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Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

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Microbial inactivation by ohmic heating: Literature review and influence of T

different process variables
Wagner Augusto Müller, Ligia Damasceno Ferreira Marczak, Júlia Ribeiro Sarkis∗
Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Chemical Engineering Department, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2777, 90037-007, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil


Keywords: Background: The elimination of microbial cells is one of the most critical steps in food processing. Conventional
Emergent technologies heating is the application of diffusive and convective heat mechanisms and is traditionally applied to assure food
Food spoilage safety. However, such process is also harmful to others thermosensitive compounds, compromising desirable
Electroporation sensorial characteristics. The large temperature gradients caused by conventional heating result in lower thermal
D value
efficiency, overheated zones and high processing times. To overcome these limitations, emergent technologies
Ohmic heating
have been studied in the past years, such as ohmic heating.
Scope and approach: The aim of this review was to analyse the state of the art of microbial inactivation by ohmic
heating. This study emphasizes comparisons of ohmic and conventional heating, as well as comparisons of ohmic
heating in several distinct scenarios (such as variations in the frequency and electric field).
Key findings and conclusions: The literature analysis shows that the most analysed microbial species was
Escherichia coli and studies dealing with fungi were less numerous comparing with studies dealing with bacteria.
Concerning the lethality of conventional and ohmic heating, authors have shown that ohmic treated foods had
smaller D values in various temperatures. The effect of frequency lacks of experimental data to explain the real
impact of this parameter in the inactivation rate, once different authors have found divergent results. Moreover,
increases in the electric field and salt content and decreases in the pH, fat and solid content have demonstrated
higher heating rates and, therefore, higher inactivation rates.

1. Introduction is commonly provided by water steam or liquid water at high tem-

peratures. The most important parameter in thermal processes is the
Among all the possible causes of food deterioration, the dis- time/temperature binomial, which establishes the time in which food
semination of microorganisms in foodstuffs is of special relevance to the must be kept at a fixed temperature in order to obtain the desired de-
food industry. In addition to the food waste caused by discarding gree of microbial reduction (Ibarz & Barbosa-Cánovas, 2003).
contaminated products, some microorganisms can also pose public Conventional thermal processing causes large thermal gradients
health problems. These problems are related to pathologies caused by inside the product. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that the coldest spot
the microorganism itself or toxins that are synthesized by some species. in the product (critical point) has reached the time/temperature bino-
Thus, the inactivation of microorganisms down to an acceptable mial (i.e., the binomial must be calculated based on the coldest point of
number is one of the most critical concerns in the food processing field the product). The thermal effect on microbial lethality is mainly due to
(Biranjia-Hurdoyal & Latouche, 2016). the denaturation of tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins
(Molugu et al., 2016). This causes inactivation of enzymes that are
1.1. Traditional approaches for microbiological inactivation and its needed for microbial metabolism. Moreover, heat application also af-
limitations fects the genetic code of microorganisms and promotes cell wall dis-
ruption (cell lysis). Heat application also negatively impacts other food
Traditionally, microbiological inactivation processes occur through constituents and thermosensitive compounds (e.g., vitamin C and cal-
heat application to the product. In conventional heating (CH), heat is cium), and compounds responsible for sensorial characteristics are the
transferred mainly by conductive and convective mechanisms. The heat most affected (Jaeschke, Marczack, & Mercali, 2016; Marszałek,

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (W.A. Müller), (L.D. Ferreira Marczak),, (J.R. Sarkis).
Received 16 May 2019; Received in revised form 2 March 2020; Accepted 15 March 2020
Available online 19 March 2020
0924-2244/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

