 58966.877 58966.877
Operating fixed assets 4,101.219 4563.29 4563.29
Deferred tax assets-net 3,704.745 3937.182 3937.182
Other assets 16,771.466 8920.628 8833.892
Total assets 135,032.956 102,735.853 102,649.117

Bills Payable 3,966.044 2153.091 2153.091
Borrowings 30,195.702 21742.246 21742.246
Deposits and other accounts 86,787.423 68770.255 68770.255
Sub-ordinated loans - - -
Liabillites against assets subj. to lease 10.694 17.105 17.105
Deferred tax liabilities - - -
Other liabilities 1,989.371 1552.329 1465.593
Total liabilities 122,949.234 94,235.026 94,148.290
Net assets 12,083.722 8,500.827 8,500.827

Represented by
Share Capital 77,998.099 26716.048 26716.048
Discount on issue of right shares - 56,566.725 -13284.674 -13284.674
Reserves 327.845 180.134 180.134
Advances againts share subscr. 2,000.000 2000 2000
Convertible preference shares - 2200 2200
Accumulated loss - 11,757.11 -9444.123 -9444.123
12,002.108 8,367.385 8,367.385

Surplus 52.480 133.442 133.442

12,054.588 8,500.827 8,500.827

2013 2012
5361.695 4006.569
226.184 86.002
446.859 5602.423
14853.257 12734.898
56037.522 49060.494
4691.552 4637.334
3839.078 3605.041
6314.048 9347.733
91,770.195 89,080.494

2747.4 1978.549
11381.975 11376.781
69433.452 69050.447
- -
- -
- -
1532.18 1302.008
85,095.007 83707.785
6,675.188 5,372.709

26716.048 26716.048
-13284.674 -13284.674
162.762 162.762
0 0
2200 0
-9526.849 -8381.451
6,267.287 5,212.685

407.901 160.024
6,675.188 5,372.709
Profit and loss statem
Mark up/interest earned 9,959.053
Mark up/interest expensed -5609.691
Net interest income 4,349.362

Reversal/Provision against non performing loans 9.007

Reversal/Provision against small enterprise and consumer financing 37.253
Recovery against written off loan 26.219
Provision for diminution in the value of investments -
Impairment in the value of investment - 23.684
Bad debts written off -
Provisions total 48.795

Net interest income after provisions 4,398.157

Non interest income

Fee, commission, brokerage 1,241.599
Dividends 58.911
Income from foreign currency 154.203
Gain on the sale of securities 145.019
Unrealized loss/ gain on revaluation of investments - 0.488
Other income 613.420
Total non-mark up/interest revenue 2,212.664

Non interest expense

Admin expenses - 5,500.470
Other provisions (write offs) 305.359
Other charges - 130.578
Total non interest expense - 5,325.689

Profit before tax 1,285.132

Taxation - 546.579
Profit after tax 738.553

*Note taxation positive when defered taxes high

Profit and loss statement
2015 2014 2013 2012
8,933.315 9429.216 7622.425 8583.566
- 5,833.685 -5969.099 -5462.669 -6681.338
3,099.630 3,460.117 2,159.756 1,902.228

- 589.293 -79.077 -420.346 158.479

- 88.190 -127.402 -142.041 -46.921
3.823 4.004 6.214 514.721
- 5.344 2.537 0 -20.308
- 45.373 -167.675 -76.879 -22.093
- 0 -0.423 -3.389
- 724.377 - 367.613 - 633.475 580.489

2,375.253 3,092.504 1,526.281 2,482.717

976.838 868.263 684.378 500.427

40.652 47.168 63.401 53.767
181.696 196.672 219.589 209.941
650.948 346.592 169.917 84.381
1.291 169.053 -1.431 50.346
42.898 92.615 188.726 165.804
1,894.323 1,720.363 1,324.580 1,064.666
4,269.576 4,812.867 2,850.861 3,547.383

- 5,268.719 -4692.044 -4407.927 -4213.559

- 762.976 38.019 112.449 148.5
- 77.583 -27.427 -83.461 -11.593
- 6,109.278 - 4,681.452 - 4,378.939 - 4,076.652

