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Q 1) A company needs to setup a Proof Of Concept ( POC ) environme nt on which it

needs to connect quickly from on-premise s to OCI.

Which should the company use ?


C, ►IA+ Gotawary

D Mono of tho&&

Q 2) A company needs a storage solution to take backup data on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
( OCI ) and also data can be retrieved quickly as possible ? ·· ·· ·

B. Object Storage

Q 3) What is the main benefit of using Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) Autonomo us
Data Warehouse ?

Au ~le erefte,.t-ialo 1c~t1heet sucl, as use111a111e a11d passwo1d

~, :A.1111ly eiatahase 11atel:cs as the, bccoiiic aoallable

C, Uaintoin tenant aeccss to tl.c ande, 11ing e,

D. Scale compute and storage without downtime (Correct)
Q 4) What is NOT required while logging a support request in My Oracle Support ( MOS ) ?

:An ReHttree 01 oele Clottel letentifle1 ( ee10 )

Iii, C.1toteMe1 Sttppo1 t lelentiftu ( €51 )

C Tenant Q11aele Ghmel lelentiifile1 ( 0€10)

D. Account Credential like password

Q 5) Which service should you use so that you get an alert notificatio n when your budget
might exceed the spending limit ?

A, Qraele B1tel~etlteloi901

D. Budgets (Correct)

Q 6) What does CapEx and OpEx stand for ?

A Qpfx staods tac Opecational FxpwrioA aA~ CapliM r&ana& tar C.apital Ettpenses
Iii, Op[u 9ta,ufo fo1 0pe1otiona l Exmnple and eaµEx stands rm capltal !xarnpl@

C. OpEx stands for Operationa l Expenditure and CapEx stands for Capital Expenditure

D 0pliM danar tu Qperatfonal EHeelle11ee ancl eaµEx stands fo1 eapltal !xcelle11ce
Q 7) Which of these are examples of Edge Services in Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ?
Choose TWO correct answers.

A. DNS Traffic Management

D. Web Application Firewall ( WAF)

Q 8) Which pricing model is unavailabl e in Oracle Cloud lnfrastuctu re ?

Iii, liilrin8, ottr om: license

C. Schedule Reserve Instances (Correct)

Q 9) A company needs to host files such that these files can be accessed publicly from
any location in the world.
Which OCI service should you use ?

A. e, acle Fu11ct1011s
Iii, OGI Qloel, Velttl'1~t

D. OCI Object Storage (Correct)

Q 10) Which of these OCI resource is chargable ?

B. Fast Connect 1 GBPS

' 'Iii Al II Uh wittii 1 aataha9c ii 19lbl ICC

D lilla&lt HeluMe u11te iO 6iQ total 9lo1 age

Q 11) Choose the correct gateway which can provide internet access when connecting to
Oracle Cloud lnfrastuctu re compute instance in a private subnet.

A, P11ivate 6iatc .. a 7

B. NAT Gateway

D Dr,RaMi& Aeu~ns <iater,.0 1 ( QAG)

Q 12) Which of the statements is incorrect for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure compartme nts ?

A, A11el!lrees ea,. he 111c,cc4 f10111011e co111pa1 t111e11t to dlffe1e11t co111parc111@nts

Iii, ,e,..i,a,t,n e,.h 011a 1c9omccs can be deleted 01 added as 1eqalrect

C. Nesting of compartme nts is not supported

D liad~ 0" lllilHUIIH helon~g to a 9i11glc compu1 t111e.1t

Q 13) Which cloud model can used to host an application where customer wants to deploy
an e-shopping application which uses multiple virtual machine, databases and block storage ?

A, iefitwarce Ag a 6e1 , iec ( 6aaS )

lit Fwnetiien Ag a 6c1 , ice ( Faas )

C llla~ercM A!I a Sell\ ice ( Paa6 )

D. lnfrastucture As a Service ( laaS )

Q 14) Which Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure architectur e provides best resiliency when cost
is not an issue for deploying an application ?

A, Doi,le•t tl:le ai,l'lieatiiei, ac, oss multiple Vil taal e1uad 1'4etwrn ks ( VCI~ )
i, g,"le7 the applieotio:. ac1oss 111ultiple aoallablllty dUiiidliiS diid iddlt ddiil5iriS
C. Deploy the application across multiple regions and availability domains (Correct)

D Do11lor tti'lo a1111lioatiien ae1e99111t1ltri15lc aoailsbilitt Bild 1-aalt domal11s

Q 15) A company has a requireme nt for shared file system.