Woźniak, Skąpska, & Mitek, 2016; Wawire et al., 2016). As aforemen- 1.3. Ohmic heating applied for microbiological inactivation
tioned, the time/temperature binomial selection must take into account
the coldest spot within the product, which causes a natural tendency to Initially, it was believed that the microbiological parameters of
overheat some regions, resulting in critical losses of desirable com- ohmic and conventional heating were essentially equal (Cho, Yousef, &
pounds, high processing times and low energetic efficiency. Sastry, 1999). However, recent studies have suggested the existence of
secondary non-thermal inactivation phenomena during OH. These
1.2. Emergent technologies for microbial inactivation - ohmic heating phenomena are attributed to electrical effects and can result in an ad-
ditional advantage of this process. Nevertheless, different authors have
In an attempt to overcome these drawbacks, less aggressive methods found controversial results depending on the microorganism and the
to nutritional and sensorial properties have been researched; these process conditions applied. Considering the importance of micro-
methods are known as emergent technologies. Microwaves, radio- biological safety and the broad number of OH applications, these con-
frequency, high pressure, pulsed electric fields and ultrasound are some tradictory results justify the necessity to gather different data in order
examples. Among the emergent technologies, ohmic heating (OH) has to search for patterns common to several authors. In this context, the
been extensively researched in recent years (Cappato et al., 2018; Gally objective of the present work was to perform a literature review re-
et al., 2017; Parmar, Singh, Meena, Borad, & Raju, 2018; Silva, Santos, garding the more important studies involving microbiological in-
& Silva, 2017). activation kinetics using OH.
During OH, microbial inactivation also occurs due to thermal me- Several authors have revised aspects concerning OH applications in
chanisms. However, the physical principle involved is fundamentally the food industry, both in articles and in books (Cappato et al., 2017;
different from the CH. OH consists of the passage of alternated electrical Gavahian, Tiwari, Chu, Ting, & Farahnaky, 2019; Kaur & Singh, 2016;
current through the foodstuff, which acts as an electrical resistance, Knirsch, Santos, Vicente, & Penna, 2010; Ramaswamy, Marcotte,
generating thermal energy by Joule's effect. For this purpose, two Sastry, & Abdelrahim, 2014; Ruan, Ye, Cheen, & Doona, 2002; Sakr &
electrodes are inserted into the extremities of an ohmic cell, which Liu, 2014; Tian, Yu, Wu, & Dai, 2018; Varghese, Pandey, Radhakrishna,
contains the food product. Unlike the CH method, the heating is due to & Bawa, 2014). A microbiological section or chapter was presented in
volumetric internal energy generation as a result of the (re)orientation most of these studies. However, to the best of our knowledge, the
of ions in response to the alternated current (Ruan, Ye, Chen, Doona, & previous literature did not cover the subject in its entirety. In addition,
Taub, 2002). most of them focused only on comparisons between OH and CH and left
The following advantages are attributed to OH: faster heating, the out analyses concerning OH under different conditions, which is also of
possibility of uniform heating of biphasic foods (provided that the great importance. Recently, Tian et al. (2018) performed a review fo-
phases have similar electric conductivities), high energetic efficiency cusing on microbial inactivation by OH, dealing with the process
and more independence from the thermophysical properties and ex- parameters and some general aspects of this technology, such as hurdle
ternal convective coefficient. Furthermore, as the heat is generated technologies, prospects and benefits of this technology and the appli-
volumetrically, the food tends to warm up more uniformly. Superheat, cation of moderated electric fields for microbiological growth. In con-
losses of electrode material (by corrosion at certain frequencies and by trast, the present work focused more on kinetic information, meth-
erosion) and the strong dependence on electric conductivity are lim- odologies that assure an adequate comparison between CH and OH, the
itations of this technology (Kaur & Singh, 2016). In addition to mi- application of OH at different conditions and the mechanisms that ex-
crobiological inactivation, OH processing has several other applica- plain the observed effects.
tions. Table 1 shows some examples of these applications.

Table 1
Ohmic heating applications and limitations suggested by each author.
OH application Benefits of use Limitations Reference(s)

Solution concentration Product with higher quality at the end of the Lack of knowledge about different types of electrodes (Icier & Ilicali, 2005;
process. on energy loss. Parmar et al. (2018)
Texture modification Achieve a predefined texture in shorter time Non-uniform heating of some materials in continuous Gavahian et al. (2019)
and more uniform texture profile. operation; electrode corrosion and its potential
negative effects on consumer health.
Proofing of bread dough Reduction in time needed to reach the desired Lack of knowledge about the quality of proofing when Gally et al. (2017)
expansion due to higher heat rates. using OH (porosity, texture and crumb structure).
Blanching Reduction in processing time, reduction of High dependency on the products' composition Xin, Zhang, Xu, Adhikari, and Sun
leaching and improvement of quality of the because of the electrical conductivity. (2015)
final product.
Cooking Diminution of energy consumption and slight Difficulty in providing good contact among the food (Ho & Farid, 2004;
reduction in the cooking time. surface and electrodes. Kanjanapongkul, 2017)
Heat source for desalination Improvement of plant reliability and Higher colour changes in high electric fields, Assiry, Gaily, Alsamee, and
processes duration, reducing the necessity of chemicals depending on the products' concentration. Sarifudin (2010)
and maintenance activities.
Enzyme inactivation Enhancement of inactivation rate of enzymes Electrode corrosion and its potential negative effects Jakób et al. (2010)
in determined conditions. on consumer health.
Thawing Reduction in thawing time and more uniform Difficulty in providing good contact among the food Bozkurt and Içier (2012)
temperature profile. surface and electrodes.
Ethanol distillation Reduction in processing time and better Safety considerations for high concentration mixtures Gavahian, Farahnaky, and Sastry
process control. because of the risks associated with sparks and (2016)
Ohmic assisted hydrodistillation Better process control, reduced distillation Lack of economic studies for scale up and high Gavahian and Farahnaky (2018)
costs and shorter processing time. dependency on products' composition.
Package of food for long-duration Enable the heating of foods in space missions. Modifications of the package for homogeneous Sastry et al. (2009)
space missions sterilization.
Extraction Higher energy efficiency and process Necessity of a detailed techno-economic analysis for (Pereira, Rodrigues, Genisheva,
reliability. scale up. Teixeira, & Freitas, 2016)

