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BSI BS*8004 8b mm 7.42.42 Transport. Care should be taken at all steges of transporting, lifting and handling to eneure that the piles are not damaged. Ifthe piles are put down temporarily after boing lifted, they should be placed on eretles or blocks loceted at the lifting points. Considerations of speed ‘and economy and limitations of space generally require precast concrete pllas to be lifted trom the easting bed to a stack and later to be driven with the leat possible delay. On the other hand, as thorough curing and hardenina requite time, @ proper balance should be struck in deciding the minimum intervals which should elapse berween the oporations of esting, stacking and driving. Safety precautions relating to the handling and pitching of precast ‘concrete piles are described in section elevan, 7.42.43 Stacking and storing. Piles should be stored on firm ground not lable to unequal settlement under the Walght of the stack of ples. The piles should be placed on timber supports which are truly level and spaced £0 as to avoid undue heading inthe pls. The supports should be vertically above one another. ‘Spaces shoul be left round the piles to enable them to be lifted without difficulty. ‘The order of stacking should be such that the older cen be withdrawn for driving without disturbing newer piles. Separate stacks should be provided for different Tengths of piles. Arrangements should be provided to enable the piles to be ‘watered, If necessary, to meet weather conditions or to provide further curing during storage; in hot weather the piles should be shaded from direct suntight, 7.4.28 Driving procedure 7A25. General, The hammer blow goneretes a strest ‘wave which traverses the length ofthe pile and failure, whether by compression or tension, may occur anywnere ‘along the plle (Smith 1960). (6) Cormpression, Failure due to excessive compressive Stress most commonly occurs at the head. Head stresses, which in genoral are indopondant of ground conditions, depend upon the weight of the hammer, its drop and the head oushion tiffnes ‘The maximum set for a given stress is obtained by using the heaviesthammer and the softest packing the hammar ‘drop being adjusted to suit the allowable stress in the concrete. ‘Since head packing materials increase in stiffness with ‘repeated use, optimum driving conditions ean be ‘maintained only by regular replacement of the packing Failure in the lover sections ofa pile can only oceue in exceptionally hard driving where, in theory, the toe ‘compressive stressos can reach twice the head stresses. In practice, however, this rarely occurs and, more often, ‘the maximum comproteve cross tends to be fairly, uniform over a considerable length of the pile. (b) Tension. Longitudinal tension is caused by reflection of the compressive wavo ata free end, Tonsile stresses, therefore, may arlse when the ground resistance is low 95 Copyright by The BA STandardsTsittion ‘Thu Apr 08 10-1408 1988 Ub24bb9 OO21be9 6 mm BS 8004 : 1986 ‘Section seven and/or when the head conditions result in hammer rebound, Le. with hard packing and light hammer In edition, a relatively tong length of pile unsupported above a hard stratum may encourage transverse or ‘oxural vibrations whieh may be set up ifthe hammer ‘blow becomes non-axial or the pile isnot restrained, Hammer, Piles may be driven with eny type of hammer, provided they penetrate to the preseribed dooth Cr atl the specifi resistance without being damaged. ‘The hammer, helmet, dolly and pile should be coaxial and ‘chould cit aquarely one upon the other. The weight oF power of the hammer should be suficient to ensure a final penetration of not more than & mm per blow, unless rock thas been reached. It is ahuays praferable to employ the heaviest hammer practicable and to limit the stroke, s0 98 not to damage the pila. When choosing the sizm of the hharnmer, regard should be glven to whether the pile is to be driven t0 a given resistances or to a given depth The stroke ‘ofa singleaceing or drop hammer should be limited to 1.2 m, preferably 1 m. A shorter stroke and particular eare should bo used when there is a danger of damaging the pile. ‘The following are examples of such conditions: () where, inthe eatiy stages of driving a tong pile, ahard layor near the ground surtace has to be penatrated; (b] where there is vary soft ground to a considerable ‘depth, £0 thata large penotration ia achieved at aach hammer blow; (©) whore the pile is oxnected suddenly to reach refusal fon rock or other virtually Impenetrable soll A spring helmot should be considered when these conditions fare ikoly to occur, When a satisfactory set for the last 10 blows has been schiovod, repeat aote should only be carried out with caution, and fong-continued driving after