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Swadaya street PALEMBANG

To Rangga Gilang Herlambang



Assalamualaikum Rangga , how are you, I hope you are fine, how about your college
there, have I got new friends yet, if I thank God I have lots of new friends, so I want to tell
you about my college, I went to study electricity, there are lots of new experiences what I got,
especially when I studied at the state polytechnic of Sriwijaya so I practiced more, it was
really exciting, there was the first time I practiced it I couldn't make a wire into a circle so I
was the last to come home, it was my first experience in practice hehehe , there is something
else that made me have basic education before college, it was really exciting even though we
were online but we followed it well, lots of funny things happened at the time, this is all I
want to tell you, I hope you are always healthy and happy there, we will meet later during the
Eid holidays

Your friend

Muhamad alwaly syarief

Muhamad alwaly syarief
Swadaya street pakjo, Palembang March 22, 2021
Melia garden street

Dear budi, hallo budi how are you in Jakarta , how was your collage , I hope always smooth,
I want to share about the history of electricity, so the history of the invention of electricity was started
by Thales (between 640 - 546 AD) a scholar from Greece. Electron rubbing or in the Greek language
"amber" with a wool cloth so that light objects near him get closer and even sticking is usually done
by him. But Thales has never seen why this is. Furthermore, it was continued about the research on
the force of motion of the amber by a British researcher named William Gilbert (1733) who called the
thales event above electric which was taken from the Greek word Elektron or amber. Furthermore,
Charles du Fay (1739) was a national of heart before he knew that electricity consisted of Negative
and Positive (- and +).Furthermore, there is Benjamin Franklin, he is an American writer, publisher,
scientist, and diplomat who was instrumental in writing the United States Constitutional Declaration
of Independence. In 1975, he proved that lightning is a natural form of electricity. In 1975, Franklin
conducted an experiment, when Farnklin was flying a kite with an iron key underneath, when
lightning struck, a small spark struck the lock and jumped to his wrist. Furthermore, Alessandro Volta
in 1800 argued that electricity is like water and means that electricity is very useful because it has
power. So that in the end he was able to make batteries as a source of electrical energy. At that time
voltaic piles made of thin copper and zinc sheets were separated by moist cardboard. In this way a
new type of electricity was discovered. Volta showed that electricity can be made to travel from one
point to another by wire. Furthermore, there is Michael Faraday who is very interested and continues
to research the type of magnetic electricity or what is commonly called Electromagnetic. If electricity
can produce magnets (as in the first experiment) why magnets cannot produce electricity ”. In 1831,
Faraday had a solution. That electricity can be generated through magnets and silver. Faraday
discovered that when a magnet is moved inside a coil of copper wire, a tiny electric current can flow
through the wire. So that the dynamo generator electric or also can be called an electric generator,
although only able to produce small electricity and DC current. History of distribution, electricity The
history of electric power began in January 1882, 134 years ago, bro ... in London, then in the same
year to be precise in September also operated an electric power center in New York City, America. At
that time, the operation used direct current (DC) electricity with low voltage, so that it could not fulfill
the needs of the big cities mentioned above. In 1885 a Frenchman named Lucian Gauland and another
from England named John Gibbs sold a patent for an AC (alternating) current generator to a
businessman named George Westinghouse. The development of electric power distribution was
further promoted by making transformers and finally obtained a network system alternating current
electricity as transmission from generator to user. okay, thank you, for reading this letter about the
history of electricity, see you in May

Your friend
Palembang 29 March 2020

Dear my best friend, Budi

I hope you will take advantage of your 19th birthday party. This party will be held on:

Day / Date: Thursday / 15 April 2021

Hours: 16.00

Place: swadaya steet Pakjo, Palembang

I really hope you attend because this party will not be memorable without your presence.

Your best friend

Muhamad alwaly syarief

Swadaya steet

Palembang 15 april 2021

Dear Budi

Thank you for my birthday gift that you gave to me, this item is very useful for me, because I
always use it when I practice college, this is the most complete and coolest electrical equipment I
have ever had.