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

1.4. Methodology and manuscript organization parameter. It can be seen that there are still many questions to be ad-
dressed in OH microbial inactivation studies, which will be discussed in
To elaborate the present review, a survey of published papers was more detail in the next sections.
accomplished using the keywords “ohmic heating” and “microbial in-
activation” as well as their synonyms (e.g., “joule heating” and “re- 3. Temperature effects
sistive heating” as synonyms for ohmic heating and “microbiological
inactivation”, “bacterial inactivation” and “fungi inactivation” as sy- The present section analyses articles comparing OH and CH.
nonyms for “microbial inactivation”). The articles selected were pub- Somavat, Mohamed, Chung, Yousef, and Sastry (2012) suggested some
lished in scientific journals that apply a peer review system and per- procedures that need to be followed in microbiological studies for
formed a parametric analysis of microorganism inactivation. Articles adequate comparisons. Among the suggested procedures, the most re-
that only analysed the overall performance of microbial inactivation at levant is the equality of the temperature profiles in both heating pro-
the end of the process and did not provide kinetic parameters for cesses. Similar heating curves are of key importance to investigate the
comparison were not included. electrical effects on microbial inactivation. This is endorsed by Peleg
The manuscript is divided into five sections. The first section in- (2006), who demonstrated that subpopulations of one specific micro-
vestigates general aspects from a preliminary article analysis dealing bial species can adapt differently depending on the thermal profile
with microbiology and OH, such as the number of publications, mi- applied. In the works by Kim et al. (1996), Uemura and Isobe (2003),
croorganisms and culture medium used and processing parameters Park and Kang (2013), Tola and Ramaswamy (2014), Lee, Kim, and
studied. The second section deals with the comparison of the tem- Kang (2015), Kim and Kang (2015a), Kim and Kang (2015b), Ryang
perature effects in both OH and CH. As OH was conceived as an al- et al. (2016) and Inmane et al. (2019), the methodology sections failed
ternative to CH, special attention is given to this topic. The temperature to specify if the temperature profiles were matched. Therefore, even
effects are discussed in three subsections: vegetative species, spores and though they showed good results concerning the application of OH,
aspects concerning spores and vegetative cells. The third, fourth and these works will not be considered in the subsequent discussion.
fifth sections are related to the effects of frequency, electric field and
composition in microbial inactivation, respectively. All the comparisons 3.1. Aspects concerning vegetative species
were made by analysing the microbiological parameters of the in-
activation models. The temperature profiles were matched in three studies in order to
investigate the effects of this variable on the inactivation of vegetative
2. General aspects species. Pereira, Martins, Mateus, Teixeira, and Vicente (2007) found
lower D values in OH processing in all temperatures except at the
In total, 32 articles were found, and Table 2 shows their most re- lowest analysed (55 °C), in which the D value was higher. The result at
levant information. As can be observed, the most analysed micro- 55 °C was justified by the fact that OH processing at conditions close to
organism was Escherichia coli (16 of the 32 analysed studies), followed the ideal reproduction temperature stimulates microorganism growth
by Salmonella typhimurium (11 works) and Listeria monocytogenes (9 despite its inactivation, as previously demonstrated in the literature
works). In general, authors justified the choice of these specific three (Cho, Yousef, & Sastry, 1996). Himoto et al. (2008) found lower D
microorganisms due to their high level of potential pathogenicity. In values for OH at all analysed temperatures for the total viable aerobes
fact, food outbreaks caused by these microorganisms are frequently (D values varied from 0.44 to 11.25 min in CH and from 0.38 to
found in the literature (Crook et al., 2003; Dong, Yang, & Chen, 2010; 8.64 min in OH) and for Streptococcus thermophilus inactivation (var-
Schoder, Stessl, Szakmary-Brändle, Rossmanith, & Wagner, 2014). It is iation from 0.2 to 7.54 min in CH and 0.16–6.59 min in OH). Rodrigues
important to highlight that just three of the studies (Hashemi et al., et al. (2018) found higher inactivation rates for Staphylococcus aureus
2019; Won, Chungyung, Ki-Myung, & Cherl-Ho, 2002; Yildiz & Baysal, for all temperatures investigated: the D values varied from 3.41 to
2006) analysed fungal inactivation. 15.06 min at 57.5 °C and from 0.53 to 1.42 min at 65 °C in OH and CH,
Concerning the culture media, 16 studies focused on fruit and ve- respectively. In the case of E. coli, significantly different values were
getable juices, demonstrating that the study of their spoilage by mi- found only for the lowest temperature analysed. However, it is im-
croorganisms is still a relevant issue. Santos et al. (2018) showed that portant to emphasize that the D values of E. coli were relatively low in
several juices presented spore contamination at unacceptable levels, all of the analysed scenarios (magnitude of 10−1 min). This fact sug-
even after pasteurization. Rico-Munoz (2017) points out that the in- gests that the processes with high temperatures tend to have similar
gredients and packaging materials are also sources of contamination inactivation results under both types of heating, but this is dependent
since they can carry a range of microbial species, and this needs to be on the microorganism species and its form. The proposed mechanism is
considered to assure final product security. illustrated in Fig. 1, in which thermal (mostly due to protein dena-
Relating to the state of the microorganisms, studies dealing with turation) and nonthermal effects (electroporation) are visualized at
spores were less numerous than studies that analysed vegetative bac- lower temperatures and only the thermal effects are pictured at higher
terial cells (13 against 21 articles). In the spore form, the thermal re- temperatures.
sistance of the microorganisms tends to rise dramatically, with higher The results concerning vegetative species showed that OH tends to
temperatures being necessary to inactivate them (Tranquillini, accelerate inactivation in certain scenarios, even if the food is sub-
Scaramuzza, & Berni, 2017). mitted to the same temperature profile. This finding suggests that the
All the authors performed experiments using kinetic curves of mi- application of an electric field can promote nonthermal mechanisms of
croorganism survival over time, and the temperature was the most inactivation. However, these effects are often secondary (and not re-
analysed variable (20 of the 32 works). Thirteen papers analysed dif- levant in some cases, as in the aforementioned E. coli example) to the
ferent electric fields, and 5 investigated different frequency ranges. The thermal effect, even in the presence of nonthermal mechanisms.
composition parameters °Brix, fat and salt content were studied in one The most preponderant nonthermal mechanism, at least for vege-
paper each, while the pH effect was studied in two papers. As can be tative forms, is electroporation. Microorganisms have electrically
observed, works that analysed spore inactivation used higher tem- charged intracellular compounds, such as cations (e.g., K+ and Na+)
peratures (next to or even above 100 °C). Finally, a comparison with CH and negatively charged proteins (Madigan, Bender, Buckley, Sattley, &
was performed in 22 articles. Stahl, 2017). The presence of an external electric field provokes a
Table 3 shows the effective parameters considered for analysis in transmembrane potential in the phospholipidic membrane, whereby
this paper, as well as some of the research needs raised for each negatively charged intracellular compounds will be attracted by the

