Program Tahunan (Prota) Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris Semester: Gasal / Genap Kelas: Xii Tahun: 2014/2015

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Semester : Gasal / Genap

Kelas : XII Tahun : 2014/2015
No Alokasi waktu Bab/ Subbab
1 10 x 1 jam pelajaran Memahami monolog yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
a. Short talks
b. Can I help you?
c. Relevant vocabulary
d. Antonym, synonym.
b. Affixes : prefixes, suffixes
2 14 x 1 jam pelajaran Memahami percakapan terbatas yang muncul pada situasi kerja tertentu
a. Reservation Expression
b. Can you make it at 7?
c. Reservation Letter
d. Relevant vocabulary
e. Subjunctives “wish”, “if only”, and “as if/as though”
f. Making Arrangement/ appointment
3 8 x 1 jam pelajaran Menyajikan laporan
a. Annual Report
b. Complaint
c. I would like to talk about ....
d. Writing Report
e. Presenting Report
f. Relevant vocabulary
g. Delivering and Making a Speech
h. Reported Speech
4 8 x 1 jam pelajaran Memahami manual penggunaan peralatan
a. Manuals: (telephone installation, make a call using a new phone mobile,
maintenance and repair, etc.)
b. How do you operate this machine?
c. Relevant vocabulary
d. Antonym / Synonym
e. Affixes: prefixes, suffixes.
5 12 x 1 jam pelajaran Memahami surat-surat bisnis sederhana
a. Business Letters
b. Could you tell me about yoursel?
c. Parts of Letter
d. Complaining Letter
e. Applicaton Letter
f. Job Offering
g. The Elements of a Standard Business Letter
h. Relevant vocabulary
i. Determiner (few, little, many, much, a lot of, lots of)
6 10 x 1 jam pelajaran Memahami dokumen-dokumen teknis
a. Mending a fuse
b. SOP from a specific workplace (receptionist, waiter, etc.)
c. Kee up the good work.
d. Working Procedure
e. Relevant vocabulary
f. How to write SOP
g. Imperative
7 12 x 1 jam pelajaran Menulis surat bisnis sederhana
a. Offer Letter
b. Order Letter
c. Advertisement
d. Application Letter
e. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
f. Report of Prakerin
g. Connective / Conjunction Words (and, or, but)
Mengetahui, Moyudan, Juli 2015
Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

Dra. Hj. Nur Hidayah Dra. Sri Purwati

NIP.- NIP.: 19600518 198803 2 002

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