the pile has almost ceased to penetrate should be avoided, especially when a hammer of moderate weight is used. It is desirable that a full driving record be taken on ane pile in every hunciad drivan, and on the fret few piles in @ now area, ‘Any sudden change in the rate of penetration which cannot bo ascribed to normal charges inthe nature ofthe ground should be noted and the cause ascertained, if possible, before driving is continued, When the aeptance of piling is determined by driving to a sat, the driving conditions when taking the set should be the some as those usod when the sts of test plas are obtained. Protecting pile heack. The head of a precast conerete pile should be procected with packing of resilient ‘material care being takon to onsure that itis evenly spread tnd held socuroly in place. A holmes should be placed over the packing and provided with a dolly of hardwood of ‘other matorial not thicker then the width ofthe pile. Position and alignmant tolerances. The piles should be driven as accurately as possible to the vertical or {he specitid rake. For vartical piles, adeviation of 1 in 75 should not normally be excoedd, although in special BSI BS*a004 BS 8004 : 1986 Section seven. cases a closer tolerance may be necessary. Strsining the pile into position ean damage It, and the leaders and driving ‘equipment should be adjusted as much as possible to follow ‘the postion of the pile. Pes should not daviate more than 175 mm from thelr designed positions at the working level of the piling rig, Greater tolerance may be prescribed for piles ‘ivon over water and for raking plas. For pil to be cut off ata substantial depth, the design should provide for the \worst combination of the above tolerances in position and inclination, Any pile deviating beyond these limits and to such an ‘extent thatthe resulting eccentricity cannot be taken care of by a redesign ofthe pile cap or pl tes should, atthe isoration of the anginear, ba raplzced or supplemented by fone or more additional piles (see 7.3) Risen ple. In ground where there is 8 possiblity Of piles rising or boing displaced laterally due to ground hheavo, the positions of the tops ofthe piles should be Imossured at inervals while nearby piles are ing installed, Pilos which have been displaced as a result of driving adiacant piles should be rodrivan to the original rosistanco, Unis radriving tests on neighbouring piles or loading tests ‘on selected risen pile have shown this to be unnecessary [Gole 1072; Cooke ot al 1079). 742.56 Jetting. Jetting may be used as a means of ‘minimizing or eliminating the resistance atthe toe; the frictional rosistance along the surface of the pile shaft may also be reduced. By reducing the toe resistance vary hard driving and vibration can be avoided and greater rates and depths of penetration can be achieved than by percussive methods. Jotting is affective in coherionlae sole, such as sand, gravel and fine-grained sols, provided the Deroontage of clay is small iti not effective in, and should ot be employed in, clay sols Jatting of piles should be carried out only with permission ‘of tho onginoer and in auch a manner ae not to impair the bearing capacity of pilus already in place, the stability of the around or the ssfety of any adjoining buildings. ‘The quantity of water required for effective jetting is directly related to the eross-sectional area ofthe pile {including exteinal jot pipes), Up to 2 L/min for every 100 mm of pile erate section may be required at the pile In dense cohesiontess soils; loosely compacted sols may require less water. The pressure should be from 0.6 N/m? to 1 N/mm? (6 kgf/om? to 10 kaf/em*) or more I lerge ‘quantitle of watar are ucad Ie may be noooszary to malo provision for leading eway the water that emerges at the ground surface so that the stability of the piling equipment Fe not endangered by the softening of the ground. “The arcangoment of the jets should be balanced to ensure that the pile penetrates vertically, Independent pipes surged down or two pipes attached to the opposite sides of the pile ‘may be used. To minimize the risk of blockages the nozzles should not be positioned at the point of the toe. Acceptable vertiality may be achioved by the use of rigid leaders and allowing the pile to enter the ground gradually, after ‘operating the water jets, under the weight ofthe pile and hammer, the rate of penetration being controlled by the ple Ob MME LL24eb9 OOZ1L50 4 me winch. Onea maximum apparent penetration is achieved by {this method turther penetration may generally be obtained in cohesioniess solls by light driving whilst the water jets running. When jetting is completed. the piles should be driven to the final penetration or set. 7.4.28 Stripping pile heeds. The concrete should be Stripped to lovel such that the remaining