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

Table 2
Analysed articles and relevant microbiological information (studied microorganism and its state, analysed food media, process parameters and presence of com-
parisons with CH).
Reference Microorganism(s) Microorganism's state Culture medium Process parameters Comparison with CH
at same condition

Kim et al. (1996) Bacillus Sporulated Meatball Temperature (118, 123, 125, No
stearothermophilus 128 and 132 °C)
Composition (salt content)
Cho et al. (1999) Bacillus subtilis Sporulated Saline water Temperature (88, 92.3, 95 and Yes
97 °C)
Uemura and Isobe (2002) Escherichia coli Vegetative Saline water Electric field (7, 9, 11 14, Yes
16 kV/cm)
Won et al. (2002) Saccharomyces cerevisiae Vegetative Phosphate buffer Heating ramp (50–90 °C) Yes
suspension Frequency (60, 600, 6,000 and
60,000 Hz)
Electric field (10, 15 and 20V/
Uemura and Isobe (2003) Bacillus subtilis Sporulated Orange Juice Temperature (121 °C for OH No
and 100 °C for CH)
Yildiz and Baysal (2006) Aspergillus niger Vegetative Tomato Electric field (36, 48, 68 and No
108 V/cm)
Pereira et al. (2007) Escherichia coli Vegetative E. coli and Goat milk for E. coli and For E. coli: Temperature (55, Yes
Bacillus licheniformis sporulated B. licheniformis cloudberry jam for B. 60, 63, 65, 67 and 75 °C)
licheniformis For B. licheniformis:
Temperature (70, 75, 80, 85
and 90 °C)
Himoto et al. (2008) Streptococcus Vegetative Milk Temperature (57,60, 72 °C for Yes
thermophilus viable aerobes and 70, 75 and
Viable aerobes 80 °C for S. thermophilus)
Baysal and Icier (2010) Alicyclobacillus Sporulated Orange Juice Temperature (70, 80 and Yes
acidoterrestris 90 °C)
Electric field (30, 40 and 50 V/
Sagong et al. (2011) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Orange juice Electric Field (10, 15 and No
Salmonella Typhimurium Tomato juice 20 V/cm)
Listeria monocytogenes
Somavat et al. (2012) Geobacillus Sporulated Tomato juice Temperature (121, 125 and Yes
stearothermophilus 130 °C)
Frequency (60 Hz and 10 kHz)
Park and Kang (2013) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Buffered peptone water Temperature (55, 58 and Yes
Salmonella Typhimurium Apple juice 60 °C)
Listeria monocytogenes
Lee et al. (2013) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Salsa Frequency (60, 100, 300, 500, No
Salmonella Typhimurium 1,000, 10,000 and 20,000 Hz)
Tola and Ramaswamy (2014) Bacillus licheniformis Sporulated Carrot juice Temperature (87, 92 and Yes
95 °C) pH (4.5, 5.5 and 6.2)
Somavat et al. (2013) Bacillus coagulans Sporulated Tomato juice Temperature (95, 100, 105 and Yes
110 °C)
Frequency (60 Hz and 10 kHz)
Lee et al. (2015) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Orange juice Temperature (50, 55 and No
Salmonella Typhimurium 60 °C) pH (2.5, 3.5 and 4.5)
Listeria monocytogenes
Kim and Kang (2015a) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Skim milk Temperature (55, 60, 65 and Yes
Salmonella Typhimurium Milk cream 70 °C)
Listeria monocytogenes
Kim and Kang (2015b) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Milk cream Fat content (0, 3, 7 and 10% Yes
Salmonella Typhimurium (w/w))
Listeria monocytogenes
Ryang et al. (2016) Bacillus cereus Sporulated Tsuyu sauce Temperature (95, 105, 115 and No
125 °C)
Park et al. (2017) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Apple juice Electric field (30, 40, 50 and No
Salmonella Typhimurium 60 V/cm)
Listeria monocytogenes Brix (18, 24, 36, 48 and
Kim, Choi, et al. (2017) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Buffered peptone water Frequency (60, 200, 500 and No
Salmonella Typhimurium Tomato juice 1000 Hz)
Listeria monocytogenes
MS-2 phage
Kim, Choi, et al. (2017) Alicyclobacillus Sporulated Apple juice Temperature (85, 90, 95 and Yes
acidoterrestris 100 °C)
Murashita, Kawamura, and Koseki Bacillus subtilis Sporulated Sodium chloride Electric field (5, 10 and 20 V/ Yes
(2017) solution cm)
Frequency (20, 40 and 60 kHz)
Rodrigues et al. (2018) Staphylococcus aureus Vegetative Infant formula Temperature (57.5, 60, 62.5 Yes
Escherichia coli and 65 °C)
(continued on next page)

