Unit Automation of Circulation: Objectives

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10.0 Objectives
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Functions of Automated Circulation Systein
10.2.1 Master Files
10.3 Membership
10.3.1 NewIBackup of Old Members
10.3.2 Entitlement
10.3.3 Clearance
10.3.4 Membership Statistics
10.3.5 Membership Disqualification
10.4 Transaction
10.4.1 Issue
10.4.2 Return
10.4.3 Renewal
10.4.4 Reservation of Issued Docutnents
10.4.5 Recall of Documents
10.4.6 Write Off
1 0.5 OverduetReminders
106 Maintenance
10.6.1 Stock Verification
10.6.2 MissingILostfMutilated Documents
10.6.3 Withdrawal
10.6.4 Binding
10.7 Sofiware
10.7.1 Independent Software
10.7.2 Integrated Library Management Software
10.7.3 Selection and Evaluation of Software
10.8 ~rn~lementa~ion
and Management
10.8.1 Training the Staff and Educating Users
10.8.2 Perforrna~lceEvaluation
10.9 OutputtReports
10.10 Summary
10.1 1 Answer to Self Check Exercises
10.12 Key Words
10.13 References and Further Reading

After reading this Unit, you will be able to:
e get a thorough insight into the operations involved in automated circulation
become familiar with the features of computer software on circulation; and
manage automation of circulatiork in library.
Automated Housekeeping
Operations 10.1 INTRODUCTION
The circulation control is an important function of libray management. It keeps
track of members' registration, issue, renewal, return, and reservation of
docume~its.A inelnber can reserve a document in advance, which is presently
issued to sonie other member. A document issued to a member can be reissued
to him provided no other member has reserved it. An inter-library loan (ILL) is
a way of getting a document from another library. If the document is due, a fine
may have to be charged and receipt may be issued. With reports and statistics,
you can see when, where, by whom, and in what quantity materials have been
borrowed, returned, renewed, requested, damaged, lost, or stolen.

Many libraries today are serving their members who might not be able to come
to the library, with efficient inail in/mail out features.

Many libraries are using bar code for their members on the member card, barcode
label pasted on tlie book, to facilitate a fully automated circulation control. There
are many 'libraries using bar code facility effectively.

The studies have sllown that there are three types of circulation systenls which
are in use at present in different libraries in India:
Card based system
Charge in system
@ Link with online catalogue
@ Card based System

Whell a docun~entis issued io a member, a book card, having details about its
title, accession number, class number, is removed from book flap and the
transaction is recorded on it. While issuing, issue date a11d signature of member
is recorded on book card .The issues are also recorded on member card and both
cards are.stored in increasing order of accession number and member codel
surnaille respectively. It is a full proof manual system and used in most of the
111dia11libraries. In ~nallylibraries a gate pass is also prepared and given to the
members to carry the documents outside.

Charge in System

It is combination of manual system and automated circulation system. The

signatures of tlie members are obtained on the book card at the time of issue and
the bibliograpliical information is entered in the charge in file. The information
abo~ltmember is obtained fro111member database, which is updated as and when
any transaction is conducted. Both the files are searchable by author, title, member
code, accession number and member surname, Such systems are used in many
libraries where online cataIogue/accession is not operational.

@ Link with Online Catalogue

In this type of system, the transactions are done using bar code on member card
and bar code label pasted on book. No physical signature is required. The
bibIiographica1details are obtained from online catalogue and copied in charged-
in file along with member details. Member's details are obtained from member Automation o f Circulation
database and using both details the transaction is recorded and saved in transaction
file, It is hlly automated circulation system and many libraries are using it.

I11 this unit we will discuss automated circulation system described above.
Self Check Exercise

1) What are the different types of circulation systems prevalent in libraries in

India? Describe link with online catalogue system in brief.

Note: i) Write your answers in the space given below.

ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of this Unit.

Automated circulation system is very easy to design and implement in any library.
Though many circulation software packages are available in India. The procedures
followed are adopted by most of the software packages. You are advised to
consult user nlallual of the software package, you are using. Before the system
starts functioniilg in a library the followillg Master files, transaction files are
created and validated.

@ Master Files

There are six master files, which are generally used it1 automated circulation.
Tliese files contain the data about members, member category, binders, libraries'
books on loan and letters. It is important that all files should be copied and
validated before starting using this module.
e Member Category : A category is group of members and each member
belongs to one category. Types of documents, period of issue, no. of books
to be issued, fine to be charged for each category of member etc,, are inputted.