concrete wil project 60 mm to 75 mm into the pile cap. The effect of this projection on the position of any reinforcement fn the pile ap should be considared in design, The pile reinforce: ‘ment should be exposed for @ length sufficient to permit it ‘to be bonded into the cap. This should be done cerofully to avoid shattering or otherwise damaging the rest ofthe pile. Any cracked or detactive concrete should be out sway and made good with new concrete properly bonded to the old 7.4.27 Lengthening pile. Where 2 pile te to have anothor length caston to It before or during driving, the longitudinal reinforeament should preferably be joined by full penetra: ‘ion butt welding 2s doscribed in The conerote at the top of the originel pile should be cut down to expose not less than 200 min af the bars to avold spalling the ‘concrste by heat. The acided bars have to bo held accurately and rigidly in position during welding. Whore facilities on sive are insuielene to mak good burt welding practicable, the joint may be made by lepping. The reinforcement atthe head ofthe pile wll need to be exoosed for a distanco of 40 times the bar dlamater and the naw bare overlapped for ‘this distance. ‘were special mectanical pile joints are used, these should havea strength equal in all respects to that of the pile sections they loin. The desian and installation of the joints should ensure that adjacent pile sections remsin in true ynment at all stages of handling and driving and the butting ends ofthe pile sections remin in clove contact, during driving (Bredenberg and Broms 1960). TAS Prostrssed con piles 7A3.1 General, The main differences between prestressed ‘concrete plas and normal reinforced concrete piles are as follows. “The stresses sot up when handling prestressed piles of ven length can be resistad by smaller cross sections and hence jaconomy in meterials may be achievad. The smaller eross tection may permit or nacessitate areater penetration. “The bearing capacity may govern the eross section ofa pile ‘and gould preclude the use of the smaller sizee that would be possible from strength considerations alone. The tensile stressos caused by the action of stress waves wien driving can be reduced by the prestress. The reduction of tensile cracks should give grester durability to the plle, particularly the pilaf submerged, The piles ara betta ala to ress, without cracking, any tensile forozs set up by the working loads, whether diract or due to bending, or by accidental, roaas. Prostrossed pilos require high strongth concrete and careful control during manufacture; usually this means casting Jina factory where the curing conditions can be strictly rogulatod. Where piles have tobe lengthened the procedure 96 i Copyright by the BAT STandards usUtolion ‘Thu Apr 08 10-1609 1998 Ub24bE9 OO21E41 & Ml BSI BS*8004 4b mt {is more elaborate, There is some evidence to euanest that a larger ratio of hammer weight to pile weight is required to avoid damaging the pile ‘Safety precautions relating to equipmant for driving plas ‘are deseribad in soction eleven, For eortain citustione, 0.9 for an earth rotaining structure, ppost-tensioned bored piles can be considered, 742.2 Motoriote Concrete, The materials should in goneral bo in fccordance with BS 8110 oF clauses 204 to 208 of CP 116. 1969, with the special requirements sat out in7. of this code. The concrete should be designed and controlled Imaccordance with BS 8110 oF clause 207 of GP 115 : 1989, 7.43.22 Presiressing steel. Prestressng steal should be in ‘accordance with BS 8110 or clause 205 of GP 115 ; 1969. 74,32. Reinforcement. Where ordinary reinforcement it Introduced Into prestressed ples, It should be In accordence with BS 8110 or clause 206 of CP 115 = 1969, 7433 Design 7.43.3. Concrete. The maximum axial stress that may bo ppd to a pile acting asa short strut should be 4% (specified works cube strength at 28 days less the prestress after loses) I the ratio of effective length to the lest lateral dimension fs greater than 16 the stress should be reduced as shown in clause 322 of CP 114 : 1968. ‘The effective longth of the pile shoulda azzezcad from its end fixity conditions, and from the lateral support to be expected from material around tho pile whon in position. ‘A guide to the otfects of end fixity conditions Is given in BS 8110 and clause 322 of CP 114: 1968. ‘The static stresses produced during lifting end pitching should not exceed the values given in tables 1 and 2 of CP 116 : 1969 using in table 2 of that code the values rolating to loads of short duration, To allow for impact, the tensile stresses during transport, calculated as static stresses should not axesedl anethicl of the vakies calculated as above. Prestress. Tha prastoss after allowing for locsat Of prestross should satisty the following conditions (a) For prestress to cover handling, transporting and lifting conditions, it may be assumed that only 75 % ‘of tho full loss of prestross will have oceutred within 2 months of easing (b) The prestross (in N/mm?) should be not less than (0.07 times the ratio of the length of the pile to its least lateral dimension. 