Caregiver Professional Health Ethics

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R.T. Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
Tel. # (062) 992-4447


(Professional Health Ethics)


CORSE TITLE : Professional Health Ethics
NO. OF UNITS : 27 hours
NO. OF HOURS/WEEK : 12 hours/week
COURSE DESCRIPTION : 1. Work in a Team Environment
2. Practice Career Professionalism
3. Participate in the Workplace

I- Fundamentals of Ethics
a. Definition of Ethics
Ethics came from the Greek word ETHOS which means “Characteristics way of acting”. A study of standards of
conduct and the moral judgment & values upon which these standards are based.
Ethics is a science which guides our judgment concerning the morality of human acts.
b. Importance of Ethics
1. Ethics teaches us to distinguish what is right from what is wrong.
2. It helps us to make judgments & decisions. It helps us to realize what is good for us by helping to make
correct decisions & actions in different situations.
c. Morality of Human Acts
Human Acts- are those which man performs freely and voluntarily. Actions are results of
conscious knowledge and subject to the control of the will, it is deliberate, intentional.

Acts of Man- are actions which are instinctive and involuntary, not with the control of the will.
Actions are biologic and psychological, examples are breathing, heartbeat, frustrations,
fear, love etc.

Determinants of Morality
a. The OBJECT or the ACT ITSELF- what the free will chooses to do- in thought, words & indeed or
chooses not to do.
b. The END/MOTIVE- the purpose for which the act is willed. The purpose which the doer wishes to
achieve by such action. Ex. The END does not justify the MEANS
Elements that contribute to the nature & accountability of such act.
 WHO- doer of the act/receiver of the act: age, status, relation, family background,
educational attainment, health & socio-economic status.
 WHAT- the act itself& the result of the act (consequence) ex. Robbery- how much was
 WHERE- the place where the incident happen ex. Rape inside the church, murder before
the crowd
 WITH WHOM- the more person involved, the more serious is the crime
 WHY- motive of the doer
 HOW- manner how act was made possible ex. Torture before killing
 WHEN- time of the act. Ex murder done when one is sleeping
To be morally good the human act must agree with the norm of morality on all three
accounts its nature, its motive and its circumstance.

II- Ethical Behavior

a. Punctuality- is being on time. It is a trait which is primarily concerned with the equal distribution of time.
b. Trust & Confidentiality- trust is a confident reliance in integrity, veracity or fairness of another. Confidence
is reliance upon something or someone or belief in a person or thing.
c. Honesty- means being truthful, trustworthy & upright in one’s dealings with others as well as refraining
from lying, cheating or stealing.
d. Truthfulness- this is the quality of being in agreement with the facts, reality or experience.
e. Honor- this means keeping faith and making good in commitments.
f. Integrity- it means that the person adheres to his own moral values.
g. Economy- this can be related to the use of time & many other things. Personal possessions are cared for
because one often realizes the initial value, the cost of upkeep & the difficulty of replacing them.
h. Courtesy- is respect in action/politeness & kindness/civility. Involves a very particular & concrete level of
expression of affection & respect for others.
i. Loyalty- is the quality of faithfulness or faithful adherence to a person, government, cause & duty of work.
Loyalty to the Institution- adhering the rules & regulations set by the institution.
Loyalty to duty- it will safeguard us from pitfalls of carelessness, thoughtfulness & lack of vigilance, any of
which is a menace to efficient attention to the patient.
Loyalty to the Patient- assuring that his/her rights are respected and keeping in confidence his/her
private affairs.
Loyalty to Co-worker- respect the uniqueness of your co-worker, refrain from indulging activities that
injures the honor & reputation of another.
j. Sympathy- is putting yourself in the place of others who are experiencing grief or difficulties & responding
to them an understanding way.
k. Reverence- gesture of respect, a feeling of profound respect.
l. Friendship- is a mutual or reciprocal love by which each friend seeks what is good for other. This includes
the real sharing of life, a sharing in pleasure & sorrow.
III- Work in a Team Environment
a. Human Relation
Human Relations, simply stated, as the art of getting along with the other people. Whenever two or more
people meet, interaction begins. The process of human relation is an active force for pleasant or
unpleasant relationship.