- 1,839.702 131.415 - 1,528.078 - 529.269

128.097 -44.555 371.516 184.998

- 1,711.605 86.860 - 1,156.562 - 344.271
Advances gross loans
Advances non performng loans
Capital Share no. of shares outstanding
Investment government sec.
2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
69312.185 67045.340 64417.139 61520.646 54078.762
5820.325 8519.913 8221.947 9871.981 10816.957
7799.81 7799.81 2671.605 2671.605 2671.605
36894.628 34420.118 16945.483 12623.55 10325.762
ROE Net Income/ Equity
ROA Net income / Total Asset
Net Interest Margin (Int Rev-Int Exp)/Total Asset
Net Interest Margin (Int Rev-Int Exp)/Earning Asset
Net Non Int Margin (Non Int-non Int Exp)/Total Asset
Earning assets to deposits Earning assets/depoits
Govt sec to asset Govt sec/total assets
Advances to Deposit Advances/Deposits
Investments to Deposit Investment/Deposits
Earning Spread (int rev/earning assets)-(int exp/deposits)
Cash Bal to Asset Cash Bal/Asset
Cost to Income Total Exp/Total Rev
Admin Exp to total Asset Admin/Total Asset
EPS net income/common shares outstanding
Infection ratio non performing loans/gross loans

Operating margin (interst income+non interest income)-(interst

expense+non interest expense)/total assets
CAR from annual report

Expense Control Measure Ratios

2016 2015
Int Expense/TA 4.15% 5.68%
Int Expense/Interest
Bearing Liabilities 4.80% 6.45%
Expense/TA 4.07% 5.13%
Other Expenses/TA 0.10% 0.08%
Other expenses/ Total
Non int Expense 2.45% 1.27%
Return on Equity
Net Profit Margin
Equity Multiplier
Asset Utilization
Change in ROE
Market Measures or Market Risk Ratios
Value of Stock
Credit Risk Ratios
NPL/Gross Loans &
Charge Off/Gross Loans
& Leases
ALL/Gross Loans
ALL/Equity Capital
PLL/Gross Loans and
Gross Loans/Total
Solvency and CAR Ratio
Equity Capital/TA
Total Liabilities/Total
Profitability Ratios
Net Profit after Taxes

Net Interest Margin= Net

Interest Income/ TA

Net Non Interest

Margin= Net Non
Interest Incom/ TA
Earning Assets
Yield on Earning

2014 2013 2012
5.82% 5.95% 7.50%

6.59% 6.76% 8.31%

4.57% 4.80% 4.73%

0.03% 0.09% 0.01%

0.59% 1.91% 0.28%

MCR Share Capital
CAR Total Capital/Total Risk Weighted Assets
infection Ratio NPL to gross Advances
Earning Assets to Total Assets Earning Assets / Total Assets
adminstrative expense to total
assets Adminstrative expense / total assets

Total Expenses to Total Income Total Expenses /Total Income

Earning per Employee Total Income/ Total number of Employees


ROE net income after tax/ shareholders equity

ROA Net income after tax / total assets
Net interest margins net intrest income/ total assets
net non interest margins net non intrest income/ total assets
cost to income
Cash and balances with tresurey
to total assets Cash and Bal with Teasurry / Total Assets

Govt. securities to total assets Govt. Securities / Total Assets

Advances to deposit ratio Loans/ Deposit
Share price
total interest income/total earing asets-(total
interestr expense/total interest bearing
Earning Spread banking liabilities)
Net operating ratio Operating Expenses/Profit After Tax
Net operating margin Profit After Tax/Total Income
Net income after taxes/Commom equity shares
EPS outstanding
RSA-RSL (Risk Sensitive Assets- Risk Sensitive
GAP Liabilities

Total capital is divided into 2 components

Core capital (tier one capital)
Supplementary capital (tier 2 capital)

Tier 1
•      Core Capital also called tier 1 capital constituting; SH’s equity in paid up share c
Tier 2
•      Supplementary Capital also called tier 2 capital; consists of undisclosed reserves
Tier1+tier 2 / total risk weighted assets = 8% (at least)
Tier 1 risk adjusted ratio should be at lease 4%
H’s equity in paid up share capital or common stock held, plus disclosed reserves.

ists of undisclosed reserves, revaluation reserves, hybrid debt capital instruments, general provisions or reserves for loan loss and
or reserves for loan loss and sub-ordinated debt

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