HRM Final Project

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Human Resource Management

Final Project

Submitted by: Presented to:

Sherjeel Zubair 021 Sir Usman

M. Arslan 012

Faraz Waseem 028

Hunzla Arif 001

Zain Haider 015

Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………… .3


 Purpose
 Background


 Questionnaire

Results & Discussion…………………………………………………………………………………………..5



Executive Summary

Prime cargo International is a deep-rooted, qualified and favored logistics

service provider that provides cargo and carrier services worldwide. Prime
cargo has made rigorous effort in the enlargement of their logistics business in
coordinating every kind of logistics. Being a freight forwarding firm Prime
Cargo provides its clients the suitable services according to the requirements
of their business which may require the air freight services, sea freight services
or road transportation and logistics, warehousing and supply chain
management. This report also tells us about the management structure and
product/services offered by Prime Cargo International. The mission and vision
statement of the organization is clearly defined which motivates and enables
them to reach its goals. This report discuses organization policy linked to the
HR department. Major areas of the report describe the functions and duties of
HR department. We have divided these steps into further three parts which
includes the theory which we have learned about HR in our course Human
Resource Management. Secondly, we have described how these processes are
being performed in the organization we have visited which is Prime Cargo
International. Thirdly, on the basis of the first two parts an analysis of each
process has been given which describes what are the differences and
similarities, what we have learned and what the organization should do to
improve. This report includes how job analysis is done by the organization, job
posting and sourcing methods, recruitment policies and steps taken by prime
cargo to insure a streamline recruitment process. Various ways for the
selection of candidates including test and interview are described. The pay and
incentives includes the pay and job incentives given by prime cargo to their
Prime Cargo International

Company Introduction:

Since 1992, Prime cargo International is a well-established, experienced and

preferred logistics service provider that provides cargo and courier services
worldwide. Prime Cargo International is a premium service provider to more
than 250 Local customers and business partner with worldwide members in
custom brokerage, warehousing and transportation to keep moving business.
They work closely with various partners to provide a best solution suited for
every business need. Prime cargo International has developed a lot since it was
established. It has 5 offices in major cities of Pakistan with the head office
being located in Sialkot.

Core Values of Prime Cargo International

P- Professionalism
R- Reliability
I- I n s i g h tf u l
M- M o ti v a ti o n
E- E ffi c i e n c y
C- Customer focus
A- Absolute Integrity
R- Re s p e c t a n d Tr u st
G- Group spirit and teamwork
O- O p ti m u m p e r f o r m a n c e

1. Management structure:

Mr. Tariq Hussain

Abdul Rehman

General Managers

Air Freight unit (Mubeen) Sea Freight unit (Farhan)

Custom clearance (Shabbir) Accounts (Nadeem)

Warehousing (Tahir) Import & Export (Ahmed)

International sales (Haleema)

HR Manager (Jamshed) Supply Chain (Saad Sohail)

HR Structure

HR Manager

HR Supervisor

Recruiting Employee relations Performance

Training officer IT specialist evaluation
officer and Welfare officer
Our visit to Prime International was not only educational but it brought a sense
of excitement among our group to see different organizational department
working together to achieve a unified goal. We met the head of HR
department Mr. Abdul Rehman. He told us that there are 7 people working in
the HR department. First is the HR Manager who overlooks all the operations
and processes in the HR department. Under the HR manager comes the
supervisor. The supervisor is responsible for ensuring that all the activities and
jobs given to each officer are being performed well. Under the supervisor are
the officers who are each tasked with different activities e.g. recruitment,
training and employee relations. The HR department comes under the
authority of CEO of the organization. The CEO himself supervises all the HR
functions and takes the final decisions.

Prime Cargo International is basically a cargo company which provides transportation
services locally as well as internationally to its customers. Customers can both import and
export all types of legal products through their service. Following are the services which are
provided by the organization:
Some of the major products which are transported by Prime Cargo International include:

 Surgical Instruments
 Sports goods
 Machinery equipment
 Clothing

Prime Cargo International also has affiliations with many major organizations across the

 Pakistan Customs
 Sialkot Chamber of Commerce

Many of the clients of Prime Cargo International are renowned organizations of Sialkot.

Prime Cargo International is committed to become the leading cargo company
offering a cost efficient and prompt import/export in Pakistan while achieving
100% customer satisfaction. With years of experience and knowledge in
logistics industry. Prime Cargo is dedicated to achieving excellence and integrity
by strictly adhering to several cargo association’s policies, directives, processes
and procedures in a very competitive world.


