Sri Vrindavan Candrika - The Moonbeam of Vrindavan - Issue No 2 Sri Radharani

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The Moon Beam Of Vrindavan


Krishna is simply Radha’s decoration Although I have committed offenses, although

I am unqualified and with bad intelligence,
CC Madhya 13.150
please bestow upon me even a particle of
vraja-väsé yata jana, mätä, pitä, sakhä-gaëa, servitude unto Your lotus feet.

sabe haya mora präëa-sama yuktas tvaya jano naiva

täìra madhye gopé-gaëa, säkñät mora jévana, duùkhito 'yam upekñitum

tumi mora jévanera jévana kåpa-dyota-dravac-citta-

Çrématé Rädhäräëé is the center of all navanétasi yat sada

Våndävana’s activities. In Våndävana, Kåñëa It is not proper for You to neglect a miserable
is the instrument of Çrématé Rädhäräëé; person like me because Your butter like heart
therefore all the inhabitants of Våndävana still always melts with the fire of Your
chant “Jaya Rädhe!” From Kåñëa’s own compassion.
statement given herein, it appears that
Rädhäräëé is the Queen of Våndävana and that (Sri Prarthana Paddhati, Sri Stava mala, Srila Rupa
Kåñëa is simply Her decoration. Kåñëa is Gosvami, Text 5-7)
known as Madana-mohana, the enchanter of
Qualities of Sri Radha
Cupid, but Çrématé Rädhäräëé is the enchanter
of Kåñëa. Consequently Çrématé Rädhäräëé is Jaiva Dharma
called Madana-mohana-mohiné, the enchanter
of the enchanter of Cupid. (Srila Prabhupada Radharani has unlimited qualities in which 25
Purport) are most prominent.

Prayer at the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani 1. She is Madhura – meaning

unparalleled beautiful
tväm asau yäcate natvä 2. She is of fresh youth (kisora vayas –
viluöhan yamunä-taöe nava vaya)
3. Her glances are restless
käkubhir vyäkula-svänto 4. Her smile is sweet and effulgent
jano våndävaneçvari 5. She is endowed with fortune signs
6. She maddens Krishna with Her
O Empress of Vrindavan, bowing down and fragrance
rolling on the Yamuna’s shore, this person 7. She is expert in music
petitions You with faltering voice and 8. Her talks are sweet
desperate heart.
9. She is expert in joking conversation
kåtagaske 'py ayogye 'pi 10. She is humble
11. She is merciful and compassionate
jano 'smin kumatav api
12. She is clever
dasya-dana-pradanasya 13. She is expert in everything
14. She is shy
lavam apy upapadaya
15. She follows perfect etiquettes
16. She is patient
17. She is grave कमर पे सुंदर मेखला बंधन |
18. She is fond of sports with Krishna
19. She is eager for experiencing श्याम के मन को लुभाये है लटकन || ३
20. Simply by seeing Her, love awakens in अंग में कमल का हार है धारण |
the hearts of Gokukla-vasis
21. She is famous in the entire universe श्याम के नयन भँवर हैं चारण || ४
22. Elders love Her
23. She is controlled by Her sakhi’s love हाथ में कंकण अंगद पहने |
24. She is the best among Krishna’s sakhis
25. Krishna is always submissive to Her कंठ में रतन के नाजुक गहने || ५

In jivas, these qualities are in the form of कोटि चन्द्र सम सुंदर आनन |
droplets. In demigoddesses, they are more
manifest. In Gauri etc. they are not in केश की लट घन श्याम सुहावन || ६
complete and pure form but in Sri Radha,
these qualities are present in unlimited and
spiritual form.
नयन हैं नील प्रेम रस सागर |

मगन हुए हरी नयन मिलाकर || ७

Sri Sri Radha Shyam in Sri Vrindavan Dham
होठ लाल और नयन में काजल |

मधु मधु स्मित से हरी हैं पागल || ८

भाल पे चमकत रम्य है बिन्दिया |

कंु डल नथनी रसिक मन बसिया || ९

सिरपर फूल का गजरा बिराजे |

दामिनी चन्द्रिका संद

ु र साजे || १०

अन्त में सार कहे हैं रसिकजन |

श्याम ही हैं राधा के विभष

ू ण || ११
बिरज की प्यारी जी सरकार
(refrain) O beloved empress of Sri Vraja, O
बिरज की प्यारी जी सरकार | wealth of our life Sri Radha

जीवनधन राधाजी सरकार || ध.ृ || (1) On Her golden complexioned form, She is
wearing dark saree. This beauty appears as if a
steady lightening is wrapped by a cloud.
कांचन अंग पे नील जो पट है |
(2) The ankle-bells in Her feet are sweetly
बिजुरी बादल से ही लिपट है || १ jingling like the chirping of birds.