Which OCI service should the company use ?

A, Ohjeet Stercat:e

C. File Storage (Correct)

Q 16) In Shared Security Model, which of the following is Oracle's responsibi lity in
Oracle Cloud lnfrastuctu re ( OCI ) ?

A, ,H1e111iP18 .. o,ldoaeb of applicatio11

lit '"'fl81!1PiPl8 961 Jc1 oicCJ Jctmclp

C. C&Mfiliu111e aP1et claJJiftcatiio11 of data

D. Security of data center facilities

Q 17) Which of the following Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure storage service DOES NOT provide
encryption for data-at-res t ?

D. Local NVMe

Q 18) A company on-premises wants a dedicated connection with lowest network latency
to Oracle Cloud lnfracture.
Which service should the company use ?

Au P1e1hlie IP1te1 Pict

Iii, Di,oet GoP1P1eet

C. I}OCI Fast Connect (Correct)

Q 19) A company has a business requireme nt to protect sensitive and regulated data in
OCI database services.
Which service should the company use ?

8 . Oracle Data Safe

Iii, A 1n1hlie IP i:, al nap:, get:, a:,signed to compatc l11sta11ce

C. A private IP is always gets assigned to compute instance

.. O!iac~ Cloyd Infrastructu re~
oundations lZ0-1085-2 1 Ex
.JCC..J.Ali..~~e~eatt-·.... REAL EXAM QUESTIONS •

Q 21) What does "Vertical Scaling" mean in terms of compute instance ?

A, Pre19arin~ fe1 9i:,a:,te1 Reeeue. 7

Iii, hu1rea:,in~ t~c I.eight of compute insta11cc

, UahiA8 Nllldt l'elcrant

D. Switching to a larger or smaller shape for a compute instance

Q 22) Which OCI service helps in distributin g the incoming traffic's load across
different servers ?

B. Load Balancer (Correct)

D QCI j;a&t t;ennHt

Q 23) What does "Horizonta l Scaling" means in terms of compute instance ?

:At. AHta1otii11n tl.c ce1111'ttlc i11sta11cc

Iii • .A.1111hi1, i121n elata te el,jcct stomgc

C. Adding more compute instance (Correct)

D D11~li&at;i111s &&M11-.te i1219tanee te a l,01 c 111dal su oe,

Q 24) When Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) resolves or creates an incident, which of
the facility is UNAVAILABLE ?

A. Social media notification (Correct)

Iii, liMail netifieatio1,

C Tc&ut 1111~f:tl!l8tien to Mehile

Q 25) A company needs to deploy docker container for microservice based architectur e.
Which OCI service should the company use ?

A. ►IAl" 9ate .. a,

Iii, Ohjeet Sto,age

D. Container Engine for Kube netes

Q 26) Which Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) service enables to buy and lets use of

A. OCI Marketplac e

Iii, OGI RegioA

D OGI A.&&&Wlllilil ► 4aAa9er

Q 27) A company needs a serverless architectur e to run code without provisionin g any
infrastruct ure resource like virtual machine.
Which OCI service should the company use ?

A, GaAtaiMer l:Agi11e fo, IEabe111ctcs

8. Oracle Function (Correct)

C, OisHle l..aMh_.a

D L:oa&t lilala1uer
Q 28) Which of the following is use case of Dynamic Routing Gateway ( DRG ) in OCI ?

A, I laltts 9€1 11eJet11 eel to couuccl to 111obile pl.cues

~, I l&IJl!I Q€1 re!lot11 ee!I ~o aeeE!ls I 1igl, speed h 1te11 let

C. Helps OCI compute resources to connect to on-prem network (Correct)

D Walp& QCI HMIH•t!e r@!lot11 cu ~o eo1111tet to eel a, cl 1ioe stu, ags

Q 29) In shared security model of OCI, which of the following is customer's responsibi lity ?

0 ~.. gtaM@F ig l@JS,81 :gihlc fa, §ECOi i11g tl.e hype, visa, of COIIIPDLE i@Sbdft@5

B. Customer is responsible for securing all data that is placed in OCI (Correct)

C Cw&*&Mer i!I rf!!IJIO ..!lil,le fo1 111a11agi11g ph9sical seem lt9 co11Uols Iii OCI
Q 30) Which of the following enables to create, modify or delete resources from Oracle
Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) ?
Choose THREE correct answers. · Ot.aJc:w Cloud Architect A
xam Questions : Part 4

-- I .