Seeking high level of achievement and recognition globally in coming years by

offering specialized high quality and cost efficient logistics solutions ; promptly,
effectively and professionally by all transportation means. Prime Cargo

International is on its way to successfully grow itself into a Group of Companies

to become the most reliable business partner for everyone who seeks
commitmentAir andCarriers associated
all kinds of quality serviceswith Prime
in freight Cargo
International Shipping Lines associated with Prime Cargo

Job Planning and Recruitment


Job Analysis

Job Analysis is a primary tool to collect job-related data. It is a way to

determine the nature of the job and the duties employee has to perform. It
also provides information about what kind of people should be hired for a
particular job profile. It is a systematic way to collect information and make
judgment about all the things related to a job. The process results in collecting
and recording two data sets including job description and job specification

Job Description

Job description includes basic job-related data that is useful to advertise a

specific job and attract a pool of talent. It includes information such as job title,
job location, reporting to and of employees, job summary, nature and
objectives of a job, tasks and duties to be performed, working conditions,
machines, tools and equipment to be used by a prospective worker and
hazards involved in it. In fact job description can be termed as the end result of
job analysis.

Job Specification:

A job specification is a written statement of educational qualifications, specific

qualities, level of experience, physical, emotional, technical and
communication skills required to perform a job, responsibilities involved in a
job and other unusual sensory demands. It also includes general health, mental
health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, judgment, leadership skills, emotional
ability, adaptability, flexibility, values and ethics, manners and creativity.

Job Posting

After job analysis, a job ad is made on its basis for the recruitment of the right
employee. Job Posting is the advertising of the job vacancy. The perfect job
posting reaches the defined target group of potential job candidates. The HR
Head has to facilitate the process of the job recruitment. The HR Head has to
recommend the right recruitment source to be used, has to prepare the
recommended time plan for opening the job vacancy.

Sources of recruitment

There are mainly two kinds of recruitments, one internal and the second
external. Methods of internal recruitment includes internal advertisements (e-
mails, newsletters, forms), word of mouth, promotions, internal employee
referrals,. On the other hand, the external recruitment includes advertising on
job portals, social networking sites, billboards, magazines, newspapers,
referrals and the involvement of recruitment agencies.

Organization process

Job Planning:
Prime Cargo uses ratio analysis to hire number of workers annually according
to their targets and needs. They evaluate the amount of work load and how
much time that it would require to complete. On the basis of the information
new workers are hired so that the work can be done effectively and efficiently.

Job analysis

The Human Resource Manager of Prime Cargo International, along with his
team, finds and specifies the job which is required for the different tasks and
duties of the organization. The proposal and report is placed in front of the
board of management which then finalize that whether there is a need for
that job and someone should be employed or not.


Although, Prime Cargo International uses both internal and external sources
for the hiring process, external sourcing is done mostly.

After the job analysis is complete a job ad is posted on its official website along
with Linked In, Facebook and twitter pages of the organization. Further these
ads are also given in business community groups and monthly flyer magazine
of Sialkot Chamber of Commerce.


Prime Cargo International uses job need assessment and ratio analysis to do
job analysis for hiring new employees which is a professional way. It helps
them to evaluate whether there is actually a need for a new person or a job by
calculating their resources, present employees, work load, time spent on
fulfilling an order etc.

In order to motivate its employees Prime Cargo should also more often hire
people internally for jobs by promoting them if they have the skills and abilities
instead of hiring new employees. This would promote a good environment in
the organization as employees would be motivated to give their best. It would
also help to reduce cost by saving the money they have to pay for hiring a new
Selection Process
Selection Process:
Once you review your applicant’s résumés, the next step is selecting the best
candidates for the job. This usually means screening down the applicant pool
by using the screening tools which include tests, reference checks and
A test is a popular selection tool which is used to evaluate a candidate whether
he is the right person for the organization and the job or not. A test is basically
a sample of a person’s behaviour. Using a test (or any selection tool) assumes
the tool is both reliable and valid. Reliability is a tests first requirement and
refers to its consistency: A reliable test is one that yields consistent scores
when a person takes the same test on two or more different occasions. Validity
is the measure that whether you are measuring what you intend to measure.
Types of Test
Tests which are usually conducted are:
 Personality test
 IQ test
 Achievement test
 Physical and Motor test
 Others may include simulations, situational, case questions and online
video based tests as well.
Background checks of employees are also done to verify the applicant’s
information and to uncover damaging information if any.