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

Table 2 (continued)

Reference Microorganism(s) Microorganism's state Culture medium Process parameters Comparison with CH
at same condition

Kim, Park, and Kang (2018) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Buffered peptone water Electric field (9.43, 10.93 and No
Salmonella Typhimurium Tomato juice 12.14 V/cm)
Listeria monocytogenes
Shao et al. (2019) Escherichia coli O157:H7 Vegetative Broth Electric field (5, 7.5 and 10 V/ Yes
Mok et al. (2019) Escherichia coli K12 Vegetative Apple juice Temperature (40 and 50 °C) Yes
Electric field (20, 40, 60 and
120 V/cm)
Shear rate (454.6, 166.8 and
2879 s−1)
Inmanee, Kamonpatana, and Pirak Listeria monocytogenes Vegetative Sausage Temperature (75 °C) Yes
Hashemi and Roohi (2019) Escherichia coli Vegetative Blended citrus juice Voltage (150, 200, 250 V) Yes
Staphylococcus aureus
Salmonella enterica
Salmonella Typhimurium
Shigella dysenteriae
Shigella flexneri PTCC
Hashemi, Gholamhosseinpour, Escherichia coli Vegetative Cantaloupe juice Voltage (100 and 200 V) Yes
et al. (2019) Salmonella Typhimurium
Salmonella Enteritidis
Straphylococcus aureus
Hashemi, Gholamhosseinpour, Leuconostoc mesenteroides Sporulated for Byssochlamys Sour orange juice Temperature (21–86 °C) Yes
et al. (2019) Lactobacillus acidophilus fulva and vegetative for the Current (0–16 A)
Lactobacillus plantanarum others Voltage (0–300 V)
Sacharomyces cerevisae
Byssochlamys fulva
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii
Schottroff et al. (2019) Bacillus subtilis Sporulated NaSO4 solution Spore composition Yes

external positive charge, and vice versa. If the applied voltage is higher compared with low frequency OH and with CH; at 125 °C, both fre-
than the membrane limit, pores will be formed in the cellular structure, quencies showed better results than CH, and at 130 °C, all processes
resulting in membrane lysis and, consequently, microbial death. Even were statistically equal. On the other hand, Somavat et al. (2013) de-
as a secondary effect in OH, in other electrical processes, such as pulsed monstrated that, for temperatures of 95 and 100 °C, low frequencies
electric field, it is responsible for the microbial inactivation. The work presented greater effectiveness compared with high frequency and CH;
performed by Won et al. (2002) corroborated this theory, demon- at 105 °C, OH showed better results than CH at both frequencies, and at
strating that the amount of exuded intracellular material for Sacchar- 110 °C, there was no significant difference between the treatments. The
omyces cerevisiae cells was greater in OH treatment compared with CH. discrepancies between results for low and high frequencies will be
To illustrate these differences between treatments, Table 4 shows D discussed further in section 4. Interestingly, in both studies, OH de-
values for E. coli inactivation by CH and OH in two different food monstrated higher effectiveness at reducing the microbial population in
media. most of the analysed temperatures. However, this difference tends to
decrease as the temperature increases. In both works, at the highest
temperatures, all treatments had statistically equal values of decimal
3.2. Aspects concerning spores reduction time (D value).
Pereira et al. (2007) demonstrated that Bacillus licheniformis in-
Somavat et al. (2012) and Somavat, Mohamed, and Sastry (2013) activation was faster in OH at 70, 75 and 80 °C when compared with
compared CH and OH in two different frequencies (60 Hz and 10 kHz) CH. However, at 90 °C, no difference was detected, with decimal re-
using Geobacillus stearothermophilus and Bacillus coagulans spores in duction times of 1.57 min for CH and 1.19 min for OH (p > 0.05).
tomato juice, respectively. At 121 °C, Somavat et al. (2012) found that Kim, Choi, et al. (2017) and Kim, Ryang, et al. (2017) evaluated
the high frequency OH resulted in higher values of inactivation when

