Qualitative Research Sample Chapters 12 and 3

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Gender equality and issues on discrimination are perennial problems as old

as time. Gender equality is not about gender competition nor about providing proof

of whose superior and inferior. It is about the belief that both men and women should

be treated equally with respect, care and justice which everybody deserve. At the

present, strong men and women, politicians, and famous celebrities like Emma

Watson believed and once said that, it is time that people should see gender as a

spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals.

Prominent psychologists like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung viewed that the

desire for equality is a direct product from a human need as women worked so hard

to promote bodily autonomy and integrity. (Stupak, 1990) Anna Freud, the youngest

daughter of Sigmund Freud believed about the importance and development of self-

ego as the basis of one’s self worth and identity. (Buckingham, 2008)

Prior to the late-nineteenth century, the concept of having a distinct sexual

identity did not exist, though people in the past lived their lives similar to our modern

understanding of what it means to be LGBTQ+. Gay identity, as both a personal and

political category, did not fully emerge until the mid-twentieth century. Historical

terminology used to describe sexuality and gender often lacked the specificity that

exists today (Ivannone, 2018).

The term “homosexual,” was first coined in 1869 by a Hungarian doctor

named Karoly Maria Benkert. In the mid-twentieth-century, homosexual activists

preferred the term “homophile” over homosexual simply because these people see it

as more neutral and acceptable option for it removed the word sexual while

positively affirming same-gender attraction. The term gay emerged as an

underground term in the early-twentieth century and came into popular usage in the

1960s. Today gay typically refers to men who are attracted to men, it was historically

used as a broad term that encompassed the entirety of the modern LGBTQ+

initialism (Ivannone, 2018).

At the moment, the struggles experience by the members of the LGBTQ+ is

lesser compared in the past. Modern and advanced countries like Brazil, Canada,

Norway, New Zealand, Spain and the list goes on take their step ahead of the other

countries. At the present, there are already 28 countries that recognize the existence

and significance of these associations. However, there are still 74 countries all over

the world and that includes the Philippines, which do not recognize the existence of

these associations. Discrimination and inequality are still shown in these countries.

Recently, an event that triggered national interest when a certain transgender by the

name of Gretchen Diez was being blocked away from using the women’s comfort

room. The incident became a national news sensation that call on for so many

divided and unwanted attentions. Such incident resulted to the creation of the

SOGIE Equality Bill in the congress of which is still pending for approval.

The purpose of this study determined the stand of the grade 11 both

academic and non-academic LGBTQ+ students of DCPNHS about the possible

creation of a third comfort room if ever the SOGIE Equality Bill becomes a law. This

research will provide an understanding about the students’ moral, legal and

sociological stand over this matter. This research offered an acceptance over the

said social issue and how do these students feel, deal and react of the said social


Theoretical Background

To be born is not a choice but it is given naturally. Needless to say, all human

experiences started during infancy where all the significant foundations in one’s life

is being laid and manufactured. The value of human society is not only for one’s

survival and thriving but it also molds individual’s roles and functions. The biological

assignment cannot be subject for compromise and much with gender roles as it is

being inherited from generation to the next as human societies unconsciously

developing culture and norms. The biography of the individual, from the moment of

his birth is the start of the story of his relation to others (Bonstingal, 2000).

This research study is supported and reinforced by the following concepts

and theories: Bostingal’s Studies of Human Relationship (2000), Holt and

Rhines studies of Social Roles (1990), Holt and Rhines Sex-based Division of

Labor Theory (1990), Sasse’s concept of Sexual Identity (2004), Sigmund

Freud's Concept of Homosexuality (1905).


According to the studies of Human Relationships- human behavior is a

product of his direct interaction and relation with the environment. (Bonstingal,

2000). Gender role as well is a product of long journey of human social interaction

from the past and up to the present. The social culture deliberately set-up a strict

binary standards of roles and functions between a man and a woman. The family

being regarded as a primary group in the society has set of rules that every member

of the family is expected to live. The community where the family belongs is

regarded as the secondary group has greater influence in the life of an individual as

it teaches one to live and obey rules accordingly. (Holt and Rhines, 1990)

For many social scientists, interest in the studies of Social Roles goes

beyond socialization. Observations both from the past and the present are the

inequality of men and women in relation to social treatment, degree of importance

and division of labor which is primary founded on a single footing which is sex (Holt

and Rhines, 1990). On the anthropological view based from Ernestine Friedl, the

sex-based division of labor theory has a great and long lasting impact especially

to women being considered as a weaker sex and much more with men who behave

like women.

