Unit 3 Test

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New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test

Name _______________________ Score ______/50

Part A
Relationship expressions

1 Complete the words.

a) Ben is looking at you. I think he f_____________ you!

b) I really like Jennifer, but I’m too shy to c_____________ her up.
c) Lulu is still angry with Tom after they had a big r_____________ at the weekend.
d) Are you still with Maria, or have you s_____________ up?

(4 points)

Narrative linkers

2 Complete the story with the narrative linkers in the box.

A week later At first One night That night The next day

(1) ________________ I came home late from work. As I was passing my friend Gina’s house I saw
someone standing on the doorstep. (2) ________________ I thought it was Gina, but then I
remembered that Gina was away. It was another woman, and Gina’s husband, Matt, was kissing her on
the cheek. I was horrified! (3) ________________ I couldn’t stop thinking about Gina. Should I tell
her about the other woman? I didn’t know what to do. (4) ________________ I decided to send
Matt a letter saying, ‘I know you are having an affair and I will tell Gina’. I didn’t sign it.
(5) ________________ I met Gina for a coffee. She was with the same woman! She said, ‘This is
Matt’s sister. She’s staying with us for a couple of weeks.’ I never told Gina or Matt about the letter.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test p1

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008
Past simple

3 Write the past form of the verbs.

a) have ______________
b) fancy ______________
c) can ______________
d) get ______________
e) chat ______________

(5 points)

4 Write questions in the past simple.

a) When / meet / your best friend ?

b) Richard / go to school / with you ?
c) Where / your parents / get married ?
d) be / you / very busy / yesterday ?

(4 points)

Past simple and past continuous

5 Complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in

Angie (1) _________________ (meet) Tony in London while she (2) _________________ (work)
as a doctor at the hospital. Tony (3) _________________ (be) originally from the USA, but he
(4) _________________ (teach) at the hospital for a few weeks during the summer. At first Angie
(5) _________________ (not like) Tony at all. She (6) _________________ (not look) for a boyfriend
and she (7) _________________ (think) Tony was too loud and confident. But during that summer
they (8) _________________ (fall) in love.

(8 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test p2

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Adverbs of manner

6 Complete with adverbs of manner using the adjectives in brackets.

a) Louisa drove ______________ along the road to her house. (quick)

b) You play the piano really ______________ . (good)
c) I walked ______________ into the classroom – I love English! (happy)
d) Bob always arrives too ______________ . (late)

(4 points)

Useful phrases
7 Complete the conversation with the phrases in the box.

Me too. Oh, I do. Neither am I. Neither did I. So do I.

Helen: What are you doing tonight?

Paul: I’m going to the cinema.
Helen: (1) _____________________ What are you going to see?
Paul: The Legend of Zorro. And you?
Helen: The same! But I’m not going until the 10 p.m. showing.
Paul: (2) _____________________ Shall we go together?
Helen: OK. I think it will be great – I really like Antonio Banderas.
Paul: (3) _____________________ I’ve seen most of his films.
Helen: Really? But I don’t really like Catherine Zeta Jones.
Paul: (4) _____________________ I think she’s lovely.
Helen: Well, I didn’t like Cabaret at all.
Paul: (5) _________ . But I still like her.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test p3

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Part B
Irregular verbs

[Track 5]

8 Listen and underline the past verb form in each group with the different vowel

a) kept had meant

b) read swam rang
c) brought taught drank
d) slept read fought
e) sang caught bought

(5 points)

[Track 6]

9 Listen to the conversation between Tom and his mother. Underline the correct

a) Tom is in England / Australia.

b) Tom is phoning because he has something important to say / misses his parents.
c) Tom met Kazz when she was selling ice creams / surfing.
d) Kazz is an actor / unemployed.
e) Tom and Kazz got married on the beach / in England.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test p4

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10 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

a) Rick was the owner of a café in Casablanca. ___

b) Rick bought two letters. ___
c) Rick didn’t want to sell the letters because he needed them. ___
d) Rick wanted to be with Ilsa. ___
e) As the plane was leaving, Rick escaped with Ilsa. ___

The American Film Institute asked people to vote for the best love story film. Top
of the list was Casablanca (1942) with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.
Bogart played Rick Blaine, an American who was living in Casablanca, in North
Africa, during the war. Rick had a café. One day someone in the café gave Rick
two letters. The letters were very important because they could help two people
leave Casablanca.
One day Rick’s ex-girlfriend, Ilsa Lund, arrived at the café with her husband. They
were in danger, and needed to leave Casablanca immediately. They wanted to
buy the letters from Rick so that they could go to America together. But Rick was
still in love with Ilsa and he didn’t want to sell her the letters. He wanted Ilsa to
stay in Casablanca. At the end of the film Rick chose to help Ilsa and her husband
and he gave them the letters. As the plane was leaving Casablanca, Rick told Ilsa
to go with her husband. He did the right thing by helping her and her husband to
escape from Casablanca.

(5 points)

New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Unit 3 Test p5

© Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008

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