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Contoh Narrative Text Singkat Terbaru beserta Artinya

Sam, the kind lion

Once upon a time, there lived a lion in the jungle. His name was Sam. Everybody
in the jungle knew him very well. and they didn’t want to make a friend with him.
Because they were afraid of him. Because his face was so scary and vicious.

One day, in a shiny morning, when Sam was sunbathing at the side of the river, he
saw a small antelope in danger. A giant snake came sneaking behind it. The giant
snake was going to eat it. Suddenly Sam jumped over the snake as soon as possible
before the snake caught the small antelope and scared the snake away.

Later, the small antelope felt relieved that Sam saved his life from the giant snake.
After that, he told the whole jungle that Sam was a kind lion. Sam just saved his
life. So, there was no need to be afraid of him. After that accident, Sam had a lot of


Pada suatu hari, hiduplah seekor singa di hutan. Namanya Sam. Semua binatang di
hutan mengenalnya dengan sangat baik dan mereka tidak mau berteman
dengannya. Karena mereka takut kepadanya. Wajahnya begitu menakutkan dan

Suatu hari, di pagi yang cerah, ketika Sam sedang berjemur di pinggir sungai, Sam
melihat seekor kijang kecil dalam bahaya. Seekor ular raksasa menyelinap di
belakangnya. Ular raksasa itu akan memakan kijang kecil tersebut. Tiba-tiba Sam
menerkam ular tersebut sebelum ia menangkap kijang kecil. Sang ular ketakutan
dan pergi meninggalkan mereka.
Kemudian, si kijang jecil tersebut merasa lega mengetahui Sam telah
menyelamatkan hidupnya dari ular raksasa. Setalah kejadian tersebut. Si kijang
kecil memberitahukan kepada semua warga hutan bahwa Sam adalah seekor singa
yang baik. Sam telah menyelamatkan nyawanya. Jadi, tidak perlu takut kepadanya.
Sejak kejadian itu, Sam mempunyai banyak teman di hutan.

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