Ironically, women fought wars in the past alongside with strong men, gays

fought wars in the past as well and straight men in the ancient times preferred male

lovers over women as depicted in the ancient texts written from the time of Plato and

Aristotle. In a social experimentation conducted where participants were ask to take

care of a child and without them knowing the biological sex of the child, participants

had difficulties on handling and dealing with the child. On the other group where

participants were informed about the gender of the child, did they treat and behave

appropriately based from the expected norms in the society. (Sasse, 2004) Human

sexual identity develops as the children are being treated from their own

environment based from their gender and receive proper and suitable responses,

reaction and acquire feelings corresponding to their gender. (Sasse, 2004) These

unique patterns of behaviors obtain approval and disapproval from the society.

When such act is being approved, it will be imitated and being repeated and when

an act receives disapproval, discrimination or punishment may apply as to

discourage and to discontinue the commission of the said behavior.

The theory of Sexual Identity, explains the behaviors like being a gay or a

lesbian are one of those being disapproved by the society. For them, these patterns

of behaviors do not conform to the norms of the society. These events lead to the

concept of role confusion. Psychologists do not adhere role confusion. Psychologists

are firm in their scientific advocacy that being a gay or a lesbian is not a mental

insanity nor a symptom of abnormality nor psychological disorder but only a mere

sexual identity mismatch (Sasse, 2004).

Sigmund Freud's understandings on the concept of homosexuality were

multifaceted. In his efforts to understand the causes and growth of homosexuality in

the society, he first explained bisexuality as an "original libido endowment" (Katha,

2001). He believed that the libido has a homosexual portion and a heterosexual

portion, and through the course of development one wins out over the other. He also

believed in a basic biological explanation for natural bisexuality in which humans are

all biologically capable of being aroused by either sex. He described homosexuality


as one of many sexual options available to people. Freud proposed that humans'

inherent bisexuality leads individuals to eventually choose which expression of

sexuality is more gratifying, but because of cultural taboos homosexuality is

repressed in many people. According to Freud, if there were no taboos people would

choose whichever was more gratifying to them – and this could remain fluid

throughout life – sometimes a person would be homosexual, sometimes

heterosexual (Katha, 2001).

Freud believed that the treatment of homosexuality was not successful

because the individual does not want to give up their homosexual identity because it

brings them pleasure. Freud finally concluded that homosexuality is "nothing to be

ashamed of, no vice, no degradation, it cannot be classified as an illness, but a

variation of sexual function" (Freud, 1953). While Freud himself may have come to a

more accepting view of homosexuality, both past and present times still manifest

refusal for acceptance, discrimination and worst for some countries that homosexual

relationships are construed an illegal affairs and denotes legal castigation.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution, article 2, section 11 states that: The

state values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full respect for

human rights. Despite of a vivid declaration of equality of all Filipinos, discrimination

over the LGBTQ is still dominant in the society. Though stigma is still felt by the

members of the LGBTQ+ community, good thing is that Philippines does not

considers LGBTQ+ community as an illegal association nor prohibited self-

expression based on sexual identity. Largely a catholic and Christian country, the

church representatives are very loud and outspoken over LGBTQ+. The church does

not condemn homosexual people but what it criticize mainly are the rights and

equalities that these people demands from the government. The church emphasize

that being lesbian or gay is not a sin but it only becomes one if it transgress beyond

the Jewish teachings of binaries.

The SOGIE Bill that is mainly penned by Kaka Bag-ao, a Bataan

Representative and Geraldine Roman, an AkBayan Representative, which is still

pending before the house of the congress will undergo a long debate, a battle of

radicalism over conservative and reactionary system and the anxieties of its

possibility of disapproval. If fate favors these two bill authors will bring major

changes in the society and the first ever law that favors, protects and highlights the

rights of the members of the LGBTQ community.