A. OCI console --- PART-4 ------

C. RestAPI

D. Command Line Interface ( CU )

B. Resource Manager (Correct)

Q 32) In Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure, which of the following is NOT considered as a security

11. -0 18 II r•tlfl
'I' 11. F" euuaII f 11',irf
I'1eatii einu ,, '

I , - _ _ __ ---'-\
D. Local NVMe
Q 33) Choose THREE Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI) service which can internally
integrate with Key Manageme nt.

B. Container Engine for Kubernetes (Correct)

C. Block Volume (Correct)

E. Object Storage (Correct)

Q 34) Which among the following storage service provides the cheapest pricing ( per TB ) ?

D. Archive Storage

Q 35) In order to deploy services and resources all around the world, what should you

:An Ai,ailahilit; 9en,ni11

~. ~,ins Yeu, 0 rn. Liee11:1e

C. Region (Correct)
Q 36) A company needs to distribute the incoming traffic among a set of web servers over
internet. Which OCI service should the company use ?

, IAtillA&t Gete,.. o,
D. Public Load Balancer

Q 37) Which of the following TWO scenario is chargable in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ( OCI ) ?

A. Egress data from a different region (Correct)

&, lrot11ofer of ejeta ,,itl.iu sa111c aoailabilitJ do111alu

C. Egress data to the internet (Correct)

Ii li911111 IIate , ie M1!tt6s111 :eel C

Q 38) Which among the compute shape in Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure doesn't charge in a
stopped state?

A. Standard (Correct)

~. I li9h Pellfi&Pl' 60111patc ( I IP€)

Q 39) On which TWO factors can the budget be set in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ?

: Otac~ Atchtle~t..1.Certiflc
uestions 2021 : Part 5

-- 100%
PASS -·-
A. Cost Tracking Tag Level
--- PART -5 ""

C. Compartment Level

9 , l'@nant leuel

Ii, Vi Awai P11i. ate €1e:ttlt ( ¥PC )

Ii Oa,1i1111ilit 7 901110h:

D. Compartments (Correct)

Q 41) A user wants to deploy Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ( OCI ) resources for first time
into a different region other than home region.
What should the user to do so as to deploy the resources to a new region ?

A, g11ete all 1ess1.•uecs f10111 ho,a.e 1egio11 Fust

B. Subscribe to the new region other than home region

C Cord;111• Q11Hle €1nto111e1 §uppu. t

g, Pu11eh09e e lieell!Je fa. the .. eov 1eglo11

Q 42) What are customer's responsibility in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ( OCI ) as per
shared security model ?
Choose TWO correct answers.

A. Securing Customer Data (Correct)

&, w.. ~@Pl'Jing hJtJCI uiJa: of\«i. tual r,1aclii11e
C. Object Lifecycle Management (Correct)

Q, Ph 7!!1ienl !!Item it1 of 0€1 p1en1ises

Q 43) Which OCI database provides highest performance for OLTP workloads?

A, OGI \&illtl!lel J1eehi11e huta.,cc

G QGI Awto .. eMel!lo Qatn l/aftu cl masc

D. OCI Exadata DB

Q 44) Which OCI service securely moves petabytes of data from on-premises to OCI ?

A, ►lft,T Gate,,a,

C. Data Transfer Appliance (Correct)

Q, Qete '51!1n1 et
Q 45) Which of the following is not supported in My Oracle Support ( MOS ) ?

A, Ao111ttegt to iP1e1 caJc Jc1 uice limit

C IJAh111h HHttl'IU01 1oat ad111h uli ate,

D. Troubleshoot resources in OCI Free Trial Account


Q 46) Which of the following is covered by OCI Service Level Agreement ( SLA) ?
Choose THREE correct answers.

A. Availability
B. Manageability (Correct)

D. Performance (Correct)
Q 47) In Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) cost analysis tool, which of the following tool is a
default feature ?
Choose THREE correct answers.

A. Filter costs by tags (Correct)

lit Filter ee9b hp Ol'l'liee~ions

C. Filter costs by compartments (Correct)

D. Filter costs by date (Correct)

Q 48) In Oracle Cloud Infrastruct ure ( OCI ) , which of the following is a security service ?

A. Key Manageme nt (Correct)

Iii, lntr1t9ien Qeteetion §,stern

C iQL,Ain1rnel 1f 9eteetion
Q 49) Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ( OCI ) managed database service offers a managed
Real Application Cluster ( RAC ) ?