1f measured in kgf/em®, the prestross ‘should be not loss than 0.7 times the ratio of the length ‘of tho pile to ie least latsral dimension (6) The riniraum prestress rlated to the ratio of effective wolght of hammer to welaht of pile should be asfollows, 97 Copyright by Ue British Standards Isittion ‘Th Apr OB 10-1411 1986 BS 8004 : 1986 Section seven Ratio of hammer ‘weight to ple weight no less ther 09 08 07 06 ‘Minimum prestross for normal driving: Nimm? 2 35 5 6 kaflem? 2035 806 Minimum prostress for easy driving: = Nimm? 35 4 5 6 kaflem? 35 405060 For desl hammars the minimum prestros should be 5 Ninn? (50 kyle). A considerably greater prestress may be required for raking pills, particularly if these are driven in ground which may ‘end! to deflect the piles from their true alignments Loss of prestrass should be calculated in accordance with BS 8110 or clause 204 of CP 115 : 1969. 743.33 Prostressing wires and stirrups. The prestressing wires should be evenly spaced parallel to the faces of the pile Mitd steel stirrups of not tse than 6 mm diameter should be placad at a pitch of not more than the side dimension loss 50 mm, At the top and bottom, fora lenath of three times the side dimension, the stirrup volume should be not last thar 0.6 % of the pile volume. The eoncrete cover to rolnforesmont should be in accordance with, Pile shoss. {¢ pile shoes are required they may be desorbed in with sufficient spece round them to pass the prestressing wires. Altsmatlvely, they may be light shoes drilled to pass tho ends of the prestresing wires. 74.3.4 Manufacture, curing and transfer of prestress 743.4. Manufecture, Prestressed concrate piloe ar0 normally cast by the "longsline’ method Ina factory under conditions of close control. Where piles are cast other than Ine factory, casting should take placa nan enclosed space at an air tomperature of not less than 10°C (60°F). Piles should not be removed from the place of casting until after the transfor of peestres. ‘Tho piles should be east in one operation using Intarnal and external vibrators to assist compaction of the conorete. Gare should be taken to ensure that vibration from adjoining work does not affect the placed conciete during the setting period, Care should be taken that the hoad of the ple is finished plane and normal to the axis of the pile, Each pile should be marked with a reference number and dato of eat ing, Curing should be carried out as described In ‘or the piles may be ctoam oured (220 olaures 304(g) ‘and 501g) of CP 115 : 1968. 7.43.4. Transfor of prectrose, Whonover a batch of piles Is st, four test cubes should be cast and stored in close proximity to and undor the camo conditions of temperature ‘ang humidity as the piles, BST BSxB004 65 MM Db24eb9 OOZLL52 6 mm BS 8004 : 1986 Section seven ‘Tho minimum cube strenath of tho concrete at transfer of prestress should be 2.5 times the stress in the conerete at ‘transfer, o 28 N/mm? (280 kgf/em?) for strand or crimped vite or 85 N/mm? (350 kgt/om*) for plain or indented ite, whichever isthe greater. The attainment of this strongth may be checked oithor by testing the relevant test ‘cubes or by allowing sufficient time to elapse after casting, provided this pariod can be shown to be adequate on the bacle of provious tert cube recule and etrietly controlled cering conditions. After transfer of prestres, the prestressing ‘wires should be eut off flush with the face of the concrete or pile shoe. 7.43.43 Stacking and storing, For stacking and storing of prestressed concrete piles see 7.4.38 Driving procedure. Driving of prestressed concreto piles should tollow tho recommendations for roinforeod conereta piles in Although the effect of prestressing Isto raduco tansion eracks induced by stress waves, such cracking may still occur, particularly when driving is ‘ight, or If too light « hammer is used. A careful check for tension racks should be made during the driving of the fst piles ‘and, f these occur the hammer drop should be reduced, If the eracks persist or recur when the full drop has to be used, then a heavier hammer should be substituted. 