Members : This contains the details of libraiy n~emberslusersincorporatii~g

member code, name, phone, fax, e-mail address, address, members institute,
category, valid upto, status and enrolment date.
ao Library : It contains details of the iibrary with whom ILL transaction is
carried out. Code, name, phone, fax, e-mail address, and contact person,
membership number, valid upto, and remarks are inputted,
r O Automated Housekecpit~g a Book on Loan (ILL) : Records of documents received from other libraries
i Operations
t on ILL are stored.
r Binders: It contains details about all binders, who are binding the documents
for the library. The process is called registration and de-registration ofbinders.
Code, binder name, phone, Fax, e-mail address are inputted.
0 Letters : This master file stores pre-designed contents of various letters used
in circulatio~l.Each letter ]nay consists of following fields:
a Letter ilulnber
a Letter title
* Signatory
0 Copy to
a Enclosure heading
Eizclosure contents
The following letters are generally printed and sent to users.

Notice to reserve
Document recall letter
@ Warning letter for long overdue docun~ents
@ Transactions

All the transactions, e.g, issues long tern1 issue/transfer, short term issue, issue
of ILL docun~ents,issue for binding, write - off, return, renewal, reservation,
cancel/reservation are done and saved in various transaction files.

However, the manner in which transactioils are conducted and stored depends
on the design of the software package used. In this course all types of automated
circulatioll coi~trolsystems used in libraries in Indian enviroi~~nent have been

The transactions are stored in various transaction files (created by circulation

system) and master files (commonly used in integrated software system).

10.2.1 Master Files
Mernber Category

This databaselfile is used to define the various categories of member. A category

is a group of members. Every library member will be a member of one category.
Types of doc~unents.period of issue, and fine to be charged in case the document
is overdue is determined by categories. The category is used in member data to
restrict the bol~owiilgsof tlie members as per your library rules. The maximum
limit of a category can be changed using this option. The record can be edited,
deleted using category name.
Example : Member category screen Automation o f Circulation

Member Category Books Allowed

Description ILL Period Fine/day

I Reports 30 ~ h y s 30 d ~ y s 0
New Delete Save Cancel

@ Select member category

@ Enter details as above
@ Repeat the steps as marly types of doculllent being issued
The maximuill ilu~llberof books allowed for n particular category is included in
the package. For example in this, for Director, it is 12 books.

Members Database

The database is arranged on melnber code. Please refer to acquisition control

module for information on inembers database.

@ Charge of Books Database

This database is replica of online accession register or online catalogue, The

basic difference is that it co~ltainsbasic lninim~~ln
bibliographical details of each
book. As and wl~enbook is issucd to a member the bibliographical details are
entered in this database. However, wllen the book is rel~irned,the record is not
deleted but accumulated ill another file/database,It contains the following details:
e Title of docunlent
* Author
* Subject
Q Issue date
e Return date
Member code
Every transaction is entered in this file. But if online catalogue is operational.
then the bibliographical record is copied from online catalog~ielaccessionregister
t o charge in file. I

o Binders
The details about all binders, who are binding the documents for the library, are
enter here. The process is called registration and de-registration of binders. The
information is stored in binders file. It contains tlle following details:
Automated Housekeeping e Binders code,
@ Name,
@ Pl~otie,Fax,
e E-mail address.
The record can be edited or deleted using code to retrieve the document.


It contains details of the library wit11 whoin ILL transaction is carried out. It
colitaiils the following details:
Q Name,
Phone, fax,
E-mail address,
@ Contact person,
@ Menlbersilip ii~~~nber,
Q Valid up to,
Q Remark.
The record car1 be edited or deleted using code to retrieve the document

0 Boolc on Loan (ILL)

Records of documents received froin other libraries on ILL are inputted here.
The.details ilorinally available are as follows:
@ Library,
@ Accession iiuinber
e Type of document
* Author name
e Title
* Acquired date
@ Return date.
The record can be edited or deleted using code to retrieve the document.

