BS5400 P03

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BSI BS*S4OO PART*2 82 MM Lo24—b9 OOLI27S 6 mM BS 5400: Part 3: 1982 Ube 628.2101 628.21.0182 e (Reprinted, incorporating Amondment No. 1) © British Standards Institution. No per ot this publication may be photaconied ‘or otherwise roproduced without the prior permis Steel, concrete and composite bridges Part 3. Code of practice for design of steel bridges Ponts en acier, ponts en béton,-ponts mixtes Partie 3. Code de bonne pratique pour la conception des ponts en acier Briicken aus Stahl, Beton und Verbundbau Teil 3. Richulinie fr die Konstruktion von Briicken aus Stahi e British Standards Institution (Copyright by The Bilis Slandards lsittion Mor Tan 31 16:01:18 2000 BS 6400: Pat 9; 1902 Contents Page Foreword 6 Cooperating organizations Back cover Recommendations 1. Scope 7 2. Rafarances 7 3. Definitions and symbols 7 3.1 Definitions 7 32 Symbols ? 32.1 Gonoral 7 32.2 Main symbols 7 8233 Subscripts 8 4. Design objectives e 4.1 Generel 6 7 4.2 Limit statos 8 4.2.1 Ultimate limit state 8 4.22 Sorviceabily limit state 8 423 Fatigue 8 4.3 Paral safety factors to be used 9 4.3.1 General 9 4.32 Safety factor format 9 4.3.3 Values of partal safety factors 8 4.4 Structural support 10 4.5 Corrosion resistance and protection 10 45.1 General 10 4.8.2 Provision of drainage 10 48.3 Sealing 10 45.4 Narrow gaps and spaces 10 4.5.5 Thickness of steal with inaccessible surfaces 10 4.6 Clearance gauges 10 5, Limitations on construction and ‘workmanship 10 5.1 Workmanship 10 15.2 Robusiness 10 5.3 Handling and transport 10 5.4 Composite steel/concrote construction 10 5.6 Built-up members 10 8.6 Diaphragms and fixings required during cconetruction 10 5.7 Camber 10 8.8 End connections of beams 10 ‘5.9 Support cross beams. 10 6, Properties of materials " 61 Performance n 6.2 Nominal yield stress " 6.3 Ultimate tensile stress 1 644 Ductilty "i 6 Notch toughness u 8.5.1 Gene 1 652 Design minimum temperature 1" 6.3 Classification 1" 16.5.4 simple provisions 1" 6.8.6 Eneray absorption " 6.5.6 Stress concentrations 2 6.6 Properties of steel 12 6.7 Modular ratio 2 7. Global analysis for load oftects 4 7.4 Genoral 4 7.2 Sectionel properties 4 Stross analysis “ 8.1 Longitudinal stresses in beams “ 8.2 Allowance for sheer lag 4 £83 Distortion and warping stresses in box siders 8.4 Shoor stresses £85 Imperfections 85.1 Imporections alowed for 8.5.2 Imperections to be allowed for seperately 8.5.21 Torsionaly sti gird 85.2.2 Columns 8.6 Residval sossos 2. Design of boame 9.1 General 9.2 Limit states 9.2.1 Ukimate limit state 1.4 General 9.2.12 Effoct to bo considered Effects thet may be neglected 9.22 Fatigue 9.23 Serviooabity iit stato 923.1 Gener 8.232 Effects to be considered 9.2.4 Composite beams 8.3 Shape imitations 8.3.1 Gonoral 9.3.2 Flanaos 913.21 Outstand 9.3.22 Outstand 9.3.3 Openings 93.34 General 9.32 Unsiffoned oponings in wobs 18.3.4 Stoners to webs and compression flanges Opon sifoners to webs ond compression flanges 9.34.2 Closed stifenars to webs and compression flanges 8.35 Flanges curved in elevation 19.38 Circular hollow sections 8.3.7 Compact soctions 9.37.1 General 9.9.79 Webs Compression