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Swami Vivekananda Jayanti Celebrations Jan 2021

Muscat Balabharati / Yuvabharati.

Puzzle 1: Quotes & Comments
Release Date 01.01.2021
Last date of Submission 07.01.2021
Submission Email ID

Name BB / YB / YOGA / AS
WhatsApp BB / YB / YOGA / AS Name
Email ID Place
1,22 23

5 26


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BB YB Puzzle 1, QUOTES Page 1

Puzzle 1: Quotes & Comments - CLUES
Note1 : Fill and return only the Puzzle Page (Page 1)
Note 2 : Answers are the names of persons who gave the given quote / comment.
Note 3 : No.given in the brackets after the clue denotes the no. of words in the name.
Across (Left to Right)
1 Condensed India’ (2)
2 “What have we ever done to deserve all this!” (3)
3 ‘He reminded people of Buddha’. (3)
4 "Full-blooded masculine personality – and a fighter to the core of being". (3)
5 Swamiji “truly walked with God”. (2)
6 ‘Swami Vivekananda exercised a wonderful influence over his auditors’. (3)
7 “His words are great music, phrases in the style of Beethoven, stirring rhythms like the march of
Hendel Choruses”.(2)
8 ‘He is undoubtedly the greatest figure in the Parliament of Religions. After hearing him we feel how
foolish it is to send missionaries to this learned Nation’.(3)
9 “Never had I Seen the Master look as he looked that night. There was something in his beauty not of
Earth”. (3)
10 “My boy, you have the eyes of a Yogi. You should practise meditation”. (2)
11 “Swamiji, I am afraid you cannot do much in this country. Few will appreciate you here. You ought to
go to the West, where people will understand you and your work”. (2)
12 “Ah! You have come so late, How unkind of you to keep me waiting so long!” (2)
13 “Narendra is a real genius. I have travelled far and wide, but have not yet come across a lad of his
talents and possibilities even among the philosophical students in the German Universities. He is
bound to make his mark in life.”(2)
14 “If you really want to cultivate spirituality, then visit Sri Ramakrishna of Dakshineswar”. (2)
15 "Vivekananda was a soul of puissance if ever there was one, a very lion among men.” (2)
‘By far the most important and typical representative of Hinduism was Swami Vivekananda who, in
fact, was beyond question the most popular and influential man in the parliament’. (3)

17 “I have gone through his works very thoroughly, and after having gone through them, the love that I
had for my country became a thousand-fold.” (2)
18 "If you want to know India, study Vivekananda. In him everything is positive and nothing negative.”.
19 "He is a great favourite at the Parliament from the grandeur of his sentiments and his appearance as
well. If he merely crosses the platform he is applauded." (3)
20 The wife of this Michigan Governor commented of Swamiji’s presence at her house in Detroit as a
“continual benediction”. (2)
21 "The message of modern humanity.” (3)
Down (Top to Bottom)
22 ‘Plato in thought and a modern Savonarola in fearless outspokenness’. (2)
23 “Paragon of Vedantists”. (2)
24 “To ask you, Swami, for your credentials is like asking the sun about its right to shine”. (3)
25 “Forty years ago you would have been hanged if you had come to preach in this country, or you would
have been burnt alive”. (2)

BB YB Puzzle 1, QUOTES Page 2

26 “He gave the message that strengthened the man of business; that caused the frivolous society
woman to pause and think; that gave the artist new aspirations; that imbued the wife and mother; the
husband and father, with a larger and holier comprehension of duty”.(3)

BB YB Puzzle 1, QUOTES Page 3

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