Importance of Human Relation

The key to human relation is learning as much as we can about human nature as it is, not as we think we
ought to be. Only when we understand just what we are dealing with, we are in the position to deal it

b. 10 Principles of Human Relation

b.1 Speak to people
b.2 Smile to people
b.3 Call people by the name
b.4 Be friendly & helpful
b.5 Be cordial
b.6 Be interested in people
b.7 Be generous with praise & cautious with criticisms
b.8 Be considerate with the feelings of others
b.9 Be thoughtful with the opinions of others
b.10 Be alert to give service

c. How to Work Well in a Team Environment

c.1 Communicating well in a meeting
 Let everyone contribute to the discussion
 Listen well
 Don’t shut down ideas
c.2 Working on a case or project together
 Ask question & seek to understand.
 Provide update regularly.
 Do what you say you’re going to do. Follow through your work.
 Find your niche.
 Be willing to do the dirty job.
c.3 Being professional
 Be respectful.
 Take the time you need. Take the time to work with others.
 Show enthusiasm.
 Take time to know each of your peers.
 Don’t steal credit.
What is a good team player at work?
A good team player at work understands how one’s contribution to the team efforts makes everyone successful.
Open-minded, nonjudgmental, open to new experiences, can look at the big picture, has positive attitude &
practice humility & assertiveness

IV- Practice Career Professionalism

a. Personality Development & Personal Appearance
a.1 Personality refers to a total person. It is an expression of what you are & what you do.
Importance of Pleasing Personality
 It commands respect
 It wins appreciation, admiration & recognition
 It conveys hospitality in one’s feeling of willingness to be a friend & to be of service
 It comforts patients & other people are physically ill.
 It is an asset to get a good position
 It contributes to a pleasant atmosphere of the place
 It is an asset to a successful daily living & understanding