Self check Exercise

2) Blumerdte the different kinds of master files in automated circulation system. iI


Note: i) Write your answers in the space given below. I

ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of this Unit. 1:
.,..,.....,.......,,,*,.,...................,..,..,............,.....,...............,..,...,.. .u.i.I>


........................................................................................................... Automation of Circulation ', 1

U,siilg member database and meniber category database, the following activities
are nori~~ally
10.3.1 New Members/Baclc up of Old Members $1
@ New Members

As and wheil new member joins Ille organization and i~itei~d to use library, he is
given illeinbership tifter certain formalities arc completed and allotted a menlber
code. 'The details of member as ~~lentioned above are entered illto ~llelnber

10.3.2 Entitlement
The llle~llbercategory of a member decides about his entitlement pertaining to
types of documents, period of issue, number of books and fine to be cliarged in
case the doc~llne~liis overduc. T'lle category is used in llzembcr data to restrict
the borrowings of'tlle meml?el-sas per the liblary rules.

. 110.3.3 Clearance
To prepare a No due certificate for a meinher who wants the cleara~~ce from the
library either on their retirellzent or transfer or cl~angeof job. The cerlil'lcate
colltaills the member name, illelnber code, and date of issue ol-certiilcate details.
One inay callcel the inembersl~ipat the time of issuing the cerlilicaie.

10.3.4 Menr bers hip Statistics

T l ~ enlell~berdatabase is searched using search options like meillber code,
sur11anle, department lialne. The vital statistics /ii~fo~-mation about membcr's
reading habit, subject of interest ctc. call be generated and printed as report.

10.3.5 Membership 1)isqualifica tion

Any meinber who does not follow Jibraiy r~llesand or do not give heeds to
reminders, recall notices sent by library call be disqualilied from the ii~embel*sl~ip
of library. The status of sucl? i ~ ~ e m bise rput and is not allowed ally benefit f r o n ~
library exceptret~~rilof boolts. It is chccked while jssuiilg a book to the members.

All' the transactions, i.e., chargingldischarging, renewal, reservation, cai~ccl
reservation, written-off, etc, of docume~ltsare carried out and stored in above
1 4 Auto~natedHousclteeping defined filesldatabase. The following transactions are perfornled in auto~llated
I Operations circulation system.

10.4.1 Issue
Whelz a member comes to the circulation desk to get a document issued in his/
her name, she tells hislher melnber code to the circulatioll staff and presents the
document(s). The staff searches the lzlenlber database by lzle~nbercode and obtain
the nleinbers details. Then enters the accession number and obtains the
document's record &on1online catalogue. After the systeln checlcs the entitlement,
reservation, issue the document to ll~emberand update boolc issued in member

The staff searches the onlille register to copy record in charge in database. Ifthe
record is not available in ollliile catalogue, the system should give a prompt on
the screen that the Record is not ilvailable. The system asks if you want to add
this record to ouline catalogue. If answer is yes, the worlcsheet containiizg
bibliugrapl~icaldetails are displayed on the screen. The staff' enters the book
details and save the record. The nlenlber code, date of issue, date of return are
stored in charge/issue file.

One call print the issue card, with all details, for the signature of llle member.
Pre-printed statianary can also be used for this purpose.

* Loag Term Issue/Transfer

Dictional-ies. user manuals, textboolcs are issued fix a longer period or on

permanent basis to membersldepart~nei~t or libraries. T11,ese docunlents are
cxclucled in regular reluinders issued to the members ul~lessspecified. The
transaction is rccorded in above tri?nsactionfile.

Loose issue of periodicals, magazines, reference books, etc. are issued for short
period of tiilze. Relnillders are sent to such members. Nor111~11issue procedure is
adopted in this case. The transaction is recorded in above transaction file.

* Issue of ILL Documerlts

Docu~nciltsreceived 011 H,L fioni other libraries can be issued only to the
membcrs. The transactio~~ is recorded in above transactioiz file. The following
steps are used to issue a doctunent in many software paclcages (Provided those
feature are incorporated in the package)

Select File illeilu

Select Issue of ILL documents
Select lnenlber (to whom the docunlents are to be issued)
Type Accession number
a Click Issue
Repeat above steps for t~~unber
of documents
10.4.2 Return
When documents are given by member to circulation staff for return, the same
operation is performed as in the case of issue. [fa document is overdue, a fine is
charged fiom rne~nberas per the library policy. It is also checked if soillc other
member reserved the book, reservation slip is printed by system. The trailsaction
is recorded in above transactioll file.
10.4.3 Renewril
Use this option to renew t l ~ dociunents
c already issued to members. Its accession
number can renew a document. Many libraries allow the reilewals of doculnents
using LAN message and e-mail. The ansac sac ti on is secorded in above transactioll

