Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare

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Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 1

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare

Volume 1 No. 3 (2011)

The use of Culture Care Theory with Syrian Muslims in the

Mid-western United States

Wehbe-Alamah, H. (2011). The use of Culture Care Theory with Syrian Muslims in the Mid-
western United States. Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Health-
care, 1(3), 1-12.

© 2011 The Author. Reprints and permissions:

ABSTRACT practices related to health and illness of Syr-

Purpose: To discover, describe and ian Muslims will assist US nurses and other
analyze the traditional generic (lay, folk, in- health care professionals to provide this group
digenous) and professional care meanings, with culturally meaningful care and lessen
beliefs, and practices related to health and ill- cultural pain, clashes, imposition, and con-
ness of traditional Syrian Muslims in the Mid- flicts.
western United States (US). Clinical Relevance: Nurses are in-
Design and Research Methods: Lein- creasingly caring for patients from cultures
inger’s Culture Care Theory and ethnonursing other than their own due to increased immi-
research method were used for this study. Re- gration and diversity within the US. Findings
search participants included 10 key and 20 from this study may be used by US health
general informants who ranged between the care providers such as registered nurses, nurse
ages of 18 to 79 years. practitioners, and others to provide traditional
Findings: Three themes were discov- Syrian Muslims with culturally congruent and
ered: Traditional Syrian Muslim men and holistic care.
women share caregiving responsibilities and
practices to promote healthy family and com-
munity lifeways; traditional Syrian Muslims Key Words: Syrian, Muslims, culture care,
view caring for family members, friends, all ethnonursing, Leininger’s theory, culturally
living creatures, and oneself as embedded in c o n g r u e n t c a r e .
religion; and, traditional Syrian Muslims rely
on Islamic spiritual care to promote health The Syrian Arab Republic lies at the
and prevent illness. Eastern end of the Mediterranean sea, and is
Conclusion: Providing culturally con- bordered to the North by Turkey, to the East
gruent care is a goal all nurses share or should by Iraq, to the South by Jordan, to the South-
share. Learning about the generic (lay, folk, west by Israel, and to the West by Lebanon
or indigenous) care beliefs, expressions, and and the Mediterranean Sea (Bateman, 2002).

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 2
Present day Syria was once part of a land assist nurses and other health care profession-
called Greater Syria, which encompassed Jor- als in providing them with culturally congru-
dan, Lebanon, and Israel in addition to mod- ent care.
ern Syria (South, 1995). After receiving their
independence from the French mandate, peo- Purpose, Goal, and Domain of Inquiry
ple from the regions of Syria and Lebanon The domain of inquiry for this ethnon-
immigrating to the US continued to identify ursing study was the generic and the profes-
themselves as “Syrians” until the 1950’s. The sional care meanings, beliefs and practices
initial impetus for Syrian immigration was the related to health and illness of Syrian Mus-
lure of economic opportunity in the US. By lims living in several urban communities in
1940, 350,000 persons of Syrian/Lebanese the Midwestern United States. The purpose of
birth were living in the US (Hasser Bennett, this study was to discover, describe and ana-
2000). According to the 2004 US Census Bu- lyze the influences of worldview, cultural
reau Report, the number of people who context, technological, religious, political,
marked their ethnic origin as "Syrian" on the educational, and economic factors on the tra-
Census survey in 2000 was 142, 897. This ditional Syrian Muslims’ generic and profes-
figure does not accurately reflect the Syrians sional care meanings, beliefs, and practices.
living in the US as it does not take into ac- The goal of this study was to provide the
count Syrians identifying themselves as nurses with knowledge that can be turned into
“White” or “Asian” (US Census Bureau, care actions and decisions that facilitate the
2004). Data from the 2010 US census for esti- provision of culturally congruent care to Syr-
mated number of Syrians in the US could not ian Muslims living in urban communities in
be located. the Midwestern United States.
It is estimated that more than 80% of
Syrians are Muslims. Christians account for BACKGROUND
10% of the population and include Syrian Or- In preparation for this study, the re-
thodox, Greek Orthodox, Armenian Ortho- searcher conducted a comprehensive search in
dox, as well as a few Roman Catholics, Prot- the literature regarding the domain of inquiry,
estants, and Russian Orthodox. An offshoot involving search engines such as CINAHL,
group of Islam known as the Druze accounts Medline, Google, ArticleFirst, ERIC, First-
for 3% of the population. There are also small Search, Proquest, and PubMed, and discov-
groups of Jews and Yazidis, a sect that com- ered that studies conducted in the US, solely
bines aspects of Judaism, Christianity, and with the Syrian population, were practically
Islam (South, 1995). nonexistent. However, the author did find a
Dr. Madeleine Leininger, who devel- few studies conducted in the US with several
oped the Culture Care Theory and ethnon- Arab cultures, including Syrian (Hammad, &
ursing qualitative research method used in Kysia, 1996; Kulwicki, & Cass, 1994; Rice,
this study, contended that by the year 2020, & Kulwicki, 1992) as well as a plethora of
healthcare worldwide will be based on studies conducted in Syria to investigate nu-
transcultural principles in order to appropri- merous medical problems, physical abuse and
ately serve the needs of diverse people mental disorders (Alkhatib, Gilthorpe, &
(Leininger & McFarland, 2002). Learning McGrath, 2002; Dashdash, 2000; Haidar,
about the generic (lay, folk, or indigenous) 2002; Othman, & Monem, 2001; Maziak, &
and professional care meanings, beliefs and Asfar, 2003; Maziak, Fouad et al., 2004; and
practices related to health and illness of tradi- Maziak, Hammal et al., 2004). The synthesis
tional Syrian Muslims living in the US will of the literature review revealed a prevalence