7.4.36 Bonding of head of pile int pile cap. The mort Satisfactory and most easily implemented method is stripping the concrete of the pile to expose the prestressing wires, The concrete should be stripped to such a level that the remaining concrete projects 60 mm to 76 mm into the pile cap. Where tension has to be daveloped between the tap and the pile, the exposed prestrersing wires should extend atleast 600 mm into the cap. An alternative mothod is to incorporate mild ste! reinforcement in the upper part ofthe pile. After stripping the conerete this reinforcement should be bonded into the cap. 7.3. Lengthening of piles. Where piles have to be lengthened during driving, this may be done by one of the following methods, (a) Whore mild steel reinforcement is incorporated in ‘the heed of the pile, lengthening may be as described in7.427. (©) By using a mild cto! eplicing sleeve together with precast extension piece. The sleeves should be bedded on to the top of the pile with a dry sand/cement mortar, ‘epoxy resin or other compound, and the extension piece similarly bedded on to the sleve. It should be noted that piles lengthened in this way have a limited resistance ‘to bending atthe splics. {c) By means of dowel bars inserted into drilled holes, the connection being made with grout or epoxy resin. 7.4.4 Driven castin-place piles General, Driven castinplace piles ae of two types, the first having a parmanant steal or cnnerata casing and the second being without permanent casing. Bored cast-in-place piles are considered separately in 7.4.5. Copyright by Uie British Standards Tsittion ‘Th Apr OB 10-1612 1986 ‘Thote are many proprietary systems of driven castin-place piles; careful supervision by the engineer and the contractor Is always necessary to ensure that the piles are properly ‘formed. Th is particularly important in the case of piles ‘ot provided with a permanant casing. Safety precautions relating to the formation of driven, cast-in-place piles aro described in section eleven, TAA2 Materials 7.442 Concrete. In general, the recommendations for precast concrete piles in also apply to driven castin-piles. The concrete mix should contain not less ‘than 300 kg/m? of coment. The workability, which is not ‘to he confused with water eontant, should he adaquate for ‘the method of placing employed in the formation of the pile. Suggested slumps for typical concreting situations are glven In Table 14 excapt for those piling systams requiring @ dry mix Table 14, Suggested slump detalls for typical concreting tuations for eastinpace ples ‘Typical conditions of ute ‘Sum Poured into wator-tree unlined bore. Widely spaced reinforce Iman leaving ample ruom for ‘free movement between bars Wheee rintercament is not spaced widely enough to giva ‘reo movemant betwean bars Where cuLoft level of concrete {is within casing. Where pile diameter is less than 600 mmm ‘Where concrete 2s placed by tromio under water or bentonite suspension 7510 125 | 3105 100 t0 175 | 4107 160 t0 collapse 6t0 collapse Reinforcement. For reinforcement of dt ceastinplace piles seo 7443 Design 7.84:3.1 Concrete. The average compressive stress under ‘working load should not exceed 25 % of the specified ‘works euba strangth at 28 days ealoulatnd on the tatet cross-sectional area of the pile, Where the casing of the pile is continuous and permenent, of adequate thicknass and of sulteble shape, the allowable compressive strass may be Incteasad at the discretion of the engineer Reinforcement. The recommendations of apply to driven castin-place piles where relevant. Cast-in-place piles may be reinforced over the whole of thelr length, over part of thelr length, or morely provided with short splice bars at the top for bonding into BSI BS*8004 Sb MM 1b24bL9 002193 T a the pile cap. The extent of the reinforcement will dopond ‘on whether the pile Is used to resis tenlle or bending forces, on the type of foundation and on the possibility of hhorlzontal or vertial ground movements due to the installation of other piles nearby or to moisture changes in the soil 74.44 Formation of piles 74.4.4. General All plant, matorals and operations ‘employed in the formation ofa pile should be such as to ensure that the completed pile is of the full cross section. Where reinforcement is used, care will need to be taxen to {ensure that it i not displaced or distorted during tho formation of the pile. Atal stages of the work every. [precaution should be takon to prevent waleting and the ‘formation of voids inthe concrete. These defects may be due to Feulty consolidation, inmulficient head uf concrete during placing, concrete of inadequate workability, flow of ‘groundwater past green concrete, or extracting the easing too late or too quickly. “Tho volume of the concrete should be chackad at froquont Intervals and steps taken to maintain a sutficient head of ‘conerete above the bottom of the casing to provent inflow Cf soll or water. In depositing concrete through a cage of reinforcement, care will need to be taken to prevent the ‘segregation of cement mortar from the aggregate. During ‘extraction of the vesiny observation sould be kept om the surface of the conerate to detect any tendency towards lifting of the conerete. When casings are driven to a prescribed resistance or set, relevant sections of should be observed. 