A, Baise ~ 1etal QQ

B. VM DB (Correct)
C J>1w4ieA&M81!19 Qata l/Ja1 eheu:,e

Q, Atttenen :et1l l1 nr 1sactio11 Pr ocessh 1g

Q 50) With regard to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure ( OCI ) compute services, which of the
following statement is true ?

.Au lt'9 iMpeggihle te attach a hlock oola111E to a compote l11sta11ce

&, All Qota e,. the hoot uolu111c is deleted volie11eoe1 a co111pate li1sca11e@ IS stopped
C. Uaui11111w11111 ef e111e puhlie IP e11m he attached to a compute l11sta11ce

D. Either bare metal instance or a virtual machine can be launched at a time

Q 51) In Shared Responsibility Model for Security, what is customer's responsibility?

.Au Ph'}'9ieal geeulitp ef tfata ec11teI

e. l.l&Yelepi111~ geeuI e :,oft nm u Fv1 cloud

C P11eYi&iA9 Eileet11ieit, fe1 tfata ec11k1

D. Identity and Access Management ( 1AM )

Q 52) To identify potential issues, fixing issues and detect anomalies of log data so as to
perform advanced analysis, which service should you use to monitor ?

B. Logging Analytics (Correct)

Q. Q€1 ~ 1aehi11e Lcaiiii11g

Q 53) A company wants to build modern cloud applications which can reduce cost and time
by using an orchestration service.
Which service should the company use ?

A li)ata ,eie,.ee

8. Container Engine for Kubernetes ( OKE ) (Correct)

, O" '4stc.e,.,.eet

Q 54) Solution Architect needs to peer two Virtual Cloud Network ( VCN ).
Which TWO statements are correct ?

:A.. VC.Mg Pee1 i,.g 1mut 1.aoc ooc1 lappi11g CIBR:s

B. VCNs Peering may exist in the same OCI region (Correct)

C. VCNs Peering may exist in different OCI region (Correct)

Isl, VG ►~9 Pce1 ceJ 11cc:ds ~a be pa1 l of sa, 11e 1'@11a1 icy
Q 55) Using Start VCN Wizard, which networking component can be created ?

Iii, CaM,-~t!e l,.:Jt!lmcc

D. Route Table

Q 56) In order to enable instance to be authorized principals, which 1AM service feature
should you use ?

A. Instance principal

D, S@P'w iee Geteuue9

Q 57) In order to manage matadata support data governance which OCI service should
you use?

C. Data Catalogue (Correct)

D, Q,1 Dote l11teg1 etiu ..

Q 58) Which OCI service should a company use to provide time-limited access to resources
that don't have public endpoints ? ~

B. Bastion

D. OCI Vault

Q 59) An adminstrator needs to support changes in application workload as per demands.

If a compute instance is in running state, then which statement CANNOT be modified ?

B. Private IP address of the instance

Q 60) Which statement is TRUE when logging an Oracle Support Service Request ?

· 0i:_a__c~ lZQ-1.012-21 Exa

uestions with explanati


Au ierviee A@l!IU@lt @1!!111 he ope11 0111 7 b7 custome1 s using P'I EE I

lit f:rH Tier l!!leeeu11tl nitl, flee li ial u edits can aoall fall sappo, t
- PART-8
C. Paid Account can only open service requests
..- 0!iac~ Cloyg lnfrastructu
oundations 1Z0-1085-2
9, €tt9ten:e13 al,ua7s asi.1g faee 1esou1ces ca,,
aoall lhiilted sap,:,; REAL EXAM QUESTIONS 4
Q 61) Which statement is TRUE for Web Application Firewall ?

A: It _.i9.,lay9 BPI e11 e.1 111e99agc and blocks I lfffil:J Iequest

liilu It 1111101, i_.C9 l'I& "' etcdie.11 fOI ncb applications

C. It passes through a set of rules for HTTP & HTTPS traffic (Correct)

Q. It .,a9¥9 ti II eagli a set of I alES fu, I lffl' li a fflc 01119

Q 62) Which statement is TRUE for OCI Object Storage ?

A: It jg alwar,9 attached te ee111patc i11sta11cE

Iii, It 1annot .,,e, ide "Ii oak access fo. ee1 ,eSom ces via se, olte gateway
C, It HA sto11e a filnite a111ea11t ef 011st. actm Ed data

D. It can store and retrieve data from the internet

Q 63) Which is the default task performed by Autononous Database ?