Factors which Contribute to Pleasing Personality

 The face must not have a frowning expression.
 It is best to accustom your muscles of the face to smile or show recognition when meeting
 It can express sympathy & anger when the occasion calls for it.
 The make-up must e as natural as possible.
 The face & the eyes must be trained to disguise personal worries & problems. It must be
shown at the right place & the right time.
a.2 Grooming- to make neat & tidy
Aspects of Good Grooming
 Personal Cleanliness
 Appropriate clothing
 Exercise
a.3 Uniform- the uniform serves as the dress code among health workers, students in school, employees in
office. The uniform easily identifies the discipline of the worker.
 Be neat & clean from your hair-do down to the shoes you wear. The shoes must be
properly shined.
 The cut of the uniform should allow freedom of movement for the one wearing it.
 Missing buttons should be replaced not secured with pin.
 A short hair allows better movement for the person. In case the hair is long, this should
be secured by a braid or a pinned properly.
 When in uniform use make-up sparingly, including nail polish.
 When in uniform, jewelry allowed are: class ring, wedding ring, watch with a second
a.4 Health- state of physical, mental, spiritual well-being not just the absence of disease or infirmity.
Basic Elements of Good Health
 A simple but balanced diet
 Exercise
 Proper elimination, enough sleep
 Lots of fresh air
 Cleanliness which includes proper care of:
Hair Mouth
Face, neck & hands Teeth
Eyes Hands & fingers
Nose Feet
a.5 Voice- is a sound produced by the vocal organs of the person or animal.
The following points serve as reminder:
 The voice must convey sincerity, appreciation, care, sympathy & interest as the case
may be.
 It must be firm but not insulting or hurting ones feelings when one intends to order
& be obeyed.
 It must always assume a humble tone.
 It must be gentle, soft & clear.
 It must be moderate & be heard clearly to get the attention of the listeners.
 The voice speak well of a well of a bred person.
The voice is the integral part of the General Appearance, thus the caregiver should:
 Speak distinctly, quietly, firmly & gently, do not mumble of whisper
 Modulate the voice by not speaking harshly or loud
 Avoid tone of voice that is quick sharp
 Develop the tone which exudes confidence
 Exercise your voice by reading aloud.
a.6 Carriage- is the manner of carrying one’s body or self whether in walking, moving or sitting
Tips for Proper Carriage:
 Walk firm & erect neither too fast nor too slow
 See that your movements are gentle & must convey politeness & refinement
 Have a quiet, even, steady, firm walk which can be quickened when the occasion calls
for it.
Develop Habits to Enjoy Proper Carriage
 Avoid standing as if the backbone is weak & needing support
 Sitting in correct posture
 Learning not to drag footsteps
a.7 Poise- is the dignity in bearing or in carriage
The following contributes to the good poise:
 Correct posture adds to your appearance & confidence to your appearance
 Poor sitting postures are not only unattractive but they may be produce body aches &
b. Professional Behavior/Proper Decorum
b.1 Manners – refer to polite, civil, well-bred behavior
b.1.1 Common Table Manner
 Never rush to your place at the table
 Open the napkin partly & place across your lap
 The silverware needed for the food served will be arranged from the outside. If in doubt,
observe which silverware your hostess will use
 Use common sense to decide which food may be eaten with your fingers
 Never overfill your plate with food
 Don’t talk when the mouth is full
 One does not slurp when taking soup or coffee
 The meal begins when everyone has been seated & the hostess begins to eat
 Although it is permissible to cut several pieces of food at one time, do not take more than one
food on your fork at one time
 When the meal is finished, place your napkin besides your plate. Do not refold it
 Courtesy prescribes that no one leaves the table until everyone is finished
b.2 Proper Use of Telephone & Celfone
 Answer promptly with a smile
 Lift the receiver only when ready to talk
 Identify yourself right away
 Avoid asking “Who’s calling? Or Who’s this?”
 If you wish the caller to identify himself ask polite, say “May I know who’s calling
please or may I tell him who’s calling?”
 Answering a call for someone who is not available. You can have the following options:
 If you have information, tell the caller at what time he should call again
 If he wants his call return, get his name & telephone number
 Refer the caller to another person in your company who can attend to him or who may
be of help
 Keep writing pad handy, jot down messages correctly & completely
 Getting a wrong number
 Don’t be rude when you get a wrong number call. You may say “ You dial a wrong
number please dial again”
 When you dial a wrong number, make the other person feel that you are sorry for
having disturbed him. Don’t just cut him off without any word of excuse
 Placing a call
 Always be sure of the number before calling. Wrong numbers irritate the party & cause
 Before calling, list down the things to be discussed to avoid repeat calls & save time
 As soon as the party answers, identify yourself right away
c. 10 Ways to be Professional
 Competence
 Reliability
 Honesty
 Integrity
 Respect for others
 Self-upgrading
 Being positive
 Supporting others
 Staying work-focused
 Listening carefully
d. Applying & Resigning from the Job
Important guides in Writing a letter of Application
 The complete name, title of the person to whom the letter should be addressed is very essential
 The letter should be computerized & in a standard white bond paper
 When signing your name as an applicant, your should preferably use black ink
 The letter should be brief, in business form & should be free from errors. The spelling & grammar
must be correct
 The purpose of writing should be clear & the position desired should be mentioned.
 First Paragraph: in case you have a source of information about the vacancy, mention it as the
position you are applying for
 Second Paragraph: it is desired that you mention your qualification, the school you graduated
from, & the year of graduation, experiences & training if any
 Third Paragraph: Should include references, consisting the names of three persons who are not
your relatives but can certify your moral character & performance who have given consent to the
use of their names
 Last Paragraph: should contain a request for personal interview. It is important to enclose
postage, this will encourage the person to whom you addressed the letter to reply in return.
Enclose also your telephone number
 Some Points to Remember During Interview
 See that you have an appointment confirmed either by mail or telephone
 Be on time. If you are delayed, apologize
 Before the interview find out something about the institution. Know your prospective employer
 Observe dress decorum. Do not wear pants for girls. Be simple. Do not use excessive jewelry,
perfume & make-up. Shoes must be polished
 Show respect, maintain your poise, carriage & good speech. Answer question accurately, clearly
& honestly
 Keep ready with your small notebook in your handbag
 Thank the interviewer before leaving
Resigning from the Job
 Reasons for Resigning
 Marriage & family
 Transfer of family to another place
 Better position in another institution
 To work abroad
Guidelines when Planning to Resign from the Job
 Allow 15 days or 1 month notice before your resignation takes place
 Have a clean record when you resign. Finish your delegated assignment if there’s any
 State your reason for resigning. Suppose you are leaving due to an unpleasant experience, inform your
supervisor about it & so do politely & properly
 State in your letter your expression of gratitude for the kindness & consideration shown to you during
your experience
 Have an attached copy of your clearance in your Letter of Resignation
V- Participate in the Workplace
a. Responsibilities of Caregivers
10 Duties of a Caregiver

Although a caregiver’s work varies with different sets of duties each day, there are some basic tasks that remain
the same when caring for a parent or senior loved one.