This research study is further reinforced by the following statutes and special

laws as enacted by the Philippine government.

The 1987 Philippine Constitution, article 2, section 11 states that:

The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees full

respect for human rights.

This statute protects all Filipinos regardless of its position in the state, sex,

gender, status, property acquisition and most especially those who are members of

the indigenous communities. The state expressly provides equality before the eyes

of the law. Furthermore, Philippines is an advocate of a free discrimination nation.

Hence, this study seeks for an answer and social stand about the possible

creation of comfort rooms for the members of the LGBTQ community, the following

laws support mandatory creations of comfort rooms in public places, buildings and

other institutions around the country.

PD 1096- also known as the National Building Code of the Philippines.

Implemented last February 17, 1977 and was brilliantly penned and approved by

former president Ferdinand E. Marcos. This law specifically aims to provide comfort

rooms for its workers and possible clientele of this institution. The law affects both

public-owned buildings and private-owned structures inside the country. Both public

and private academes are bound to obey and provide as demanded by the law itself.

Chapter 6 of the Rules and Regulations of the Department of Health of the


The school sanitations and services shall provide partition of restrooms shall

be afforded to the boys and girls.

The Department of Health demands all private and public agencies in the

country to provide and partitioned comfort rooms, one for the boys and one for the

girls. The code of sanitations provided the subsequent

For the promotion of the physical and emotional environment in schools the

following minimum sanitary facilities requirements and standards must be afforded to

the students. Toilet facilities should be:

First, adequate and sanitary toilet facilities for male and female shall be

provided. Second, the facilities shall be easily accessible to the students and the

personnel. Third, adequate lavatories shall be provided within or adjacent to the

comfort rooms. Fourth, comfort rooms should be properly lighted and ventilated.

Fifth, basement comfort rooms should be avoided due to the lack of sunlight, and

difficulty of ventilation and sewer connections. Sixth, comfort rooms shall be

provided to all floors of the building. Seventh, all toilets shall have good ventilation

either by windows or exhaust fans. Eighth, odor absorbent materials such as saw

dust and activated carbon shall be installed in the comfort rooms and shall be

located in a place that is out of reach of children. Ninth, the walls on the comfort

room shall be painted or finished in light color. Tenth, in pre-schools, toilet should be

located within or adjacent to playroom or classroom. Eleventh, in pre-schools and

elementary schools, there, shall be enough low toilet sits with the height of 35cms

for small children. Lastly, the toilet must be accessible to persons’ with disability.

THE Senate Bill No. 943, which is also known as “AN ACT PROVIDING FOR


SECTION 1. It is the policy of the State to provide public restrooms in

designated public areas in the cities and towns of the country as well as along the

national highways to ensure access and use of clean and sanitary facilities.

This particular act urges the government itself through the Department of

Interior and Local Government and the Department of Tourism to include in their

budget the construction of public comfort rooms with such partition between a male

and a female.

A pending law before the house of the congress awaiting its approval gained

popularity among the members of the LGBTQ+ community is entitled as the SOGIE

BILL. This pending law is also known as “AN ACT PROHIBITING




This is enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the

Philippines in Congress assembled and states that:

SECTION 1. Short Title:

This Act shall be known and cited as the "Anti-Discrimination Act."
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy.
The State recognizes the fundamental right of every person, regardless of

sex, age, class, status, ethnicity, color, disability, religious and political beliefs,

sexual orientation or gender identity, to be free from any form of discrimination. It

shall therefore intensify its efforts to fulfill its duties under international and domestic

laws to respect, protect and fulfill the rights and dignity of every individual.

Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address all forms of

discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and

to promote human dignity as enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration

on Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination

Against Women, particularly the General Recommendation No. 28 on

Nondiscrimination Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Convention on

the Rights of the Child, International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and all other

relevant and universally accepted human rights instruments and other international

conventions to which the Philippines is a signatory.


This particular bill aims to protect Filipino citizens from any form of

discriminations based on gender and sexual orientation. The bill aims to create and

construct a separate comfort room where gays are not being discriminated by

straight men and the lesbians will not be differentiated by straight women.

