AR Astern Niversity: Daquigan, Melnard Vincent, S. 2020021361 Iabf Bsba Fin MGT MOL

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Formative Assessment 1 – Thinking, Idea Generation, and Curiosity and Science

Surname, First Name Daquigan, Melnard Student Number 2020021361

Vincent, S.
Institute IABF Degree Program BSBA FIN MGT
Section Mode of Learning MOL


 Hernon, P., & Schwartz, C. (2007). What is a problem statement?. Library and Information
Science Research, 3(29), 307-309.
 Doody O, Bailey ME (2016) Setting a research question, aim and objective. Nurse
Researcher. 23, 4, 19-23
 Holmes, G. (2002). What is called thinking. Journal of critical psychology, counselling and
psychotherapy, 2, 33-39.
 Whitesides, G. M. (2018). Curiosity and science. Angewandte Chemie International
Edition, 57(16), 4126-4129.)

A. Curiosity
What are you curious about? Please provide your answers in the table below: (X5 or 35 points)
Note: Scientific curiosity, not aimless curiosity


“Inquisitive Mind” “Inquisitive Method”

Idea Generation Argumentation Methodology
“Curiosity” “Claims, Reasons, and “How will you do it?”

I'm curious to know more Small businesses have been The data gathering methods
about small company forced to close their that I will be using will be
operations/enterprises in establishments and seek surveys, questionnaires, and
Metro Manila, Philippines, other means of income in interviews. And I will conduct
that have been adversely order to survive the the research in the vicinity of
disrupted by the Covid-19 epidemic, which has resulted Metro Manila, and the
outbreak. I'm also curious in a significant dislocation number of participants/small
about how and what among small firms, with 43 enterprise owners that I need
percentage of people will be percent of them temporarily would be around 5-10 people
able to stand up again closing. (2020, Bartik et al.) that were affected by the
despite the pandemic. Through 2020, more than COVID-19 Pandemic.
75% of SMEs are
experiencing or anticipate a
revenue decrease.
According to the
entrepreneurs polled, one-
third of enterprises (33%)
expect to lose more than half
of their revenue, and the
situation is unlikely to


Why do you want to study it (state your purpose)? Write in a paragraph form not less than 50

As a member of a family that also owns a small enterprise which is selling

rice/tobacco/corn, I would like to research the operations of small businesses in the Philippines
that have been severely impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. It would also be interesting for me
to conduct research on how small businesses deal with this situation because the Covid-19
Pandemic has not only affected small businesses but also individuals.

What are the possible implications and significance of the study? Write in a paragraph form not
less than 50 words

The problem is significant because it involves various issues that affect these small
businesses, the subject is wide enough to warrant further research. However, I do not believe it
is narrow enough to allow for a conclusion and remedy because no one can predict how long
the Covid-19 pandemic will last. The length of the epidemic is critical since it restricts company
activities and operations.

B. Critical Thinking: Evaluation and Judgment

How do you judge/evaluate a particular concept or variable, or person, or, situation (please
provide specific example). What is your strategy/criteria? Write in a paragraph form not less
than 100 words. (X2 or 14 points)

Critical Thinking

As a guide to belief and behavior, critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of
deliberately and skillfully conceiving, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating
knowledge obtained through, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or
communication. It necessitates agreement with strict criteria of excellence and a conscious
command of their application. It necessitates strong communication and problem-solving skills,
as well as a commitment to overcoming our natural egocentrism and sociocentrism.

When judging good critical thinking, I include the critical thinking process as well, because it is
the foundation for producing an effective and intelligent judgment. I use critical thinking to come
to an effective conclusion and decision, which means determining whether the answer or
conclusion provides a benefit or addresses the problem.

Defining critical thinking. (n.d.). Critical
MSME day 2020: The COVID -19 pandemic and its impact on small business. (2020, June
26). International Labour
C. Analysis: Comparison and Contrast

Compare and contrast curiosity and science. Write your synthesis afterwards. (X3 or 21 points)

Curiosity refers to a strong desire to study or discover something new in particular. Science, on
the other hand, is the study of the nature and behavior of natural things, as well as our
knowledge of them. When we say curiosity, it is the searching or seeking of answers we do not
know or do not have a knowledge of, while in science I think it is deepening our understanding
and making our knowledge more precise to have an exact answer on what we are not so sure
about, it is the gathering more available and precise data that they do not have in their earlier
knowledge. And our curiosity about science is a drive to seek out and consume scientific
information for the sheer enjoyment of it.
Curiosity and science may have a close relationship, but they are also distinct. Curiosity stems
from an individual's need to learn, obtain, or gather new information/knowledge about
something new, but science has its own branches and concepts that study behaviors and
natural studies. Science is a methodical process of accumulating and organizing knowledge
about the universe in the form of testable explanations and predictions. In terms of systematic
approach, science varies from curiosity in that science uses a methodology to analyze data,
whereas curiosity is based only on an individual's thoughts, desires, and interests. People that
are interested in science do so because they enjoy seeing what science can accomplish to
solve problems, this is the relationship of curiosity and science.

While curiosity and science may differ in some ways, they share a lot of similarities when it
comes to human behavior. Curiosity is defined as a strong desire for knowledge and learning
new things, while science is defined as the study of natural phenomena and the use of human
behavior that is connected to the concept of curiosity in thought and interest.

Legend: (Based on FEU Assessment and Grading System)

Description and 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Points A B+ B C+ C D+ D F
MASTERY: Complete and
Concepts and comprehensiv Full Considerate Intermediate Satisfactory Elementary Minimal No
principles e
and creative
Outstanding High Significant Adequate Satisfactory Certain Minimal No
thinking, and
written and Very
Excellent Good Average Acceptable Some Basic No
symbolic Good

MASTERY: Concepts and X2 means 14 points, X3 means 21 points, X4 means 28 points, X5 means 35
principles points. Per item basis.
7: The question has been answered clearly; the argument was explained well,
Analytical,critical and creative
supported by evidence and/or examples.
thinking, and problem-solving
5-6: The question has been answered and explained well but with few ragged edges,
some pieces of evidence are not supported and persuasive.

FLUENCY: Oral, written and 3-4: The question has been answered but with few explanations and supporting
symbolic communication evidence.
1-2: Question not answered well, lacks good supporting evidence and explanation.
0: The question was not answered without any further explanation.

Total Points = 70

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