 Assess Medical Needs

 Assist With Basic Needs
 Companionship
 Housekeeping
 Monitor Medication
 Prepare a Care Plan
 Prepare Meals
 Transfer
 Transport

b. Working Contracts
Contract is an agreement which creates an obligation. It is an agreement with sufficient to do or not to do
a particular thing. It is meeting of the minds between two persons whereby one binds himself with
respect to the other, to give something or to render some service.

Requisites of a Contract
 Consent of a contracting parties
 Object certain which is the subject matter of a contract
 Cause of obligation. The cause is the consideration which is something given in return for a

Kinds of Contract
 Express Contract- the agreement is formal & stated either verbally or in writing.
 Formal contract- a contract required by law to be made in writing
 Informal contract- it is not required by law to be in written form
 Implied Contract- a contract wherein the agreement in fact is presumed or inferred from the acts of the
party. It may also arise from the mere consent of the contracting parties, such contract is valid &
enforceable. It is a contract wherein the agreement is made indirectly through the actions of the
contracting parties.
Persons who may enter into a Contract
 Minors under 18 yrs old unless with parental consent
 Insane person
 Deaf-mute who do not know how to write
 Breach of Contract is the violation of the agreement

c. Doctrines of Negligence
Negligence is defined as the doing of a thing which a reasonably prudent person would not do or failure to
do a thing which a reasonably prudent person would do.

Elements of Negligence
 Existence of duty- there must be an obligation incumbent upon the person doing or omitting
something as mandated by his profession.
 Failure to perform the duty- one who fails to respond to the call of his/her profession.
 Injury resulting from the failure – there was a grave harm that results from not doing the right
thing due to lack of knowledge.

Doctrines which Determine the Liabilities for damages due to negligence

1. Res Ipsa Loquitor- in Latin literally means “ The thing speaks for itself” as a legal doctrine, it means
that the person charge with negligence had the exclusive control of the thing which cause the injury
& that the injury will not happen if the person had use. proper care.
2. Respondeat Superior in Latin “Let the superior answer” for the acts of his agent. This does not apply if
the injury occurs when the offender is acting outside the legitimate scope of his authority.
3. Force Majeure- is an irresistible or superior force. It is a fact or accident which human prudence can
neither foresee nor prevent. A Force majeure is an accidental event produced by physical cause which
is irresistible. No person shall be held responsible for the events which could not be foreseen or
which though foreseen, but more inevitable.
d. Intentional Tort:
 Defamation- is injuring the name & reputation of a person by making false statement to the third person.
 Libel- making false statement in print, writing or through pictures or drawings.
 Slander- making false statement orally.
 Assault- is intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person’s body without the person’s consent.
 Battery- touching the person’s body without the person’s consent. The person must give consent to any
procedure, treatment or other act that involves touching of the body.
 False imprisonment- is an unlawful restraint or restriction of the person’s freedom of movement. It can be
a threat of restraint or actual physical restraint.
 Invasion of privacy- is when the person’s name, photograph or private affairs are exposed or made public
without consent. Only the staff involved in the patient’s care should see, touch or examine the patient.
 Fraud- saying or doing something to trick, fool or deceive another person. The act is fraud if it does or
could harm to a person or person’s property.

Points to Remember in Avoiding Criminal Liability in the Workplace.

1. Be very familiar with the law of the host country.

2. At the start of the employment, get a copy of the job description, agency policies, rules
& regulations
3. Update your skills & competence
4. Accepts only such responsibilities that are within the scope of your employment & job
5. Do not delegate your responsibilities to others.
6. Determine whether your subordinates are competent in the work you are assigning
7. Develop good interpersonal relationship with your co-worker, whether be your superior,
peer or subordinate.
8. Consult your superior for problems that may be too big for you to handle.
9. Verify orders that are not clear to you or those that seem erroneous.
10. The doctor should e informed about the patient’s condition.
11. Keep in mind the value & necessity of keeping accurate record
12. Patients are entitled to an informed consent.

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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