An interview is a procedure designed to obtain information from a person
through oral responses to oral inquiries. Employers use several interviews at
work, such as performance appraisal interviews and exit interviews. Interviews
can be structured, unstructured or both. An interview may include questions
which are related to one’s job experience and knowledge. It may include
behavioural and situation questions as well.
Types of Interview
 One-on-one interview:
(In which one interviewer meets one candidate)
 Panel interview:
(An interview conducted by a team of interviewers who together
interview each candidate.)
 Phone interview
 Video based interview

Organization Process

Selection process:

For applying for the job the candidate sends his or her CV to the mentioned
email of the organization. Next, CV’s are screened by the HR officer. Following
points are evaluated in

 Work experience
 Education
 Relevant skills
 Continuity in job
Candidates with high experience in renowned firms and longer period of job
continuity are preferred.

Test and Interview:

A job related test is taken by the organization which tells that whether that
person knows the work well and is eligible for the job or not. The candidates
who are shortlisted are called for an interview. Panel interviews are done by
Prime Cargo. Candidates are required to show their required skills by giving a
demo. A panel of 4 people take the interview which includes the CEO, Director,
HR manager and the Head of Department of that specific field. References of
the employees are also checked with previous employers to see their
credibility. The process of taking interview at Prime Cargo is structured. They
set specific questions which are to be asked in specific time. The interviewer
fills the evaluation form and then it is discussed with the panel.

Prime Cargo International also conducts exit interviews to understand why the
employee wants to leave the organization. Is there a genuine reason or
problem which is not solved for this purpose a Performa is made and proper
report is made and presented to the top management.

Job letter & Contract:

 An official job letter is sent to the candidate who is selected by the

committee panel of the Prime Cargo International.
 The approval letter contains the Job contract which includes the salary of
employee, working hours, Job incentives, Company disciplines,
Company policies and rules.


Hundreds of people apply for a job. It is difficult to screen and shortlist the CV’s
of applicants. Prime Cargo International can introduce a system within their
organization which automatically screens out the candidates who do not fulfil
the criteria for a job. This can save the HR department a lot of time and also
greatly help in recruiting employees who are eligible and right for the job.

Prime Cargo should also take other tests like personality, situational and IQ
test and hire a phycologist among its panel of interviewers as it would help
them know the intelligence, personality and behavioural traits of the candidate
who they are selecting for the job. It would help them to know if that person is
fit for the job and the organization or not.




After recruitment an orientation is given to the newly hired employee. An

orientation typically includes information on employee benefits, personnel
policies, the daily routine, company organization and operations, safety
measures and regulations. Orientation is given to:

Make the new employee feel welcome and at home and part of the team; to
ensure new employee has the basic information to function effectively, such as
e-mail access, personnel policies and benefits, and what the employer expects
in terms of work behaviour. It also helps the new employee understand the
culture, strategies and vision of the organization. In large organizations new
employees receive print or Internet-based employee handbooks covering
matters like these. In order to save time and provide the employees with all the
information on a single platform some organizations also use media
technology to give orientation to their employees.


The human resource department usually designs the company training

programs. Training means giving new or current employees the skills that they
need to perform their jobs. Training through research is known to boost
performance. Training is given to employees to increase productivity and meet
the goals and objectives of the organization.
Training is a process. In order to maximize the benefits of training it is
important to follow the following steps:

 Analyse the training need.

 Design the overall training program.
 Develop the course
 Implement training
 Evaluate the course s effectiveness.

Organization Process

After recruitment is done the employee is given an orientation where he is told
about the organization and the job activities which he or she is going to
perform. In this process overview of the organization is given. Physical visit of
organization is given to the individual and they are provided with the HR
manual, policies and procedures related to the departments.


First few months the employee is specifically monitored by his supervisor so as

to know about his capability and performance. The employee is also given
training about how he has to perform the tasks given to him. He is properly
guided about all the work processes. If a new software or programme is
launched in the organization or in a department, the employees are given
proper training through sessions and seminars where they learn about its
usage. Professionals are also hired to give in person training to the employees,
so if the employees have any queries they can ask and resolve them. All these
activities are done with the help of HR team. Newly graduates are also
welcomed by the Prime Cargo International as trainees and interns. Although
they are not given pay at start but they can learn the skills they want to learn
without paying to the organization.

