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Spain TEST B

1. Write descriptions of:

a) The Golfo de Roses ______________________________
b) Córdoba _______________________________________
c) Cantabrian watershed ____________________________
d) Principado de Asturias ____________________________
e) Depresión del Ebro _______________________________

2. Unscramble and rewrite the sentences.

a) land into cutting sea a gulf is.
b) 17 is communities Spain divided into autonomous.

c) with land borders France has Cataluña.

d) of Europe one the most Spain mountainous is countries in.
e) into are provinces municipalities subdivided.
d) 1 800 in are more there than Spain rivers.

3. Finish the sentences.

a) Spain’s coastline has

b) Seven of Spain’s autonomous communities are
c) The Macizo Galaico-Leonés and the Cordillera Cantábrica
Spain TEST B answers

2. Write descriptions of:

f) The Golfo de Roses ________It’s a gulf in Cataluña. ___________________

g) Córdoba _____It’s a city and province in Andalucía _________________
h) Cantabrian watershed ___Where rivers flow into the Cantabrian Sea
i) Principado de Asturias ______A uniprovincial autonomous
j) Depresión del Ebro _______Lowland around the river Ebro________

2. Unscramble and rewrite the sentences.

a) A gulf is sea cutting into land.

b) Spain is divided into seventeen autonomous communities.
c) France has land borders with Cataluña.
d) Spain is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe.
e) Provinces are subdivided into municipalities.
f) There are more than 1800 rivers in Spain.

3. Finish the sentences.

a. Spain’s coastline has capes, archipelagos, islands, bays and gulfs and

b. Seven of Spain’s autonomous communities are sometimes referred to

as uniprovincial.

The Macizo Galaico-Leonés and the Cordillera Cantábrica form an almost-continuous

mountain range in the north of Spain.

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