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11. Click one of the bridge girders.

The Girder Group asset card will open, and the girder will high-
light in yellow, as shown in Figure 1.13.

F I G U R E 1 . 1 3 A girder is selected, revealing the Girder Group asset card.

12. Zoom in to the left abutment, click on it, and then right-click and
select Properties.
▶ The Properties panel will open and display information pertaining
to the abutment (see Figure 1.14).
The Abutments asset
card will also open.
Understanding the Capabilities of the Bridge Design 17

F I G U R E 1 . 1 4 The Properties panel (shown undocked), displaying information about a

bridge abutment

13. Restore the bookmark named Bearing.

Note the detail of the bridge, right down to the bearing pad and
plates on the top and bottom.
14. Click the Bridge Design icon on the main toolbar.
The Bridge Design icon will expand to the right, revealing the
Bridge Design toolbar as shown previously in Figure 1.6.
15. On the Bridge Design toolbar, click the Design icon.
The Design toolbar will display along the left side of your screen
(see Figure 1.15).

F I G U R E 1 . 1 5 The Design toolbar for bridges

To view the results of successfully completing this exercise, select

the Ex_1_1_End proposal.

Now You Know

Now that you have completed this chapter, you understand the capabilities of Bridge Design for
InfraWorks 360. You understand that it runs within the InfraWorks 360 program and extends
the InfraWorks functionality by providing tools for the preliminary design of bridges using
structural engineering principles. You are aware that bridges made with these tools are com-
posed of structural components such as a deck, girders, piers, and bearings. You understand
that bridge designs update automatically when you make changes based on design rules built
into the software. You also know that bridges have their own styles that address the geometry
and dimensions of the structural components, among other things.
You now understand what Bridge Design for InfraWorks 360 adds to the InfraWorks user inter-
face. This includes several new Intelligent Tools, asset cards, and right-click commands. This
also includes some additional properties that you can view and modify in the Properties panel.
After completing this chapter, you took a brief tour of the Bridge Design for InfraWorks 360
program, and you’re ready to begin using it to perform some serious bridge design.

Designing Bridges
Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with the Autodesk® Bridge Design
for InfraWorks® 360 program and are aware of its capabilities, you are ready
to begin creating and perfecting your own bridge designs. As you’ll learn in
this chapter, the InfraWorks technology that enables you to design bridges is
quite powerful but also relatively simple to use.

In this chapter, you’ll learn to

▶ Create bridges

▶ Modify bridges graphically

▶ Modify bridges using asset cards

▶ Modify bridges using the Properties panel

▶ Design your bridge for clearance

Creating Bridges
One of the easiest things you can do with Bridge Design for InfraWorks
360 software is create a bridge. In fact, when the vertical application is
enabled within the InfraWorks 360 program, bridges literally create them-
selves when you cross a body of water or when the fill depth of a design road
exceeds a preset threshold. In this section, however, you’re going to study
how to create bridges manually.
There are two ways to create a bridge using the Bridge Design for InfraWorks
360 vertical application. The first is to use the Intelligent Tools by expanding
the Bridge Design icon to reveal the Bridge Design toolbar, clicking the Design
icon, and then clicking one of the bridge icons on the Design toolbar (see
Figure 2.1).

1 2

F I G U R E 2 . 1 To create a new bridge, click the icons in the order shown.

The second method for creating a bridge is to right-click a design road while
it is in edit mode and then select Add Bridge from the right-click menu (see
Figure 2.2).

F I G U R E 2 . 2 The Add Bridge command found in the right-click menu for design roads

Once you have launched the command via one of these methods, you will
be prompted for the start and end points of the bridge. Cylindrical gizmos will
appear that indicate these two points (yellow for start and blue for end). You
can click points in the model to graphically indicate these locations, or you can
edit the tooltip to provide one or more values for Start Station, Length, and End
Station (see Figure 2.3).

Tooltip End Gizmo

Start Gizmo

F I G U R E 2 . 3 Assigning the start and end points for a bridge

Bridge Creation Tips

If you use the Intelligent Tools to create a bridge, it will work best if you select the
design road first to activate edit mode. If you don’t, you will not see the gizmo
and tooltip for the first point of the bridge until after you’ve selected it. This
makes it a little more difficult to select the first point exactly where you want
it. Also, once you select the first point for the bridge, the navigation functions
are disabled until you select the second point. For this reason, you should set
up your view so that you can see the location of both points before you launch
the command to create a bridge. Of course, if the locations you select are not
perfect, you will be able to easily change them with editing commands that
you’ll learn later in this chapter.

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