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 3

of oral health and smoking problems, neo- (Leininger, & McFarland, 2002). When cul-
plastic diseases, hepatic problems, Cutaneous tural care values, beliefs, expressions, and
Leishmaniasis, and Beta-thalassemia muta- practices of people of diverse or similar cul-
tions, as well as physical abuse and mental tures are discovered and used in appropriate,
distress involving low-income Syrian women. sensitive, and meaningful ways, culturally
However, it also identified a dearth of studies congruent and therapeutic care occurs
conducted in the US with Syrian Muslims as (Leininger, & McFarland, 2006).
the primary research participants and identi-
fied a lack of information in relation to the Ethnonursing Research Method
generic as well as professional care beliefs, Leininger's qualitative ethnonursing
attitudes, and practices of this population. research method was ideal for this study since
it fit well with the Culture Care Theory and
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK with the goal and purpose of this study. Eth-
The theoretical framework for this nonursing research is an open discovery and
study was Leininger's theory of Culture Care naturalistic people-centered research method
Diversity and Universality which holds care developed by Leininger with the goal of teas-
as the essence and unifying focus of nursing ing out complex and largely unknown peo-
(Leininger, 1991). According to the Culture ple’s emic (local) viewpoints about nursing
Care Theory, care is embedded in people's dimensions such as human care, wellbeing,
social structure, worldview, language, and health, and environmental influencers
environmental context (Leininger, & (Leininger, & McFarland, 2006). Leininger
McFarland, 2006). Cultural diversities and (1991) stated that a major reason for estab-
universalities about human care exist among lishing this method was her interest in discov-
and within all cultures worldwide, and dis- ering the differences and similarities of ge-
covering knowledge of them can be used to neric care and professional nursing care
guide nursing care decisions and actions among different cultures.
which will be beneficial to clients' health This study took place in several urban


K01 46 Male Syria 23
K02 46 Female Syria 30
K03 46 Male Syria 13
K04 36 Female Syria 13
K05 65 Male Syria 35
K06 38 Female Saudi Arabia 16
K07 48 Female Syria 31
K08 42 Female Syria 15
K09 27 Male Syria 6
K10 28 Female Syria 9

Table 1: Demographic characteristics of key informants

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 4
Midwestern communities over the period of in the United States to Syrian parents; cur-
two years in places identified as comfortable rently living in the US; stated cultural identity
by informants, such as homes, mosques, of- as Syrian Muslim; knowledgeable about the
fices, Middle Eastern restaurants and other domain of inquiry; and willing to participate
places of the informants’ choosing. Ten key in the study. Key informants were considered
informants (Table 1) and 20 general infor- to be more knowledgeable than general infor-
mants (Table 2) were interviewed for this mants about the domain under study and were
study. Informants were recruited using the interviewed on two different occasions. The
snowball method as long as they met the fol- interviews, which lasted anywhere from 45
lowing recruitment criteria: 18 years of age or minutes to 1.5 hours, consisted of asking semi
older; born to Syrian parents in any country in -structured questions derived from Lein-
the world and then moved to the US or born inger’s Open-ended Inquiry Guide. Consent


