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Role of ICT as we combat the COVID19 pandemic

This is a difficult time in many aspects, a moment when everything is natural to

worry and care towards others.The world is currently engulfed by the worst and yet
most widespread epidemic the world has seen in more than a century, and it is
expected to continue for some time. Due to an increase in deaths and overall dread,
communities worldwide have now been compelled to recognize areas of pressure in
their social and economic life that had previously gone unnoticed. In the midst of this
upheaval, information and communications technology (ICT) has played a critical role in
aiding affected populations' safe alleviation and healthcare. The public's awareness of
the danger posed by the spread of COVID-19 has increased significantly in recent
months. As the virus spreads worldwide, we must also consider what this means for the
educational settings in different parts of the world. As a result of the necessity to limit
the virus, many governments are putting measures to reduce large-scale gatherings of
people. Our educational institutions are not susceptible to such types of actions or the
propagation of the virus. Several states have now put restrictions on their educational
systems, ranging from barring public meetings to temporarily closing school buildings.

The use of advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs) has

also proven to be critical in strengthening long-term resilience against future
catastrophic events as well as in addressing secondary difficulties that arise in a socially
isolated setting. Incorporating information and communications technology (ICT) into
pandemic alleviation and protection, on the other hand, brings with it its unique set of
issues concerning openness, responsibility, and security. Authorities that use
information and communications technology (ICT) must guarantee that far-reaching
emergency procedures never become irreversibly entrenched in society and that the
measures imposed are regarded as reasonable, proportionate, and just.
So far, practically all countries have ordered their middle and high school
systems to close permanently or temporarily to prevent the spread of a possible virus
amongst learners and educators. Millions of youngsters have opted to remain home
from school. However, schooling continues even while schools are momentarily
shuttered due to the quarantine. However, the manner in which it is delivered differs.
Students are receiving their education through the use of technology. This is being
accomplished through the use of a variety of online classes and downloadable
electronic textbooks. Technology appears to be the solution to ensuring that youngsters
continue to study. Due to the cancellation of school systems and the restriction of face-
to-face education, a distant teaching system has now been employed extensively
through the appropriation of existing systems. Using educational materials such as
online meeting applications such as Zoom, e-mail, and media platforms, students and
teachers can proceed with their teaching and learning process.

The increased acceptance of technology in education has enabled teachers to

adapt their teaching tactics from a traditional to a more new interpretation, allowing
them to freely distribute knowledge. In some ways, technology tools serve as mentors,
facilitators, and motivators, inspiring students, particularly students, to be fully engaged.
In summary, ICT can improve students' learning achievement through distant learning
methods, albeit this development has not yet been ubiquitous. In the context of
emerging economies, it is critical to raise students' knowledge and familiarity with
technology, to encourage computer literacy and allied fields, and to expand students'
access to the internet and technological devices to enable them to find success in one‘s
lessons, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. So for me, the role of ICT in
education as we combat this pandemic improves educational access as higher
education institutions strive to improve the teaching and learning process.

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