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Shimla, dated the 09th March,2021

The Director General/Additional Secretary,
Directorate General of Training,
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship,
Kaushal Bhawan, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110012.
on promotion on Adhoc Basis as Assistant irector(WT)- reg.
Subject: Request to exempt from transfer/posting
Sir/Madam, been promoted on Adhoc Basis as
Assistant Director
Humbly, I am to submit that I have recently dated 11.02.2021 as
and joined
of File no. DGT-A-32013/9/2018-(Admn.ll).
(WT). vide Office Order No. 12/2021 on 17/02/2021. DGT(H.Q.) vide
their e-mail dated 01st
Assistant Director(WT) at RDSDE-Shimla/NSTI{W)-Shimla through my letter dated
and I have accordingly replied
March,2021 have asked for option(s) for transfer/posting
02nd March,2021 through my Hod/RD.(Copy enclosed).

I had been transferred

Iwould like to submit that I had joined 29/07/2021. Since my joining in this Deptt
this Deptt on
and posted at various locations in varied capacities as per details given as under:
Nature of Job
Designatilon From date To date
S.No. Place
NSTIW-Shimla TOWT)/Principal/HOO 07/14/2015 06/30/2019 Principal/HOO/Technical Officer(WT)
Technical Officer(WT) 09/28/2004 07/07/2015 As assigned time to time while working
2 DGT(WT)-H.Q. New DGT(WT)-H.Q
09/15/2000 09/27/2004 TO(POT)/DDO/Trg/Placement/Store's
3 NSTI(W)-Jaipur TO(WT) Officer

TO(WT) 07/29/1997 09/13/2000 TO(POT)/Trg/Placement


Till date Estt/Admn & Trg Matters

RDSDE-Shimla Technical Officer(WT}/ 07/01/2019
Assistant Director(WT)
hard to establish this
While duties as Principal/HOO/Technical Officer(WT) at NSTIW-Shimla I have worked
institute since inception. Presently working at RDSDE-Shimla and looking after Estt/Admn/Trg
newly established
Matters and also co-ordinated with the then Regional Director, RDSDE-Shimla in setting up new RDSDE Office in the

also worked in close guidance of the then Director of Training(WT) for the project Establishment of additional
08Eight) more NSTIW for Women during 2014-15 and accomplished the task in 1time. Sought approval of building
plans, after comprehensive follow-ups with various departments for construction of permanent campus for NSTIW-
Shimia from Town & Country Planning Department, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh in light of Hon'ble National Green
Tribunal directions. Organised successfully the Formal Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of construction of
permanent buildings for NSTIW-Shimla on receipt of short notice from DGT(WT]-H.Q.

My wife is a State Govt. Teacher under Himachal Pradesh Govt. She suffered a Brain Stroke ( Sub-arachnoid
Haemorthage) in the year Sep 2016 and under Medical Treatment at IGMC Shimla. The doctor has advised not to
keep her in isolation as the disease may reoccur, thus requires a constant attendant to look after her in case of
Medical Emergency ( Medical Certificate is attached). No elder is there at Home to look after her in emergency, as
such I have also lost my mother in May 2017. My both the sons are studying, the elder most is pursuing his
engineering and is away from home and the younger one is also studying in Boarding School and he would be
entering into Xlth Standard in April,2021. Both the sons are nearly 125 Kms away from my home. In such
circumstances, it is very difficult for me to leave Shimla and work peacefully.

Further it is pertinent to submit here that I had also been selected on Deputation basis as Administrative Officer at All
India institute of Medical Sciences (AlIMS)-Bilaspur(H.P.) in Novemebr,2020. This might have helped me to avail
better medical facilifies for my iing wife and also to attend to my domestic atfairs being near to my family. Though
your goodsef had been kind enough to consider my request for relieving on deputation but due to inordinate
delays which had taken place in my relieving l lost this opportunity also.

In suchcircumstances, it would be highly difficult for me to leave Shimla. It is therefore, highly requested to exempt
me from transfer/postings outside Shimla as ADT(WT) on adhoc basis. I would be highly obliged for your sympathetic

Enc(s)- As stated above.


(Mònnder Cal
Assistant Director
Copy to: 1. Regional Director, RDSDE-Shimia(H.P.). with a
Secretary, Directorate General of Training, request to kindly forward my aforementioned
Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Kaushal representation to Director General/ Additional
informed that an advanced also Bhawan, Karol Bagh, New Delhi- 110 012. It
copy is being e-mailed to DG/AS, DGT and PPS to is further
2. PPS to
Secretary(MSDE), MSDE, Shram Shakiti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, NewSec(MSDE),MSDE,New
Delhi- 110 001.
"ToWhom it may Concern"
Mohinder Lal suffered from
This is to certify that Mrs Neeru 43 yrs of age, wife of Sh.
2016 her CR Number was
Sub-arachonoid haemorrhage in September
and is still under active supervision of Indira Gandhi Medical College,
of this disease so she be left in isolation
Shimla. Since she can have recurrence
a constant attendant who can
look after and manage if any emergency
and requires
arises and she should reside in a place near
to a Hospital which is capable of managing
any such eventualities.
Dated: 27th December 2017
Bendor tedloa! Sunerintemda
IG Hospital Shimla

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