G01 32 Female Syria 15
G02 38 Female Syria 22
G03 49 Female Syria 29
G04 42 Female Syria 12
G05 30 Male Midwestern US 30
G06 29 Female Syria 9
G07 33 Female Syria 10
G08 25 Female Syria 7
G09 32 Female Syria 13
G10 64 Female Syria 1
G11 35 Female Midwestern US 29
G12 47 Female Syria 13
G13 23 Male Midwestern US 18
G14 35 Female Syria 15
G15 79 Female Syria 3
G16 44 Female Syria 28
G17 23 Female Syria 6
G18 35 Female Syria 13

G19 29 Female Syria 10

G20 36 Female Syria 17

Table 2: Demographic characteristics of general informants

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 5
from the Institutional Review Board was se- saturation, and transferability were used
cured and a written consent to participate in throughout the data analysis.
the study and audio record interviews was
obtained from informants. MAJOR RESEARCH FINDINGS AND
The use of Leininger’s Stranger to DISCUSSION
Friend Enabler and Observation- Three major themes were discovered
Participation-Reflection Enabler helped in from the data analysis. In the following sec-
establishing trust between the researcher and tions, these themes will be presented with se-
the informants, developing sensitivity to the l e c t e d p a t t e r n s an d d e s c r i p t o rs .
informants’ verbal and visual clues, and
maintaining the researcher’s objectivity dur- Theme I-Traditional Syrian Muslim men
ing data collection and analysis. and women share caregiving responsibilities
For the purpose of this study, data and practices to promote healthy family and
saturation was reached after interviewing 10 community lifeways
key and 20 general Syrian Muslim informants This universal theme was derived
who ranged between the ages of 18 to 79 from the informants’ worldview and religious
years and were knowledgeable about the do- and cultural beliefs, values, and practices and
main of inquiry. The majority of these infor- was supported by four patterns and numerous
mants identified themselves as traditional descriptors. Descriptors that supported the
Syrian Muslims. A written explanation of the pattern of deriving pride and satisfaction from
study and consent form was read, explained, caring for others included: “When you care
and given to all informants to sign in either for your family and friends and neighbors,
the English or the Arabic language depending like cooking for them or giving them medica-
on the informant’s individual preference. In- tions, Allah is pleased with you, and you are
formants were given the option of signing pleased with yourself because you pleased
their names or leaving a mark on the consent God” (K03). Generic care practices that ex-
form that was meaningful to them, such as an emplified this pattern included outstanding
X, in order to preserve confidentiality. In ad- hospitality, personally caring for elderly rela-
dition to the semi-structured open-ended in- tives at home versus admitting them to nurs-
quiry guide and the face-to-face audio taped ing homes, extending confidential financial
interviews used in this study. Data was col- assistance to the needy, offering sick persons
lected through field notes, observation, daily chocolates or flowers when visiting them, as
journaling, picture taking of material objects, well as delivering home-cooked meals and
and videotaping while preserving anonymity. caring for the children of sick community
All audio-tapes were returned to infor- members.
mants following data transcription as is con- The pattern of shared care decision-
gruent with the Syrian Muslim culture and making and practices reflected some com-
religion. Rigorous data analysis was con- monalities as well as diversities. While both
ducted through the use of Leininger’s Phases Syrian Muslim men and women similarly en-
of Ethnonursing Analysis for Qualitative gaged in the provision of emotional and
Data, and a software program for qualitative physical care, the men tended to express their
data analysis, called QSR NUD*IST 4. Lein- care through actions whereas the women
inger’s (2006) ethnonursing research evalua- tended to be more emotional and verbal in
tion criteria of credibility, confirmability, their care expressions. In addition, while both
meaning-in-context, recurrent patterning, Syrian Muslim men and women engaged in
the delivery of physical care, men took pride

