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Importance of managerial training

Organizations need competent managers to plan, organize, lead and control in aligning the
business objectives with the company’s operations. From the selection process, the owner
must be able to harness the right talent most suitable for the position. Proper managerial
training plays an important role for the smooth transition of the APM to its new position and
thereby preparing for additional job responsibilities. There are four benefits that can be
derived from managerial training programs:

1. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: Will develop and enhance both soft (social skills) and hard
(technical skills) in order to become successful manager. Management skills (conceptual
in nature) will also equipped the APM with a deeper understanding of the complex
organizational issues within the company. This skill set is grouped into five categories
such as leadership, planning, strategy, communication and organization.

2. INCREASED PRODUCTIVITY: This improves the manager’s efficiency in terms of time

management, productivity and overall performance. This will enable the company to reach
its goals more effectively and effortlessly.

3. IMPROVED MORALE: Both personal and professional objectives of the managers are
met with the aid of the managerial training. This will also help boost their confidence and
self-reliance in facing complex situations and making decisive resolutions as needed.

4. BETTER UNDERSTRANDING OF THE ROLE: Fosters self-understanding of the

responsibilities and priorities that comes with the role.

2. Importance of the Balance of Work Relationships

Balance of work relationships is building strong channels of communication within the different
levels of the organization. As mentioned earlier, soft skills are required to be an effective
communicator. One of the best practices is through active listening. By doing so, this will help
create and layout the foundations of mutual respect and understanding with the employees and
the workplace. Here are the three benefits mentioned from being an active listener:

1. BUILD CONNECTIONS AND TRUST: By focusing on the speaker (employees),

understanding and responding to them in a respectful manner will make them feel relaxed
and more engaged in open communication.

2. IDENTIFY AND SOLVE PROBLEMS: Managers can easily pinpoint problems within the
organization and provide immediate conflict resolutions before it becomes out of hand.

3. AVOID MISSING CRITICAL INFORMATION: Retain and recall specific details that will
later on benefit the manager in understanding the root cause of the problem.
3. Defining structures and strategies clearly within the company
4. Importance of Employee Morale for Performance

Employee morale as defined by CFI Education Inc., “is the overall satisfaction, outlook, and
feelings of well-being that an employee holds in the workplace”. It directly affects the performance
of the employees and can influence the business path and direction of any company. As it is
important for a manager to have a sustainable working relationship within the organization, it is
also imperative to check and balance the motivation of the employees which is the driving force
of their performance. A strong morale is built and developed with the collaborative effort between
the owner and the manager. Below are the factors that affect employee morale:

1. ORGANIZATION ITSELF: The organizations beliefs, values and reputation influences and
shapes the environment of the company and its workplace.
2. TYPE OF WORK: Streamline work based on their skills and expertise to maximize the
overall performance of an individual.
3. SUPERVISION AND FEEDBACK: The manager must be able to clearly set the
organization’s goals and commitments to provide proper guidance to the employees.
4. WORK-LIFE BALANCE: A healthy work-life balance cultivates positivity and lessens the
burnout and overworked employees.

On the contrary here are some insightful recommendations from CFI to boost employee morale:


competitive industry rate for the skillset of an employee
2. PROVIDE EMPLOYEE PERKS: Offer incentives on top of the usual rate as an added
value to their contribution
3. EMPOWER EMPLOYEES: Give them autonomy in making decisions within their
respective levels.
4. PROVIDE A CAREER PATH: Allow the talents with the right capabilities to move within
the organization instead of resourcing externally.
5. OFFER MENTORSHIP: Trainings allows them to develop both their personal and
professional career objectives to give them a competitive advantage in the industry.

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