fangos 9.3.74 Circular hollow sections 94 Effective sation 9.41 Effective sation for glob ‘9:42 Etfeeivo section for banding stress analysis of beams 94.21 General 914.22 Daduetions for holas 9.423 Shear log offcts 9.424 Effective compression flange 9.4.25 effective web 9.4.26 Stifoner continuity 9.4.27 Composite constuction 8.5 Evaluation ofstrosses 9.5.1 General 9.6.2 Strwsos in longitu woos 8.5.3 Strosses in longitudinally stiffened ‘compression flanges 9.5.4 Redistribution of wab stresses in @ longitudinally stoned beam ‘compression tension ly stifoned BSI BS¥SYO0 PART*3 62 MH Bb24LL9 OOLL27b T Pone 22 24 24 CCopjright by The British Standards Tnstitoton Mor Tan 31160624 2000 e £455 Redisbtion of tension tangs Stan ongttnly efened boon 2.88 Trae sa be 289 Hungersoned nine 28.74 stnns tron 3072 Sue ete 2.58 ranges stoping staton 0.6 Eeive nat art busting enna 8.62 Beane wth nome ate foun 8.83 Beams (to tan conto) wigan itomedoe oe vce 2.04 Canilroe wtotnomdite tn! ora 8.05 Beane oad by U-tames e 8.6.6 Beams continuously restrained by eck Deck at compression flange level Dock not at compression flange level 8.7 Slondomass 8.7.1 General 9.7.2 Uniform 1, channel, t99 or angle soctions 9:72 Other uniform sections 87.341 Union rectangulr or tapecldl box eoctons 9.7.82 Unitom solid rctangulr [X34 Yin one "9.7.5 Other cases and alternative methods 82 Limiting comprorive sess 981 General 9.82 Compact sections 9.83 Non-compect scons 8.9 Boame without tonitudina to e 9.9.1 Bending resistance 891.1 General 8 2. Compact sections 3. Non-compact sections 9.9.2 Shear resistance Gonoral 9.9.22 Shear resistance under pure shear 8.9.3 Combined bending and shear 9.9.31 Wabe with intarmediata transvorsostifenors Webs with transverse stiffeners at ‘the suppors only 9.9.4 Combined bonding and axial load Yielding of beam 99.42 Buckling of beam Compact and stocky mombers 9.95 Booms built in several stages Copyrigit by the Hirtish Slandards Institution Mor Tan 31 160625 2000 8.41.1 General a 8.11.2 Strength 40 9.11.3 Yialding of web panels 40 214.4 Bucking of web panels 42 9.11.44 General a2 9.11.42 Restraint of web panels a2 9.11.43 Buckling coefficients 43 9.11.44 Ineraetion buckling criterion 46 8.11.8 Longitudinal wab stitfeners 46 9.115:1 Effective section for longitudinal wed stiffeners 48 9.11.52 Stongth of longitudinal web stiffeners a 9.11.6 Cunailment of longitudinal web stifeners a 9.12 Restraints to compression flanges ar j21222 Steenath ca U-frames with cross members _ sucttmenommatone,, «ZA 8.12.32 Deck not at compression fiance es - sottitewens 2 peaine 3 Ta o BSI BS*S4OO PART*3 82 MM Lo24eb9 0011277 1 mm BS 5400: Part 3: 1982 Page sas Someone a whe . omens * oo ___.Symmatric cross gections, 38 ee ere ans 9.10.1 Strength of unstiffened flanges 38. suiliwetatnane Leta ccnce, a1023 Sa ne inte * ee -- assure a # SEE Seta ae a semen 5 oe z in tho cross suction’ 9.12.1 Elamante providing eoctive imemadiate discrete lateral “PST BS*S400 PARTA3 2 MM LL24Lb7 0013278 3 mm BS 5400: Part 3: 1982 9.13.2 Effective section of transverse web stiffeners 9.19.9 Loading on transverse wob stiffeners 9.13.31 Effects to be considered 9.18.32 Axil force due to tension field the