Virtues Meaning Source Family School Community: Mistades, John Karle: Mistades, John Karle: Mistades, John Karle

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Virtues Meaning Source Family School Community

Mistades, John Mistades, John Mistades, John Karle:

It is a service. It is useful Karle: Karle: Helping people in
things for people such When you help Showing being those who are in the
they cannot do for your family or your cooperative in your poverty or those
Chapter 3, parents doing the
themselves alone it is school in your people who really
Helpfulness also something that they
Page 3, house chores. classroom and need something like
Paragraph 2
do not have time to do or outside on your food or clothes you
just little things make life room are willing to help that
easier. person.

It is a habit of giving Mistades, John Mistades, John Mistades, John Karle:

without expecting in Karle: Karle: When someone is in
return It can involves Showing your Showing to them need you are generous
offering time, or talents Chapter 3, family that you that you have a to help them no matter
Generosity to someone in need for Page 3, have love to them
showing that you
etiquette in school what is the incident is
you are willing to help
example here is gift Paragraph 3
are not selfish when
giving in the charity you
it comes to love
generously give to the you
people in need
Mistades, John Mistades, John Mistades, John Karle:
It is a care and concern Karle: Karle: When you are priotizing
and consideration for When you have a Kindness is when the senior citizen or
ourselves and those with Chapter 3, Good heart your your child, though those who are in need
Kindness whom we share the world Page 3, family and also treated badly by a for example in LRT you
are kind to give a seat to
and also it is a helping Paragraph 3 by taking care of friend, shares
the senior or thos who
hand when need it the them when they gummy bears with are in need
most are old his friend at snack
As a virtue, doing Morales, Mack: Morales Mack: Morales, Mack:
goodness must be carried Be open to your Prepare thoroughly In community you can
out with excellence or parents on your for assignments and show your truthfulness by
perfection. For instance, feelings exams so you are not telling your neighbors
their good and bad side
when we help people, we especially if you tempted to cheat. straight away so that we
don’t simply help them, have a problem. can avoid the term
Chapter 2,
but we must help them Always tell them "plastikan" if they dont
Truthfulness efficiently and
page 6,
what you feel, like things you said its up
effectively. In studying, what you want to to them atleast you
Paragraph 4 became honest with them
we must study, not once, do.
but regularly and
everyday until we have a
better comprehension of
what we are trying to
Morales, Mack: Morales,Mack: Morales, Mack:
You can show your Follow all the rules Do volunteer if your
gratefulness to your and regulation of your community for
family by being a school dont you dare example has a
It is feel of appreciation good person in life, obey their rules, in that cleaning operation in
don’t become a simple way you can
felt on a similar positive that way you can
Chapter 3, naughty son, show your being
response shown by the show that your being
Grateful recipient of kindness like
Page 10, achieve your goals
on time so that you
grateful because they
accept you in their thankful for the
Paragraph 3
gifts, help , favors or can return all the school community for being
other types of generosity favors that your one of them
parents gave to you
when you was a
student that can’t
stand on his own
Morales, Mack: Morales, Mack: Morales, Mack:
Always put first all Volunteer when there For example there is an
Hospitality It is a positive outcome the needs or wants is a event in your unexpected tragedy at
with respect to the events of your younger school for example your community such as
and circumstances it is a Chapter 3, brother or sister feeding program or earthquake, wildfire,
share with them all donating some can etc. Do help the most
word that we say when Page 3,
the blessings that goods to the poor infected people in our
we have something that Paragraph 6 god gave you in people in that simple community give them
we really want it is a that way you can things you can show your old clothes if there
positive outcome show your your hospitality at is a leftover food at your
hospitality in school home give it them help
family as far as you can.
Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario:
For example you see For example your When you came home
a Certain group of classmate is reciting in you will greet your
people in the street front of your classmate parents as sign of respect
and you will pass by you should be quiet as
them first thing you sign of respect
showing respect and do is sa excuse me
showing deference to as a sign of respect
Chapter 3,
Respectful your family is the one
Page 3,
that God wants on us
Paragraph 2
Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario:
For example your If your classmate have If something you want to
family have a desire plan in your room change or have a plan
to change a things in cooperate with him/her that you want to happen
your family for example : Clean and
It is a positive outcome cooperate with them Green Volunteer in your
with respect to the events because it is for your community so that your
and circumstances it is a Chapter 2, own Good . surrounding will be easily
Hope word that we say when Page 7, clean
we have something that Paragraph 1
we really want it is a
positive outcome

Courage is the choice and Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario: Millama, Mario:
willingness to confront, You are willing to For example Your You are willing to stand
pain, danger, uncertainty, protect your family classmate is Bullied by to teach or to become a
or intimidation. Physical no matter what your classmate you are leader in your community
happen your are willing to stand for your
courage is bravery in the brave to face classmate to protect
face of physical pain,
Courageous hardship, death or threat
circumstances with
your family
him/her to the people
who bullied him / her
of death, while moral
courage is the ability to
act rightly in the face of
popular opposition,
shame, scandal,
discouragement, or
personal loss.
Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava:
Chapter 3, You can show For example your Be proud your own
Loving Page 4, your mum and friends are figthing country and love the
Paragraph 1 dad you love in classmate but your people around to you.
them by doing as willing to help your Important love the
they say and what freinds. Faith- For environment to your
is expected of example you are community.
you. By obeying stand in many of
them, you are people to lead a
obeying God and prayer.
this pleases him.
Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava:
Families can pray For example your They understand
Faith is about trust or together more friends are figthing tongue speaking as a
confidence in someone often than just in classmate but your way for individuals
and also a strong belief in before dinner, and willing to help your within faith
God that is faith we Chapter 3, it can be a life- freinds. Faith- For community a faith
should be faithful to our Page 5, changing and example you are community to pray
Faith love one’s and also we Paragraph 4 transformative stand in many of without the limitations
should have faith thru our experience that people to lead a of verbal speech.
God who is the Creator of not only brings prayer.
heaven and earth and family members
humans. closer to God, but
closer to one
Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava: Branjo,Nava:
you will not lets For example your They understand
problem of family friends are figthing tongue speaking as a
you are one to in classmate but your way for individuals
move or slove the willing to help your within faith
problem to your freinds. Faith- For community a faith
It motivates people to go
Compassionat out of their way to help Chapter 2,
family. example you are community to pray
stand in many of without the limitations
e the physical , mental or Page 4, people to lead a of verbal speech.
emotional pains of Paragraph 3 prayer.
another and themselves

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