Training need analysis is done by HR training officer in Prime Cargo
International. This is done by evaluating previous appraisals of employees and
working on areas where performance had been low. Training needs analysis
helps in identifying which kind of training is required and provide the details
related to training implementation. The Training Manager uses the Analysis
and develops a training plan with the director and respected heads of
department for the employees to enhance productivity, skills, knowledge and
ultimately to achieve the goals and objectives set by the organization.
Prime Cargo International trains its employees through various methods e.g.
coaching, seminars, on the job training, lectures etc. Internships and
apprenticeships are also accepted by Prime Cargo International which is a
great way for learning of college students and fresh graduates.

Pay and Incentives


Wage & Salary Administration

Wage and Salary Administration is referring to decide and actualize the
successful strategies and practices of worker remuneration working in an

Employee Benefit and Welfare Programs

Employee Benefit Programme is introduced in every company, to satisfy and
motivate employees in the organization. These benefits are provided to
employee by employer on various grounds which can be medical, leave,
facilities, educational, disability or health.
Health, Safety & Environment of Company
Health, safety and environment describe the provisions maintained by
employer for employee. To get certified, companies and factories are bound to
maintain health and safety facilities and also must have a healthy working

Promotional Policy
Taking an employee to the next level of grade and designation is termed as
promotion. A promotion is an upward advancement of an employee which
gets him/her to a higher position, better pay and privileges, bigger profile and
job responsibilities. In human resource management, it is important to have a
robust promotion policy, policy and terms that are communicated explicitly to
the employees.

Reward & Recognition Policy

Employees besides wanting a good salary, friendly environment, growth
opportunity also want to be appreciated for the outstanding work performed
by them. Reward and recognition play a major role in attracting and retaining
talent within the organization. It not only acts as a morale booster but also
promotes productivity, positivity, and promotion. Hence a rewarding policy in
a company will increase the effectivity of the work of employees.

Organization Process


Prime Cargo International uses Oracle which is a full-featured business and

cloud based financial management software for payroll and other processes. It
provides a single platform for calculating and processing employee pay,
generating tax forms, and benefits administration. The software
handles Accounting, Inventory Management, Order Management, Tax
Management, Payroll,  invoicing, bank account tracking and reconciliation,
expense management, budgeting, payment processing, accounts receivable
and accounts payable management and many such requirements of the
organization. Pay is given to the employees based upon their job position and
work load on a monthly basis. Newly joined personnel at lower levels of the
hierarchy are given a minimum of 20,000 Rs. Top management levels e.g.
Managers and Heads of Departments are payed 80,000 Rs and above.

Job Incentives:

Apart from the monthly pay the job incentives that Prime Cargo International
provides to its employees are:

 Bonus and Promotion:

Employees who perform well are rewarded by an increment. This
includes gifts, cash or travel tours. Promotions are also given to
employees who have proven their abilities and have fulfilled their duties
and goals.
 Transportation:
Cars and bikes are provided by the organization to their top
management. Petrol cards are also provided in which a certain amount
of petrol is given to them free of charge every month. They also provide
transportation to the employees and to those workers who come from
nearby cities.

 Holidays and Leaves:

Apart from the official holidays Prime Cargo also gives a total of 12
leaves annually to its employees for any emergency.

 Health Care:
Prime Cargo International also takes care of medical facilities of its

 Loan Facility:
Prime Cargo International also provides loan facilities free of interest to
the employees who are in need of it.

 Provident fund:
A certain amount of pay is deducted from the employees pay which
along with the bonus is given to the employee upon his retirement.


The Oracle software used by Prime Cargo International for calculating and
managing its employee payroll is quite effective. It makes the process easier
and due to its cloud based system the data can be viewed from anywhere. Pay
in general is good which is given to the employee depends upon their job rank,
skills and work load. The pay distribution and management although connects
with HR welfare office but falls under the accounts department.

Prime Cargo takes care of its employees .Apart from the salaries given to the
employee many incentives and welfare programmes are introduced by the
organization. This includes the medical health facilities and interest free loans.
Provident funds are given to employees who get retired. Through this the
organization shows its gratitude to the services provided by the employee.
Bonuses and grants are given to employees who have performed well. This
makes them feel acknowledged and motivates them and others to do their
best effort.
Performance Management

Performance Management

Performance management is the systematic approach to measure the

performance of employees. It is a process through which the organization
aligns their mission, goals and objectives with available resources (e.g.
Manpower, material, systems and set the priorities.