Sociological view:
Legal basis:
 Bostingal’s Studies of
Human Relationship  The 1987 Philippine
(2000). Constitution, article 2,
 Holt and Rhines studies of section 11.
Social Roles (1990).  PD 1096.
 Holt and Rhines Sex-  Chapter 6 of the
based Division of Labor Rules and
Theory (1990). Regulations of the
Department of Health
Psychological view: of the Philippines.
 Sasse’s concept of Sexual  Senate Bill No. 943.
Identity (2004).  SOGIE BILL.
 Sigmund Freud's Concept
of Homosexuality (1905).

Grade 11 Students

Acceptability of Comfort Rooms for LGBTQ+

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Study



Statement of the Problem

This study determined the stand of the grade 11 both academic and non-

academic LGBTQ+ students of DCPNHS about the possible creation of a third

comfort room if ever the SOGIE Equality Bill becomes a law.

This research study answered the following queries:

1. What is LGBTQ+ community?

2. How gender and sexual orientation motivated the LGBTQ+ members to step-

out from stigma and stereotyping?

3. What is the social stand of the LGBTQ+ members of DCPNHS regarding the

possible creation and construction of the third-sex comfort room?

Significance of the study

This study would be of great use and importance to the entire educational system

especially that the K to 12 curriculum is implemented. It is believed that this humble

piece of work would be valuable to the following:

Students- Students were given information about the gender inequality and

discrimination. They are given an understanding about the point of view, and their

social standing on the possible construction of the third-sex comfort rooms for the

members of the LGBTQ community.


Teachers- Both the junior high school and the senior high school teachers will

come to understand and know on students’ social stand about the possibility of the

third-sex comfort rooms’ construction. Gay and lesbian teachers will also be

benefited if such will be approved in the near future.

Readers- the researchers of this research study provided information about the

history of the LGBTQ community, the sociological and psychological theories behind

their unique sexual orientation. This study aims to enlighten future readers to

disseminate and spread the values of respect and equality, to avoid stigmatizing the

members of the LGBTQ and to embrace them as a unique group of individuals that

there is indeed space for them in the society.

Future Researchers- The output of this study will aid the future researchers as

reference to the succeeding studies relating gender roles, sexual orientations,

sexual identities and especially issues about gender inequalities and discrimination.

Scope and Limitations

This qualitative research study is mainly focused on the history of the

LGBTQ+ community, the sociological and psychological theories elucidating their

sexual orientation and the social stand of the DCPNHS students who are identified

as LGBTQ. These students are carefully identified and selected coming from both

academic and non-academic students of the senior high department.

Representatives coming from the grade 11 students of school year 2019-2020 were

taken with cautious consideration so that the results of this study will suffice the

intended outcome without prejudice and biases. These students were asked to

answer the various items in the self-made questionnaire.


Research Design

This research study employed a qualitative method design. The researchers

used analyses and interpretations of data gathered as means to produce conclusive

answers towards the objective of the research. The researchers will make use of a

self-made questionnaire.

Research Environment

The locale of this study is Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School particularly

the members of the LGBTQ+ of the senior high school department. DCPNHS is

located in the heart of Tagbilaran City. Its proper address is Carlos P. Garcia North

Avenue, Cogon District, Tagbilaran City, Bohol 6300. It has been a landmark of

history and tourism of Tagbilaran City and Bohol to which it has served the Boholano

community for 107 years. This academe is a consistent pilot implementer of

educational programs.

Research Participants

The researchers utilized the students in DCPNHS who were identified as

LGBTQ+. These particular students were randomly selected coming from the

different strands of the academic disciplines and the Technical Vocational Learnings

from the senior high school only of school year 2019-2020. The total number of

respondents were only 8 LGBTQ+ students.

Research Instruments

The researchers crafted a self-made questionnaire. The questions were

critically designed and made to fit the needs of the research study. The

questionnaire was composed of five queries. The data were gathered through

individual interview from the different strands of the academic disciplines and the

Technical Vocational Learnings from the senior high school students of DCPNHS.