पैर में नूपुर रुन झुन रुन झन (3) Around Her waist is tied a beautiful waist-
ु |
belt and the ornament hanging from the waist-
belt has enticed the mind of Shyam.
पंछियों का जो मधुर है कूजन || २
(4) She is wearing a garland of lotuses on Her 10th Canto Acarya Commentaries:
body and eyes of Shyam are like two bumble-
Jiva Goswami -
bees hovering and dancing over those lotuses.
(alternatively, they are spying around the lotus Only Krishna can understand what gopis
garland of Sri Radha) meant and I am trying to write the same. May
the compassionate gopis accept my insistence
(5) She is wearing bracelets and armlets in her
upon writing. (May the gopis forgive me and
hands and delicate jewel necklaces around Her
give me their own devotion or devotion unto
their lotus feet. – SG)
(6) Her face is more beautiful than millions of
By your birth Laksmi resides here and
moons and Her braid is thick, dark and
everyone is happy except us. (adhikam = Vraja
delighting. (alternatively, Her braid is
is greater than Vaikuntha)
delighting Ghana Shyama Krishna)
Srinath Cakravarti Thakur -
(7) Her eyes are blue like a blue ocean of love.
Hari has immersed Himself in that ocean by Drsyatam = cannot you see our plight? Our
meeting Her glance with His glance. separation? Our great endeavor to find you?
All because we are tavakah
(8) Her red lips, the collyrium of Her eyes and
Her honey like smile has made Krishna crazy. Foolish women, then become somebody
else’s. No that’s impossible You are dayita.
(9) On Her forehead is shining a charming
We cannot even have an iota of relationship
bindiya and the beauty of Her ear-rings and
with anyone else.
nose-ring occupy the mind of Krishna who is
the connoisseur of mellows. But ka-i-avarahi-aà pemmaà ëa hi hoi mäëuse
loe | ja-i hoi kassa virahe hontammi ko jéa-i
(10) A gajra made of many flowers beautifully
rests on Her head and damini and chandrika ‘Love of Godhead, devoid of cheating
ornaments nicely decorate Her head. propensities, is not possible within this
material world. If there is such a love, there
(11) At the end the knowers of rasa have
cannot be separation, for if there is separation,
described the essence: Sri Shyam only is all
how can one live?’
the ornaments of Sri Radha.
then how come you are still alive? Because we
are tvayi dhrta asavah: Our life is in You.
Gopi Gita – O Krishna, Please Come Back
Vishvanath Cakravarti Thakur -
gopya ücuù
VCT – else we would have been happy leaving
jayati te 'dhikaà janmanä vrajaù our bodies- but our life airs are in You who are
always happy – so although the body is in
çrayata indirä çaçvad atra hi
pain, the life airs are happy thus we don’t die.
dayita dåçyatäà dikñu tävakäs And You are always happy by seeing us
tvayi dhåtäsavas tväà vicinvate
The gopés said: O beloved, Your birth in the
land of Vraja has made it exceedingly At least come to see the wonder how we are
glorious, and thus Indirä, the goddess of looking for you although our lives have gone.
fortune, always resides here. It is only for
We are cakoris and You become our Moon to
Your sake that we, Your devoted servants,
save us. Else it will be shame on Your part just
maintain our lives. We have been searching
as it is said that after serving the husband of
everywhere for You, so please show Yourself
rivers (ocean) if the birds residing on banks
to us.
have to drink water from a lake then it is a Secondly, by etymology, Sri-mati is a matup
shame for the ocean. pratyaya meaning someone full of or
possessed of. So Srimati Radharani would
Also it is mentioned that if one plants
simply mean that Radharani who full of Sri or
poisonous tree even, it is inappropriate for him
transcendental beauty. Just as we say Sri-mat
to cut it himself. So You please save us who
maintained us so far.
Lastly, Kaviraj Goswami, both in Sanskrit and
We tvadeka-jivanah ananya-gatikah
Bangla has referred to Her as Srimati.
The vulture of death is fearful of the fire of
kä kåñëasya praëaya-jani-bhüù çrématé
separation thus he is not attacking the prey
rädhikaikä (CC Madhya 8.182)
bird of our lives.
täì-sabära kathä rahu,—çrématé rädhikä sabä
Hari suri
haite sakaläàçe parama-adhikä (CC Adi 6.69)
It is alright that you gave great punishment to
Also, Srila Baladeva Vidyabhusana uses the
our minds who committed offense of being
term Srimati to respectfully address Radharani.
proud but why did you disappear from our
eyes who were innocent and made them bereft Srila Prabhupada absolutely followed the
of their happiness? Giving punishment of mood and the method given by previous
one’s offense to someone else, is it not acaryas.
irreligious injustice?
So, following the footsteps of Srila
You sport here to give pleasure to Vraja, so Prabhupada, we do use all different
needless to say it again, please give pleasure to appropriate addresses for Radharani including
our group of senses (gokula = vraja) Sri Radha, Srimati Radhika, Radharani,
Srimati Radharani, Sri Radhika or simply
Radha, whatever feels right in particular
How can Radharani be titled as Srimati? situation.

Some mahants in Barsana have objected the Let us pray to Sri Radha (or Srimati
use of title “Srimati” for Radharani by Srila Radharani) that vaishnavas do not fight over
Prabhupada. They are saying that this title is a trifle issues due to lack of study of scriptures
mundane title for married women of this or due to narrow-minded outlook or simply
world. They also challenge whether our false egoism and separatism. It will do them
previous acaryas have used this address for well if they use the limited human energy in
Her. Here we prove that the usage Srimati for full devotion to the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha
addressing Radharani is both bona fide Shyam. Jai Sri Radhe.
grammatically and also have been seen in
great acaryas like Kaviraj Gosvami and the
objection is unfounded.
Firstly, let us treat the objection contextually
and not just textually. It is true that the word
Srimati or Sriman are used to respectfully
address women and men of the mundane
world. Yet the context shall always determine
the meaning. Just like the dictionary meaning
of ‘bhoga’ is ‘mundane sense gratification’,
yet when you say ‘bhoga for the Thakur ji’, it
means ‘transcendental offering for Krishna’.

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