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal means evaluating an employee s current and/or past

performance relative to his or her performance standards. There are several
ways to identify how a current employee is doing. These include

 Performance appraisals
 Job-related performance data (including productivity, absenteeism, late
deliveries, product quality, downtime, repairs, and customer complaints)
 Observations by supervisors
 Interviews with the employee or his or her supervisor
 Tests of things like job knowledge and skills
 Individual employee daily diaries
 Special performance gap analytical software

In order to make a performance appraisal most effective, employee goals and

performance standards should be defined clearly.
Methods and Tools for Performance Appraisal


With 360-degree feedback, the employer collects performance information all

around an employee from his or her supervisors, subordinates, peers, and
internal or external customers.


A rating committee is usually composed of the employee s immediate

supervisor and three or four other supervisors. Using multiple raters is
advantageous. It can help cancel out problems such as bias on the part of
individual rater.

Graphic Rating Scale Method

The graphic rating scale is the simplest and most popular method for
appraising performance. A graphic rating scale lists traits or performance
dimensions and a range of performance values e.g. unsatisfactory to
outstanding) for each trait.

Critical Incident Method

With the critical incident method, the supervisor keeps a log of positive and
negative examples (critical incidents) of a subordinate s work-related

Electronic Performance Monitoring

Electronic performance monitoring (EPM) systems use computer network

technology to allow managers to monitor their employees’ computers. They
thus allow managers to monitor the employees’ rate, accuracy, and time spent
working online.
Organization Process

Performance appraisal of employees is also done in Prime Cargo International

on the basis of many factors which include
 Attendance
 Discipline
 Experience
 Skills
 Behaviour
 Achievement of targets.
Performance standards are clearly described to the employees clearly so they
know on what grounds they are going to be evaluated.
Observation and Appraisal Reports
The supervisors observe the employees under their area of management and
are required to give a monthly feedback of every employee to the HR manager
and the Director. The HR manager gets a report of all the job related data of
each employee. He then checks and evaluates the reports and presents his
findings in front of the managerial committee which consists of the managers,
director and CEO of the organization.
Appraisal Interviews
The Director and CEO then have discussion and appraisal interviews with
employees. Any trainings and promotions are also based upon the appraisal of
the employees.
Electronic Performance Monitoring
Apart from this the organization has installed a special performance gap
analytical software ‘’Adconcel’’ on each system, which allow the management
to observe and know about the work done and performance of each individual.
It also reduces biasness to an extent as the Director and CEO can directly know
that whether that employee is performing well or not.

The EPS system ‘’ Adconcel ‘’introduced by Prime Cargo International is a good
method for the evaluation of their employees. Through it biasness can be
reduced as the Director and Managers can directly view the performance of
each of the employee in their department.

In order to maximize the benefits of performance appraisal and further reduce

biasness 360 degree feedback can also be introduced in the organization in
which the employer collects performance information all around an employee
from his or her supervisors, subordinates and peers. The appraisals could also
be done after every month instead of quarterly so that the management is
aware of the working status of their employees and can correct them at an
early stage if they find anything that needs to be changed.


Prime Cargo International has established a great name in the market when it
comes to logistics and freight companies. They are confident in offering the
best custom clearance services and economical rates under the supervision of
expert team with time management. Knowing the importance of promises and
words, Prime Cargo International is regular in its payments on given dates. Not
only these, there are more than 250 importers/exporters of SKT which are
being served by Prime Cargo International.

• During lock down PCI served 13 Charter Flights based 600 TON
• Number of international big clients is on stream line. For instance,
handled Adidas, Molten and Puma
• Prime Cargo International is officially assigned clearing agent of Sea
Gold Pvt Ltd and UPS supply Chain

Prime Cargo International has been a premium service partner with a

worldwide member in more than 365 countries of professional skills in project
handling, project management, customer services, IT, custom brokerage,
warehousing and transportation. Being a freight forwarding company Prime
Cargo provides its customers the satisfactory services according to the
requirements of their business. Prime Cargo is a leading organization in Sialkot
and is working its way to becoming the best cargo and freight organization in

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