10.4.4 Reservation on Issued Documents

A nle~ubercan reserve any number o.l'documeuts by filling a slip on the counter
or by sending a inessage on LAN or e-nlail to librasy counter. 'rhis option allows
you to reseive the documents. Ally ~ ~ ~ u nofb emembers
r call reserve a clocument.
Reservatioll is done on first-come-first-swe basis. Some libraries allocate priority
in reservation depending on category of n~embcr.The transaction is recorded in
transaction file.

Cancel Reservation

This option allows you to cancel the reservation rzlready macle by a member.
Many software paclcages use followillg com~~lailds:
0 Select File, Click Cancel rcsel-vntion
Enter Accession number
Cliclc Cancel reservation
Repeat steps if required

This option may be included and used to send letters to a nlelnber about documeills
issued to hiin that islare urgently required by some otl~ermember. The letter
addressed to the illember whoin the document(s) islare issued colltains accessioll
number and titie of the document details. The tralsaction is recorded in transaction
file. Many software packages use following corn~~~ands:
Using File - Masters
@ Select Letter option (to change the coilteilt of the letter).
0 Select Member
a Type Accession numbers
Click Report
0 Print the Recall letter
10.4.6 Write Off
The lost, stolen, missing, damaged, not usable docume~~ts
are written off from
accession register using predefinkd procedure of that organization. Such
documents are withdrawn from circulation.
Automnted Houseltcepi~~g In oillii~eaccessioil register/calalogue a field called 'book status' gives this
information. The transaction is recorded in above transaction file.

Sellding rsrninders to its members for overdue boolts are routine matter of any
library. The circulatioll staff prints the reminders usiilg the reminder option of
the software package used by your library. The reminder numbers are printed in
subject matter. ?'he following are nornlally used:
@' Selection of File-Mas ters-Letters
@ Changing the conte~ltsof the reminder letter
@ Letter contail~il~g
accession numbers, issue date and title of document.
@ Selection of Print option
@ Sclectioll of From and To option (type the range of llleillber codes)
e Inclusion of Pemanent issues option (to illclude all issues)
@ Print
For preparing a report of the entire overdue dociin~entslist till date against the
members. 'The following Icature sho~ildbe available. The report can be sorted
either on lllenlber code 01. accession number.
@ Select oSPririt
e Selectiol~of Over-due List option
@ Selectio~lof As On (Cu-t off Date)
@ Selectioll of Member cade1Accession number option (for sol-tingpurposes)
Selection of meinber1Alli member

A report containing over due list shall be printed as per option selected. The
above commands are based on Suchika software package version 2.0, If you are
using ally other software package, please consult the user manual of that software
package. .

10.6.1 Stoclr Verification
Stoclc veriijcation is a process to match the physical stock with accession register
libraries are using various methodologies for stock taking. Some of them are:
* Stock-verification by separate filelregister with accessioil register
Stock-verification by accession register

@ Stock-verification by transaction file with oilline catalogue

In compute;ized stock verification the accession numbers of physically present
books are entered in a file u~ingany simple software or MS Excel. These numbers
are matched with online accession.register or online catalogue. The missing Automation of Cil-culation
numbers are printed with title and author using data fiom online register and
handed over to librarian for reconciliation

10.6.2 MissinglLostlMutilated Docu rnents I,:

.rt 1
In an open access library the boolcs and monograpl~sare ofiei~either misplaced/
lost or stolen. So~lzetimesany incidents like fire/flood occurs in a library, wl~ich
m~tilatesthe boolcs beyond its use. Such boolcs are withdrawn fiom circulatio~l
systems. In integrtlted software a pre-defined sy1111701is slored in a field of online
catalogue. These symbols are defined in user manual. Using sofiivare a list call
be generated for missing, lost, mutilated ancl wilhdrawl~documents fioin
circulation system.

10.6.3 Withdrawal
I-iandboolts, dictionaries. encyclopedias and other re-l'erenceboolcs are witl~drawi~
f~-om circulation. Tlie software should generate n report of all withdrawn books
from circulatioi~syste~nsfor any reason. 111an integrated sofiware a pre-deiined
symbol is stored in a field of online ca~alogue.'This syi~lbolsis defined in user
manual. I-Iowever in semi a~~tornated circulation system, a stamp NOT for ISSUE
is stamped on the first page of book.

