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5G Technology: Opportunities and Challenges


The fifth generation of mobile network technology or “5G”, is creating a pathway for an even
smarter and sustainable future. As commercial 5G starts to take hold on a widespread basis, it comes
well-stocked with promising applications. This review’s objective is to highlight its massive potential
and its possible impacts regarding providing solutions to serious problems with real-time data
collection and extensive connectivity.
With key functional drivers like super-fast internet speed, ultra-low latency, and increased
connectivity, that efficiency will help revolutionize the proceedings of technology and businesses.
Provide economic growth and social value with increased manufacturing, job opportunities, better
education, healthcare, and environmental benefits.
Conversely, large-scale implementation will come with its challenges and it may not deliver as
intended. The full scale of its capabilities will not be available during the initial 5G launch and will
be implemented in a structured approach over the next few years.


The landscape of the world is currently in the midst of evolution, as a direct result of significant
advancements in information and communication technology. One of these significant advancements
over the last two decades is the development and evolution of broadband cellular networks. The
previous rollout of 4G as with successive generations, brought improved internet speeds, latency, and
bandwidth however, due to one factor or the other, mass implementation expectations have still not
been met. There is a large gap in several developing countries between the proportion of subscribers
that have access to 4G and people that use it.
Especially in third-world countries like Nigeria since commercial 3G’s release in 2003 and 4G lte’s
release in late 2010, the number of 3G/4G mobile broadband subscriptions reached 75.5 million in
Nigeria in May 2021, a decrease from the 76.5 million subscribers in the same month in 2020. And
internet penetration stood at 39.6% in May 2021 [1][3], although there are plans for Nigeria to achieve
90% penetration by 2025, this current statistic is still considerably low considering its been over a
decade since commercial 4G release.
5G is on the brink of commercial widespread release and aims to deliver on its promises. If it indeed
does, the potential is there for increased focus on technology like virtual reality(VR) and artificial
intelligence(AI) [4], the full range of its capabilities will be integrated with a structured approach over
the next few years. So we must understand what 5G is, and what will be available during the early

Main Text

The importance of fast and consistent network connections is great. Whether at work or home, both
businesses and consumers demand a fully connected experience wherever they are and whenever
they need it. Typical activities that need buffering on today’s 4G-based mobile
networks can happen in a flash with 5G. However, 5G concerns more than just instant speed.
Next-gen network capabilities can offer more applications than just smartphones and devices. 5G
presents many use-cases: some are classified under fixed wireless access(FWA), mission-critical
applications, and improved Internet of Things technology (IoT) [2].
Fixed wireless access uses wireless technology to deliver internet to a household. 4G LTE
infrastructure can deliver broadband speeds up to 12 Mbps, with 5G FWA, much higher bandwidth is
possible and can reach up to one Gbps in some cases. Coupled with the capacity to function
optimally in crowded situations, FWA can open doors to smart homes, seamless high-quality video
streaming, better cloud computing, and increasing interactive and immersive forms of entertainment.
5G will enter classrooms and bring new interactive and immersive ways of learning to students
Mission-critical applications require high distance coverage and ultra-low latency communications [4].
These are instances where latency or network connectivity issues could lead to serious consequences.
This will encourage developments like remote medical surgery and e-health, fully automated
manufacturing and driverless cars, as well as improved natural resource management 

Internet of Things technology is essentially made up of a huge number of machines and devices
transmitting data. IoT requires deep coverage to support connected devices that have long battery
life. With 5G, this technology can be designed to virtually integrate and connect everyone and
everything from your devices and machines, sharing information in real-time, essentially creating an
e-ecosystem. From this, we could develop sensors equipped with 5G connectivity to refine transport
and logistics from plane to cars and to further develop smart homes and cities, this application could
be used in agriculture. Based on readings collected from the environment from these sensors

As with new technology, with potential this grand, it will come with its limitations and
complications. The deployment itself will require huge investments: operators will have to address
5G infrastructure like cell towers, cables, and testing costs. Many current devices are not compatible
with 5G so new compatible devices will need to be purchased to experience the benefit of the new
network. 5G wireless architecture is also not so simple to understand, its feature-stacked structure
makes it more complex than ever, and handling such a network requires experienced staff with
decent knowledge of the technology. Cybercrime and fraud may also increase with the high-speed
and global 5G technology. Therefore, legislation of the cyberlaw is also an important issue that
should be largely handled on a governmental and political scale


The dawn of the 5G network presents the opportunity to develop and implement technologies that
hold the potential to address current challenges, including health, industrial production, pollution,
education, and even climate change. If the 5G network delivers as promised, it may be key in
assisting the delivery of an improved lifestyle to the global population.


1. Industry Statistics: Nigerian Communications Commission; 2021

2. The promise and potential of 5G. [ebook] London: IHS Markit, p.13. [Accessed 2019]

3. 3G/4G broadband subscribers in Nigeria 2017-2021 | Statista

4. What is 5G | Everything You Need to Know About 5G | 5G FAQ | Qualcomm

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