destabilizing influence of the wob 9.1334.Ax 9.1344 Distribution of axial loading 8138 Strength of transverse web 8.13.61 Yielding of web plate 3.13.82 Yielding of aifener 9.13.53 Buckling of effective stiffener 9.13.6 Transverse web stifeners without applied loading 19.14 Load booting support atiffonore 9.14.1 General 9.14.2 Effective section for bearing aiffoners 9.14.21 Single leg stiffener 9.14.2? Multileg sifeners 9.14.3 Loading on bearing stiffenors 9.14.3. Effects to be considered 19.14.32 Axlal force representing the dostabilizing influence of the wee 9:14.33 Eccentricity End supports 9.14.4 Gtrongth of bearing atitfonore 9.14.41 Yielding of web plate 8.14.42 Yiolding of stifonor 9.14.43 Buckling of ettective stitoncr section 9114. Stilfnnas of beating stiffeners 9.15 Cross beams and other transverse ‘members in stiffened flanges 9.18.1 General Loading Comprossion Manges 9.16.13 Transverse member support 9.18.2 Effective section for transverse members Effective section for stiffness 9.18.22 effective saction for strangth and stress calculation 9.16:2.3 Compact section 9.18.3 Suttess of wensverse members In ‘compression flanges 9.18.3. Transverse member segment types 9.16.32 Stifiness of transverse members 9.15.4 Loading on tranevoree mombore 9.18.4. Effects to be considered 9.16.42 Flanges curved in elevation 9.18.43 Changes of flange slope 9.18.44 Profile deviations in compression flanges 9.15.45 Application of loading 9.188 Strength of transverse members COpyngne by the ontsh Stancaras fisutonion Mor Tan 31 160626 2000 {oreo due to curvature Page 50 81 5 5 9.16 Intermediate internal oross frames in box gitdere 9.16.1 General 9.1622 Limitations 9.16.21 Girdor layout 9162.2 Gross frames 9.16.23 Comer sttfening 9.16.3 Load effects to 9.16.4 Ring cross far 9.16.41 Effective section of transverse einbers| 9.16.42 Analysis Strangth of ring cross frame members 9.16.5 Broced cross frames Gonorat Load offects to be considered 9.16.83 Design of braced cross frame membors 9.17 Diaphragms in box girders at ‘supports 8.17.1 Genoral 9.172 Limitations 9.17.21 Box girdore 9.17.22 Diaphragms and bearings 9.17.23 Cross beams and cantilavers 9.17.24 Starter pletes 9.17.25 Stifeners to diaphragms 9.17.2. Plating in dlaphrages Openings in unstifened dliephragms. 9.17.28 Openings in stiffened diephragms 9.178 Leading on diaphragms 9.17.3: Derivation 9.17.32 Effects to be considered 9.17.4 Effective sections 9.17.4. General 9.17.42 Vertionl sections 9.17.43 Shear area 9.17.44 Diaphragm stifenors ' Diaphragm, web junction 8.1755 Unstiffened diaphragms 9175.1 Genoral Raforonco values of in-plane stresses 917.6.8 Buckling eooficiont Yielding of diaphragm plato 9.17.55 Buckling of diaphragm plete 9.175 Stiffened diaphragms 9.17.81 Gonorat 917.82 Straecas in dinphragon plates 9.17.63 Swesses in diaphragm stifeners 917.844 Yielding of diaphragm plate Buckling of alaphragm plate 9.17.66 Yielding of diaphragm stiffeners Buckling of aigphragm stifeners 8.17,7 Diaphragm/web junctions 9177.4 General 9.17:72 Loading offocte to be considored 98417:7°3 Strength of diaphragm/web junetion Junetion restraint provided by

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