I will always wear this item and I will remember from you, this is very memorable for me

Once again I thank you

Your best friend

Muhamad alwaly syarief



Swadaya street Palembang

South Sumatera

5 April 2023

In accordance with the news I got from the official PLN website regarding job vacancies at PT PLN
(PERSERO), I hereby submit myself to join the technical TEAM at PT. PLN (PERSERO). The following is
my personal brief: My health condition is very good, able to speak English both written and spoken,
able to operate electrical systems, machines and panels as well as installations, satisfactory
educational background, have skills in basic electricity and are able do correspondence in English.
Can work individually or in teams. Ready to be placed in all parts of Indonesia.

For that I hope that you are willing to take the time and provide the opportunity for an interview, so
that I have the opportunity to explain my potential in a detailed way.

Thus this application letter, and thank you for your attention.

Best regards,

Alwaly syarief

Name : muhamad alwaly syarief

Address : jalan swadaya palembang

Phone Number : 081366847898

Email Address :

Marital status : Single

Place and date of Birth: Palembang, 26 march 2002

Religion : Islam

Educational Background:

- Elementary School Islamic kamiliyah Palembang, South Sumatera, 2014

- Junior High School Number 1 martapura , South Sumatera, 2017

- Senior High School Number 3 martapura , South Sumatera, 2020

- State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Electrical Engineering Study

Program, South Sumatera, 2023

Qualification :

- State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Electrical Engineering Study Program

GPA = 3.60 (on the scale of 4)

- Advanced Level Certificate, ABC English Course, Palembang, 2016

- TOEFL prediction = 500 (Language Centre, ABC English Course, 2019)

- Ms Office Certificate, Siap Kerja, Palembang, 2016

- AutoCAD Certificate, Siap Kerja, Palembang, 2017

Interests: Reading, Playing rubic, jogging

Class : 2 LA
No.absen : 13
MK : Bahasa Inggris Teknik 2








MITRA INDAH Wood Shop Palembang

Inspektur marzuki street

Palembang alwaly

Swadaya street


11 April 2021

Dear Sir,

Good Afternoon Boss of mitra indah wood Shop Palembang,

With reference to your advertisement in today’s times , would you please leaving 2 of the materials and tools .
And would you please send me full details , prices and samples of your electrical tools and materials ?

Thank you

Your Sincerelly



Mr. alwaly Your ref : SB/SM

Costumer Our ref : MH/JW
Swadaya street
13 April 2021

Dear Mr. alwaly

Thank you for your letter of 11 April enquiring about our promotional sale.
We are pleased to enclose our new brochure and price list together with samples of our promotional sale.
Prices of our items :
Hammer: 20$
Amperemeter : 15$
Hacksaw : 25$

We look forward to receiving your first order.

Yours sincerely
Niko yulius
Sales Manager

Question topic 5
1. Mr. S Bowen
2. A newpaper made by MTT PIC
3. Mr. Bowen asked for full detail, prices and samples of the shop’s promotion gift

1. Mary Hardy
2. S. Bowen
3. Nothing because mr.s Bowen jas not ordered the item's

1. Malmo, Swedan
2. Because,Mr L waterhad then send out a copy of the 2019 catalog and special trade
detail the strore was offering and wanted to know if all the carrent strode mudek could
be covered by the store's standars two year guarantee
3. 2 year

1. TN. L water
2. their company/ bord corporation
3. been waiting for a reservation from Mr.L water

Question 6
1. what is the electric potensial ?
answer = Potential electricity can be defined as the effort required to move a positive
charge of one unit from infinity to a certain point. Potential electricity can also be
interpreted as a potential energy of electricity per probe charge.
2. The electric potensial is measured in?
Answer =volts, and one volt is the potential for which one joule of work must be
expended to bring a charge of one coulomb from infinity.

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