Table 3
Analysed ohmic heating parameters and research needs.
Parameter Effect Research needs References

Temperature Higher inactivation rates in certain conditions by Lack of data for fungi; comprehension of the extension of the (Cho et al., 1999; Schottroff et al.,
electroporation (in vegetative cells) or effect in the nonthermal effects depending on the different process variables, 2019; Uemura & Isobe, 2002)
cell core (bacteria spores). such as the microorganism and foodstuff.
Electric field Increase of the nonthermal effects in some Comprehension of the mechanisms of enhanced nonthermal (Baysal & Icier, 2010; Murashita,
situations; increase in the heat rate. effects and its interaction with the process variables, such as the Kawamura, & Koseki, 2017; Raso
microorganism and foodstuff. et al., 2016)
Frequency Increase of the nonthermal effects in some Comprehension of the frequency dependency of the inactivation (Somavat et al., 2012, 2013)
situations. dynamics, since some works have demonstrated higher
inactivation rates at low frequencies and others in high
Food composition Increase in heat rates due to alterations in the Comprehension of the effects of some constituents (as the soluble (Moura et al., 1999; Park et al.,
electric conductivity. solid content) in the electric conductivity, since they can increase 2017)
or decrease this parameter depending on the analysed condition.

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

Fig. 1. Proposed mechanism for nonthermal effects as a function of the process temperature. At lower temperatures, both thermal (protein denaturation) and
nonthermal effects (electroporation) are present. At higher temperatures, just the thermal effects are significant.

Table 4 (such as calcium-dipicolinic acid (Ca-DPA) complex) from the cell nu-
Comparison of D values for E. coli inactivation by CH and OH in two different cleus. According to Madigan et al. (2017), the DPA, which comprises
culture media under different temperatures. 5–15% of the spores' dry weight, is one of the major factors responsible
Reference/culture Temperature (°C) D value for CH D value for OH for their thermal resistance. The combination of DPA and calcium,
medium (min) (min) forming a Ca-DPA complex, is directly related to the core dehydration,
which is characteristic of the sporulation process. The authors hy-
Pereira et al. (2007)/ 55 10.9 ± 1.8 14.2 ± 0.2
pothesize that the interaction of these compounds with the electric field
goat milk 63 3.9 ± 0.5 1.9
65 3.5 ± 0.2 0.86 provokes a rise in the spores’ electric conductivity, making them more
Rodrigues et al. 57.5 14.46 ± 0.5 1.77 ± 0.18 susceptible to electric effects. As these structures are not present in
(2018)/infant 60 0.72 ± 0.02 0.7 ± 0.05 vegetative cells, these effects would not exist in such microorganisms.
formula 62.5 0.45 ± 0.06 0.41 ± 0.03 To clarify the mechanism of nonthermal spore inactivation,
65 0.33 ± 0.01 0. 33 ± 0.01
Schottroff et al. (2019) studied the inactivation of Bacillus subtilis en-
dospores, focusing on determining which components of the spore cell
different temperatures for Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris spore inactiva- were more affected by the electric field. The authors prepared three
tion at 25 Hz in apple juice; at the lowest temperatures (85 and 90 °C), mutant species lacking different components known to contribute to
the D values obtained were statistically equal, whereas the micro- spore heat resistance: (i) small-acid soluble proteins that protect the
organism inactivation was more effective at the highest temperatures DNA; (ii) the coat covering the spore; (iii) the spore germination en-
(95 and 100 °C) when OH was applied. Cho et al. (1999) studied Bacillus zyme SleB. Mutant inactivation was compared with the results obtained
subtilis inactivation by continuous and intermittent OH and CH: lower D for the wild-type microorganism (with all the constituents intact) sub-
values were obtained at 88 and 92.3 °C in OH; the comparisons were mitted to CH and OH. The results showed that the electric field affects
