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Executive Summary

Viad Corp's marketing strategy outlines steps the company will take to address the perils and
possibilities presented by a potential pandemic coronavirus outbreak in the years 2020-2022.
Increasing the brand's worldwide equity will be achieved through expanding beyond corporate
live events to include other types of events, such as weddings. Adopting a penetration price
strategy that relies on discounted pricing to acquire market share by decreasing product prices
than rivals. By targeting commercials towards a younger demographic rather than at the brand's
more vulnerable senior customers, social media advertising may increase sales. Promoting Viad
Corp will be an important part of the company's marketing strategy, and it will help to reach a
broader audience and raise awareness of the brand. For a company to remain relevant in today's
technologically advanced marketplaces, it must move away from conventional forms of
advertising and toward online ones.

The Vaid corp.future marketing strategies will be discussed in this report in order to provide long-
term customer value to global consumers. In an effort to protect market share and grow
profitability and revenue, this sustained customer value is offered.The report will show a design
of a global brand marketing program that would build brand equity for the 2-year period 2022-
2024,for Vaid corp.


To guarantee a successful launch, planning, execution and monitoring of a global market

initiative, explain how the different marketing and operational strategies created by the
organization operate together.

Evaluate both current and prospective marketing and operational initiatives to see how they will
contribute to long-term customer value.

Company profile.

Experience services firm Viad (pronounced VEE-ahd) is an S&P SmallCap 600 multinational
experiential services company with operations in the United States, the UK, the United Arab
Emirates, and Iceland. Pursuit and GES are Viad's two business areas that create revenue and
shareholder value. It's all part of Pursuit, a collection of exciting and unique travel experiences in
places like Alaska, Montana, the Canadian Rockies, Vancouver, and Reykjavik, as well as new ones
being developed in places like Las Vegas and Toronto right now. Visitors to Pursuit's collection will
find a variety of attractions, lodges and motels, and sightseeing trips. In addition to providing a
wide variety of services to the world's largest brands and event organizers, GES is a worldwide
full-service live events organization.Maintaining a healthy balance sheet has enabled us to invest
in the company and return funds to shareholders at the same time. From 2015 through 2019, we
have: Operating cash flow was $471.6 million during the course of a year. Dividends and share
repurchases totaled $61.6 million for shareholders. Net of the sale of non-strategic real estate
assets, the company re-invested $589.3 million in the business via capital expenditures and

As of December 31, 2019, the company has a debt-to-capital ratio of 39 percent.As of this report,
Viad's stock symbol is VVI(Viad Corp - About Us - Company Profile, 2021).

Operations and financial performance are being negatively impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic,
which has shut down many live events as well as considerably hampered tourism. It was in
reaction to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic that we instituted extreme cost-cutting
measures, such as forced unpaid time off for all workers, layoffs, and wage reductions for all
employees. In addition, we stopped making dividend payments and halted share repurchases,
and we took advantage of government aid programs for salaries and tax relief. In a effort to
cushion the short fall caused by the pandemic, a global brand marketing program should be
initiated. This will help boost the company’s already existing presence in the event management
Performance chart

Global brand marketing initiative.

Brand identity

Viad corp has a brand and image awareness in America and parts of Europe but with or no
presence in Africa, Asia and South America. Viad Corp. must raise its profile over the next two
years in order to achieve this. To begin, we'll break down Viad Corp clients into smaller segments,
which will help us better serve each segment's unique set of demands (Burmann et al., 2009).
Viad Corp arranges corporate events in certain regions of the globe for other firms. For Viad corp,
the correct segmentation is required. When it comes to advertising, Viad Corp. will target young
people rather than the corporate senior citizens. the use of programmatic advertising on non-
endemic websites is a good way of optimizing Viad corp's marketing strategy and providing the
necessary size and reach for successful campaigns (Smith, 1991). In addition, Viad corp plans to
improve its website's features, tools, style, and navigation in order to better serve its clients'
needs (Duarte et al., 2018). Secondly, Vaid corp intends to diversify its customer base by
participating in a variety of different sorts of events. This will allow the brand to become more
widely recognized. In addition, Vaid Corp. will collaborate with a variety of organizations and
marketplaces to better understand worldwide market demands (Becker et al., 2006).Viad corp
will increase its operations on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter by promoting
health interactive awareness movies and video podcast to reach the biggest number of
people(Sarker et al., 2015).  The  epidemic of coronavirus Viad corp will engage with public and
private sectors across the globe to help them effectively to tackle this rising problem on Covid
protocols and this will leave a positive resonance toward people (Sohrabi et al., 2020).
Brand Meaning