10.6.4 Binding
The books, which are sent for binding, are withdrawn fi.0111circulatioll systems.
They are shown as issued to binders. 111 integra~tedsofiware, ;I pre-deiined symbol
is stored in a field o.Follliilecatalogue. These symbols are defined in user inalzual.
For binding normally following features are inclucled :

@ Binder code
Displaying all accessioll nunlbers of docui~~ent
already wit11 binder.
@ Eilteriilg frcsh accession numbers (to be sent for binding)
@ Issue (to bindel-)


10.7.1 Independent Software

The automated circulation system sl~ouldperforn the following fil~lctions
Clzarging and dischargii~gof booles
Reserve, renew and recall function
Issue reminders for overdue books
Provide nlembers statistics. .
Provide borrowing patterns
Number of transaction each day
* Password protection
~ k u t o m r t e dHousekeeping @ Print out indexes of yoi~rmaterial, sorted by title, by subject and by a~~thor.
@ Seiwcll by
@ Me~nbercode, sumame
@ Accession number
s 'Title, a~uhor,subject
Printed Reports are:
@ Issue list
@ Over due list
e Retun1 list
@ Issue summai.y
@ Return summary
@ Books received on TILL
@ Reserved doc~umcnts
Documents with binders
@ Written - off tlocullle~lt
Fine su111111ary
@ Slnlislics
@ t 3 o ~ l issue
i register (Optional)
LETTER in the systems should have tlle following :
@ Recall of a document
Q, Intimation fos reservccl documents
e No-dues certificate
e Reminder for overdue d o c ~ ~ m e ~ ~ t s
a IVarning Tor 1m1g overdue documents
@ List OF warning issued

Exu/7.zple- Main rMenrr of Aril'cznznled CircuI[rtionSystem (Sucltikn 2.0)

@ STATISTICS Automation of Circulation

Tlie software should be able to provide the following statistics:

0 ILL statistics

General statistics
o Heavily used boolcs

10.7.2 Integrated Library Management Sofhrare

The integrated software should 11elp in autoinatillg all aspects of initial ordering
of items, indexing, enquiries, circulation, serials (periodicals)colltrol and financial
administration. It sltould provide wide range of predefiilecl management reports
and enable the easy generation of adhoc reports. As a modular system, followilig
the initial package installatios, additional f~liictionsmay be installed as and wlie~l
required. Tile illodules should include:
Monograph Acquisitiolls
Serials Control (Periodicals)
Short. Loans and Reserve Collection
Interlibrary Loans
OPAC (On-line Public Access catalogue)
Self-service facility
Conlmutlity information
Document storage and delivery
Web productslservices.

Some of the common features of sucli package are:

Powerful f~lnctionalityin all system ~ilodules.
@ Systein is totally ~llodularin design,
e Completely integrated.
@ Data is oilly entered once ancl i~nmediatelyupdates all reIevmt files and
beconles available system-wide.
Real-time, interactive system, which always provides current slatus
0 Basic system design allows for tnultiple collectioils a ~ ~ d /bratlches,
Sharing a coinmoll bibliographic database or having a~~tonomous
@ Interface with World Wide Web,
@ Browser products and document transnlission capabilities.

CAIRS: CAIRS Information Systems

Librarian :Eurotech Consltants Ltd.
1 Automated Housekeeping
12 Example of Indian Sofbvare Packages
I ' Soi't~rnre Manufacturer/Developer


Gralltlzalaya INSDOC, New Delhi





L,IBMAN Kasbal~Systenls Software, Madras

LIBSYS Info -Tek Consultant Pvt Ltd New Delhi

OASIS Softlink India, New Delhi

10.7.3 Selection and Evaluation of Software

A software sllould be selected considering perfor~na~ce of other internationally
available software packages: Some of the parameters for measuring performance
0 Meeting the specifications
Q Response time,
Q ~ccbracyof output,
0 Reliability etc.
A record of all errors in the software sl~ouldbe maintained along with the measures
take11to rectify them.

