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Climatic chaos

Climatic chaos represents the most serious crisis of our time, and it is happening even faster
than we thought. It should be noted that no corner of the globe is immune to the devastating
effects of climate change. Rising temperatures are a direct cause of environmental degradation,
natural disasters, extreme weather events, food and water insecurity, economic disruption,
conflict and terrorism. Apart from this, sea levels are rising, Arctic glaciers are melting, coral
reefs are dying, the oceans are acidifying, and forest fires are raging.
First of all, there are two main reasons of climate changes – natural reasons and human
activities. Natural reasons include volcanic eruption, solar radiation, tectonic plate movement
and orbital variations. Due to these activities, the geographical condition of an area become quite
harmful for life to survive. Also, these activities raise the temperature of the earth to a great
extent causing an imbalance in nature. Even though, people, due to their need and greed, have
done many activities that not only harm the environment but themselves too. Many plant and
animal species go extinct due to human activity. Obviously, human activities that harm the
climate include deforestation, using fossil fuel, industrial waste, a different type of pollution and
many more. All these things damage the climate and ecosystem.
Eventually, all the causes are giving a great impact for climate chaos in our earth. So, what
are the consequences? Firstly, climate change in the world will affect human health. There is so
much research in the past that has shown that climate change will lead to human disease. For
example, in the research paper by Joseph Healey, that I have read, is said that “the climate
change is affecting the health of northern people such as Nunavut, Canada.” Besides this, Loretta
Mickley stated that “high levels of surface ozone and particles have been implicated in many
diseases involving the heart and respiratory systems.” Therefore, these researches showed that
the climate changes are seriously affecting the human’s health. In addition, this climatic chaos
has an impact on psychosocial and mental health, including stress, guilt, anxiety to adapt and
cope with changing new weather conditions.
Secondly, climate crisis will also affect the biodiversity, which is very important for the plants
and animals to maintain their habitat and ecosystem. For example, the water and medicine
sources may change and the food chain may destroy. In addition, the marine ecosystem will be
affected not only by rising sea temperatures but also by acidification of the oceans, which
increases the vulnerability of fragile ecosystems such as coral reefs.
At this time, speaking about the negative consequences of climate change, it is worth
mentioning the flooding of territories, as well as the increased frequency of storms that have an
intensifying effect on coastal zones, which forces people to migrate. For instance, Australia has
already faced this phenomenon. Scientists predict that by 2050 at least 150-200 million people
will be forced to relocate. Also, species and ecosystems have already begun to respond to climate
change. For example, migratory bird species began to arrive earlier in the spring and later fly
away in the fall, the breeding season of many birds and amphibians became earlier. Without a
doubt, the degradation of the habitats of some species will occur, the composition and
geographical distribution of ecosystems will change.
To sum up, we can see that there are many effects of climate change that seriously affect our
environment, health and biodiversity. The dangers presented by the climate emergency are real
and can paint a gloomy picture of what the future holds for subsequent generations of people and
all other inhabitants on earth. However, it isn’t too late to turn things around. Reducing global
warming and addressing climate change is the responsibility of not only governments but also its
citizens. So, we should collectively work to save energy by reducing unnecessary water and
transport usage, saving electricity, recycling plastic, bottles, paper and waste. As Leonardo Di
Caprio said: “Climate change is real. It is happening right now, it is the most urgent threat facing
our entire species and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.”

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