Research Procedure

The researchers sent a letter to the school principal of Dr. Cecilio Putong

National High School for the approval of the said study including the testing of the

reliability and validity of the research instrument which was conducted randomly to

the different strands of the academic disciplines and the Technical Vocational

Learnings from the senior high school department for school year 2019-2020.


The following terms were operationally defined to guide the readers of what

the researcher intended to mean in the entire paper.

Bi-sexual- Students that are not sexually attracted exclusively to people of

one particular gender, but attracted to both men and women.

Gay- Male Students that are sexually attracted to someone who is the same


Gender- The socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes

that a given society considers appropriate for men and women.

Gender role- A social role encompassing a range of behaviors and attitudes

that are generally considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based

on their biological or perceived sex.

Homosexual- a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.

Lesbian- Female students that are sexually attracted to other female.

LGBTQ+- Is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer or

questioning. These terms are used to describe the students’ sexual orientation or

gender identity.

Sex- The biological differences between males and females, such as the

genitalia and genetic differences.

Sexual Identity- It is how one thinks of oneself in terms of to whom one is

romantically or sexually attracted.


Transgender- Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal

identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.


This chapter dealt with the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the

data based on the collected results. The results were integrated depending on the

sub- problem and are based on the response of the respondents.

The researchers conducted a descriptive survey with the aid of self-made

questionnaires as their main tool for gathering the data. The survey was conducted

at Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School. The researchers surveyed a total of

eight respondents from the Academic Strands and Technical Vocational Learnings

Tracks in Grade 11. They were asked to answer the given queries based on their


The researchers utilized the purposive sampling in choosing their respondents.

After gathering the data, analyzing, and interpreting the data, the researchers

found out that in question number one, all of the respondents recognized the

existence and presence of the LGBTQ+ in the society. The young respondents

believed that the LGBTQ+ is a special type of community that will accept them as

who they are without any prejudice and discrimination. All of them believed that it is

an association of people who are recognized to be members of the third-sex

community. The presence of these people carved a special spot in the Boholano


In question number two, the respondents of the study showed that all of them

have the knowledge of what LGBTQ+ community is all about. They believed that it is

a special community within a community. As a matter of fact, they recognize

themselves as part of the said community. Few of the respondents believe that it is a

“different” community while most of them see it as a unique and one of a kind type of


In question number three, the respondents of the study were asked to answer

on how they unveil themselves toward their friends and families and the data

gathered were varied. Most of them hide their real identities from their own families

because of some degree of fear and shame but showed their real identities without

hesitations nor shame to their friends. Few of the respondents answered that they

had the courage to tell the truth to their parents about being a sexual mismatched.

One out of eight respondent answered that he has no difficulty in telling the truth to

his parents because he showed signs of sexual mismatch during his childhood


In question number four, part of the investigation was to ask the respondents

whether they experienced any form of maltreatment or discrimination in their lifetime

and the result was an equal finish. Four out of eight said that they experienced

discrimination or maltreatment and the other four said that despite being LGBTQ+

members they did not experience any form of discrimination. It was also found out

that these LGBTQ+ members who underwent discrimination will always resort to

ignore the insults and mockery as the way to build adaptation and defense of one

self. While the other four who were not able to experience any form of

discriminations blended well in their school environment.


In the concluding part in question number five, these LGBTQ+ respondents

were asked if they are in favor just in case that the government, academic institution

or any from the private sectors (e.g. malls, movie houses) will provide a separate

comfort rooms for them, and five out of eight said “yes” that they would like to enjoy

and experience a comfort room design and attributed only for them and only the

remaining three respondents said that there is no need to build a separate room for

the LGBTQ+ members.

The data presented above shows students’ knowledge and awareness of the

LGBTQ+ existence in the community. That, they have high level of recognition of

these people. An evidence to that claim showed that the first two categories

demonstrated that all of them are aware and have knowledge about the LGBTQ+

presence in the modern society. In the third category, respondents’ reactions

showed half of them experienced discrimination and the other did not. In the last

category, more than half of the respondents agreed and are in favor just in case that

a comfort room for the LGBTQ+ will be realized.

The Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender and the Queer plus (LGBTQ+) is a

unique group of people were once in the hiding but slowly takes it special place in

the society. Their members are psychologically considered as a sexual mismatch as

they are displaying behaviors and characteristics that did not match to their

biological assignment. Despite of such uniqueness in behavior and character, these

people equipped with rights just like the rest of the community should be given the

respect that they are entitled and dignity that every human being deserves. As these

LGBTQ+ members struggle for recognition and equality in the community, social

rejection and the none-support from the government make it even harder for them to

gain social acknowledgment.




This chapter presents a summary of the study, its findings, and the conclusion

derived from the gather data. Moreover, recommendations are offered based on the

findings and conclusion. .


The study was conducted to determine the acceptability of comfort rooms for

LGBTQ+ of the Grade 11 Academic Strands and Technical Vocational Learnings

Tracks students of Dr. Cecilio Putong National High School for the school year 2019-

2020. This study focused on a total number of eight respondents only of which are

composed of the following: four gays, three bisexual and one lesbian bonafide

students of DCPNHS. This study utilized the descriptive survey design in gathering

and interpreting the data that were collected.

Specifically, the following questions were addressed:

1. What is LGBTQ+ community?

2. How gender and sexual orientation motivated the LGBTQ+ members to step-

out from stigma and stereotyping?

3. What is the social stand of the LGBTQ+ members of DCPNHS regarding the

possible creation and construction of the third-sex comfort room?



Based from the survey conducted, the researchers were able to ascertain the

following results:

1. Eight out eight manifested knowledge and understanding about the presence

of the LGBTQ+ community. All of them are very much aware of its existence

and the advocacy that they are fighting for.

2. The eight respondents believed that the LGBTQ+ community is a society of

people who identified themselves as sexual mismatched. They also believed

that it is an organization that accepts who they are without discrimination. The

society that encourages people just like them to be special and unique.

3. The eight respondents had different ways in revealing their true identities to

their parents. Three out of eight respondents had the courage to tell the truth

to their parents. The other three respondents were not able to tell the truth

because of fear and shame of revealing their preferred gender. The remaining

two respondents answered that their parents were able to notice about their

sexuality and accepted who they are. These two respondents answered that

they already have the signs of sexual mismatched as early in their childhood


4. Four out of eight respondents of this study answered that they were able to

experienced discrimination, bullying and mockery of being a sexual

mismatched. These four discriminated respondents have different ways to

adapt in the society. The most common adaptation mode is “flight” which

simply ignoring their discriminators. The other four respondents answered

that they did not encounter any form of discrimination.

5. Five out of eight respondents answered that they are in favor that the

government if ever be granted to be provided a separate comfort room

intended only for them. These five respondents expressed their desire that if

given the opportunity they are in favor of a separate comfort room for them to

enjoy and expressed themselves. While the three remaining respondents

answered that there is no need to pursue the separation of comfort rooms for

the LGBTQ+ community.


The purpose of this study is to determine the social stand and social

acceptability of the grade 11 both academic and non-academic LGBTQ+ students of

DCPNHS about the possible construction of the third sex comfort room. The

researchers found out that majority of the LGBTQ+ members who are respondents

of this research study are in favor of the construction of the third-sex comfort rooms.


The following are recommendations drawn from the results of this study:

1. Students are encourage to refrain any acts of discriminations and mockery

against the young members of LGBTQ+ community. These students have


had gone been so misjudged and in this present time should be the era of

acceptance and open-mindedness.

2. Members of the LGBTQ+ community are encourage to express their real

identities without fear and hesitations. The recognition of your community lies

in their good deeds as they clamor for equality of rights and privileges within

the Filipino societies.

3. Members of the academic institutions especially the teachers and the

administrative officers may propagate positivity and acceptance towards the

LGBTQ+ community. Encouragement and positive reinforcement for these

sexual mismatched at schools are bade to join theatre arts and alike where

these people excelled and are known for.

4. Administrative dignitaries of DCPNHS may look into the result of this study

and may shed light to a possibility and realization of the LGBTQ+ comfort

rooms within the school campus. Though the Sogie Bill is not yet a law and

perhaps it may never be a law at all but it would be a great leap of acts of

equality in providing so. It would be ever the first in the history of all schools in

the country and DCPNHS would take its pride to take its first giant step

towards gender equality.

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