Self Check Exercises

3) Define integrated library management software.
4) Give examples of five Indian software packages.
Note: i) Write your answers in the space given below.
ii) Check your answers with the answers given at the end of this Unit. I
Automation of Circulation
The implementatio~lof a circulation system in your library requires dedicated
team and the support of head of organizatioiz because it requires coordination of
many activities. Broadly it requires planning, training in use of software and
database creation. These may be grouped into the following broad areas:
Overall Planning: This is essentially a tllanagerial functioil which calls for
planl~ing,controlling and scheduling.
System Platform: You required hardware, operating system and support
software for automation.
Database Creation: This will be a major activity of the system. A11 input
worksheet is designed to ga-thef the inember data, bibliograpllical data. It
should be ensured that the data entered into the s y s t e ~ is
~ l correct, no
duplication is allowed, format of the data is to be imported from external
sources, it sl~o~ild
he done as per tlze MARC/CCF onnat.
0 Staff Training: One of the lcey ele~nentsis tlie successful inlplel~lentation
of any system is people. Since the automated system will have an impact on
not only the people who dcsign, operate, and main tail^ the system, but also
on those who utilise the output generated by the system, one ofthe primary
objectives should be to train the staff and educate the users.
Implementation Plan: Out of the three types of cl~angeoverprocedures,
any one inay be acceptecl wheil installing a new system. These are:
i) Imn~ediateChangeover Approach
In this approach manual system is ternlinatecl on a given dare and replaced
ilnil~ediatelyby the coml,uterized system. Precaution is take11 that user
services is not affected as tl~ereis no back-rrp system.

ii) Pnrallcl System Approach

In this approach upto a certain time both manual as well as computerized

systems are made to run parallel. Once tke coinpuierized system is
provided to be successf~~l, the manual system is abandoned. This is a
better way of changeover tkan tlle earlier ones as it has some advantages
like back-up system. User services are not disrupted, But tlze main
disadvantage is the cost illvolved in operating both systeins. And there is
a great amount of duplication of work and activity.

iii) Gradual Chqngeover Approach

Here the process is phased. The circulation system is divided into several
phases. Coinputerizatioll is done according to the phases. After one phase
is tested the manual part of that phase is dropped and the second phase is
taken up. This gives staff as well as users time to adjust and to learn.

10.8.1 Training the Staff and Educating Users

Training is imparted to all level of users of the new circulatioi~system. The kind
of training for these three levels will be different from each other. Training the
Automatecl Houselteepi~lg managetnent 01' the library will be rllore a matler of generating interest alld
Operations gooclwill for the system, rather thun giving detailed illstruction in tke mechanism
of the operation. End users of the system of the library are to be educated about
the new systenl and its iinplications. Since they are the ones who would be
acc.essi11gthe database, inalte several searches on the database, they should be
trained about the various search techniques and other related things.

10.8.2 Performance Evaluation

It is the iillal phase oi'systcm analysis and design. Once the implcinentation of
the circulation systein is over, you have to monitor and evaluate the system
periodically. Thro~tghthis process you would be able to identify areas where
objectives arc not being met, what is the cause and how it can be achieved, to
identify areas whicl~shoulcl be give11priority l'or future development, to measure
the ci'fcctiveness of [he sysle~llas fm as hardware and sortware are concerned,
and finally to justify the espenditusc.


The features o l a software is judged by the output or types of reports which can :
be ge~zera~ed. as he reports arc valuable illput for f ~ ~ n c t i o t ~of
i n gcirculation
activily. i

A software sllould generate the following lype o'repol-ts:

o Issiie List
Over Due List
Issue Summary
Return Summary
* Boolts Receivecl on ILL
Rcscl.vecl 1loc~1n1e1~t.s
* Letters
Documen~swith Binders
Written - off Doc~uine~~t
Fine Sull~mary
Booli Issue Register (Optional)
3 Issue List I1
1 I
The issue scports give a complete listing of the documents view during a period.
The repoi.l can be sorted either on menlber code or association number, The :'
return can also be prepared either for a given inember or all me~nbers. I
I 1
I '
Over- Due List 1i
Print a report of all the overdue docu~nentstill date against the members. The (j
report call be sorted either 011 men~bercode or accessioii number.
@ Books Received On ILL Automation

Prepare a report of all documents, which are received l-i.umother libraries 011
ILL during a particular period in a predefined fornlat.
Document With Binders
Prepare a conlplete list of doctull~entsto be sent for billdi~~g
@ Letters

Print followillg lelters:

* ~ e c a lof
l a clocuineilt
0 Intimation for reserved documents
e No-dues certificate
Renlinder for overdue docunlellts
0 Warning for long overdue docuillents
0 List of warning issued
e Statistics

Prepare various lcil~dsof statistic:iI reports:

@ 'ILL statistics
General stitistics
@ Heavily used books.