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 6
in being able to provide financial care for viewed as ways of accommodating the health
their families and community. Examples of care needs of others.
generic care practices included taking time off In a study conducted by Luna (1989)
from work to care for a sick spouse and hiring with Lebanese Muslims in a Midwestern
maids to assist the wife in housework: “My community, it was discovered that care en-
husband shows his caring for me when I am compassed equal but different gender role re-
sick by buying food so I don’t have to cook. sponsibilities and that care reflected individ-
He also pays for me to have a cleaning lady ual and collective meanings of honor. This
so I don’t get tired from doing the housework. theme was also discovered in another study
This is how he demonstrates his car- with Lebanese Muslims (Wehbe-Alamah,
ing” (G11). 2006). These findings are congruent with the
The pattern of caring as being honest, theme and patterns of this study which identi-
respectful, tolerant, and accommodating is fied care as a source of pride and satisfaction.
derived from the Syrian Muslims’ worldview However, the findings of this study demon-
that is embedded in the teachings of Islam. strated that Syrian Muslim men and women
Generic care practices related to this pattern reflect more universal caring roles and re-
include kissing the right hand of parents and sponsibilities. The discovery that Syrian Mus-
grandparents, refraining from raising the lim men and women engage in similar caring
voice when addressing them, accommodating gender roles and responsibilities reflect a dif-
the religious beliefs of others, and being ference when compared with findings from
friendly to people of different faiths. The pat- earlier studies conducted with Lebanese Mus-
tern of caring as worrying about others was lims (Luna, 1998; Wehbe-Alamah, 2006).
expressed through the generic care practices
of calling or visiting to check on sick people, Theme II- Traditional Syrian Muslims View
bringing home-made healthy meals, offering Caring for Family Members, Friends, all
rides to physicians’ offices, developing empa- Living Creatures, and Oneself as Embedded
thy towards the plight of others and through in Religion.
the delivery of spiritual care, and checking up Four care patterns derived from the
on the background of future husbands and informants’ worldview, religious and cultural
wives for family members: “We have a sys- beliefs, values, and practices, and kinship di-
tem in our community, we check on each mensions supported this theme: The universal
other and cook or baby sit for each other pattern of care as an act of worship was de-
when we are sick” (K07). rived from the worldview and religious be-
Interestingly, many key and general liefs and practices of Syrian Muslims. The
informants reported sharing personal left-over majority of informants identified care as an
medications or providing professional medi- act of worship and maintained that Islam
cation samples to individuals who cannot af- mandates caring for Muslim and non-Muslim
ford the professional services of healthcare family and community members, animals,
providers or purchasing medications as caring and oneself: “Caring for family members such
actions: “We never bought health insurance as parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, un-
because we can always get samples from doc- cles, as well as unrelated people is a religious
tor friends and we can be checked by them for obligation” (K09). Syrian Muslims believe
free. We can also call a friend who has the that the human body and mind are gifts en-
same illness and take left over medications. trusted to them by God therefore they are re-
The only problem is if we need sur- quired to care for and preserve this trust:
gery!” (K04). These caring actions were “Sleeping is believed to be an act of worship