A, ,,eat.on ef W9e1 s

Iii, gate te he leaded i11 database

C. Firmware Patching
Q 64) In order to run Apache Spark applications, which OCI service should you use ?

A, li)ata i@ie,.ee

B. Data Flow {Correct)

Q, Q61 Qata h,tcg,atiu..

Q 65) Which pricing model is NOT supported in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure { OCI ) ?

~ •· A "\.I
,Auarrc9 6 ff;aa}(6)

~. •11,.thl~ Flett ( U11icc1Jal C.cclits)

C. Weekly Flex { Regional Credits ) {Correct)


Q 66) What is the advantage of Oracle Cloud Dedicated Region ?

A, \le,y I li~h bote11c9

C. Security of the Private Cloud {Correct)

Q, Y.«ccldp Flc,c Moclcl Fu. P.icing
Q 67) A company wants to manage container images on OCI so that it can shared among the
developers working in the same team on an application.
Which service should the company use ?

Iii, QhjHt Ste,age

C OPl Cataw11·1 Sen iee

D. Container Registry (Correct)

Q 68) Which OCI service should you use to monitor the timing of high CPU utilization
and disk reads for compute instances ?

A. Monitoring


Q 69) A company do not want to pay upfront cost because the usage of OCI resources is
irregular and want to be billed only for the services consumed.
Which pricing tier should the company use ?

B. Pay As You Go
C l.l.-i,1e111BI G11el!tits ( Mo111thl 1 Flex )

Q, Wee hi 1 Fle,c
A, 0Rlry Publie &uh11eh i! alloiiecl iii 6€1 ..; IN2HOURS

i, ORl ,r Pri•asate &uh11eh h alloned iii 6€1

&, 7 ¥iMl4al t 1aet'li11es uu ill be billcc:I acco, c:li11g to 11umbe1 or OCflt,

C, ~oil11t1II \< I le9t, 7 Y,,4 insta11ces sud boot vola111e of eatli h1sca11e@s

D. Deciated Virtual Host and boot volumes of each Virtual Machine


Q 72) In order to rotect against power failures within an Availability Domain, what
should a company use in OCI?

A, 9ata 61:1a1 el
i, "Je11 ef ,aeh snitehi ..g

D. Fault Domain
Q 73) Which statement is INCORRECT about Block Volume in OCI ?

A. €Ieu,c a11 cxisti.1g block oolu111e to a la1ge1 11ew 0010111@

C. Shrink size of a block volume (Correct)

9, Ettttanc4 a11 c><iJti11g uola111e ooith oulh ,e I eslzlug

Q 74) A company needs to deploy Autonomous Database as per business requirement.

Which Exadata infrastructure should the company use ?

A. ¥ii tual Po4ocl.i11c

S, Sa,e ~ 1etel

D. Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure

Q 75) Logical isolation for resources is provided by which OCI feature ?

S, As.tailehilitr, 2ie,.e

D. Compartments (Correct)
Q 76) A company needs to setup dedicated low latency and high bandwidth connection
from On-Prem to OCI.
Which service should the company use ?

A. ~•M 6a~cuua 7

C. FastConnect (Correct)

Q 77) OCI Vault Service recognises which THREE types of encryption keys ?
Select THREE correct answers.

A. Data Encryption Keys (Correct)

C. Master Encryption Keys

D. Wrapping Keys

Q 78) Which TWO statements correctly describes Oracle Cloud VMware Solution ?

A. Customers can utilize same set of processes and tools which is used on on-premises ( Correct )

~, '8u1te,nep9 ean 9eleet tl1d. dedicated data ce11te. Ila, dwate

C. Customers gains full administrative control

g, JAierldeeel9 e, 1 ¥ts1 iidl c CBI I be I efactu, ed fol I I 11g1 d[lbi I
Q 79) A company wants to deploy a customized e-shopping website using multiple virtual
machines, databases and block volume.
Which cloud computing model can be used to host the website ?

A. &ofh.ruc Al a Su vice ( Saa9)

Iii, llla~erM A9 a &c1 , ice ( Peas )

C. Infrastruct ure As a Service ( laaS )

Q, I l 1per ¥ I loJt


.-. PAR'
A. It i9 et1tcie11al ~o UlE bout volume

~ • .A1ute fiealing i9 net t)833ible

D. Private IP always get assigned

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