The automated circulatioll co~ltrolkeeps track of members' registration, issue,
renewal, return, and reservation of documents. Gacl~member of the library is
assigned a member code for identification of llis/ller record. The ~lle~nbersare
grouped in dirferent calegories. The maximum n~n11lberof documalts that car? be
borrowed by a 11lemberis defined on the basis o f tile category of that meiz~ber.
The nlaxi~numperiod for which a mel~lbercan hold the documents is defined on
the basis of the type of document.
All the details about ~l~embersare Icept in ineinber File and call be accessed by
sunlame, departinent and iz~embercode. The ~nelllbercpde can be same to that
of my other ID nu111ber issued to mel~lberby I-IRD division.
When a docu~llentis issued to a member. ail issue card having details about its
title, accession nunzber, and issue date may be prepared along with minilnun1
ievei bibliographic details, Sol?ze other ii~formation,such as the number of
documents, which exceeds his quota, i~ulnberof overdue documcilts 011his name
and the number of documents reserved by hiin, is also sl~ownon the issue card.
I-Iowever, how the transactions are conducted and storecl depends on design of
software package used. I-Iere all types of automated circulation control systems
used in libraries in Indian en~lironmenthave been discussed.
With reports and statistics, one cal! see when, where, by whom, and in what
quantity materials have been borrowed, returned, renewed, requested, damaged,
lost, or stolen. Heavy used boults and rarely used books are also identified.
Automatecl Houseltecping
1) There are tllree types of circulatiol~systems which are in use at present in
different libraries in India:
r Card based system
r Charge in system
* Link, with online catalogi~e
i.his type of system, the trallsaciions are done using bar code on inenlber
card and bar code label pasted on book. No physical signature is required.
Tile bibliographical details are obtailled from online catalogue and copied in
charged-in file along with member details. Member's details are obtained
from ~ne~nber dtdabase and using both details the trailsaction is recorded and
saved in tra~lsactiol~file.

2 ) There are sis ~llasterfiles gei~erallyused in A~~tomated

Circulation Systeln
0 Menlber Category
0 Me~~l~el-s
t~ Book on Loall (ILL)
@ Letters
3) An integrated I ibrary n~al~agernent sof'lware is one which helps in automating
all aspects of initial ordering of items, indexing, enquiries, circulation, serials
(periodicals) coi~troland fillallcia1 administration. It should provide wide
range of predefined ~llanageille~lt reports and enable the easy generation of

4) Examples of five Indian software pacltages:

Granthalaya INSDOC, New Delhi


- - -- -

Barcode : A type of code used on labels to be read by st '

scanner used to identifjr library items.
Dialog Box : Requires the user to enter data to complete
the "dialog."
Member Code : A unique number allocated to library user. ;
OPAC : Open Public Access Catalogue. I

Statistics : The data in organized form.

World Wide Web (WWW) : A hype~~est-based system for locatiilp and Aufomfltion of Circlllatioll
accessing Internet resources.


Users Rqfirence Manual.
DGSIDOC. Suchilca : A Lib]-niyA 1/lomulio17Sofi~~l~rre.

Guha, B. (1991). .4 Report on the fi~csibililj~

Sludy 017 Azttonzstior and Networkzng
of Delhi Librnries (DELNET). New Delhi: NISSAT
INFLIBlVET. SOUL. /f Libmiy Auror?zario17Saji~v~i.e:
Us-ersRejkrence Manunl.
Ahemdabad : INFLIBNET.

Kumar, P.S.G. (1 987). Con7ptrtcl~i.r~1lion

in In~JitmLih~.oi.ie.s.Dell~i:BKPublisl~i~.ig
House, p 174.

the I\?furn7~ltionAge.
Marilyn, Deegan (2002). Digitt~lfiirz~~.es:Sli.~llcgic~.fbr
London: Library Associatiol~Publishi~~g.

to C'onzpute1.- hcrseci Librory JIyste~lz.London:

Tedd, L.A. ( 1 987). Ir?trou'l~c/io~

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