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 7
because it rests and regenerates the body and liefs and practices of Syrian Muslims and was
mind which are two gifts trusted to human previously discussed. The pattern of care as
beings by God” (K10). Informants shared sto- worrying about others visited under the first
ries about how the prophet cared for animals theme was also reflected in the second theme.
and recited verses from the Qur’an that sup- Caring expressed through worrying about oth-
port the belief that caring for all of God’s ers was found to be embedded in Islam. Is-
creatures is a religious duty. Generic care lam’s emphasis on fostering family and com-
practices that supported this pattern included munity unity and on caring for relatives and
feeding and being kind to animals, eating strangers promotes a feeling of solidarity and
healthy foods, going to bed and waking up responsibility towards others in need: “By
early, abstaining from actions that are known caring for community members and neighbors
to be harmful to the body such as smoking, the way we do, we become family, a big fam-
and organizing a schedule for community ily” (K10).
members to take turns cooking and caring for The theme of caring for family mem-
sick people requiring assistance. Descriptors bers, friends, all living creatures, and oneself
that gave credibility and confirmability to the as embedded in Islam was also found in a pre-
researcher’s observations and supported this vious study conducted with Lebanese Mus-
care pattern included: “When you care for lims in the Midwestern US which found that
others, you do your Muslim duty” (G01), and Lebanese Muslims considered caring in gen-
“… you are caring when you respect people eral as a religious duty (Wehbe-Alamah,
who are or are not Muslim” (G15). 1999). This theme was also identified by
The pattern of care as family and Luna (1989) who discovered that Lebanese
community unity is derived from the world- Muslims’ family obligations to care were em-
view, cultural, religious, and kinship dimen- bedded in the religious worldview of Islam.
sions of Syrian Muslims. Caring for family
members, friends, and neighbors fosters unity Theme III: Traditional Syrian Muslims Rely
and cohesion. The social structure of Syrian on Islamic Spiritual Care to Promote Health
Muslims is characterized by a close kinship and Prevent Illness
system that is continuously reinforced This theme was supported by four pat-
through caring actions. Syrian Muslims main- terns derived from the worldview and cultural
tain family and community unity through so- and religious dimensions of Syrian Muslims:
cial visitations, phone calls, caring network The pattern of abstaining from non-caring
systems devised at the local community level, actions according to Islam as preventing ill-
caring for elderly parents in their own homes nesses was supported by the Syrian Muslims’
as opposed to sending them to nursing homes, belief that religion prohibits non-caring ac-
and traveling to visit family members in Syria tions that are harmful to health such as eating
during the summer to maintain and nurture in excess, smoking cigarettes or water pipes,
kinship bonds: “My husband traveled three consuming pork products (including gelatin),
times to Syria this year to check on his sick drinking alcohol or blood, taking illicit drugs,
mother. He also calls on an almost daily basis. homosexuality, and engaging in sexual activi-
If he doesn’t he would not be considered car- ties outside of the marriage bond; therefore
ing” (K04). abstaining from all of the above prevents ill-
Another pattern that supports theme ness. Additional non-caring actions according
two is that care is being respectful, tolerant, to Syrian Muslims include going to bed late,
and accommodating of others. This pattern is shaking hands, hugging, kissing, and inter-
embedded in the worldview and religious be- mingling in intimate ways with members of

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Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 8
the opposite sex: “When you stay up and go fore handle this trust the best they can. Caring
to bed late, you ruin your health, the prophet, actions that promote health according to Islam
peace be upon him, told us that we should eat include exercising, sleeping early, waking up
in moderation, go to bed early, and wake up early, fasting, praying, eating in moderation,
early, this is good for our health” (K06). Ap- and following the example of the prophet.
plying Islamic teachings yields protective The Syrian Muslim generic care practice of
care effects such as preventing sexually trans- cleanliness is maintained by performing ablu-
mitted diseases, drug addictions, and alcohol tion, brushing the teeth with a toothbrush or a
problems: “…Islam shields people from sev- small tree stick called Miswak, showering,
eral problems that are common in other cul- cleaning the genitalia after using the toilet
tures such as the high divorce rate, broken through the use of watering cans, and trim-
families, and drug and alcohol abuse, of ming nails.
course, this does not mean that other cultures The care practices of fasting and pray-
are bad. Many young Syrians are now smok- ing, reported by informants as benefiting
ing Argeeleh (water pipe), they think it’s cool, health, were supported by several authors.
they don’t understand how harmful it is. If Accordingly, fasting fine tunes the body and
they followed their religion, they would not sheds it of obesity (Hamid, 1996). In addition,
smoke and they would be healthier” (G20). it ensures the body and the soul against all the
The pattern of engaging in caring ac- harm which results from overburdening the
tions according to Islam to promote physical stomach (Abdal Ati, 1998). Ramadan fasting
and psychological health was supported by was identified as the ideal care practice for
the belief that Islam fosters care actions that the treatment of obesity, essential hyperten-
positively influence physical and psychologi- sion, and mild to moderate stable type II Dia-
cal health. Syrian Muslims believe that the betes as it was found to lower blood sugar and
teachings of Islam and having faith in them systolic blood pressure (Athar, 2005). Fur-
provide a sense of peace that promotes spiri- thermore, in addition to the benefit of exer-
tual health. Generic care practices such as cise, the care practice of prayer was found to
reading the holy book and engaging in prayer help Muslims in maintaining a sense of health
were credited for enhancing spiritual, emo- and well-being, intellectual meditation, spiri-
tional, physical, mental, and psychological tual devotion, and moral elevation (Abdal Ati,
health. Informants maintained that drifting 1998; Luna, 1989; Wehbe-Alamah, 1999).
away from religion is believed to be detri- Illness as a caring practice from God
mental to their well-being whereas getting was the third pattern identified in support of
close to it lifts their spirits and improves emo- Theme Three. Syrian Muslims view illness as
tional and psychological health: “Trusting in a sign of love from God. They believe that
my religion makes me feel safe, stable, happy, illnesses erase their sins in this lifetime and
and stress-free” (K10). take away from their punishment in the after-
Health promotion is valued by Syrian life: “…illness is a blessing in disguise and as
Muslims who believe that they have to main- a sign of mercy and loving care from
tain good health in order to be able to practice God” (K03). In addition, illness is viewed by
and meet the requirements of their faith. The Syrian Muslims as a physiologic and spiritual
belief that Muslims should care for their bod- wake up call since it alerts them to the need to
ies and health was also supported by Abdal pay attention and provide better care to the
Ati (1998) who maintained that Muslims be- body. It also reminds them of the need and
lieve that they are trustees of the gifts be- duty to remember and worship God: “When I
stowed upon them by God and should there- get sick, it’s God’s way of telling me wake

