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Nama :Devira Aprilia Hartanu

Nim : G.431.21.0009

A. Complete the sentences with the correct plural form of the nouns in the list. Use each word one.

belief fish monkey radio thief

child kilo potato species tooth

1. I had my favourite vegetable for dinner: delicious fried ….potatoes

2. At the zoo, we saw a lot of monkeys jumping around in the trees.
3. The police caught the two thieves who had stolen over 100 radios from people’s cars.
4. The shopping mall has a playground for children
5. Our baby got two new teeth this week!
6. The two families found that they hold the same beliefs ; they believe in the same things.
7. Some people think that whales are a species of fishes , but they are not; they are mammals.
8. The adult male of some species of bears weigh about 600 kilos

B. Complete two sentences for each situation. Use an adjective ending in -ed or -ing to complete
each sentence.

1. It’s been raining all day. I hate this weather. (depress)

a. This weather is ….depressing
b. This weather makes me ….depressed
2. Astronomy is one of Tom’s main interest. (interest)
a. Tom is interested in astronomy.
b. He finds astronomy very interesting
3. I turned off television in the middle of the program. (bore)
a. The program was boring
b. I was bored
4. Ann is going to Indonesia next month. She has never been there before. (excite)
a. She is really excited about going.
b. It will be an exciting experience for her.
5. Diana teaches young children. It’s a hard job. (exhaust)
a. She often finds her job exhausting
b. At the end of the day’s work she is often exhausted

C. Decide whether the word underline is used as an adjective or adverb.

6. We had a lovely time in the hotel. Adverb
7. All the staff greeted us warmly. Adverb
8. And they spoke to us very politely. Adverb
9. Most people we met in the town were very friendly. Adjective
10.You certainly never feel lonely in a place like this! Adjective
11.The night life is also very lively. Adjective
12.We are very likely to go back next year. Adjective
13.We would certainly thoroughly recommend it. Adverb
D. Choose the correct pronoun.

1. Sarah and (I/me) are taking a yoga class.

2. I’m going to tell you something, but don’t tell anyone. It’s just between you and (I/me).
3. Carlos and Julia were at the movies together. I saw (they/them). (They/Them) were holding
4. Where are my papers? I left (it/them) right here on the table.
5. I have (my/mine) problems, and you have (your/yours).

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