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Different vocabulary to indicate different

parts of one's full name

: Last name / Family name / Surname

Teri lot : Middle name

Teri : First name / Given name / Forename

Spelling name in the international standard


My full name's Pham Thao Quy en . So ,
name 's Quyen spelt / spelled Q ( , Quarantine , . .

V1 Uniform , . .

) -
Y l Yesterday .
. . .

) -
E ( England ,
. . .
) -

N ( November , . . )

middle word

My name 's
only one : Thao ,

1- ( Thailand ) ,
H ( Hawaii ) ,
A ( Academic , . . .
) ,O( Original ) , . .

↳ last DC Poland
My name 's Pham , , . . . ) HlHongkong :)

. .

A ( Asia ,
America , . . )
M ( Membership , . . . )
In Vietnamese wording , my full name's

Pham Thao but in full

Quy en
English wording ,
name 's
Quy en Thao Pham / Quy en t Pham 1

Quyen Pham

I Practice

March to ( the beat of ) ( one's ) own drum

↳ : to do smt ,
act , or behave in a manner that

does not conform to the standard , prevalent ,

or popular
societal norm

alone : no one else but

feeling lonely ( negative )
> < on
own : no one else but
feeling happy
( positive )

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