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Tyke Finder

By: Jenavieve Russ & Hannah Wolff

When would Tyke Finder be used?
Let's say a parent has a kid, about 4 years old, and they
like to wander off sometimes. Tyke Finder is a pair of pants
for young children that has a tracking device in the
waistband. The device will connect to an app on the parents
phone so they always know exactly where their child is.
How will Tyke Finder be made?
We would start by making a pair of pants and inserting a
small bluetooth tracker into the waistband. This tracking
device would connect to an app on a parents phone, allowing
them to see where their child is.
For whom will Tyke Finder be for?
Tyke Finder will be mainly for parents with young
children around the age of 4 or for people who have
children/relatives with disabilities.
How will Tyke Finder be marketed?
There will be adds on social media websites and apps that
people with young children would most likely use such as
Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If the company becomes
more popular we would expand into TV commercials on channels
that parents would also watch.
Positives and negatives of a partnership
Positive Negative
● Split the workload. ● Have to split the
● Ease of start-up. profits.
● Shared decision maker ● Unlimited liability.
and specialization. ● Potential for conflict.
● Larger pool of capital.
● Taxation paid on shared
● No Zoning Laws.
● Split Liability.

● Zoning laws-Law in a city or town that designates separate areas

for residency and for business
● Unlimited liability-the business owners are personally liable for
any loss the business makes
● Liability-The legally bound obligation to pay debts
Why change over to a corporation?
A business that changes over to a corporation can lead to
larger and more efficient firms, larger firms can produce
and sell more products at lower prices.

● Business-The practice of makings one’s living by engaging in commerce

Pros and Cons of changing to a corporation

Limited liability for ●
Expense and difficulty
owners. of start-up
● Transferable ownership ● Double taxation
● Ability to attract ● Potential loss of
capital control by the founders
● Long life ● More legal requirements
● Advantages for and regulations
stockholders- Stock,
Bonds, Dividends
● Advantages for the
● Fringe Benefits

● Stock-A legal entity owned by individual stockholders

● Bond-A formal contract to repay borrowed money with interest at fixed intervals
● Dividends-The portion of corporate profits paid out to stockholders
● Fringe benefits-Payment other than wages or salaries
What Type of Merger Would We Favor, Why, and Who We Would Merge With.
We would favor a conglomerate merger because our product
will require three different parts to make one product. We
would merge with companies such as Old Navy to make the
pants, Cube Shadow to make the tracking device, and
AppsChopper to make the app. A vertical or horizontal merger
would only allow us to merge with one other company, we
would need several companies to make our product.

● Horizontal merger-The combination of two or more firms competing

in the same market with the same good or service
● Vertical merger-The combination of two or more firms involved in
different stages of producing the same good and service
● Conglomerates-A legal entity owned individual stockholders

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