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Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 9
up! I have strayed away from Him, and I need tions were in the best interest of mankind and
to try to be closer to Him through prayer. It His prohibitions were aimed to protect it was
also means I have to be patient because God found to be a common belief shared by the
is erasing my sins when I suffer from illness, majority of Muslims (Abdal Ati, 1998). A
even when I get a paper cut” (K07). Illness as review of the literature revealed that religious
a care practice to erase one’s sins was simi- people tended to have healthier lifestyles and
larly discovered in a study conducted with fewer physical and mental disorders. In addi-
Lebanese Muslims (Wehbe-Alamah, 1999). tion, religion was seen to have a direct pre-
Syrian Muslims use their language as ventive health effect by promoting the avoid-
a religious protective caring practice. Syrian ance of unhealthy habits and the promotion of
Muslim informants revealed that they use a strong social support network (Koenig,
Arabic religious expressions such as Inshaal- 1 9 9 9 ) .
lah (God willing), MashaAllah (what God
wills) and Subhanallah (Glory be to God) to Modes of Decision-making and Syrian
praise God and His prophets, protect people Muslim Culture Care
from the evil eye, and preserve or bless mate- In accordance with Leininger’s Cul-
rial possessions. All informants stated that ture Care Theory (1991), this study discov-
language is used by Syrian Muslims to recite ered culture care meanings, beliefs, and prac-
specific chapters from the Qur’an known as tices of Syrian Muslims in urban communities
Al-Muawwathat or The Exorcists, which are in the Midwestern US. Leininger proposed
believed to ward off and treat the evil eye: that the discovery of universalities and diver-
“When women go into labor or someone is sities in human care in a specific culture en-
having surgery, we meet and read a chapter ables nurses to plan and provide culturally
from the Qur’an called Surat Yasseen to help congruent care for members belonging to that
the woman in labor and to protect the person culture. The discovery of culture care mean-
having surgery” (G16). Reading Surat Al- ings, beliefs, and practices of Syrian Muslims
Baqarah every three days is believed to pre- could enable nurses to make care decisions
vent the devil from entering the house and and initiate care actions that are culturally
causing trouble among the husband and wife. congruent with the lifeways of Syrian Mus-
In addition, Syrian Muslims use language to lims living in the Midwestern US and possi-
recite supplications to God known as Dua’, bly with other traditional Arab Muslims as
before performing simple daily activities such well. Such care decisions and actions, with
as eating, sleeping, and making love to their consideration of the qualitative criterion of
spouses, in an effort to protect themselves transferability and guided by the three modes
from harm: “When I married my husband and of care in the Culture Care Theory may have
before we made love for the first time?, we similar meanings in other contexts with Mus-
said a special prayer so God would bless our lim patients for the criterion of transferability
union and so we would have a blessed child if t o b e m e t .
I was to get pregnant” (K04). Language as
protective care was also discovered in another Culture Care Preservation and/or Mainte-
Middle Eastern Arab culture. Lebanese Mus- nance
lims were also found to consider language as In order to preserve or maintain the
protective care in two other studies (Luna, culture care of the Syrian/Arab Muslim pa-
1989; Wehbe-Alamah, 1999). tients, nurses and other health care providers
Theme Three was also supported in are encouraged to abstain from initiating
the literature. The belief that God’s prescrip- shaking hands with patients of the opposite

