10.1.1 The Global Partnership For Effective Development Co-Operation

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1 The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation

1, Definition: For Business aspects, Global partnership means two or more firms from
different countries work as a team. They pool their resources or skills to provide better
products or services. And The Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation
is the primary multi-stakeholder vehicle for driving development effectiveness, to
"maximize the effectiveness of all forms of co-operation for development for the shared
benefits of people, planet, prosperity, and peace." It brings together governments, civil
society from parliaments, and trade unions among others, who are committed to
strengthening the effectiveness of their partnerships for development and the 2030

The work of the Global Partnership is based on four principles of effective development
co-operation including:
● country ownership
● a focus on results
● inclusive partnerships
● transparency and mutual accountability.
=>These principles were agreed in 2011 by more than 160 countries and 50+
organizations in the Busan Partnership Agreement, the outcome of the Fourth High-Level
Forum on Aid Effectiveness in Busan, South Korea.
Based on evidence and emerging issues, the Global Partnership will focus on:
● Enhancing support to effective development cooperation at country level,
supporting countries in mainstreaming effectiveness principles, and ensuring
countryled evidence informs policy debate at all levels.
● Unlocking the potential of Effectiveness and Monitor Progress for 2030, mapping
ways to boost the effectiveness of all actors while also updating the Global
Partnership monitoring framework to reflect the implementation challenges of the
2030 Agenda.
● Sharing knowledge and scaling up innovative development solutions
● Scaling up private sector engagement leveraged through development co-operation
● Learning from different modalities of development cooperation, enhancing
exchanges between North-South, South-South, and Triangular co-operation
● Sustaining political momentum, by strengthening high-level political engagement,
advocacy, public communication, and strategic use of data and evidence.
10.1.2, The First High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership:
The First High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-
operation was held in April 2014 in Mexico City.

The meeting provided an opportunity for more than 1 600 delegates to review evidence of
development success to date and to explore critical areas for future action, including:
- strengthening the capacities of developing countries in domestic resource
mobilization, e.g. in consolidating fiscal systems, fighting corruption and tax
evasion, and promoting the recovery of illicit assets
- promoting South-South and triangular co-operation
- improving co-operation with middle-income countries
- exploring the role of the private sector as a key driver of development and
emphasizing the importance of placing socially and environmentally sustainable
practices at the center of business strategies
- recognizing the importance of all development partners
Delegates to the meeting adopted a communiqué: Building Towards an Inclusive
Post-2015 Development Agenda, in which they agreed to advance cooperation on
various concrete commitments (Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-
operation, 2014b). These center on five topics: progress since Busan and inclusive
development, domestic resource mobilization, South-South co-operation, middle-
income countries, and working with the private sector.
10.1.3 Advantages of Global partnership
The global partnership supply a lot of advantages to many companies in the world which
choose to use it.
1, Reaching a Broader Audience
● Through collaboration, many companies in this relationship may reach a wider
audience than they could by working alone. This also enhances the company's
reputation worldwide and also helps the company to improve its services and
products. Working together enables companies to quickly adapt to market changes
● for example: Because US is The global partnership of many countries in the world,
companies in this country easily expand customer network. Apple enters the
market in different countries and has customers from many other countries.
2, Adapting to the market faster
● Through this partnership of a cooperative joint venture, many companies on many
countries can work together helps companies adapt quickly to changing
3, Sharing the burden
● Starting and managing a business alone can feel stressful and daunting,
particularly if companies have not done it before. In a partnership, companies do
business together and share their difficulties.
4, Access to knowledge, skills, experience and contacts
● Each partner will bring their own knowledge, skills, experience and contacts to the
business, it is a big chance for many partners to learn from each others.

5, More partners, more capital

● The more partners there are, the more money there may be available from their
combined resources to invest into the business, which can help to fuel growth.
Together, their borrowing capacity is also likely to be greater.
6, Easy access to profits
● In a business partnership, the profits of the business are shared between the
partners. They flow directly through to the partners’ personal tax returns rather
than initially being retained within the partnership. In a limited company, by
contrast, profits are retained by the company until paid out, whether as salaries
under PAYE or, with the approval of shareholders, as dividends.

10.1.4 Disadvantages of a business partnership: While there are lots of benefits of a

partnership business, Global partnership also carries a number of important
disadvantages in the culture aspects
Potential for differences and conflict
● By going into business as a general partnership rather than a sole trader,
companies lose your autonomy. company probably won’t always get their way,
and each partner will need to demonstrate flexibility and the ability to
● There will be the potential for differences, large or small, with other partners.
These might relate to:
- The strategic direction in which the business should go (or how to get there)
- How to handle any number of discrete business issues that may arise
- Different views on how partners should be rewarded when they put different
amounts of time, skills, and levels of investment into the business
- Ambition. Some may want to dedicate every waking moment to growing and
developing the business, while others may want a quieter life
● Differences might not be evident immediately. Over time, partners’ preferences,
personal situations and expectations may change so the fact they are aligned at the
start is far from a guarantee that cracks won’t appear later.
● Disagreements and disputes can not only harm the business but also can damage
the relationship between the individuals involved. Conflict can be a major
distraction, absorbing the partners’ time, energy and money.
Besides, Global partnership also have some disadvantages in other aspects:
● Slower, more difficult decision making
● Profits must be shared
● Personally demanding
● Taxation
● Limits on business development.
● Perceived lack of prestige