not performed at higher temperatures because the treatments were the cell coat and SleB enzyme less than the cell core. This influence is
performed under different conditions. In addition, the authors demon- probably due to the increased release of proteins (mainly if they are not
strated that the Tyndallization effect (i.e., additional inactivation rates firmly bound to DNA). Additionally, the authors demonstrated that the
due to spore germination when the products have an additional stage of DPA release from the core is similar in both CH and OH. As stated by
cooling) is greater during OH processing. Moreover, Baysal and Icier the authors, understanding the electrical effects on spores is a complex
(2010) compared Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris inactivation in orange issue that depends on sophisticated experimental design.
juices and found significant differences between the two heating
methods. Lower D values were obtained with OH processing at 30 V/cm 3.3. Aspects concerning spores and vegetative cells
(58.48, 12.24 and 5.97 min for 70, 80 and 90 °C, respectively) when
compared to CH (83.33, 15.11 and 7.84 min for 70, 80 and 90 °C, re- One of the most relevant parameters in inactivation kinetics is the z
spectively). value, which represents the temperature difference needed to increase
Since the aforementioned studies analysed different temperature or decrease the D value by 90%. This parameter was evaluated in both
ranges, a direct comparison between kinetic parameters was not pos- thermal processes in the works by Pereira et al. (2007), Baysal and Icier
sible. However, certain behaviour patterns are observed during the (2010), Somavat et al. (2012), Somavat et al. (2013) and Rodrigues
application of OH on bacterial spores. The results currently found in the et al. (2018). ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the significant dif-
literature suggest that, at higher temperatures, electrical effects cannot ferences between z values in OH and CH by Somavat et al. (2013) and
be detected, as previously described for vegetative species. In addition, Baysal and Icier (2010), and no differences were observed. Somavat
similar behaviours may exist for sporulated cells at low temperatures. et al. (2012) obtained z values for Geobacillus stearothermophilus spores
Kim, Choi, et al. (2017) , Kim, Ryang, et al. (2017), Somavat et al. of 8.30 °C in OH at 10,000 Hz, 7.59 °C in OH at 60 Hz, and 7.42 °C in
(2012) and Somavat et al. (2013) found equal D values between OH and CH; Pereira et al. (2007), working with Bacillus licheniformis spores,
CH at lower temperatures depending on the applied frequency. As the found z values of 11.4 and 11.8 °C for CH and OH, respectively. It is
spore structure is highly resistant to low temperatures, the inactivation important to emphasize that these two works did not statistically ana-
would occur slowly and similarly in both thermal processes. Based on lyse the z value. On the other hand, Rodrigues et al. (2018) obtained
these results, there may be an optimum temperature in which the in- considerably different values for both microorganisms used: the z va-
activation rate difference between the two processes is the highest. lues were 9.49 °C and 7.91 °C for Staphylococcus aureus and 10.13 °C
The morphological structures of spores and vegetative species are and 4.88 °C for Escherichia coli using ohmic and conventional heating,
essentially different, and the electroporation phenomenon is not a sa- respectively. In addition, Pereira et al. (2007) also found different va-
tisfactory explanation for the nonthermal effects in spores. Somavat lues for this parameter studying Escherichia coli cells in goat milk (23.1
et al. (2012) and Somavat et al. (2013) proposed a different mechanism: and 8.4 °C for CH and OH, respectively). A possible explanation for the
a synergistic effect between electricity and temperature, in which a difference among the studies is associated with the fact that Baysal and
temperature rise causes an increase in the release of ionic compounds Icier (2010), Somavat et al. (2012) and Somavat et al. (2013) worked