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 10
gender, and to assign same sex healthcare nurses and other health care providers are en-
providers whenever possible, especially for couraged to accommodate or negotiate the
female patients in radiology, operating and number of visitors in an inpatient setting as
recovery rooms, and obstetrics. Most (not all) well as the duration of the hospital visit. The
Syrian and other Arab Muslims only shake presence of a supportive network of family
hands with, hug, or kiss people from the same members and friends is extremely important
sex and believe this practice to be congruent for Syrian Muslims, especially since this is
with their religion. Congruent with the find- considered a sign of caring, as well as a so-
ings of this study, Connelly et al. (1999) cial, religious, and cultural obligation and ex-
maintained that handshakes between non- pectation. The literature supports the finding
related men and women were against Islamic that it is common for Muslim community
norms, and that same-sex care providers members who are not related to the patient to
should generally be made available to Arab visit the sick. Health care professionals
Muslim patients with the exception of life- should understand that the extensive social
threatening circumstances. support received by the hospitalized Arab pa-
Hospitals are encouraged to provide tient is an important part of recovery, and
alcohol-free and pork-free meals and medica- does not impede recovery (Connelly et al.,
tions to Syrian Muslim and other Muslim pa- 1999).
tients. Foods containing lard or gelatin such Other ways of providing culture care
as Jell-O, pork based insulin, elixirs and accommodation for Syrian Arab Muslim pa-
mouthwashes containing alcohol, gelatin en- tients include requesting hospitals to provide
capsulated medications, and vitamins and Halal (lawful) or seafood meals or allowing
drugs that contain gelatin as an ingredient are patients to bring homemade foods to the hos-
not acceptable to the majority of Muslim pa- pital. Nurses can also negotiate with hospital
tients. Reading the contents of medicine and officials to provide Muslim patients with cul-
the food labels in order to rule out the pres- turally congruent hospital gowns that reach all
ence of gelatin and/or alcohol can preserve the way down to the ankles and cover the
this cultural and religious belief and practice. arms in order to accommodate the modesty
Connelly et al. (1999) maintains that lard, needs of Muslim patients. Finally, nurses
gelatin (unless specified as beef gelatin), and working in labor and delivery, surgery, and
some forms of non-soy lecithin are pork prod- radiology are encouraged to accommodate
ucts that are generally widespread in proc- their patients by covering their body and ex-
essed foods, and prominent in prepared foods, posing only the body parts needed for the re-
which justifies the wariness felt by Arab Mus- q u i r e d p r o c e d u r e s .
lim patients towards hospital meals. Finally,
nurses are encouraged to avoid pressuring Culture Care Repatterning and/or Restruc-
relatives of a deceased Muslim patient to give turing
consent for autopsy or organ donation since In order to repattern or restructure
Syrian Muslims consider their bodies to be a some of the potentially harmful health prac-
gift from God and deem themselves to be the tices of Syrian Muslims, nurses are encour-
trustees of this gift. aged to educate clients about the harmful ef-
fects of medication sharing and of taking
Culture Care Accommodation and/or Nego- medications without receiving proper diagno-
tiation sis by a primary health care provider. Simi-
In order to accommodate for or nego- larly, nurses can encourage clients to consult
tiate culture care with Syrian/Arab Muslims, with a primary care provider such as a physi-

Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011
Culture Care of Syrian Muslims 11

cian, a nurse practitioner, or a physician assis- g r o u p s .

tant before consumption of any lay or self-
prescribed medications. In addition, nurses are REFERENCES
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Online Journal of Cultural Competence in Nursing and Healthcare Vol. 1, No. 3, 2011

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