7.44.42 Reinforcement. When teinforcement i¢ used, effective means should be employed to keop it in place with ‘correct cover enw alignment during concreting of the ple When it is made up into cagos these should be sufficiently rigid to enable them to be handled and lowered into the pile borohole safely and without damage or significant ‘change in dimensions. Where cages are formed or extended ‘onsite by welding, the area and quality of tho welds chould ‘be adequate for the forces applied during handling and under working conditions after tho pile has boon conerated ‘end should be subject to normel inspection. ‘Tho bars should be openly spaced and lateral tis should be not elosor than 150 mm eantres 20 thet the placing of concrete is not impeded, 7.4.8 Domago to newly formed piles. When cast in-place piles are formed within a tube which is subsequently withdrawn, the sequence of driving the pile should be such ‘86 to prevent damage to any recently complete piles before ‘the conereté has had time to harden sufficiently. 7A4AA Finishing pile heads. Whore a temporary casing Is used, the conorete ofthe pile should be brought up sufficiontly fer shove the raquieed finished level to allow {or slumping on withdrawal of the casing and to ensure that all laltance and weak concrete rises above cutoff level ‘The concrete should be cast 10 a minimum of 0.3m above groundwater level unless all water-bearing strata are effectively sealed off or the water excluded by other means. 99 Copyright by The BATS Standards Tsittion ‘Thu Apr OB 10-1419 1986 BS 8004 : 1986 Section seven Particular attention should be paid to the comoaction of the concrete in the top metre or s0 of the pile. Any dofactive concrete in the head of the completed pile should be eut ‘away and made good with new conciete well bork into the old. The reinforcement in the pile should be exposed: for a sufficient distance to permit it to be adequately bonded to the pile cap (sce 7.8.5 Position and alignment tolerances. The provisions 0f apply where relevent. AAAS Rison pls. In around where there is a possibility of piles rising or being displaced laterally due to ground heave, the position of the tops of the piles should be messuied at intervals while nearby piles are being Installed. Driven, castin-place piles that have been displaced should ‘not notmally be redrivan although it is permissible to recive some typos of piles in which conerate is placed in @ permanent steel or precast concrete casing. All other types ‘of driven, cast-in ploes pilos thot have risen or bsen displaced laterally should either be roplaced or the required resistance developed by preloading unless loading tests on selected piles demonstrate that the movements have not had a detrimental offect on pile performance (Cole 1972; Cooke et al. 1979), 7.4.8 Bored cast-in-place piles L.A. Generel. Bored piles ae formed by boring or grabbing and subsequently filling the hole with concrete. Piles 60D mm or lass in diametar are commonly know as small diameter bored piles. Large diameter bored piles ara greatse than 600 rom dinater ‘Thera are several mathods of constructing bored piles; ‘many features of their construction ate similar and not Proprietary. Continuous suparvsion on site by the angineor and the contractor is always necessery to engure thatthe piles are properly forrned. Safaty procautione relating to the formation of bored piles re described in section eleven, ‘The pile diameters given in table 16 are recommended, ‘The actual sizes of piles may vary from the nominal sizes because of factors such asthe use of equipment built to Imperial dimensions end varletione In the soll strata it ‘which the pile is being formed. Design of the piles should be related tothe actual size constructed rather than nominal dimensions, TAS2 Matoriols 752A Concrete. In genera, the recommendations In and aco apoly to bored ws-in-place piles. Whore ready -mixed concrete is used, with the approval of the engineer, it should be in aocordanco with BS 6328, ‘The concrete should be supplied in sufficient quantity to sure that the concreting of each pile proceeds without trruption. In additlon to meting tho strongth requir ‘ments the conerete will need to have adequate workability 40 that itcan flow against the walls of the shaft, and into ‘every cavity. The slump should be as given in table 14. ‘Theminimum characteristic strength requirement at 28 days should ha 20 N/mm? (200 kat ler?) BST BSx6004 66 MM LL24LE5 00214 1 a BS 8004 : 1986 Section seven “Table 16, Nominal pile diameters 300 2 350 14 400 16 460 18 500 20 560 22 600 24 750 30 900 38 1050 a 1200 48 1350 54 | 1600 60 NOTE. The pile lometerectually anitions ut the nominal ameter then ere cormonly ued in ping Generally the conorete should contain not less than 300 ka/m? cement. To avoid sogregation, honeycombing ‘and bleeding, and other defects resulting from the high ‘water content required for workebility, the use of a water ‘0 ensure the required eobesion of the mix the fines contont fof cement or aggregate may also have to be increased. “Tae engineer should have access for inspection to the supplier's works at all times. The supplier's works should hhave adanuste facilites for heating the aggregates in cold weather (Wigmore 1961). 