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

with spores, while Rodrigues et al. (2018) worked with vegetative where Q is the volumetric rate of heat generation (W.m−3), is the
species. Pereira et al. (2007) worked with vegetative and spore species electric conductivity (S.m−1) and E is the applied electric field
and demonstrated different z values just for the vegetative species. (V.m−1). The heat generation is proportional to the square of the
Based on these results, vegetative microorganisms might suffer sig- electric field, which explains why foodstuffs heat faster under high
nificant alterations in the z value when submitted to OH compared with electric fields, decreasing processing time. Moreover, the aforemen-
spores, which influences this parameter to a lesser degree. It is im- tioned nonthermal effects tend to increase considerably as the applied
portant to point out that this is just a hypothesis and requires future electric field increases.
research for validation. Sagong, Park, Choi, Ryu, and Kang (2011) showed that the pro-
In addition, it must be stated that the comparisons performed in the cessing time for a 5D reduction diminished approximately 75% when
present work were isothermal, since only papers that equalized the the applied field was two-fold higher (from 10 to 20 V/cm). Park, Ha,
temperature profiles were considered. However, a comparison of mi- and Kang (2017) demonstrated that none of the analysed species could
crobial inactivation during the heating ramp (time until the food resist more than 30 s of OH with an electric field of 60 V/cm; when a
reaches the analysed temperature) is also important, as observed by 30 V/cm field was applied, a high number of viable cells was observed
Somavat et al. (2013) and Won et al. (2002). Their results have shown even after 60 s of processing. On the other hand, the same authors
that OH inactivates a higher number of cells during this process. This stated that the conversion of electricity into thermal energy within the
fact should be considered an additional advantage of the OH process. food product was higher when an electric field of 30 V/cm was used in
comparison with 60 V/cm. This can be a positive economic factor
4. Frequency effects concerning the utilization of low electric fields. Several authors have
compared the effects of using high and low electric fields on micro-
Concerning the frequency effects during OH, as previously discussed organism inactivation. Won et al. (2002), Uemura and Isobe (2002),
in subsection 3.2, the works of Somavat et al. (2012) and Somavat et al. Yildiz and Baysal (2006), Kim, Park, and Kang (2018), Hashemi,
(2013) have shown divergent D values. Somavat et al. (2012) showed Gholamhosseinpour, and Niakousari (2019) and Hashemi and Roohi
better results for high frequency OH, whereas Somavat et al. (2013) (2019) found significant reductions in viable cells at higher electric
found lower D values for low frequencies. Lee, Ryu, and Kang (2013) fields; this behaviour was also observed by Shao et al. (2019). More-
also studied frequency effects and observed a gradual decrease in pro- over, the latter authors showed that the recovery of injured cells is
cessing time as the frequency increased from 60 to 500 Hz; no con- slower at higher voltages. The lag phase duration showed a rise of 75%
siderable differences were observed between 500 Hz and 20 kHz. Mi- when the electric field was applied.
crobiological effects aside, the authors pointed out that the use of high Mok, Pyatkovskyy, Yousef, and Sastry (2019) evaluated the com-
frequency during OH tends to reduce the corrosion of electrodes. Won bination of an electric field with shear stress using rotating electrodes
et al. (2002) demonstrated that the amount of intracellular material and found a positive synergistic effect. The greater the electric field and
exuded by Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was higher at the highest fre- shear rate, the lower the inactivation time for a 5-log reduction.
quency. Moreover, Murashita, Kawamura, and Koseki (2017) and Kim, Moreover, Hashemi, Gholamhosseinpour, et al. (2019) and Hashemi,
Choi, and Kang (2017) did not find significant differences between Mahmoudi, et al. (2019) demonstrated that an increase in the electric
frequencies in the kinetic parameters for bacterial species. However, current had a significant impact on reducing microbial species. This
Kim, Choi, et al. (2017) demonstrated that at lower frequencies, the effect was higher for Zygosaccharomyces rouxii than for the bacterial and
number of sub-lethally injured cells decreased, and the MS-2 bacter- fungal species analysed, which may suggest that yeasts are more sus-
iophage inactivation increased. ceptible to electric effects. All the aforementioned works confirm the
Somavat et al. (2013) explained the ambiguous results concerning positive relationship between electric field and inactivation rates.
the frequency effects obtained by different authors by stating that some However, these studies did not clarify if the temperature profiles were
microbial intracellular compounds can be impacted differently due to matched for the electric field analysis; therefore, their results cannot
changes in the electric field oscillation. The extent of this effect is de- explain the nonthermal effects of OH.
pendent on the species morphology. The high inactivation rates ob- Baysal and Icier (2010) and Murashita et al. (2017) were able to
served at low frequencies have already been discussed by different analyse additional nonthermal effects by matching the temperature
authors (Kim, Choi, & Kang, 2017; Lakkakula, Lima, & Walker, 2004; profiles. The former authors studied OH at 30, 40 and 50 V/cm and
Lima & Sastry, 1999). They proposed that at low frequencies, the observed equal inactivation rates for all applied electric fields at 80 °C.
transmembrane potential is less oscillatory, extending the time for in- At 70 °C, all treatments were different, with lower D values for higher
tracellular ions to conform to the electric field. Thus, the number of ions electric fields, decreasing the processing time by 51% when 30 V/cm
joined at the inner cell wall is higher, increasing the nonthermal effect. was compared to CH. Finally, at 90 °C, only the 50 V/cm field was
On the other hand, at high frequencies, the inactivation mechanisms different from the others, presenting the lowest D value. The smaller
remain unclear. Since the field oscillates more times per second, a differences observed at higher temperatures were justified by the pre-
greater number of collisions between the ions and membrane walls may dominance of thermal over electrical effects. Murashita et al. (2017)
occur, which could cause more cell damage. It is important to empha- studied the nonthermal effects at 101 °C and found significant differ-
size that the suggested mechanism lacks experimental data for ver- ences between OH and CH only in the highest electric field considered
ification. The preponderance of these low or high frequency effects (20 V/cm); at the lower electric fields (5 and 10 V/cm), no significant
depends on the microorganism morphology (for example, its ionic differences were observed.
content) and on the characteristics of the analysed food, as previously
stated by Somavat et al. (2013).
6. Composition effects

5. Electric field effects In this subsection, the effects of food composition (pH, fat content,
salt content and solid soluble content) on microbial inactivation rate
The effects of the electric field on the inactivation rate can be par- during OH are discussed. Three different pH values were analysed by
tially explained using the mathematical definition of heat generation by Lee et al. (2015) during OH: 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5. The scenario with a more
OH: acidic pH (2.5) had a greater inactivation rate compared with the
others; scenarios in which the pH values were 3.5 and 4.5 showed si-
Q= . E2 (1) milar values (ANOVA was not performed). The additional effect

W.A. Müller, et al. Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020) 650–659

observed in the lowest pH may not have been related to the electric emphasized.
field, but rather to the hostility of such environments to bacterial spe-
cies. Similar results were found by Tola and Ramaswamy (2014), in Acknowledgments
which increases in pH resulted in higher D values. The authors de-
monstrated that, at high temperatures, these effects were less pro- The authors are grateful to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
nounced, and the thermal effects were predominant. Combinations Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) for providing funds for this research.
between OH and acidic pH can be potentially interesting for food
processing, but further research is needed concerning their application References
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