In the following two years, Viad corp will concentrate on event management apart corporate live
events Iike weddings and dinner gatherings. Initially, Viad corp would create distinctive designs,
names and features in its goods to stand out in the competitive market. As a consequence of Viad
corp significant successes in the event management business , changing or modifying its logo
may produce a negative impact on the most critical clients who have a strong loyalty to the Viad
corp brand. Therefore, Vaid corp will continue to utilize its logo. Moreover, Vaid corp will continue
to deliver excellence in event management by focusing more on event quality via the use of
methods and procedures to make sure its goods are of high-quality performance. Moreover, Viad
corp will share Its product users' experiences on its website. Hence, consumers will look at Viad
corp users' experiences on its goods before they decide to purchase Viad corp products, this will
allow customers to make the appropriate purchasing choice and eventually satisfy customers'
wants (Lorence et al., 2007). Finally, Viad corp will adopt penetration pricing strategy and this will
take place by decreasing product prices than rivals. Thus, the brand will acquire market share
reliant on decreased price (Spann et al., 2015). 

Brand Response

this stage we will observe how Viad corp client's reacts to the brand in term of emotion and
judgment. Initially, we will give the characteristics and history of the Viad corp brand and it’s
successes in the globe event management industry market to its clients. its customers.
Moreover, we will improve the actual and perceived quality of Viad corp events by making
consumers love the brand rather than prefer it, this will take place by developing the relationship
between Viad corp and its consumers by taking their reviews on Viad corp products carefully also
by keeping in touch with It’s Customers.

we will provide free events to a select young couples, this will foster loyalty. In term of
trustworthiness, we will provide customers reviews who have previously done live events on the
business website and other social media channels. Moreover, we will present data, surveys,
studies and numerical statements that indicate Vaid corp superiority on event management for
clients in the firm website to make sure that they perceive the brand worth in the globe event
management industry. we will send promotional offers to our customers by sending Emails to our
customers besides this we will gauge the level of satisfaction our customers have by sending
customer satisfaction surveys to their Emails and if they are not satisfied, we will offer them
compensations (Bowen, 1996). Adopting multichannel approach marketing will be Viad corp
marketing strategy and this will take place by using both direct and indirect marketing methods
such as email marketing, TV advert, blogs, electronic catalogues and direct text messages to
inform the audience about the company offers promotions and new products. Furthermore, we
will leverage interactive marketing via the utilization of different social media platforms like
Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to reach a maximum amount of audience. Hence, we
will have a thorough awareness of client wants via the application of interactive numerous social
media platforms (Greene et al., 2010).

Brand resonance

This phase we will build a resonance for the brand, this will happen when we enhance the ties
between Viad corp and its customers. Initially, we would reward Viad corp consumers with
substantial discounts goods they chose. Furthermore, we will welcome Viad corp devoted clients
to Viad special events. Moreover, we will maintain in contact with the event management
organizations that hesitate to acquire Viad corp  social media platforms and websites to support
them by knowing their requirements. Hence, supply them with what they need (Taghipourian et
al., 2017). 

Brand positioning.

A combination of brand quality and pricing will be strategies by Viad corp. The outward focus on
quality characterizes the favorable psychological, psychical, or emotional dispositions of
customers towards the brand, and they feel proud of utilizing the brand. Different pricing
strategies can be employed by vaid corp to change the market dynamics of the event industry
globally ranging from skim to penetrating price position strategies. (Wofford, 2015)  


A combination of approaches is needed when designing a global brand marketing program. Viad
corp must be ready to branch out from its present offices with innovative services to compete
with the local events management brands. The general brand knowledge of Viad corp products
will be the biggest driving force for the brand expansion to the African, Asian and South American

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