7.8822 Reinforcament. For cast-in-place piles see 745.2 Dasign 7.45.3. Concrote. For conerote for bored cast-in-place piles, see nforeamant af head 745.32 Reinforcement (see{f ples are required to resi tonellaforass, the rainforooment should ‘normally be caried down for the full length of the piles and into the enlarged bases, if any. Where the tensile forces ‘are small, the reinforcement nead only be of the length necessary to transmit fully the tensle forees. Bored piles ate frequently installed from ground level and excavatians carried out subsequently. Swelling ofthe unloaded ground causes tensile forces to be set up in the piles which may vais until construction of the superstructure is well advanged, Reinforcement should therefore be provided for ‘tensile forces which are not expected to exist when the structure ie complated. 7.4.84 Formation of piles 7.45.44 General, The recommendations of also apply to bored castin-place piles. In soils that are stable It ‘will often be possible to drill an unlined hole and place the concrete without having to case the hole. In those cases ‘whore sutfave spoil cat fll into the hole Ht i necesaery to havea short lead-in tube. In soils lable to flow into the borehole, casing is normally used to maintain stability and thereby to prevent the uneontrolled entry of soll and water Into the borehole, Where practicable, the bottom of the cating zhould be kept cutfieiontly far bolow the boring to prevent the inflow of soll and the formation of cavities in the surrounding ground, which can release water into the pile conerote when the casing is withdrawn (Thorburn and. ‘Thorburn 1977). Ths is particularly important for pile borings eartina out in close proximity to the foundations of adjacent buildings when loss of ground from beneath the adjacent foundations ean oceur. Whate the casing cannot practicably be advanced below the bottom of the borehole, {or example in compact sands and gravels, i will be necessary to use other expedients, For example, inflow of soil and groundwater can sometimes be prevented in relatively impermeable sols by a head of water. In granular ceil It can be provented by drilling mud auch os bentonite suspension maintained within the boring, The supporting fluid inside the bore should be maintained ata level above the surrounding groundwater levol sufficient to ensure the stability of the stata being penetrated throughout the having peooass and maintained at that lovel until the pile hhas boon conoreted, Alternatively, the borehole can be kept stable by mixing the ground into & fluid colurnn with dry bentonite througn which tha casing can subsequently pe penetrated; this processis normelly described as mucding-in Whan using shelling tachnique’, are choula bo taken to _avold over rapid withdrawal of the boring tools causing suction leading to excessive removal of soll into the casing. ‘There should be adequate clearance between the shell and ‘tha casing to minimize the suction. Dry bores should be clean, Where the piles are vertical, concrete may be poured through a funnel with a length of tube so that the flow is directed and does not hit reinforce ‘ment bers or the side of the hole. Shutes extending to near the base should be employed for raking piles of large slameter. For raking piles of small diemetar this may not be Dracticeble end an enriched mix should be used inthe first few batches of concrete to minimize segregation. With a Droperly designea mx of sultable workabilty t should not be necessary to vibrate the concrete. Concrete within temporary casings should never be vibrated: Vibration oF punning after casings have beon removed to ensure good compaction of the top 1.5 m or s0 of the pile should be permitted only i the pile head concrete eanot be displ into soft ground and contaminated by soil or water Inthe case of friction piles in ground liable to deteriorate ‘on expoture coneroting should be carried out without delay. In circumstances where the cut-off level Is balow the srouncivator level, the re to maintain a pressure on the unset concrete equal to, or greater than, the groundwater pressure should be observed. a 100 H Copyright by Ue British STandardstsittion ‘Thu Apr 08 TO-141¢ 1986

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