10.2, Negotiation
A negotiation is a strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties
find acceptable. In a negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his
or her point of view. By negotiating, all involved parties try to avoid arguing but agree to
reach some form of compromise. Parties involved in negotiations can be variety people

10.2.1 Five types of Negotiation styles:

1, Competing
- Negotiators that exhibit this style are assertive, self-confident, and focused on the deal
and results. These individuals tend to pursue their own concerns. In this negotiation style,
competing negotiators tend to be more focused on the substance than the relationship.
2, Avoiding
- Negotiators that exhibit this style are generally less assertive and apprehensive. They
prefer to avoid stepping into or creating tension. They stay neutral, objective, or removed
from the situation or leave the responsibility to their counterpart. This style is low in
assertiveness and in cooperativeness, and not focused on either the substance of the
agreement or the relationship.
3, Accommodating
- Negotiators that exhibit this style focus on maintaining relationships with the other party.
They tend to smooth over tensions, minimize differences and are most concerned with
maintaining a good rapport and satisfying the needs of the other party. These negotiators
tend to emphasize the relationship as more important than the substance of the agreement.
For example: In Spain, they just focus on making a contract and build a short-term
relationship. In contrast, India’s business look for a long-term relationship after
4, Compromising
- Negotiators that exhibit this style often split the difference, exchange concessions, and
seek a quick middle-ground solution, which tends to end in moderate satisfaction of both
parties needs. This style is intermediate in assertiveness and cooperativeness and more
focused on creating a decent agreement relatively efficiently while maintaining some
- for example: if two governments are trying to reach a trade agreement, a compromiser
might give the other government greater access to their country’s dairy market to get
more advantages.
5, Collaborating
- Negotiators that exhibit this style are often honest and communicative. They focus on
finding novel and creative solutions that fully satisfy the concerns of all parties, and
suggest many ideas for consideration before deciding. These negotiators tend to value
taking the time to create optimal long-term outcomes over efficiency and leaving value
on the table.

10.2.2: 6 tips to enhance our pre-negotiation time effectively before signing contracts:
1. The Negotiation Never Really Ends
- Never stop conversing, even after the contract is signed. Because there is so much
instability and uncertainty in the negotiation process, it would be prudent to make certain
that one of the key clauses in the contract is ensured that both parties can revisit and
negotiate it periodically. This can prevent needless problems from appearing and being
out of control
- For example: After company B negotiated and signed a contract with company A, this
company exports goods to foreign countries. But the goods got stuck at sea. In this case,
the two companies need to continue to negotiate to be able to resolve the issue

2. What do people need to do when they still can’t agree?

- As in many relationships, sometimes the only thing that people can agree on is the fact
that they disagree about the opinion of others. In this situation, people might be well-
advised to use the expertise of third parties to mediate our disputes. Senior management
could negotiate minor disputes at an operational level, or people could use professional
services. (For example: legal advisers, specialized consultants, or a neutral third-party

3, Keep talking;
- To improve negotiation efficiency, we need to keep a regular communication relationship
with partners. Communicating on various levels is the only way to keep a relationship
productive and vibrant. By agreeing to meet regularly to keep lines of communication
open, we can prevent many of the roadblocks that may come our way in the future.

4. Do It The Right Way

- Anyone who has participated in a joint relationship based on negotiation always need to
go back to basics. Whether our agreement is in the domestic market or the international
marketplace, we need to go beyond the simple scope of our limitations. Negotiation skills
demand that we understand the real motivating factors that support our positions.
5, Who Are They – Really?
- It would be very necessary to understand the prospective partner’s approach to business
and how they function internally. Similarly, it’s equally sensible to let them know how
your own company works. This will make the negotiation process more convenient at a
later time and minimize misunderstandings due to not knowing how the partner company
- For example, a larger corporation may have to make a decision by going through several
layers of management and departments, while their medium-sized overseas partner might
simply have to refer the matter to the company president, who has the ability to make a
decision on the spot.

6. Understand How The Deal Will Be Put In Place

- Any partnership should be an ongoing process, even after the contract has been signed.
Contracts are only part of the process, and our interactions go far beyond contractual
constraints. A contract cannot foresee all situations and possibilities; So, if an issue which
is not covered in the contract arises, both parties should agree on how they will resolve
the issue. this forms the basis for building a solid base to keep the lines of communication
10.2.3: Suggestions to balance in cross-cultural negotiation:
1, Consider the individual
- It’s probably critical to research on counterparts’ cultures backgrounds in many aspects,
For example: in the profession, work experience, education, areas of expertise,
personality, and negotiating experience level
- Learning about the partner to prepare an appropriate negotiating style will help the
company get a better outcome.
2, Broaden your scope:
- Negotiators need to adopt a more inclusive mindset and thinking like a diplomat, to
improve their odds of reaching a successful, lasting agreement.
3, Reduce stress:
- Emotional stress, deadlines, and accountability to others from your own culture can cause
you to act in lockstep with cultural expectations rather than carefully analyzing the
situation, according to Morris. For this reason, people need to reduce stress at the
bargaining table, whether by taking breaks, extending deadlines, or asking a neutral third
party to help you resolve any differences that arise during your talks.

- (Thủy ơi bạn có cách nào xóa chữ Steven Tolliver kia để cho vào slide k, ảnh thì hợp
nhưng tự nhiên lại lòi ra tên một ông tác giả)

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